I'm Uzumaki Naruto, I don't need approval

Chapter 31 031. The Enemy at the Hokage Building

Chapter 31 031. The Enemy at the Hokage Building
After school, Naruto came to the Uchiha clan at the invitation of Sasuke.

The Uchiha Clan is also known as the Uchipote District. Its status in Konoha Hidden Village is similar to that of a village in the village. It was originally only deviated from the core area, but after the night of the nine tails, the Uchiha Clan moved to the village. corner.

Although it occupies a much larger area, it is far away from the bustling area, so it is criticized by most Uchihas.

After walking into the gate that isolated the village and the clan, Naruto officially came to the Uchiha clan. Under Sasuke's enthusiastic introduction, he looked curiously at everything in the clan.

"Naruto, that's Uncle Daohuo's home. He has a very violent temper, but he is very gentle with children."

"That's Sister Quan's home. She always stays with Brother Itachi, which makes my brother never have time to accompany me."

"It used to be a canteen. It is said that it was opened by an old lady, but her grandson died in the last war. Not long after, she died alone at home. Her father and the others went to collect the corpse."

"And there, that's brother Zhishui's home. He is regarded as a brother by my brother, but he is very mysterious."

Listening to Sasuke's introduction, figures flashed in Naruto's mind, and he had a clearer understanding of the Uchiha clan, which is why he agreed to Sasuke's invitation.

Only when he personally goes deep into the Uchiha tribe can he formulate the next plan.

Soon, Naruto set his eyes on the tall building opposite the Uchiha Clan, and asked Sasuke curiously: "Sasuke, what building is there? Is it your Uchiha landmark?"

Sasuke followed Naruto's expectations and shook his head: "I don't know, but it has existed since I was born."

Naruto let out a cry, and then turned his attention to other buildings. If even Sasuke didn't know the specific purpose, it should be the place where Anbu monitored the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha, who plotted a coup d'etat, has actually been living under the surveillance of Anbu, and the two masters of the family are still standing on the side of the Hokage Building.

Uchiha in this situation, to some extent, this is also a cold joke.

While recording the topography of the Uchiha Clan, Naruto walked towards the patriarch's mansion under the leadership of Sasuke. Naruto looked forward to meeting Sasuke's family.


Anbu, in the room monitoring the Uchiha Clan.

It is none other than Itachi Uchiha who is in charge of monitoring the land of the Uchiha clan.

After discovering the figures of his younger brother Sasuke and Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Naruto in the surveillance, Itachi frowned and his face became cloudy.

Naruto actually agreed to Sasuke's invitation, didn't Shisui tell the third generation about it?
Although Itachi and Shisui both joined Anbu and became the only Uchiha who joined Anbu, Itachi is loyal to Danzo, and Shisui is loyal to Sandai Hokage.

Just as Itachi was about to do something, the root ninja who was responsible for monitoring Itachi also noticed the picture on the monitor.

The root ninja said coldly: "Itachi, do you want to delete the above picture? Nine-tailed Jinchuriki actually appeared in the Uchiha clan, what exactly do you Uchiha want to do? Rebellion?"

Hearing this, Itachi turned around and shot back: "Whether Uchiha rebelled or not, only the third generation of adults can say, the root does not have the power to make decisions, let's continue to watch the surveillance here."

Genbu ninja didn't dare to say anything outrageous, so he could only snort coldly and say, "I will report all this to the leader, and he will make a correct judgment. You'd better do what you said, and don't act rashly."


Inside the Hokage office.

Three generations of Hokage sat on the office chair, listening to Shisui's report on the Uchiha clan.

After hearing that the guard's attitude towards the village was getting more and more aggressive, the Third Hokage sighed softly. He no longer knew how to deal with the guard force that was too big to lose.

The reduction of funds and the fear of a strike by the security forces will lead to an increase in the cost of public security.

If Anbu is sent to take care of things, he is worried about arousing Uchiha's opposition, which will lead to greater conflicts.

Originally, he still had the prestige to lead other big and small families to jointly restrict Uchiha, but since the end of the Yunyin Mission, the Hyuga Clan has completely remained neutral and will not participate in any village-related affairs except employment.

The other small families also stayed on the sidelines one by one, with a very subtle attitude.

Fortunately, there are sensible ninjas like Itachi and Shisui in the Uchiha clan who took the initiative to become double agents and provide information for the Hokage clan, so that the conflict between Uchiha and the village would not be completely intensified.

"Master Three Generations, these are the situation of our Uchiha, the people of the tribe want to fight for more rights."

After finishing the report, Shisui breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Sandai had no intention of attacking Uchiha, and then said: "There is one more thing, I want to explain to Sandai-sama."

"What's the matter?" Third Hokage looked puzzled.

At this time, Anbu, who was in charge of monitoring Naruto, pushed open the door and said to Sandai Hokage, "Thirdai-sama, Jinchuriki entered the Uchiha clan's land without permission, and my subordinates don't know how to deal with it, so I came here to ask for instructions."

As soon as the words fell, Anbu saw Shisui standing beside him, with a somewhat embarrassed expression under the mask.

The Third Hokage frowned and looked towards Shisui: "Shisui, don't think too much, what did you want to say just now? You can continue now."

Zhishui said with a bit of embarrassment: "Master Three Generations, I want to say this is the matter."

The Third Hokage was also stunned, but he still remained vigilant. He trusted Shisui, the descendant of Kagami, and believed that Shisui had the will of fire.

But even his disciples betrayed him, how could Zhishui fully believe it.

After some words, Shisui said: "Sasuke said at home yesterday that he wanted to invite Naruto to his house. I didn't expect Naruto to agree to Sasuke's invitation so quickly. This is a matter between the two children. There is no relationship with the family. relation."

Three generations of Hokage dispelled a lot of doubts, and understood that the possibility of Uchiha attacking Naruto was very small.

But the defensive heart is indispensable.

Thinking to himself, Sandai Hokage looked at Anbu beside him, and gave an order: "Let Anbu and the Shadow Guards assemble and leave for the Uchiha clan."

"Three generations of adults..." Zhishui hesitated to speak, and regretted that he reported late.

At this time, Sandai Hokage patted Shisui on the shoulder and said: "I believe in you and the Uchiha clan, but Naruto was assassinated in the village before, and I am worried that something similar will happen."

"If you're not at ease, you can come with me and treat it like I'm also a guest."

Shisui was speechless and could only silently follow behind Sandai Hokage. He didn't want a real conflict between the clan and the village to break out, so he had to follow.

(End of this chapter)

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