Daddy's Gourmet Store

Chapter 686 Is it really okay to poach a corner so blatantly?

After the conditions are negotiated.

Wan Shanxin didn't delay for a moment, so he called the legal department and asked them to quickly draw up a new contract and send it over.

During this period.

The communication between the hungry Yu Xingzhi and his manager Peng Wenji ended in failure.

This caused his originally high interest to drop to the bottom all of a sudden.

At this moment, he walked into the shop like an eggplant beaten by frost, and said to Huang Tao with a sorry face: "Boss Huang, I'm really sorry."

This is the rhythm of being rejected!
Huang Tao smiled clearly: "Understood, it's all right."

"Thank you Boss Huang for understanding, then don't bother me."

After finishing speaking, Yu Xingzhi shook his head regretfully, turned around helplessly and prepared to leave.

Wan Shanxin stopped him abruptly: "Young man, did you discover this restaurant?"

The reason why he asked this question was mainly because he felt that if the young man's immediate boss had discovered the store, then there would be no disagreement.

After all, he is the best example.

And the reason why the other party's leader didn't even agree to only sell lo mei, it only shows that he doesn't know much about this restaurant at all!
of course.

He also liked Yu Xingzhi's ability very much, after all, he could find the extraordinary of this store.

Yu Xingzhi:? ? ?

Is this calling me?
Hearing the sound, Yu Xingzhi turned his head in surprise and looked at Shanxin behind Wan.

Seeing that Wan Shanxin was also looking at him, he nodded politely while understanding.

of course.

He was also very curious in his heart, wondering why Wan Shanxin asked such a question.

Just when he was wondering, Wan Shanxin asked appreciatively, "Young man, what's your name?"

"My name is Yu Xingzhi, and this is my business card."

As he spoke, he took out his business card holder, took out a business card from it, and handed it to Wan Shanxin.

"Okay, here's my business card."

When Wan Shanxin reached out to take it, he also gave Yu Xingzhi his own business card.

Yu Xingzhi didn't know if he didn't read it.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

He never expected that the person in front of him turned out to be Huang Tuan's regional general manager.

Although they are hungry and hungry and Huangtuan are in a competitive relationship, as the saying goes: don't open your mouth to scold those who apologize, and don't reach out to hit people with smiling faces.


He also greeted politely: "Mr. Wan, hello."

"Hello there!"

Wan Shanxin nodded, smiled and said, "Xiao Yu, are you interested in joining our team and working in our company?"


Yu Xingzhi's eyes instantly flashed a look of bewilderment mixed with a little surprise.

The same is true for Huang Tao and Xiao Wei.

Is it really okay to poach a corner so blatantly?

Aren't you afraid that the hungry boss will settle accounts with you because of this?
Wan Shanxin explained: "Don't be surprised, the reason why I have such an idea is mainly because I think it's a pity that a talent like you is not valued by the leaders."

"As for me, I really appreciate your ability and hope you can join our company. How about it? Are you interested?"

I have to say, these words really touched Yu Xingzhi's heart, he hesitated: "Mr. Wan, I..."

Wan Shanxin continued to ask: "May I take the liberty to ask, what is your current monthly salary?"

Yu Xingzhi told the truth: "Probably around [-]!"

Quite tall!

This point also further proves that Yu Xingzhi is quite capable!

You must know that the basic salary of the salesman position is not high. If you want to get a high salary, you must rely on business commissions.

The fact that Yu Xingzhi can get such a high salary every month just shows that he is a very talented person.

If such a person can be used by their Huang Tuan, it will be like a tiger with wings added!
Wan Shanxin, who cherishes talents, is more interested.

"Xiao Yu, how about this, if you come to our company, I will give you a basic salary of [-], no probation period, you can join the job directly, and there are five social insurances and one housing fund, meal expenses subsidies and transportation subsidies, what do you think? "

This favorable condition made Xiao Wei look a little envious.

of course.

Wan Shanxin will definitely not favor one person over another. As the hero this time, Xiao Wei's reward naturally cannot be escaped.

When Yu Xingzhi heard about this offer, he didn't hesitate at all. He nodded in haste and agreed: "Thank you, Mr. Wan, for your appreciation. I am willing to join your company."

"Good! I like dealing with cheerful people."

Wan Shanxin patted Yu Xingzhi on the shoulder, and said: "You must keep my business card, and after you go back and complete the resignation procedures, call me, and I will arrange the entry procedures for you."


Yu Xingzhi looked excited: "Thank you, Mr. Wan."

Although it was a pity that he failed to sign Huang Tao's shop this time, but fortunately, he didn't get nothing this time, at least he got a better job because of it.

It really echoes the old saying: misfortune and fortune come together!

However, if Peng Wenji, general manager of Hungry Wenling District, finds out about this, he will definitely spit out a mouthful of depressed blood.

"Then Mr. Wan, Boss Huang, I'll go back first, you are busy."

Yu Xingzhi happily bid farewell to Wan Shanxin and Huang Tao, and then walked out of the store in a happy mood, ready to go back to get the resignation report.

Wan Shanxin stayed in the store together with Xiao Wei, waiting for the new contract to be delivered.

It's been almost 25 minutes!
In their anticipation, the new contract was sent to the store, and then to Huang Tao.

Huang Tao carefully read the new contract.

After confirming that there was no problem, he and Wan Shanxin each signed their names and affixed their respective official seals on the signature part of the contract.

This is the end.

Cooperation is reached.

Wan Shanxin smiled and stretched out his hand and said, "Boss Huang, after I go back, I will arrange your shop."

What Huang Tao needs to do now is to confirm the daily supply of lo-mei and lo-mei rice, as well as packing boxes, stainless steel barrels, and large-capacity rice cookers.

"it is good!"

Huang Tao also reached out to shake hands, and watched Wan Shanxin and the others leave: "Go slowly, I won't see you off."

Wan Shanxin and Xiao Wei drove back to the company without any delay.

As soon as he returned to the company, he arranged for people to add Huang Tao's store to the Huangtuan APP as soon as possible.

After he got it done, he called Huang Tao.

After Huang Tao received the call, he directly logged in to the background, and added the corresponding food and price operations on the background.

The meals are all kinds of lo-mei and lo-mei rice that have been agreed in advance.

The price is the same as in the store, without any promotions.

As for the delivery fee, it was all set by Huang Tuan, and he didn't need to operate it.

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