Dad: I will farm and raise children after quitting the circle

Chapter 614 You said it doesn't count!

Chapter 614 You said it doesn't count!
Su Xiaoting didn't take off the garland on Kuaiguai's head and put it on for herself. If it wasn't for today's coincidence, she wouldn't be bothered to weave a garland.

As time goes by, the sun rises, and no matter how shady the mountain is, it is difficult to dispel the scorching heat in the air.

A group of people headed back home, obediently wearing the wreath and refusing to take it off, urging Bai Jianan, who was holding her, to hurry up, she hurried back to show off the flowers on her head to her mother, went down the mountain to the village On the cement road, she disliked Bai Jian'an's slow walking, so she got off the ground and ran away by herself on the hot wheel.

After rushing to the vicinity of the house and slowing down, the little guy heard the voices across the wall, sneakily touched the door, then stood still, bent his legs, and jumped forward vigorously.


Unexpectedly, when he landed on the ground, his foot slipped, and he fell solidly on his buttocks, and the wreath on his head fell off. The obedient boy who failed to play tricks frowned and let out a "hiss", and simply lay down on the ground, spreading his hands and feet , put a big character on the ground.

Heart tired, destroy it.

"Oh, dear, did you hurt from the fall?"

Judging from the results, obediently playing tricks still had a certain effect, at least she scared the three old people sitting and chatting on the porch, although this may not be her original intention.

The three old people were talking happily, but suddenly they heard the movement at the gate. The baby's voice was so childish, and they knew it was that milk dumpling. They looked over with doting smiles, and they just happened to see The scene of the little guy turning his back on his back can even be seen. When the little guy sat on the ground, he bounced back a bit, raising a circle of dust and smoke.

The old lady is used to it. As long as the little guy doesn't cry out, he can fall. Anyway, he has fallen a lot, and the flesh is firm.

But Chen Taigong and Mrs. Chen had never seen such a scene before. Judging from this posture, they knew that the little guy fell hard. He hurriedly stood up, walked over with a worried face, and helped the boy up.

"The ass hurts a bit~~" Obediently touched the little butt, grinning, "It doesn't hurt as much as being spanked by my father~~"

"Is your father still beating you? Still beating you so hard?" Old lady Chen's complexion changed, and she saw how much she fell obediently just now, and just like that, the pain was not as good as the one who was beaten. That must have been beaten so badly.

How could Su Qinghe be willing to deal with such a lovely daughter?

Obediently looked at Mrs. Chen incomprehensibly, "If you do something wrong, you will be beaten~"

"Mom, don't worry, Ahe will beat her only if she obediently refuses to listen to scolding or to listen to scolding. She has not beaten her a few times. After one or two times, she will know how powerful she is. How can she give her another chance?" Ah He hit her." Bai Jian'an, who had been following slowly, heard their conversation, and explained a few words to Su Qinghe who was not there.

"Yeah~" Obediently nodded proudly, "I'm so smart, Dad hasn't hit me for a long time~~"

Mrs. Chen: "...that's really awesome!"

Obediently laughed a few times, picked up the wreath on the ground, and showed it to Mrs. Chen like a treasure, "Grandma Zu, do my flowers look good~"

Mrs. Chen glanced at it, and flattered her: "It's beautiful, who made this little wreath!"

"My sister made it for me~~" After Guaiguai replied, he looked at Chen Taigong again. After spending a few days with Guaiguai, Chen Taigong still didn't know what she meant by this, so he quickly sent a rainbow fart.

She jumped obediently, then walked around them cheerfully, and ran to find the old lady. After showing off in front of the old lady, she ran into the house to show off to Chen Juanhua, and finally entered the bedroom, flirting with Bai Zhi.

"Mom, this is my flower~~"

Bai Zhi glanced at it, didn't pay attention, but said: "You came back just in time, I just finished drawing your cake pattern, come and see if you are satisfied."

Obediently's eyes lit up, she went to push a chair, climbed up to sit and watch carefully.

On the computer screen is an unfolded picture of a three-layer cake, the background color on the side is the color of the rainbow, the upper layer of the rainbow is painted with cartoon images of all the animal friends, and a cartoon fat doll is drawn on the top.

Pointing to the cartoon character obediently, she asked, "Mom, is this me~~"

Bai Zhi asked back: "Who else but you?"

Grinning obediently, pointing at the cartoon animals, she asked Bai Zhi one by one if they were her good friends. After getting a positive reply, Party A expressed her satisfaction, this is the cake she wanted.

"Then I'll send it over and let someone make it?"

The obedient party A nodded repeatedly, and then she saw the wreath on the table, and hurriedly said: "Mom, there is still this flower, the cake must have flowers~~"

Bai Zhi pondered for a moment, "Alright, just draw a circle of flowers on it."

Anyway, she doesn’t need to draw. She has the material for the wreath herself. After finishing it in twos and twos, she asked the good party A again. After confirming that there were no other questions, she found the nearest contact baker on WeChat and sent the design past.

The other party is a friend of her friend who opened a cake shop in Nandu. At the same time, by virtue of the videos of making various customized cakes, the account on Xiaopozhan has nearly [-] followers.

After finishing the matter of the cake, Bai Zhi glanced back, obediently climbed off the chair, and put the garland on her head.

Bai Zhi smiled and asked, "Sister gave it to you?"


"Put it on for me."

"Don't~" Obediently backed away, raised her hands to grab the garland, raised her small face and looked at Bai Zhi warily, "My sister made this for me, why don't you ask Dad to make it for you~~"

"Oh?" Bai Zhi raised her eyebrows and gave Kuaiguai a thumbs up, but her action scared Guaiguai back two steps, the little guy thought she was going to snatch her.

"You're right, you should ask your father to make one for me!"

Nodding obediently, "I'll help you ask Dad to do it~~"

Successfully diverting the disaster to the east, he ran out of the bedroom obediently, and found Su Qinghe who was about to wash the rice dumpling leaves in the yard, and asked loudly, "Ahe, do you like my mother~~"

"???" Su Qinghe looked at Guaiguai with a dazed expression, what are you barking at?
Guaiguai didn't know what Su Qinghe was thinking, she only saw that Su Qinghe was frightened by her aura, she was immediately complacent and bossy, "Why don't you make flowers and give them to mom~"

Su Qinghe raised his head and saw Bai Zhi coming out of the room with her forehead supported. She was obviously speechless, so he couldn't help but took a breath, and looked down at that milky fleshy face again.

Good fellow, good fellow, who taught her the way of making a head start!
Obediently seeing Bai Zhi came out, she became even more excited, and started to dance, "You are naughty, why don't you make flowers for your mother, tell me quickly, do it quickly~~"

Su Qinghe's head was full of black lines, but the corners of his mouth quickly curled up, "Thank you, I will not only make a wreath much bigger than yours for my mother, but I will also buy a lot of flowers to send back to mom."

"You have to give it to me too, my mother and I are your favorite people~~" Obediently blinked her big eyes, making herself look so cute.

Su Qinghe asked knowingly, "Do you want it?"

"En!" Obediently nodded vigorously.

"That depends on whether you are obedient or not!" As long as you want it, it's easy to decide.

Obediently was dissatisfied, and angrily protested against Su Qinghe's unfairness, "Why don't mom be obedient, I will be obedient~~"

"Because Mom is Dad's favorite person, you can only be ranked second!"

"Hic—" Guaiguai was about to continue to fight, but hiccupped for no reason, "I'm number one!"

"What you say doesn't count!"


"It doesn't count!"

"Mom, Dad bullied me~~"

(End of this chapter)

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