Chapter 267 Chapter 265
"Not to mention anything else, the catering industry is ten times better than the academy city! Ten times!"

After collecting intelligence, William Orwell and Li Ping chose a store.

A restaurant that claims that they can make any dish that exists on earth.

Well, the name of the hotel is the hotel.

Prices for custom food are pretty outrageous.

Dishes range from egg fried rice for 99 cents to gold leaf dishes for [-] dollars.

"Look at the place in Academy City, after the sun goes down, there is only one supper shop. Although the mysterious shop owner claims to be able to cook everything, but ah, the shop owner's hand speed is really not good. He grills skewers. The speed of eating can't keep up with Index's eating speed at all..."

"Index? You mean...the catalog of banned books you keep?" Vivien drank the black tea gracefully, which was exactly the same as the one she drank in Buckingham Palace, even better than the one she drank.

"That's right, she's different from people like us. Index's full memory ability is entirely dependent on her special physique, and the brain with this physique consumes a lot of energy, that is, sugar and water, which is different from our energy. People who absorb energy from other places are different, Index can only obtain a large amount of energy from food.

Her eating speed and food volume are more than five times that of the average person.So, no matter how strange the owner of that small stall was, he couldn't keep up with Index's eating speed. Li Ping spread his hands. "Ah, by the way, William, can't you take care of the fire on the right?"I'm also troubled by that guy who throws trash into Academy City twice a day.There are already enough problems in the academy city, and there are enough evil scientists left over from before. There is still a lot of garbage that is not convenient to clean up for the time being. You are throwing a big pile over here. "

"Although I am the right seat of God, ah, I have no rights within the Roman Orthodox Church." William Orwell drank milk indifferently.

"Then you, God's Right Seat, have you become lonely?"

"The identity I am most proud of is this down-and-out mercenary..."

"Still a down-and-out mercenary spending my budget." Li Ping was drinking Calpis. "Don't understand the principle of being soft on people and short-mouthed on people, how about helping to contain the fire on the right?"

"I'm also a devout Christian, and I can't do anything to harm the Roman Orthodox Church."

"Now the fire on the right is cheating you..."

"As a result, his behavior is in the interests of the Roman Orthodox Church." William Orwell put down his glass. As a person who has been active in war-torn areas all year round, he really can't stand the luxurious dining here. "Apostles' Cross, if activated, everything will develop in a direction favorable to the Roman Orthodox Church."

"I just don't understand the so-called development in a direction that is beneficial to the Roman Orthodox Church. What are the things that are beneficial to the Roman Orthodox Church? More believers? Increased income? What do you teach, the poor have something to rely on, the difficult to help, and the widows, widows, lonely, disabled and sick all have something to support?" Li Ping asked eccentrically. "The first two are just human desires, right? As for the latter, after everyone lives a good life, who will believe in religion?"

"Hey, Lee... Our Christianity doesn't depend on suffering..."

"I know, in every group, there are always good people who are mentally retarded. And the contradiction between me and the Roman Orthodox Church is nothing more than a different worldview. In the eyes of the fire of the right, I may even be a guilty lamb waiting to be saved, but In my eyes, he is just an arrogant person who is trying his best.

If he looked at the world more, he probably wouldn't have the strange idea of ​​being a savior.After all, only humans can save themselves.

Oh, by the way, William, if you met your Christian "Kamisa" who wanted to destroy the world, what would you choose? "

"Has man committed the unforgivable sin?"

"Who knows?"

"Probably I will choose to fight to the death."

"Well, I am similar to you. However, many people will give up resistance because this is the will of "Kamisha". In fact, there is no need to go to this point. I have no prejudice against such things. But what , I really look down on things that people should suffer because of belief in such things.

Because of faith, we must lead everyone out of the predicament, such as you, you can.

Allowing others to suffer or accepting suffering because of your beliefs is not acceptable. "

"This is theoretically the reason why you are deeply hostile. Will you give me money to lead a team to the war-torn area for humanitarian relief, and at the same time prohibit the promotion of the theory of suffering?" William Orwell rubbed his chin and thought.

"That is, after finally pulling them out of the dire straits, turn around and tell them that your current suffering is the will of the gods, or that the suffering you are suffering now is for the next life, isn't it to let those people be justifiably lazy? " Li Ping sighed, the aid construction in Africa is in full swing, but ah...

The locals are so good at finding excuses to be lazy...

The wages can only be settled daily, and the team in the academy city is fine. William Orwell's team heard that he accidentally said the theory of suffering, which caused almost all the staff in a local construction site to go on strike.

The angry team leader wanted to kill William Orwell.

"You mean the time in Africa..."

"Haven't you been active in Africa since we established a cooperative relationship? But this matter is skipped, it's not the point at all. The point is the people with similar ideas in your Christianity.

For example, Lidovia who stole the Apostles' Cross this time, she simply thinks that people on the science side are in dire straits, which is very dangerous... Also, the group under her hands will be thrown first wherever they are thrown. Is it really okay for the perverted murderer who was interrogated after the collapse? "

"...Regarding this, we in the Roman Orthodox Church also have complaints. Theoretically speaking, that kind of big sinner should indeed be prosecuted first, but we Christians cannot attack those who are determined to change their minds."

"Then leave it to the law. What does it mean to just leave it alone?"

"..." Then Li Ping and William Orwell quarreled...


"By the way, do you have such a strong sense of justice?" Misaka Mikoto looked curiously at Li Ping, who changed face instantly after leaving the restaurant.

"Fuck~ You still don't know who I am?" Li Ping's expression changed from angry to cheerful in an instant.


"I don't know if you've noticed something." Li Ping walked forward happily, patting his full belly with a figure-of-eight gait.

"What did you notice?" Misaka and Kanzaki asked at the same time.

"I didn't pay."

(End of this chapter)

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