Chapter 294 291 Fireworks
Then at noon, Li Ping and Misaka Mikoto ate food for 50 people in the cafeteria under the crowd watching, and then they replenished what they had consumed in the past few minutes.

"Well... I'm full..." Li Ping patted his stomach and collapsed on the chair.

"...I'm going to die..." by many waiters who were exhausted.

"When you return to level 5, you can only use food to restore the energy your body needs... But in level 6, you can absorb free energy and turn yourself into a reactor to generate energy..." Misaka Mikoto also patted her stomach and collapsed on the ground on the chair. "Humans are really troublesome..."

"Don't easily declare that you are not human in front of outsiders..."

Then, in the afternoon, everyone finished the Dabaxing Festival competition easily, and by the way recovered the energy consumed in the morning.

Time flies and it is 1800 at night.
On a small mountain in the northeast of Academy City.

"Is there no problem? Isn't this a test machine?" Li Ping pointed to a device no bigger than a case under his feet with a little distrust.

"Boss, the test machine is the scariest thing, isn't that what you said?"

"Having said that, I still have doubts about the breath-blocking ability of this machine..."

"Boss, do you despise my Amakusa-style technique?"

"...That's not true."

Now, after everyone's determination, there are more than a dozen presence reduction devices and optical cloaking devices arranged around the location that is considered to be the best location for the operation.

Near each device were two or three high-ranking members of the Black Knights.

"Come, come, come!"

"Oh oh oh... it's really here..."

Everyone stopped chatting and stared quietly at Lidovia, who was climbing the mountain step by step, carrying a large cross wrapped in a piece of white linen, and wearing an old-fashioned white nun's clothing.

"Huh?" After Lidovia reached the top of the mountain, she always felt hairy and shivered.

I didn't feel any malice, but I still felt that there were many... lewd eyes staring at me.

However, neither the enemy detection technique nor the detection technique found the existence of the enemy.

"It's a strange place... I won't come here again..." Lidovia ignored the feeling of hair loss and looked up at the sky. It was 2 minutes before the sun completely set. At 18:30, the Apostles' Cross could play Time for strength.

"How's the situation with Orianna?" Li Ping suddenly remembered that Orianna was still boxing with the leader...I mean Kamijou Touma.

"After playing tricks on Kamijou Touma and Stiyl, he surrendered to Misaka. DO Misaka20093 said in a bored manner while eating a hamburger."


"Anyway, 9 minutes can't change anything. That's what she said. She doesn't know where the spell will start. Even if we capture her, we can only rely on us to find Lidovia's location. In order to avoid more suffering, She simply surrendered."

"Huh? Then sister is so escaped?"

"In addition, she applied for a direct meeting with my brother and lord."

"Take her in first, and I'll deal with it later."


"...a chicken thief guy."

"I didn't expect Orianna to surrender." Lidovia activated the spell to communicate with Orianna, then tore off the white linen wrapping the apostle's cross, and heavily planted the cross on the ground.

Well, right in the center of Li Ping's encirclement network.

"But it doesn't matter, everything will end soon, and soon, the Apostles' Cross will activate its effect. Academy City will also fall into the arms of my Roman Orthodox Church."

"Are you going to get rid of our obstacles here? Do Misaka asked suspiciously."

"We will soothe your wounds and help you heal. Of course, this is the best judgment for the Roman Orthodox Church."

"...Oh." Misaka 20093 said calmly.

"..." Lidovia took a deep breath when she saw that there was no answer. "The Apostles' Cross is not in Academy City now. The Holy See built by the Apostles' Cross can cover as much as [-] square kilometers of territory in its heyday. Even if it is launched outside Academy City, it should be able to easily cover the entire city.

Don't know what happened to that terrible lightning strike in the morning, but after the Apostolic Cross, it will all shift these things in a direction that favors our Roman Orthodox Church.

Of course, this is not important, what is important is that science has succumbed to religion, and by denying science to show our power, so as to regain the authority of the Lord. "

"...We knew about this a week ago. Do Misaka sighed regretfully."

"It's a bluff. It's only 35 seconds before the activation of the Apostles' Cross. No matter how you say it, as long as the spell formation is successful, no matter how hard you struggle, it will be irreversible."

"Lidovia Lorenzetti, my lord brother has something for me to convey to you."


"You should read the news. On September 18th, there will be an event at 30:20091 p.m., and it was reported on the news." Misaka [-]'s mouth curled up slightly. "That's...a fireworks show that cost [-] million yen~"

"What did you say?!"

Not far away, the ground of Academy City fired countless fireworks into the sky like a reverse pouring rain, and then exploded in the sky.

Not to mention the starlight, the surrounding area of ​​the academy city is like daytime.

Well, the day is a bit uncertain, after all, the colors of the fireworks are very rich.

"It's really..." Lidovia pulled a treacherous smile on her face.

"Ala Ala~" Li Ping released the equipment around him, and applauded Lidovia with a smile. "This expression is good, I will use this expression next time when I make trouble."

"What a beautiful oolong~ Sister Lidovia~" Kanzaki clapped while suppressing a smile.

As Li Ping and the other two lifted their invisibility, everyone else also lifted their invisibility one after another.It looks like this now
Everyone everyone
man apostle cross man
Everyone everyone
"You knew about this early on? Since a week ago?"

"After you applied for the route to Tokyo from your private jet, you have been followed by our surveillance system~" Li Ping said with a smile. "The stabbing hang sword is a fake intelligence thing, and it was quickly found out. This is a victory for intelligence~"

"Li Ping... the name that has been constantly appearing in front of us since a few years ago... I still underestimate you." The smile on Lidovia's face became more and more broken. "This time I was wrong, but if you don't want to trigger an all-out war between magic and science, what can you do to me?"

"I don't want to start a war." Li Ping tilted his head and smiled. "But if I don't start a war, the fire of the right won't start a war? Shokuhou, brainwash her into a hot weapon and throw her into..."

"Bang!" Li Ping was hit on the back of the head by a brick at three times the speed of sound, causing him to stagger.

"Hey! Mikoto, save me some face in front of outsiders!"

"The way it was handled was too much!"

"Forget it, put her in prison, take out the knowledge in her mind and the skills of leading the most evil people, and then throw it back."

(End of this chapter)

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