Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 174 The Defense Power of the Golden Light Curse Under Modern Firearms

Chapter 174 The Defense Power of the Golden Light Curse Under Modern Firearms
The sudden explosion caused chaos on Guandong Street, with voices and screams everywhere.

"This...how is this possible?"

Seeing the figure bathed in golden light not far away, the sniper looked in disbelief.

Just now he fired a shot at the target, and he was very sure that the shot was hit.

Coupled with the close-range blasting of three grenades... Can't this be killed?

what monster is this?

This level of alien, in the list of the entire cleaning plan, is actually just a mediocre suspicious target No. 34?

Damn extra-high school bastards, who can't do anything, eat whatever they want, a bunch of trash who should commit seppuku.

"This kind of guy has to be directly blasted to death with the heavy firepower of the army!"

The sniper has no idea of ​​killing again.

He lurked in the dark, attacked suddenly, and covered with firepower, but he couldn't kill his opponent. Now that he was confronted head-on, there was no need to fight.

He moved his footsteps and was about to leave, but what responded to him was... the golden light was approaching him.

The golden qi rose from the sky, making him unable to see clearly what the suspicious target No. 34 looked like inside, he could only see a pair of eyes that were as bright as gold stars.

Those eyes dragged out a few inches of golden light, which didn't look like a human being, but seemed to have divinity.

"This kind of scary guy with high defense must be as slow as a tortoise. I have a chance to escape, I have a chance!"

He comforted himself like this in his heart, but then, he found that the steps taken by the golden figure were not big, it seemed that he was approaching slowly, but the speed was unbelievably fast.

This strange sense of disobedience instantly made the sniper suspect that he had seen a hallucination.

He wanted to escape, but he knew in his heart that there was no chance, so he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Long live His Majesty the Emperor!"

Immediately afterwards, that golden figure, with unparalleled strength, soared to the sky, appearing in front of him like a mad dragon.

The sniper's legs went limp, but before he could sit down on the ground, a hand grabbed his throat and lifted him up.

"I am the suspicious target No. 30 of the Cleaning Plan No. 33? So, there are [-] people before me, you are quite efficient, huh?!"

Zhang Zhiwei focused his eyes and found that the sniper had a ring of plastic bombs strapped to his body, and the grenade in his pocket had been pulled off the ring.

It turned out that the sniper knew that he could not escape the moment he saw Zhang Zhiwei leave.

As a stranger of Bushido, he made a decisive decision, and before Zhang Zhiwei arrived, he pulled the ring of the grenade in his pocket, wanting to die together.

And the moment Zhang Zhiwei strangled his neck was when the explosives exploded.


The glaring flames swept through everything, and the flames full of texture gushed out, engulfing countless shrapnel, completely submerging Zhang Zhiwei like a gust of wind and rain!

The sound of metal collisions sounded quickly, connecting together, the surging golden light and the bursting fire collided fiercely!
The strong impact blown half of the four-story building under his feet, and violent smoke and dust rushed into the sky.

In the center of the smoke and dust, Zhang Zhiwei covered his body with golden light, standing in it, letting the flames and thick smoke raging, he remained motionless.

In Jin Guangzhong, Zhang Zhiwei's expression was a little annoyed, but also a bit dazed.

"If you fight hard, it will consume a lot, but... I didn't think it before, so Jinguang can still operate like this..."

In fact, whether it was the previous three grenades or the high explosive just now, Zhang Zhiwei could dodge in advance.

Or dodge outward at the moment of the explosion, leaving the center of the explosion to avoid damage.

But Zhang Zhiwei didn't, he wanted to try the limit of his golden light under modern hot weapons.

In this way, when you fight in the future, you will know what you are doing.

The test results are ideal, but not ideal at the same time.

Ideally, if the pure golden light defense is used with his cultivation base, the shock wave caused by the explosion of high explosives, and the flying fragments will not be able to break through his defense.

Regarding this point, Zhang Zhiwei actually knows it well.

The threat of hot weapons to aliens has never been its power.

Rather, it has the characteristics of long range, the ability to fire cold guns, and the ability to suppress continuous firepower.

In terms of power alone, many methods in the Inhuman World are stronger than thermal weapons.

Not to mention high-end methods like Lei Fa.

Even some small sects have tricks that exceed the power of ordinary firearms.

For example, during the Luo Tian Dajiao in later generations, among the three players who went up together and were eliminated by Zhuge Qing, there was one who used the rope dart. At a distance of 20 meters, it can penetrate more than 20 mm of steel plate.

This kind of power was missed by Zhuge Qing's guidance, and it was enough to break the golden bell cover of another dragon set, causing a little injury.

And the power to penetrate the 20mm steel plate of the "head shaker" is replaced by a firearm. Even a sniper rifle like Barrett can only do it within a hundred meters.

That is to say, for a foreigner who has practiced the golden bell cover and has made some achievements, if he is on guard, a weapon like the Barrett sniper rifle cannot kill the opponent at a distance of thousands of meters.

Of course, it is still very simple to use Barrett to snipe and kill the alien who cultivated the golden bell jar.

After all, the opponent cannot open the cover all the time, this method consumes a lot of energy.

Moreover, most of the ways for aliens to sense sudden attacks are through qi, and things like bullets do not have qi attached, so it is difficult to guard against.

That's why Zhang Jingqing refused to let Zhang Zhiwei go down the mountain. It's easy to hide a hidden arrow, but it's hard to defend against it. Who can stand up to a cold shot from a thousand meters away while taking a nap?

However, Zhang Jingqing didn't know that there was a mind ape in Zhang Zhiwei's body who specialized in observing the law.

Meditate on the existence of external objects, and be extremely sensitive to possible crises from the outside world.

Although Houzai was rebellious, what he wanted was to rebel, not to die together. Both sides will be prosperous and both will be prosperous, and both will be damaged. Therefore, it is almost impossible to attack Zhang Zhiwei secretly.

Moreover, Zhang Zhiwei's current cultivation is more than a thousand times stronger than that of the later generation Luo Tian Dajiao, who cultivated the golden bell cover?
In other words, hitting Zhang Zhiwei with a heavy sniper similar to Barrett, even if he hit his forehead, would not hurt him a single hair.

This is also Zhang Zhiwei's confidence to dare to take risks.

As for the unsatisfactory part, if you don't dodge and simply resist, you will consume a lot of energy in your body.

Through the experiment just now, Zhang Zhiwei found that even he could not last long under the bombardment of high explosives.

Especially those stray bullet-like fragments generated by the explosion, shot out in an instant, and the effect produced was like a hail of bullets.

Each of these stray bullets hit him would consume a little bit of his energy, individually insignificant, but adding up was terrifying.

Zhang Zhiwei's life is high, and the qi in his body is extremely powerful, but it is still not infinite. If he is exposed to strong firepower for a long time, the qi will also be exhausted.

And Zhang Zhiwei surprisingly likes to fight hard, which is another reason why Zhang Jingqing didn't let him go down the mountain.

It is worth mentioning that when Zhang Zhiwei was practicing martial arts at the age of 13, he defeated Li Ding, a master of the Tang sect who was good at wielding Wushaojia.

It was when he later assassinated Biheshan Shintou, in order to cover his companions, he charged against the fierce firepower of Japanese pirates for a long time, which caused the energy in his body to be consumed excessively, and was finally killed by the enemy.

Zhang Zhiwei is much stronger than Li Ding. Li Ding can charge into the battle against the firepower of the Japanese pirates, so he can do it.

But at the same time, the qi in his body can't make him resist for too long.

However, that was before, just now, Zhang Zhiwei had an epiphany, he had a new understanding of the use of golden light, and extended a new method.

When a genius is in adversity, he often has the ability to draw inferences from one instance and turn around adversity. Zhang Zhiwei is naturally a genius.

When you are poor, you want to change. After realizing that the Qi in his body is not enough, Zhang Zhiwei thought about increasing income and reducing expenditure. It is not possible to increase income for the time being, but he can reduce expenditure.


A ball of golden light fluctuated in Zhang Zhiwei's palm.

This group of golden light is divided into two strands, lingering and rotating, showing the shape of a Taiji diagram.

"Conquer strength with softness!"

When the water flow rotates at high speed, it has a huge impact force, and it can also remove a large amount of impact force through rotation.

In the past, Zhang Zhiwei never thought of this because the intensity of the golden light was high enough to protect himself.

But just now, when the high explosives exploded, and the shock wave engulfed the flames and countless small shrapnel, hitting the golden light, Zhang Zhiweifu thought about it, and a thought suddenly popped up in his mind, why don't he apply the principle of Taiji four-two strokes to the golden light? On the golden light.

As soon as this idea moved, Zhang Zhiwei immediately changed his direction. He transformed the golden light into a flowing water-like form with Qi and through extremely fine-grained control, and then divided it into two strands, arranged them into a Tai Chi diagram in a two-way manner, and rotated at a high speed .

The so-called Tai Chi circles, yin and yang are endless, using softness to overcome rigidity, and using stillness to brake.

"Tai Chi is round, the ancestors have left countless good things, but I don't know the specific effect, it is best to find a few targets to test!"

As soon as this thought came to Zhang Zhiwei's mind, there was a rumbling sound of breaking through the air.

I saw a group of fighter jets flying the sun flag flying across the sky, like a flock of wild geese, forming a column with more than ten fighter planes.

One of them broke away from the team and flew towards him. He was attracted by the explosion here.

Zhang Zhiwei visually checked the flying altitude of the fighter plane, and found that it was about a thousand meters: "This altitude is a bit difficult, but to deal with a few aliens, they actually used a bomber fleet! Are the Japanese pirates crazy?"



"Fujita, are you crazy? This is our base camp in the Far East, not where you run wild."

At this moment, in an underground office in Bincheng, a group of people in military uniforms were having a meeting, and one of them slapped the table and reprimanded loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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