The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 268 Chapter 265 Chapter 233333

Chapter 268 Chapter 265 Chapter 233333
"That little fox..." William Orwell looked at the bill as high as 23 US dollars, with dozens of wells on his forehead, and his facial muscles twitched constantly.

"William?" Vivienne looked at William Orwell who was about to explode with a smile.

"Tricked..." William Orwell sighed, suppressing his anger. "Using conflicts of ideas and doctrines as bait made me unbalanced. In the end, after eating and drinking enough, I pretended to be young and energetic, and left the venue angrily. I also packed six bottles of high-end red wine by the way...

Right now, he should still appreciate my heartbroken expression somewhere. "

"If you can't pay, I still have a lot of pocket money..." Vivienne said carefully.

"It doesn't matter, the wool comes from the sheep. I was poor before purely because all my income was invested in the relief of refugees, but now with his team and me, the problem of funds is basically solved by him.

Therefore, in the past month, I can still get out of the more than 20 yuan. ’ William Orwell chuckled.

"...You two..." Vivian smiled and shook her head and sighed.

"Sir, this card is frozen."


"Then this one."

"Frozen too."

"What's going on?" William Orwell couldn't figure it out.

In the end, it was Vivian who paid the money, and William Orwell was quite shocked by this incident.

"What's going on..." William Orwell looked at the bank card in his hand blankly. Only the Citibank card that Rome was teaching him to pay his salary can still be used. The rest are in the African Construction Bank and the United African Bank. All the bank cards I have been issued have been frozen.

"...Well, this gentleman, your companion left you a note, saying that it must be handed over to you after your female companion pays. Oh yes, there is another one for your female companion .”

"Oh, thank you." William Orwell took the note, on which there was only one line of Chinese characters "You don't know anything about banknote power".

"...childish." William Orwell crushed the sticky note.

"...Thank you, Miss Huang." Vivian hung up the phone. "I found out, your two bank cards were frozen for 35 minutes under the order of a senior executive of those two banks."

"...a high-level person? 35 minutes?"

"The two banks themselves were established two months ago to facilitate the establishment of an organization in Africa. That organization is..."

"Academy City, the Black Knights... Really, I should have thought of it a long time ago. Here, this is the message that guy gave you."

"Don't be in debt all the time, let him owe you something so you can get it, start with the money~" Vivienne finished reading the note, and quickly destroyed the corpse.

"Send me the account number, and I will pay you back..."

"No need, let's owe it first, it doesn't have much money anyway." Vivienne smiled arrogantly. "Saweilian, everyone who got in the way has left, let's go out and play~"


"Since when are you still interested in giving assists to people?" Misaka Mikoto flatteredly looked at Li Ping who was walking forward with her belly in her arms.

"Those two people's long-distance love race will run for another 200 years if no one is involved. I also want to see what William Orwell can do when he turns his position towards the third princess."

"Li, the theory of God annihilating the world you mentioned..."

"Oh, that, don't pay too much attention to it. It's mainly due to the difference in people's ideas in myths and legends. It's also the flood that destroyed the world. I like the legend of Dayu's flood control more, but I don't like the legend of Noah's Ark very much.

Whether it is the human part or the divine part. "

"Dayu's flood control talks about the concept of people facing disasters, giving up their small family for everyone, uniting as one, man conquers the sky, and at the same time adapting measures to local conditions and scientific innovation.

And you know what Noah's Ark is talking about.

Comparing the two... Hehe. "

"Is that so... Then, treat me who is also a Christian..."

"Obviously, the Amakusa-style is a people-oriented Christian reformed church. After all... any serious church would prepare an anti-god magic ceremony."

"That's true." Kanzaki was stunned for a moment, then smiled freely.

"By the way... Orthodox churches generally don't study the magic spell called Saint Honkai when their boss is a saint... Could the pressure on the acting Pope be too much?"

"Well, after all, I thought arrogantly at the time that I could protect them only by staying away from them, and they thought that only by having the ability to threaten my life could I face their weak but effective power." Kanzaki continued. laughed. "It's still young, so it's normal to have such thoughts."

——After sleeping beautifully——

It means that Kanzaki and Misaka Mikoto slept in the same room, and they didn't give Li Ping a chance at all, so they slept all night.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone full of energy participated in the opening ceremony of the defense exhibition in Xueyi City. Five F-35 high-performance fighter jets of Xueyi City flew across the sky with colored smoke.

Then, Li Ping took six Misaka daughters to drive seven "Sword in the Stone" for flight performances and live-fire drills.

Just like the performance of a certain LSW when it demonstrated the "formula" of the new AEU machine, the sword in the stone operated by Li Ping can fly, relying on the super power brought by the super electric jet engine and the new anti-gravity device , shuttled through the paint bomb barrage compiled by more than a dozen American "Phalanx" close-in defense systems to perform high-subsonic city maneuvers, and destroyed all surface-to-air fire targets unscathed.

Afterwards, it conducted a simulated air battle with the high-performance fighter provided by Xueyi City, and achieved a score of 3:0.

No matter in terms of fashion or the secondary sense brought by the humanoid machine, KMF, a new type of humanoid mobile weapon, has successfully touched the hearts of many big dogs.

Leaving aside the ability of large-scale group combat and frontal confrontation with conventional troops, the large humanoid mecha is really cool as a guard.

Moreover, this thing also has such performance, the combat speed below high subsonic speed can completely suppress conventional fighter jets.

To sum up, within three hours of the defense exhibition, the post-marriage airline has received orders for more than [-] units.

In addition, there are things that require exclusive painting or knight guns, huge cloaks, etc. to continue to increase fashion.The customized version is at least one-third more expensive than the original price, making the post-marriage airline a lot of money.

Well, Li Ping, who owns [-]% of the shares in this thing, is actually the one who makes the most money...

"Happy~" Sitting on the sidelines and watching the post-wedding airlines that are constantly opening up, Li Ping could only feel the clear and crisp sound of the cash register ringing in his ears.

"Are you so happy?" Misaka Mikoto looked at Li Ping with the corners of her lips upturned in doubt.

"The price of the customized version of this thing is 30 million knives, and I can get [-]% of each set~"

"... That's quite a lot... What's that?" Before Misaka Mikoto finished speaking, she saw a large number of black spots flying over from the sky. "It's not like a bird."

(End of this chapter)

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