Chapter 41 Ruyi Cucumber

"Didn't Kugou get selected by the lottery before, and asked the Taoist priest to help him figure out whether his wife has cheated?"

"During the live broadcast that night, everyone should be there, remember some of it?"

"The Daoist had a clever plan, predicted that Kugou would be imprisoned, and asked him not to contact anyone, and he could not answer or make any calls."

"At the beginning, this guy did listen to the priest and hung up a lot of calls."

"But he couldn't help it later, called a friend and attended a banquet."

"For some reason, they clashed with a group of people next door, and the two sides fought."

"As a result, the kid Kugou drank too much, his hands were not serious, and he opened the head of the other party."

"That night, the hotel reported the case, and the police came directly to the door and took away the two groups."

"It is said that the person who was shot was seriously injured. It is estimated that Kugou will not only lose money, but even go to jail."

"The above information, I inquired about it from a police friend, and it is [-]% true..."

When the man explained the cause and effect clearly, all the water friends in the live broadcast room couldn't help but gasped.

At this moment, there is only one thought in everyone's mind - Daoist Niu ×!

"I really complied with that sentence, if you don't die, you won't die!"

"That is, he has to follow the instructions of the Taoist priest carefully. I guess there is nothing wrong with it. Now it's good, he will cause serious injuries, and he won't be squatted for ten or eight years?"

"Losing money + going to jail, the second brother's live broadcast career has come to an end."

"I'm going to contact my second sister-in-law right now. Don't let her stay alone in the vacant room, lest she do something wrong to my second brother."

"Made, I'm afraid that your kid will guard you!"

"In order to prevent you from guarding yourself, I'm going to be a supervisor!"

"In order to prevent you from supervising and guarding yourself, I'm going to check!"

"In order to prevent you from inspecting, supervising, guarding and stealing, I'm going to spy!"

"Where are you putting your nesting dolls here?"

"The first brother outside asked the Taoist priest to tell his fortune, but he was autistic... The second brother outside asked the Taoist priest to tell his fortune, but he went in..."

"Who is the third outdoor brother? Let him also come to the Taoist priest to figure it out?"

"Please don't harm the Outdoor Channel..."

After reading it, Lu Heng shook his head secretly.

No wonder he didn't receive any feedback from the Destiny system at that time, it turned out that this kid was still going the same way.

As the saying goes, "good words are hard to persuade, damn ghost"!
This has already pointed out the way, but the opponent still insists on jumping into the pit, what can he do?

Fortunately, this guy married a good wife, so he didn't end up with a divorced wife.

He glanced at the time, 5 minutes was up.

"Okay, the 5-minute gift giving time is over."

"Then let's draw a lottery to see who can be the lucky water friend tonight..."

After speaking, he clicked the draw button.

In the blink of an eye, the two calculation quotas for tonight were settled.

Lu Heng looked at the two names that were drawn, and said with a smile, "Let's congratulate 'Wushuang Cucumber' and 'Fenglingling' for being tonight's lucky water friends!"

The results of the lottery came out, and seeing that he was not the winner, the water friends couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

But after thinking about it, isn't this fun to watch?
"Hey, I didn't get drawn again. When will my fate come?"

"That's right, if I don't win the lottery, my Bai Fumei girlfriend may be taken first."

"It's okay, when the time comes, buy one get one free, marry the older one and get the younger one free."

"Tsk tsk, the little hat looks pretty handsome!"

"May I ask, why is the color of this hat the same as the green belt?"

"Lucky friends? Daoist can really joke! I think it's two unlucky guys."

"The people drawn by the Taoist chief are all poor people!"

Lu Heng ignored the group of sand sculpture water friends.

With a smile on his face, he said, "Let us welcome the No.1 lucky water friend tonight—the Peerless Cucumber!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he sent a Lianmai invitation to the other party.

"This name sounds like a guy who understands philosophy!"

"Ah! Peerless cucumber!"

"Patchouli, GO!"

"Oh, you sell Xiao!"

"I heard that you are also a Cantonese, so we may be fellow villagers!"

"I like big cucumbers best!"

"The liking you said, I hope it's not the liking I thought."

"Cucumber has been soaked for a long time, it is not delicious!"

"I have bad teeth, so I like cucumbers that have been soaked for a long time."

"What are you talking about, I can't even understand a word?"

"Knowledge pretend not to know, it's you!"

"Cucumbers can't be soaked, just shoot them directly, and add some chili peppers and minced garlic."

"No, I can't eat chili, just pour some vinegar on it."

"Stop, stop, stop... Isn't this fortune telling? How did it become a food exchange meeting?"

After Lianmai succeeded, a young man in his early thirties with a receding hairline appeared in the live broadcast room.

Lu Heng smiled and asked, "I don't know what my little friend wants to count tonight?"

"Daoist, my wife has been pregnant several times, but in the end they all miscarried inexplicably."

"I want to ask you to help me figure it out. What's going on?"

"The Peerless Great Cucumber" said with a sad face.

It's no wonder that he has a bitter face, whoever it is, his daughter-in-law always has a miscarriage, that's unbearable!

Hearing these words, the water friends frowned.

This question... is too abstract, right?
"I said bro, you should go to the hospital to ask about the abortion problem!"

"Yeah, go to the hospital to find a doctor, why are you looking for a fortune teller?"

"There are many reasons for habitual abortion, including bad habits during pregnancy, diseases of pregnant women, corpus luteum insufficiency, abnormal chromosomes, etc."

"Brother, you really should go to the hospital."

"If you have any questions, go to the doctor instead of asking netizens."

"Thousand-degree search, cancer starts!"

"I caught a cold last time. I searched the Internet and found that I am required to amputate all my limbs below the eyebrows. Who can bear this?"

"Women suffering from habitual miscarriage are mainly caused by their own physical reasons. Such women mainly have miscarriages caused by abnormal chromosomes and serious diseases."

Seeing the barrage of water friends, "Wushuang Big Cucumber" quickly explained: "I also want to take my wife to the hospital, but she doesn't want to."

"She said she felt sick when she smelled the disinfectant in the hospital, and she was unwilling to go."

"I'm also an old fan of Taoist Master. I've been in the live broadcast room, watching Taoist Master tell other people's fortunes."

"I think the Taoist priest is so accurate in fortune-telling, he should be able to help me figure out the reason for this miscarriage..."

It was fine if he didn't explain, but this explanation made the water friends even more confused.

"No, bro, if she says she won't go, won't she go?"

"Take out your majesty as the husband and the head of the family, and you must take her with you!"

"Go to the hospital quickly, do you want me to introduce you to an acquaintance?"

"The director of the big iron stick hospital?"

"As far as I know, there is another reason for miscarriage, that is, the quality of the tadpoles is not up to standard."

"Ahem... I'm next door and my surname is Wang. Come and help me if you have something to do!"

"I'm facing the wind in Yushu, handsomer than Guan Xi Tingfeng, known as Zhongyuan Xiaopan'an, I thought you would be of service to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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