Chapter 485 Afternoon
Su Quan's mind was a little messed up. At first, he wondered what the logic of Guaiguai was, and then he was surprised that Guaiguai even said the advanced vocabulary of "value".

Hearing Su Qinghe's laughter, he muttered: "Ahe, what have you taught me every day? Why can't I understand her words?"

"Your IQ can only be compared with that of Guaiguai." Su Qinghe mocked cheerfully, even Su Xiaoting could react immediately, but Su Quan was still struggling with how to understand Guaiguai's words.

Obediently, he felt very proud, very proud that he used Su Qinghe's words to bluff her, and Su Quan was also bluffed.

It turns out that she is not a little fool, even a person as big as Uncle Quan can be bluffed by her little baby, it must be because her father's method is too powerful.

Immediately afterwards, she dismantled herself, and then used Su Qinghe's self-justified rhetoric to make up for it. Only then did Su Quan realize that it was Su Qinghe's nonsense to fool the aunt, and it was in vain for him to think seriously about the words What exactly does that mean.

If he didn't notice for a while, he was tricked, and he was afraid that he would become a black history and be laughed at by Su Qinghe. If Su Qinghe was ruthless, even the obedient ones would laugh at him about it.

Thinking of this, he immediately gritted his teeth, "Su Qinghe, I won't call you again in the future, father and daughter are both imprinted by the same seal, and their hearts are equally black!"

"It's nothing to do with me, it's all about obediently doing my own thing. I haven't said a word or hinted at it. Don't come up to me." Su Qinghe's words were a crit, he almost told Su Quan clearly that you are Was played by obediently alone.

Su Quan's face was dark, "Hey, I'm right, you have five yuan in your hand, give it to me quickly!"

This is what he got by selling his IQ, so he has to.

"Here~ I'm going to sleep~~" obediently threw the banknotes on the phone, then ran to tell the old lady and Bai Zhi about her "great achievements", patting her small chest and saying with a frightened face Uncle Quan's face is so ugly, it scares the baby.

The call hadn't been hung up yet, and the little guy didn't know how to lower his voice. Su Quan could hear clearly on the other end of the phone. Su Qinghe saw that Su Quan's face on the phone screen had turned dark again, and immediately laughed out loud.

His rampant laughter became the last straw that broke the camel's back. Su Quan couldn't listen anymore, left a sentence of "Give me the five dollars and transfer me quickly", and hung up the call angrily.

This pair of father and daughter did all kinds of bad things, it's so irritating!
Xiaoguai, who was in a happy mood, fell asleep consciously, and Su Xiaoting also went back to her home. As for whether it was a nap or going to play again, it is unknown.Since Su Meng came back, Su Qinghe and Bai Zhi hardly cared about Su Xiaoting except for caring about her studies, even though they had never cared about her before.

There was a rare moment of peace in the house, Su Qinghe and Bai Zhi were lying on the reclining chairs on the porch, the sky was overcast during the Ching Ming season.

"It's been a year, how time flies." Su Qinghe narrowed his eyes slightly, "During the Qingming Festival last year, he was sleeping on this recliner obediently on my chest."

Bai Zhi looked up and said, "Why don't you go in now and take Xiaoguai out and put it on your chest?"

Obediently sleeps very deeply, as long as it is not aimed at waking her up, count her hands and feet, no matter how much you toss her, she will not be woken up.But Su Qinghe still shook his head, "Forget it, now that you have this weight, you need to sleep for two or three hours, so I won't suffer!"

Bai Zhibai glanced at Su Qinghe, then asked, "Su Quan asked you to borrow money just now?"

Just now when she obediently didn't get involved, Su Qinghe told Su Quan that the phone had turned off the loudspeaker, but she didn't deliberately listen to it, so she only listened to some of it, but didn't know the whole picture.

"No, he said that Ah Fu planned to resign and go it alone, and asked him to partner with him. I wanted to invest some money to support them, but he refused. He just said that if he was short of money in the future, he would ask me to borrow some money."

"Help if you can, anyway, you are not short of the money." Bai Zhi said casually, she had a good impression of Su Quan and Su Fu, they are all people who know how to advance and retreat, and they didn't just because Su Qinghe made a lot of money. Deliberately distant or overly affectionate.

"If they need help, they will definitely help." After all, it was Fa Xiao who almost succeeded in sworn marriage, and Su Qinghe still remembers that when he went out to work, these two idiots stole money from the family and gave it to him. He was beaten up by the adults in the family.

One must have a few confidantes and friends in one's life, and it just so happens that Su Quan and Su Fu played such roles in Su Qinghe's life.

"Let them work hard on their own first, and they will have a great sense of accomplishment!" Su Qinghe said nostalgicly. Back then, he and Qin Hao had gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry from having nothing, and had their own careers. The feeling haunts him to this day.

In comparison, although Shuangtang Fruit Company can make more money than the studio, it does not give him such a sense of excitement and accomplishment, as if the success of Shuangtang Fruit Company is a matter of course.

He knows the reason. On the one hand, it is because of the system, but more importantly, since the establishment of Shuangtang Fruit Company, his participation has not been high. Many employees of the company only saw him as the behind-the-scenes boss in reality at the annual meeting. .

There is nothing good about Su Quan, Su Qinghe suddenly remembered something, "By the way, when will Tingting's violin be bought back?"

He is not omnipotent, his talent is only in acting, and it is enough for a person to achieve something in one field in his life.He didn't know much about musical instruments. Before Chen Juanhua said to buy a violin for Su Xiaoting, she just asked Bai Zhi to buy it.

"In a while, when Tingting's midterm exam results come out, let's treat the violin as a reward." Bai Zhi drooped her eyes, her voice gradually blurred.

Su Qinghe turned his head to look, the phrase "You are not afraid that Tingting will fail the exam" was held in his mouth, and he also squinted his eyes when he turned his head.

The old lady watched obediently take a nap in the fence, came out to take a look halfway, then went back and took a small blanket out, and gently covered Bai Zhi's body.

Afterwards, she went back to the enclosure, sat against the wall, and kept on obediently.

In this peaceful small mountain village, life is always slow. The old lady has grown from a big girl with yellow flowers to an old woman with gray hair and wrinkled face. Although there have been twists and turns in the middle, the years have treated her so generously. Eighty-seven times out of ten, she is still healthy and healthy. She is watching over her children and grandchildren, and now she is able to take care of her great-grandchildren. This is a blessing that many people can't even dream of.

Looking at the sweetly sleeping milk dumpling in front of her, her hands and feet, which are fragrant like milk and lotus root, are white, tender and full of vitality.

The old lady sincerely felt the vitality of life spreading in her body. She didn't know when it started. She never mentioned the words to comfort her ancestors again. If she obediently said, she would not die. Be obedient! She was so cute, she couldn't get enough of her, so how could she be willing to die.

Su Qinghe's grandfather and parents did not have this blessing, so they asked them to wait for her below, and she wanted to watch more on their behalf.

As if she felt something in her heart, the sleeping boy called out vaguely, the old lady put all her body and mind on her, she could hear clearly, it was obvious that she was calling her.

"Little darling of Zu, you have to grow up quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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