I'm Uzumaki Naruto, I don't need approval

Chapter 30 030 Sasuke's Invitation

Chapter 30 030. Sasuke's Invitation

Sasuke's thoughts are very simple. Naruto is his first friend, so he naturally wants to introduce him to his parents.

By the way, let Naruto experience the warmth of the family. Although his brother and father always quarrel, they both love him, and Naruto has never been cared about.

There is no doubt about the speaker, but the listener is interested, Mikoto and Fugaku looked at Sasuke one after another.

If it wasn't for Sasuke being his own child, they all wondered if Sasuke had ulterior motives and deliberately instigated it.

Mikoto, who is Kushina's close friend, has long heard of Naruto's miserable life, and even once thought of adopting him, but does she want to?It is a question of whether it can be done.

Naruto is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki in the village, and the higher-ups will never allow Uchiha to adopt Naruto.

In the entire Konoha Hidden Village, the only ones who are capable and qualified to adopt Naruto are the third Hokage. Even if other people know Naruto's identity, they can only discuss it in private and never make it public.

Itachi looked at Sasuke, his younger brother's instinct made him wonder if Sasuke was being used by someone, and planned to find a chance to ask in private.

At this time, Fuyue, who was silent for a long time with a straight face, said slowly: "Since he is your friend, you can bring him here if you want to, just to see if he is qualified to be Uchiha's friend."

Hearing this, a faint smile appeared on Sasuke's face.

Itachi frowned, staring at Fuyue closely, Mikoto was about to say something, but was interrupted by Fuyue, and said in an unquestionable tone:

"It's a good thing that Sasuke has made new friends, do you want him to lose face in front of his friends?"

When it comes to Sasuke, Itachi is not easy to speak, but his indifferent expression has already explained his true thoughts. He does not want Naruto to visit his house as a guest, which will intensify the conflict between the family and the village.

After dinner, Itachi changed into a ninja uniform and left the house. Before leaving, he took a special look at Fuyue's study.

He left home on the pretext of performing a mission, but instead of going to the Anbu base, he came to the corner of the clan and knocked on the door of Shisui's house.

Seeing that the visitor was Itachi, Zhishui warmly entertained him and asked about Itachi's purpose.

Itachi quickly told Shisui about Sasuke's invitation to Naruto as a guest, and expressed his concern that Fuyue might launch a coup.

After Shishui thought about it for a while, he said, "It's a little inappropriate to let people come to your house to sit in, but it's unlikely that the patriarch will attack Renzhuli in full view. If the family wants to take action against Renzhuli, there are many opportunities. , there is no need to act openly."

"Itachi, you are still too sensitive,"

Itachi felt that there was some truth to it, and said with a sigh, "I hope so. Recently, the resentment towards the village in the clan meeting has become more and more serious. I'm worried that the clan will really launch a coup."

At this time, Itachi seemed to think of something, and said, "Brother Zhishui, if there is an irreconcilable conflict between the family and the village, which side would you choose to help? The family or the village?"

After thinking about it for a moment, Zhishui said with a smile: "I will try my best not to let this happen. If the village and the family want to attack each other, they can only cross over my dead body."

Hearing this, Itachi fell silent, and his thoughts diverged from Shisui's.

If that day really comes, he will definitely make a choice between the family and the village, and try to keep one of them as much as possible.


Noon the next day.

Naruto took out the boxed lunch he had prepared in advance, sat on the roof, and enjoyed a quiet lunch break.

After the lunch boxes were all gone, Naruto looked at the crowd in the distance, while blowing the wind, while looking for classmates who were worthy of being 'friends', so as to get more living expenses and ninjutsu scrolls from the three-generation old man.

Although the three-generation old man has never had a good impression of him, he is still giving himself the resources for his growth.

Soon, Naruto had several good candidates in his mind.

Haruno Sakura who was born as a commoner, Ino from the Yamanaka clan, Iba from the Inuzuka clan, and the unknown and non-existent Yume Shino.

Sakura and Kiba were the first to be ruled out by Naruto.

Sakura is devoted to Sasuke wholeheartedly, and as for Kiba, Naruto is just begging for a dog, and he doesn't have much malice towards Ya itself.

And the remaining Ino gave Naruto some headaches. He didn't like dealing with girls very much, and the rest could only choose the unknown Shino. After getting to know him, he might be able to reduce his sense of existence.

As for the remaining three members of Twelve Xiaoqiang, they are all senior students, and they have little communication with him.

When Naruto was thinking about how to complete the target, Kyuubi said lazily: "That Uchiha kid came to look for you, I don't know what happened recently, the Uchiha kid appeared more frequently than Hinata Lolita."

Naruto ignored Kyuubi, who was turning orange day by day, and turned to look at Sasuke behind him: "Are you going to challenge me again? If you don't improve, you will suffer."

Sasuke said with a cold face: "It will be a matter of time to defeat you, but today I have other things to find you."

Naruto was a little curious: "What is it, is it a question of cultivation?"

Sasuke, who is usually unkind, was a little hesitant at this moment. After a long time, he said: "Yesterday I told my parents about the practice with you, and they asked me to invite you to their house as a guest, saying that I want to get to know you well... "

When talking about the latter, Sasuke obviously sped up his speech, as if he was saying something shameful.

Naruto was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "You want to invite me to be a guest. It's obviously your own idea, but you shirk it to your parents. This is not your style."

Sasuke recovered his indifference, and said lightly: "It's true that I invited you, but my mother seems to know you, and had thought of adopting you before, don't you plan to ask her?"

Uchiha Mikoto has the idea of ​​adopting me?

Naruto frowned and thought, in his memory, Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto are indeed girlfriends, but Uchiha wants to adopt Jinzhuriki, I'm afraid he still thinks too much, unless someone from Uchiha becomes Hokage.

Sasuke thought Naruto's silence was a refusal, and said with some disappointment: "If you don't want to go, forget it. I won't invite you next time. I hope you won't regret it."

Naruto woke up from his memories, and after hearing what Sasuke said, he said with a smile: "If you invite me, I am willing to accept it, but this is the first time I am visiting someone else's house, do I need to bring some gifts?"

Sasuke shook his head, and then said: "It's fine if you have intentions, gifts are not important, and I also want to know what is the relationship between you and my family. When you are mentioned, both parents falter."

Naruto smiled without saying a word, and said in his heart: That's not hesitating, it's because he understands my identity and the meaning of Jinchuriki's appearance in the Uchiha clan, but since it's an invitation, he won't refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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