Chapter 486 Have pity on the little baby~
During the leisurely afternoon, Su Qinghe slept until obediently came to call him, and then woke up. Seeing the little guy holding a disposable plastic cup in his hand, which contained half a cup of crimson liquid, he immediately regained his energy.

"Hey, what is this stuff!"

"Juice~" obediently held the cup to her mouth, held her head up and took a sip, the juice overflowed from the corner of her mouth, the little guy let out a sigh of satisfaction, "Dad~ this juice is delicious~~"

I can see it!
Guaiguai's reaction was too obvious, even if Su Qinghe was blind, just by hearing her exhale, he could tell that this juice was too appetizing for Guaiguai.

He got up and went into the room to see, okay, everyone in the room has a glass, the juicer is still working, and the basket of wild fruits next to it has almost bottomed out.

"It's really exquisite, and you still squeeze the juice." Su Qinghe clicked his tongue twice, "Isn't it enough to just grab a handful and put it in your mouth? What's the difference?"

"Squeezing the juice is just incidental. I plan to make some snacks with these wild juices." Bai Zhi pointed to a cup on the coffee table, "Drink it if you want to drink it, and keep it for me if you don't drink it."

Su Qinghe shook his head, "Save it for dessert."

As soon as the words fell, the obedient voice came from the door, from far to near.

"Mom~ Dad doesn't drink, I want to drink~~"

Before he finished speaking, he ran past Su Qinghe's feet like a gust of wind, and stopped by hitting him.

Bai Zhi watched obediently bump into the sofa before stopping, she was angry and funny at this little guy who wanted to eat and die, "If Dad doesn't want it, you can drink it!"

"Dad, he doesn't want to drink~" Guaiguai smiled happily, held the cup with his head up and down, and drank it. After drinking, he licked his lips in a circle, seeing that there were still a few drops in the cup, and opened his mouth again. Hold high and wait for the few remaining drops of wild juice to drip down.

The old lady smiled and called out to Kuaiguai, and poured some of the wild juice in her glass into Guaiguai's cup. Inspired by it, Kuaiguai went around holding the cup for alms.

"Grandma~ please do me a favor~ please please please~~"

"Grandpa~have pity on the little baby~~"

Su Qinghe was dumbfounded, "What do you usually watch, and where did you learn it?"

"Ghost knows!" Bai Zhi rolled her eyes, saw the little guy begging in front of her, and quickly poured some for her, "You've already had two glasses, this is the third one, you can't drink any more after this one La!"

Seeing that Guaiguai's face drooped all of a sudden, she went on to say: "You've finished drinking the juice, mom doesn't have any juice to make snacks, do you want some snacks?"

Obediently then reluctantly agreed that this was the last cup, and after drinking it, she looked at the cup reluctantly and threw it into the trash after a long while.

This time I really don't drink it!

Su Qinghe was amused when he looked at it, "Hey, is the wild fruit juice really that delicious?"

Looking back at Su Qinghe obediently, with a flattering smile on his face, he answered the wrong question: "Father~ let's go find Guoguoba~~"

There's really nothing to do with this gluttonous milk dumpling, who let her be my daughter and spoil her.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow I will take you and my sister up the mountain together."

"Oye!" Guaiguai jumped up and down excitedly, "Mom~ I'll pick a lot of fruit tomorrow and come back for you~~ I want to drink juice~"

Bai Zhi said with disgust: "I know, let's talk about it after you pick the fruit back, as if you can pick a lot of wild fruits back."

"I can definitely pick a lot~~" Guaiguai felt that her mother looked down on the little baby too much, and she must pick a lot of wild fruits with her father to prove it to her mother.

Su Qinghe is not as optimistic as Kuaiguai. If he knew what Kuaiguai was thinking at this moment, he would definitely scoff at him. If you want to talk big, don't take me!
In the past two days, many people have gone up to the mountain to worship the mountain. When they see the wild fruits are ripe, they usually pick some and eat them.Besides, the wild fruits sent by the children today are all packed into a plastic basket. It is conceivable that the wild fruits on the surrounding hills have basically been cleaned up.

Now I hope that Su Xiaoting can find other places where she can pick wild fruits.

Just thinking about Su Xiaoting, the little girl came with her friends.

Su Qinghe glanced at the clock subconsciously, it turned out that it was almost four o'clock.

Where is my time? !
The children swarmed in, Bai Zhi sighed, she would not come sooner or later, but she came at this time and wanted to make some snacks with wild fruit juice, now it seems that she can only hope that she will be good and don't talk big, tomorrow I can really pick a lot of wild fruits back.

Poured a glass of wild fruit juice for each of the children, and there was still some left over. Seeing Guaiguai staring at her with burning eyes, Bai Zhi simply poured it all to Guaiguai.

After drinking the wild fruit juice, the children gathered in the corridor again, squatting and watching Su Qiujie tie the elastic band to the beautiful tree branch to make a slingshot.

At noon, Xiaopangdun saw Su Xiaoting and Guaiguai holding a sieve, and when he got home, he asked his father to help him make one, but his grandfather disagreed, and he settled for the next best thing. When his father paid a visit to the mountain in the afternoon, he found it when he cut the flagpole. A perfectly grown branch, just cut it off and let him make a slingshot.

Hearing what Su Qiujie said while making a slingshot, Su Qinghe asked the old lady curiously: "Grandmother, why would Grandpa and the others prefer us to play with toy guns when we were young, instead of letting us hold back?"

"If you hit yourself with a toy gun or a squeegee, you will know which one is more powerful." The old lady glanced at Su Qinghe, and was amused when she saw Su Qinghe's dumbfounded expression, "The main reason is that some people are allergic to squeegee. If you hit the suffocation tube, you will find the suffocation, and if you accidentally hit someone with allergies, the allergic symptoms will be like measles."

Bizi, also known as sour rice, is suitable for holding the tube because of its size and shape, especially when it is immature, it is green and hard.

"There are still people who are allergic to sour rice?" Su Qinghe didn't know if he had lost his knowledge, but when he thought that there were still people who were allergic to rice, he felt relieved.

The world is really big, there are no wonders.

Su Qiujie also made a slingshot. He tried it out, but the chain fell off immediately. One side must have been tied too tight in a hurry, so he pulled it loose and it loosened.

Seeing him tie it up again, he obediently ran to find Su Qinghe, "Dad~ I want my brother's too~~"

"You want everything!" Su Qinghe pinched the flesh on Kuaiguai's face speechlessly, "You already have a can, isn't that enough?"

"Not enough~ make one for me~~"

Acting coquettishly, Su Qinghe was about to agree, but was preempted by Bai Jianan next to him.

"Hey, daddy won't make it for you, grandpa will do it for you!"

Obediently turned to look at Bai Jian'an, "Will grandpa do it too~"

"Your father wasn't even born when I played with the slingshot!" Bai Jian'an patted his chest, "Let me tell you, grandpa is very accurate with the slingshot, and I can teach you how to play the slingshot then."

It's hard to grab a chance to let Guaiai take a look, isn't it just a slingshot, what's so difficult.

Obediently's excitement was beyond words, he took Bai Jian'an's hand and was about to go out, urging him to make a slingshot.

Su Qinghe grinned, watching the grandfather and grandson go to get the machete.

Teach me to play obediently?

I'm afraid I think too much.

Obediently is a typical example of "pretending to be a representative with little knowledge"!

 The mobile phone is currently coded on the road in a traffic jam, and it is hard to determine when the next chapter will be.

(End of this chapter)

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