Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 173 The First Confrontation with Hot Weapons

Chapter 173 The First Confrontation With Hot Weapons

Being in a busy city, Zhang Zhiwei didn't use Lei Fa, and these down-and-out Eight Banners aliens were not worthy of his use of Lei Fa, so he slapped them all to death with that plain and unpretentious slap.

There were screams and blood spattered everywhere.

The person who was first shot by Zhang Zhiwei with the door was shivering under the door panel. This kid was more alert, and he noticed something was wrong immediately, and the idea was too tricky.

Therefore, when others attacked Zhang Zhiwei, he chose to hide under the door panel and pretend to be dead, intending to see the situation first, but he did not expect the situation to be so dire.

After seeing several people who tried to escape being killed first, this person completely gave up the idea of ​​running away, but restrained his breath, and continued to shrink under the door panel and pretended to be dead.

The fighting, no, it should be that the killing didn't last too long, then it stopped, and the surroundings were quiet.

"What's the situation? Why is there no sound at all, so... the monster-like person is gone?"

At this time, Zhang Zhiwei had already equated the monster with the monster in this person's heart.

He pricked up his ears, trying to hear what was going on around him.


A big hand broke through the door, from top to bottom, strangled his throat, and pulled him out from under the door. The raised wooden thorns on the door panel scratched his whole body with blood.

"I ask, you answer!" Zhang Zhiwei tilted his head and looked at the other party.

"You... you ask, don't kill... kill me..." The man stammered with fear on his face.

"What is your name?"

"I... my name is Hehan!"

"What's the relationship with Prince Su?"

"He... my grandfather!"

"Where's your grandpa? What about your parents? Your grandpa has thirty or forty heirs. How come there are only three or two of you big cats and kittens here?"

Zhang Zhiwei was a little puzzled. According to Kameda Ichiro, there should be a lot of strangers here, and they are quite capable.

But these few people I met now, how can they have any strength, even if they are said to be native chickens and dogs, they will be praised.

Hehan tremblingly said: "My parents and some uncles went to Japan to develop, and some people were taken to Changbai Mountain by my grandfather. Only a few of us juniors stayed here to watch the situation!"

Prince Su also took people to Changbai Mountain... Zhang Zhiwei shuddered, and quickly asked, "What are you doing in Changbai Mountain?"

"No...don't know!"


When Zhang Zhiwei exerted force, He Han's pale face instantly turned red, his facial features were distorted, and a pair of tricks almost squeezed out of his eye sockets.

"I... I really don't know... At that time I was... smoking drugs, I didn't... I didn't hear it very clearly, I only heard Grandpa say... that there is hope for...the restoration of the country!"

There is hope for the restoration of the country... Zhang Zhiwei thought for a while.

Does Changbai Mountain have anything to do with Fuguo?

Changbai Mountain is the highest and largest mountain in Northeast China. The three important rivers, Songhua River, Tumen River and Yalu River, originate from Tianchi Lake in Changbai Mountain. They can be said to be the source of rivers in Northeast China.

Therefore, Changbai Mountain has been regarded as a "holy mountain" since ancient times.

The birthplace of Manchu Qing Dynasty is Changbai Mountain.

But Zhang Zhiwei really couldn't think of anything in Changbai Mountain that could restore Prince Su to the country and make the Japanese pirates go to war.

Thinking to no avail, Zhang Zhiwei looked at Hehan in his hand, and said coldly: "Smoking big cigarettes at the critical moment, you are so fucking useless, the previous dynasty was ruined by you guys, go down and make amends to your ancestors !"

After finishing speaking, when he exerted force on his hand, only a "click" sound was heard, and He Han's head shrugged weakly to the side.

Throwing down the corpse at random, Zhang Zhiwei was about to make a move when he suddenly paused and took out a piece of black paper from his pocket, on which white writing emerged.

It was news from Lu Jin that someone from a special high school came to try him out, but they solved it, and it hasn't been exposed yet.

However, once the Japanese pirates found out that a person was missing and started a thorough investigation, they would definitely be unable to escape, asking him where he was and what he should do now.

"It's pretty quick!"

Zhang Zhiwei wrote back, asking them to stay at the Yamato Hotel, not to act rashly, and asked Lu Ci to use Ruyi Jin to stun all the people in the presidential suite next door, and tied them up as meat tickets. These people seemed to have a lot of status.

The Yamato Hotel is a semi-official hotel owned by the Japanese pirate railway company. There are not only important figures from the Japanese pirates, but also many foreigners of considerable status.

Normally, Japanese pirates dare not, and will not use heavy weapons to storm such a place.

Without the participation of heavy weapons, there will be a lot of room for aliens to operate.

This is why Zhang Zhiwei chose to stay at the Yamato Hotel.

If you choose to lurk in Xiaogangzi, a place where Chinese people gather.

It would be bad if the Japanese pirates used hot weapons to bombard them regardless of casualties.

"Hold on for a while, wait for me to come back!"

After sending the message, Zhang Zhiwei didn't leave immediately, but jumped down from the third floor, his body fell straight like a heavy weight.

With a "bang", it was directly smashed through the floor and came to the first floor of the basement.

It turned out that the Double Happiness Club had more than three floors, and there was a large basement underneath.

The basement was filled with an unpleasant smell, and there were several corpses in black gowns, melon caps, and long braids lying crooked inside.

They were all thugs of the Double Happiness Club, and they were shocked to death when Zhang Zhiwei fell from the sky and fell through the floor just now.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced over the corpse and looked around.

This basement is very large, and there are many small rooms in it.

The door of the room is an iron fence, and through the gap, you can see the situation inside.

Some rooms are empty.

In some rooms lay several naked corpses.

There are also rooms where people are locked up, mostly young women with disheveled clothes and frightened faces.

Zhang Zhiwei only took one look, and he understood what the basement was for.

This place, the second floor is a brothel, where do the prostitutes come from?
It can't be recruited!
Even in later generations, there were not a few gangsters who abducted and trafficked women to do this before the Thunder cracked down on the gangsters, let alone in this era.

This is where the Double Happiness Club is used to detain and train those trafficked women.

Judging from the few naked corpses, this place can be called insane.

"Damn it!"

Zhang Zhiwei walked over, tore off the iron fences of those compartments, and rescued people.

And when he was saving people, from time to time, the thugs in charge of training ran out of those cubicles in a panic with their pants in their hands.

These people are not idiots either. When they saw this movement, they immediately knew that they had encountered a serious stubble. Some knelt down to spare their lives, and some wanted to run out.

For these guys, Zhang Zhiwei didn't intend to spare them, he moved his body and shot with anger.



There were several sounds of flesh and blood breaking apart.

Suddenly, the basement was filled with a paste-like thick bloody smell.

"Bang bang bang..."

Headless corpses fell down one after another, and the blood in the neck cavity sprayed onto the ceiling, like a rain of blood, and the bones and blood mud shattered to the ground.

Zhang Zhiwei was very angry just now, and his strength was fierce, and a few slaps slapped these people's heads directly.

Bone residue mixed with meat paste slipped from Zhang Zhiwei's hand, but it didn't touch it at all.

Zhang Zhiwei was glowing with golden light, three times, five divisions and two divisions, and all the iron bars of those cubicles were torn apart. Some of the women shut up inside were screaming and huddled in the corner, some were calling for help, some were kowtowing, begging him Help this fairy.

After all, Zhang Zhiwei is now in the form of a little golden man covered by golden light, which is a bit like a fairy.

"You are safe, but it is best not to rush out now, wait for a quarter of an hour, and then go out after the movement outside subsides!"

Lu Jin and the others were in a hurry, and time was running out, so Zhang Zhiwei didn't exchange pleasantries with these people, he gave some instructions, turned and left.

After he left, a woman who had just been trafficked in stepped on the iron fence and carefully poked her head out of the small cubicle.

At a glance, the people who had tortured them before had all turned into headless corpses lying in a pool of blood, and blood mud was still dripping down from the ceiling. Everything was unreal, as if they were dreaming.

But the ubiquitous pain in her body told her that everything was real.

"Is it true that God heard our prayers, so there are gods descending?"

She stared at this scene in a daze. The tall figure bathed in the holy light just now seemed to have taken root in his heart and could not get rid of it.

That figure kept flashing back in her mind, as if it had given her some kind of power, so that she would not be afraid even in such a terrifying scene.

After a while, she regained her composure and began to rescue those sisters who were in distress together, preparing to escape from this devil's den together.

Of course, before she escaped, she kept in mind what that person, or the god in her heart said, and waited for a quarter of an hour before going out.

She looked up at the big hole in the ceiling of the basement, the sun shone down and hit her face, it was warm and comfortable.

Inexplicably, she had an intuition that what the figure just brought her was not only a simple redemption, but also an unconventional and unprecedented gesture and baptism.



On the other side, Zhang Zhiwei waved a series of golden lights, and after killing everyone who deserved to be killed, he frowned and strode out of the Double Happiness Club.

Just took a step.

"Bang Dang! Bang Dang! Bang Dang!"

Three cylindrical objects, one thick at one end and thin at the other end, were thrown at his feet.

Zhang Zhiwei recognized at a glance that this was an M1917 wooden handle grenade.

"Boom... boom..."

A series of explosions sounded.

Not far away, on a small four-story building, a sniper wearing a non-reflective helmet pointed straight at Zhang Zhiwei with a long sniper rifle!

"Hehe, three grenades, plus one bullet at close range, the gods will be finished. Clean up the plan, No. 30 No. [-] suspicious target has been eliminated!"

The sniper smiled coldly, and was about to close his gun and retreat, but his temple suddenly jumped, and the feeling of suffocation came like a tide.

Almost instinctively, professionally, he rolled backwards for cover, but nothing happened.

"No, there!"

The sniper looked at the door of the Double Happiness Club again.

I saw the golden light leaking out there like mercury.

In the golden light, a tall figure stood, with his head tilted, his eyes were focused, two eyes shining with golden light, as bright as a big star, stared at him.

(End of this chapter)

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