The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 293 290 Psychological Preparation

Chapter 293 290 Psychological Preparation
"...the power of an this the angel on the science side?" Water from the back sensed the power transmitted by Misaka Mikoto.

"No, this is the power of my angel." It was only when he gnawed on Sister Pao's shoulder that Li Ping discovered the deep connection between Sister Pao and himself.

It was also at that moment that Li Ping understood the real reason why the two of them boosted each other.

The personal reality of the two, that is, their own religious planes, are merging.

By the way, what is the origin of that ring?
"Well, William, if what you think is true, what will the magic side think of me?"

"I don't know." Backwater shook his head.

"Well..." A strange smile gradually appeared on Li Ping's face. "Pascal, a French mathematician, has a very interesting theory. If God exists and I believe in God, then I will be rewarded. If God does not exist and I believe in God, nothing will happen. If God exists and I do not believe in God, then I will be rewarded." Punishment, if God doesn't exist and I don't believe in God, nothing will happen. But what if you believe in God and I exist?"

"The theory of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages? This is simple. The Roman Orthodox Church has proved the existence of the Lord, so you can just fight with the Lord." The water in the back is still sinking like water.

"The theory of also like your style."

"I will report your existence to the Pope, and His Excellency the Pope will decide how to deal with it. I don't want to get involved in this mess." The water behind turned his head and left. "It always feels like you haven't done your best yet."

"I can't do my best..."

"Because, the world is too fragile, isn't it?"

"Yes, Al, you know about this."

"I once had a conversation with the power of God. Even his language is not understood by this world. His explanation is like this. The real world can't carry too much power, so that language with a certain meaning cannot be used in the world. internal expression."

"Oh, I know that. It's annoying to talk in garbled characters." Li Ping nodded.

"..." Backside Zhishui twitched the corner of his mouth, ignored Li Ping, and just jumped away.

"Did I say something wrong?" Li Ping saw the strange expression on the water behind him, thinking that the expression of such a guy who is usually as immobile as a mountain has changed, so he must have something wrong with his speech.

"His mood...I'm afraid it's similar to that of an emmm...a person who lives in a small apartment discusses with netizens that living in a big villa has a lot of troubles, and then the netizens reply "Indeed, sometimes I get lost at home". This feeling is similar..." Misaka Mikoto, dressed as a beauty in a suit, adjusted her tie.

"...You're talking like I put on an X just now..."

"Ah, isn't it?" Misaka Mikoto snapped off a piece of unknown metal beside her, and pressed the metal into a pair of silver-gray mirror frames with her power.Then another piece was buckled and pressed into a pair of sunglasses lenses.

"Mastered it so quickly... As expected of Mikoto-chan."

"After all, it's an extension of ability, such as commanding the arm, that's what you're talking about."

However, although the two walked out of the stadium while chatting, in fact, all the conversations between the two took place at the level of brain waves.

The brain wave network and so on can be transmitted together with personal emotions, and it is not very easy to use as a communication tool.

"Ale? Mom?" As soon as the two came out, Misaka Mikoto saw Misaka Miling who was extremely anxious.

"Miqin, what happened just now? Why did you fight?"

"It's okay, it's just an experiment."


"Well, mom, you know, I'm level 5. Now that I've become level 5, I want to take a step forward."

"Take a step forward? But your posture just now..."

"Level 6 is such a thing." Misaka Mikoto scratched her head. "Things like level 6 have surpassed the scope of human beings. It's normal to lose the human form. Just now, I just lost control a little bit. It's all trivial things~" Misaka Mikoto waved her hand indifferently.

"Small matter?" Misaka Mirei looked over the two figures and stared blankly at the inside of the stadium.From the collapsing outer walls of the gymnasium can be seen the horror of the stadium ... and the wonderful scene. "It's a small thing, so what is a big thing?"

"Of course it's...eating..." Misaka Mikoto rubbed her stomach, and there was a cooing sound from her stomach.

"It's changed... Mikoto-chan." Misaka Mirei slapped her head on her daughter's head.Let Misaka Mikoto hold her head and scream for pain.

"Are you okay?" Kanzaki looked Li Ping up and down.

"You also know that it is impossible for me to be injured." Li Ping spread his hands.Even if you are injured, you only need to die once to recover completely.

"Now that Kihara Gensei has been arrested, are you leaving too?"

"True, but the recapture of Sister Agnes by the Roman Orthodox Church and the blocking of World War III have not yet been carried out.

The strengthening of my personal combat power has reached the limit here, if I go one step further, I will be exiled directly.I can't use magic in the traditional sense, I'm afraid I have to find my own magic formula. "Li Ping looked down at his hands, and then looked up at Kanzaki.

Here, Kanzaki also has a considerable degree of deep connection with himself.Of course, it is also something that can only be seen clearly after going up.

"If you want me to believe in the Lord, you must let me touch Him." Kanzaki whispered suddenly.

"...emmmmmmm, it seems that you didn't just touch him, did you?"

"..." Kanzaki's face instantly flushed red.

"Let's go, lunch, lunch." Li Ping lightly tapped Kanzaki's cheek, then pulled Kanzaki and called Misaka Mikoto to leave.

"What, is he actually a playboy?" Misaka Mikoto raised her eyebrows and looked at the two people who had an unusual relationship no matter how they looked at it. "Also, Mikoto-chan, do you know about this?"

"I know, and, in various senses, she is one step ahead of me now. The age, progress, and even the deep connection are realized before me." Misaka Mikoto scratched her head.

"That person is his girlfriend?"

"No, the relationship is complicated..."


"Let's talk to my mother at night, and by the way, tell me about the recent mess."

"What a mess? Is there anything else going on besides the City of Arts and this experiment?"

"...Uh, not too much..."

"For example? Let me make some mental preparations." Misaka Mirei pressed her heart tightly.

"For example... emmmm... You should still have 9981 daughters and 20021 granddaughters?" Misaka Mikoto thought for a while.

"..." Misaka Mirei was stunned for a moment, and after she understood the meaning of Misaka Mikoto's words, her eyes darkened and she almost fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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