Chapter 615 We can do it ourselves!
In the afternoon at the end of May, there were no noisy cicadas. Under the scorching sun, the farmers who rushed to the evening were blowing fans at home. The village was peaceful and peaceful. Occasionally, a cool breeze blew, and the green plants were weak. put.

The sound of the motorcycle engine broke the tranquility of the mountain village. Su Meng drove the motorcycle to the gate and stopped. Wearing a pink helmet, Su Xiaoting was wearing shorts and a pair of sandals. The back seat of the motorcycle.

"Grab it."

"Grab it."

After asking and answering, Su Meng looked down and saw the little girl's hands grabbing his clothes, so he released the clutch while twisting the accelerator, and drove the motorcycle out of the village.

Although the sun is fierce, the road from Shuangtang Village to the town is built along the river. There are many mountains and water. When the motorcycle starts to drive, the wind blowing against the face is mixed with the coolness of the water vapor. feel hot.

They were going to the town this time, Su Meng was going to buy glutinous rice and other materials for making zongzi, and Su Xiaoting made an appointment with her friend at the same table to go shopping in the town together today.

When passing by Qiqi's village, Su Meng picked up the little girl who was waiting at the entrance of the village. Amidst the chattering of the two little girls, they arrived at Weitou soon.

Stopping the car to let the two little girls get off, Su Meng did not leave in a hurry to go shopping, but asked Su Xiaoting again: "Do you really need me to wait for you?"

Last night, Su Xiaoting told him that today she and her tablemate made an appointment to take advantage of the market together. According to their plan, they met at the gate of the elementary school first, and then waited for the bus to go, but Su Meng said that she would also go to the town to buy things. Only then did he change his mind and take his ride.

As for the return trip, Su Xiaoting didn't agree to come back with Su Meng because she didn't know how long the game would be, and she didn't need him to wait.Her reason is also very simple. When she thinks of someone waiting, she doesn't enjoy playing very happily. She always feels that time is very tight.

"No need, we can just take the shuttle bus back then." Su Xiaoting waved her hands carelessly.

Qiqi also smiled and said with a small face: "Uncle, we can do it ourselves!"

"Okay then." Su Meng frowned, and told them worriedly, "You have to be vigilant, don't be deceived by others, if you are bullied by others, or if you find anything wrong, Xiaoting, you can take Qiqi with you." Go to the second wife's shop, you know?"

"Got it, let's go first!" After speaking, Su Xiaoting dragged Qiqi into the market.

The fair day in Nanling Town is March [-], today is twenty-eight, it is not a fair day, and it is noon, so there are not many people in the fair.Su Meng sat on the motorcycle with his feet on the ground, looked at the backs of the two little girls holding hands, suddenly sighed, and smiled helplessly.

He was laughing at himself. When he was Su Xiaoting's age, it was not uncommon for him to walk seven or eight kilometers alone in the middle of the night to play games at an Internet cafe in the town all night, let alone with his friends. At that time, he didn't feel afraid, but now in broad daylight, he was worried because his daughter was shopping with her friends.

You must know that the law and order and atmosphere in Nanling Town at that time were even worse than they are now, and there were a lot of rotten kids. Sneaking, robbery and drag racing fights were nothing new.

After all, it is becoming a father, the role is different, and the thinking is naturally different.

But he wasn't too worried. Children aged seven or eight took advantage of the fair by themselves, which was quite common in Nanling. He often saw many unsupervised children wandering around the fair.

The adults can't control it. Even if the children are locked at home, someone will climb down from the second floor along the sewer pipe. Of course, this is rare, but it is not uncommon.The feet grow on the child, and when the adult turns around, the child will sneak out, it doesn't matter if it is beaten or scolded, it doesn't matter, let's play first, if you admit your mistake this time, you will dare to do it next time.

Someone like Su Xiaoting who can tell her family is considered sensible.

The voices of the two little girls disappeared around the corner, Su Meng looked away, and drove to the market.He can be so relieved, and there is another more important factor is that there is no news about children being abducted in Nanling Town, but there are occasional news about buying a daughter-in-law before.

Speaking of Su Xiaoting, this is actually the first time she has come to the fair without the company of an adult, so the little girl is a little excited.

"Qiqi, where are we going?" Su Xiaoting is not familiar with the road in front of her. Whether she came with Su Qinghe or Su Meng, she never walked too deep on this short street. .

"Go to the milk tea shop. In such a sunny day, first go to the milk tea shop to drink a cup of iced sweet milk tea, enjoy the air-conditioning, and order French fries and chicken tenders."

It’s obviously not the first time Qiqi has come here. She knows the way well, and she dragged Su Xiaoting into a milk tea shop. It was the weekend, and there were quite a lot of people in the milk tea shop. They were playing games, some were playing poker, it was lively and noisy, and there were quite a few people smoking, which made Su Xiaoting, who entered this kind of place for the first time, feel a little uncomfortable.

"Xiaoting, what do you want to drink, just order it if you like it, this side is a snack, you can order whatever you want." Qiqi brought a menu, showed it to Su Xiaoting, then turned it to the other side, and said Say the most important sentence, "I invite you."

Su Xiaoting looked again and again, she knew all the words on the menu, but except for grilled chicken wings, grilled leeks and other snacks, she couldn't recognize the other snacks just by looking at the patterns, and she didn't know if they were delicious or not , The same is true for the milk tea on the other side. She has drank milk and tea, but once the two words are combined, she has never drank it.

"Order, I'll drink whatever you drink, and I'll eat whatever you order." Su Xiaoting, who had no idea what to do, simply handed the menu to Qiqi.

When Qiqi saw this, she didn't shirk, and ordered her favorite mint milk green, and then ordered French fries, two hot dogs, and a chicken popcorn.

"The mint milk green is super delicious, it tastes sweet and refreshing."

Su Xiaoting was noncommittal, she didn't care what she drank, she hadn't drank it anyway, it was something new, and when she saw Qiqi coming back from the counter, she asked, "Qiqi, do you often drink this?"

"Not often, my mother will bring me here when she is at home, but my grandpa won't let me drink this, and will always scold my parents." As she said, Qiqi suddenly lowered her voice, "Let me tell you, I will come out Before, my grandfather told me not to drink milk tea, but when he gave money, it was obviously too much, I don’t need that much money to buy books.”

Hearing the word "Mom", Su Xiaoting's eyes flashed with sadness. She was a little envious of this little girlfriend at the same table. Although her academic performance was not that good, and although her parents were not able to accompany her when they were working outside, her mother I really love her very much, even if I am scolded, I will still bring her to drink milk tea and have a happy time together.

As for myself, I have forgotten what my mother looks like. Whenever I think about it, there is only an outline in my mind, and my face is a cloud of fog.

But when she heard what happened later, she couldn't help but laugh, "So your grandfather knew that you would definitely come to drink milk tea, so he gave you more money."

"It's a good thing he gave me more money, otherwise I wouldn't have the money to drink milk tea." Qiqi looked rejoicing, she didn't have the guts to spend the money from buying books on milk tea, she was not only afraid of being beaten, but also afraid that grandpa would be disappointed, after all My own academic performance has already disappointed the elderly.

"I can invite you." Su Xiaoting pressed her hands on her trouser pockets. She also came here this time to do some shopping, and she brought a lot of money.

"You can invite me next time." Qiqi said with a smile, watching Su Xiaoting's actions, she thought of Su Xiaoting's purpose this time, "By the way, have you decided to buy a birthday present for Xiaoguai?"

(End of this chapter)

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