I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 217 Correct usage of inspiration fragments

Chapter 217 Correct usage of inspiration fragments

Serious people who listen to second-hand roses?

A piece of "Xian'er" directly lifted the spirit caps of the four people of Xiongshan... You know, they are "avant-garde" enough if they dare to wear red cheongsam, black silk and big round earrings.

But the lyrics, suona, and singing of the song "Xian'er" almost took them away.

"Sing this song out! The music scene will be sent away by us." Xiong Shan said.

The Red Rose band soon began to prepare for the recording of "Fairy".

But they don't intend to release directly.

Instead, it will be the first live performance at a performance three days later!
Because that performance scene was the MV material they were planning.

Zhou You sent "Xian'er" to Xiong Shan, and after signing the agreement on Xiaguo Music Network, he never asked about "Xian'er".

Zhou You thought this song would be overwhelming.

After all, not everyone, all bands can grasp this "evil door" song.

This "hot potato" was finally thrown out.

But there is another thing.

Not long ago, he wrote the title song for Su Qianxia's album and helped her win the best new female singer of the year award.

Can Orange Band also compete for the Best Newcomer Band of the Year award?

No... Tangerine is not a new band that debuted this year!
This award cannot be contested.

What about the band of the year?

Orange Band won the "Summer Band", "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", "Dream Chaser", "No Place to Shame" and "No Hesitation" made them famous.

Should be able to win the best band of the year... Well, to be on the safe side, let's make up for it.

Both "Tenderness" and "Like You" in my hand are suitable for the Orange Band.

Write "Tenderness" to them first.

The song "Like You" depends on the situation.

Zhou You made up his mind to download the lyrics and music arrangement file of "Gentleness" in the system and sent it to Zhang Yao.

Consciousness sinks into the system.

Host: Zhou You

Remaining life points: 33 points

Accumulated life points: 823 points

Number of lucky draws: 3 times

Triple draw is possible again.


Zhou You shouted in his heart.

[Congratulations on getting the big gift package of the TV series "Soul Ferry"]

【Congratulations for winning the song "Because of Love"】

[Congratulations for winning the novel "Ball Lightning"]

[Complete triple draw, life point +1]

"Soul Ferry", a low-cost online drama in 2017, was a smash hit back then. Although the special effects are a bit fifty cents, this drama is really good.

"Ghost Blowing the Lantern" what everyone sees is tomb robbery.

"Soul Ferry" let everyone really "go to hell".

This kind of drama can only be filmed in front of my eyes, now... Believe in science and reject superstition!The river crab beast is always eyeing.

"Ball Lightning" can be said to be one of Liu's classics. Well, Zhou You once thought it was a prequel to "Three-Body Problem".

Because love will not be sad easily... how many years have passed, and I can still hum directly when I see the title of the song.

This is the power of classics.

The three consecutive draws this time made Zhou You feel good, and he fell asleep soon after lying down.

He dreamed of Earth again.

I dreamed of the "Zhou You" who exchanged lives with him, and the other party appointed a "lose to become the richest man" system, and the fuck is getting richer and richer.

In the dream, the two wanderers sat down to talk.

The other party asked how Lan Xing's parents were doing.

Zhou You asked if the parents of the earth were okay.

Then Zhou You followed the other party's perspective and saw the parents in the previous life, but unfortunately he couldn't talk to them in the dream.

Zhou You didn't want to wake up from his dream the next day.

After sitting on the bed for a long time, I put on my clothes and went to wash.

Chuci called after breakfast and said, "Big star, do you have time today?"

Zhou You: "What's wrong?"

Chu Ci: "Teach me how to drive."

Zhou You: "Where do we meet?"

Hanging up the phone at an appointment time and place, Chuci sent to locate.

Zhou Lingyu drank eight-treasure porridge and ate melon, "Chu Ci?"

Zhou You: "Yes."

Zhou Lingyu: "Dating?" A gossip smile appeared on Zhou Lingyu's face immediately.

Zhou You: "Teach her to drive."

Zhou Lingyu: "Got it... date in the name of learning how to drive."

Zhou You: "..."

What's going on in my sister's mind all day?He loves other people's sweet love so much, so he doesn't want to talk about a boyfriend.

What Zhou You promised will be done, after all, he is not a pigeon.

Zhou You changed into comfortable and casual clothes, put on sunglasses, talked to Zhou Lingyu and went out.

Pagani Zonda let out a wild roar and sped out, heading towards the location sent by Chu Ci.

Half an hour later, Zhou You came to an empty parking lot.

Chu Ciqiao was waiting at the entrance.

Seeing Pagani Zonda coming, he immediately waved happily to Zhou You.

Zhou You parked the car in the nearest parking space.

get off.

At this time, Chu Ci had already greeted him.

Chu Ci was wearing a pair of jeans today, and a short black cartoon sweater on his upper body.

It is November now, and the weather is not too cold.

A black sweater is also warm.

She slung a white furry bag over her shoulder.

On the whole, today's Chu Ci is cute like a little girl.

"Why did you choose to learn to drive here?" When Zhou You drove over, he found that Zhou You was rather desolate.

Almost all the people living nearby have moved out, and the word "demolition" is written on the house in big words.Everyone moved out, and this open-air parking lot was deserted.

"There are so many parking spaces, you can park as you like." Chu Ci said with a smile, "Well, this land is also my home now, so I can drive as much as I want. The police uncle will not come here to arrest me."

Tsk tsk... She really is a rich girl!

This land belongs to her family.

"No." Chu Ci handed over a cup of milk tea.

Zhou You took it, said thank you, and took a sip. "Use my car?"

Pagani Zonda is a bit reckless for car training... It is not friendly to novices.

"I have a car." Chu Ci said, "Look over there."

Chu Ci pointed behind Zhou You.

Zhou You turned around and looked in the direction of Chu Ci's finger, and suddenly saw a cute green mini parked about ten meters away from him.

Looks like it should be top notch.

Not as good as Zhou You said, "I just bought it yesterday."

You, a person who hasn't got a driver's license, have already bought a car... Don't tell me you just bought it for practice!Although we are not short of money, buying a mini training car seems a bit extravagant.

"Did you drive here by yourself?" Seeing no one around, Zhou You asked this obviously "redundant" question even though he knew that Chu Ci didn't have a driver's license.

There are many people who drive without a driver's license.

"The driver came here." Chu Ci said.

"Where's the driver?"

"I let them go."

Good guy!them!Feelings, you came here with more than one driver... Also, one driver drove your mini, and the other driver drove a car, and brought the driver who drove the mini back...

Also, wouldn't it be better for you to let the driver teach you how to drive?
It's easy to sign up for a super VIP driving school with your driving skills.

Let me teach you how to drive, one dares to teach and the other dares to learn.

"Practice reversing into the garage today?" Zhou You asked.

"Well, Teacher Zhou give me some advice." Chu Ci said.

"Then let's start."

As Zhou You said, he walked towards the mini, and Chu Ci Pidianpidian followed Zhou You.

Zhou You opened the door of the mini co-pilot, got into the co-pilot like a coach, and buckled up the seat belt.

Chu Ci got into the cab.

She has been in driving school for a day, so when she gets in the car, she knows to adjust the seat, adjust the rearview mirror, and then turn on the ignition.

But she wasn't wearing a seat belt.

Zhou You looked at Chu Ci's operation as fiercely as a tiger, and put his hand on his forehead, "Miss, seat belt."

"Oh!" After being reminded by Zhou You, Chu Ci suddenly understood, and quickly pulled on the seat belt and put it on.

This reminds Zhou You of the few "female companions" who practiced driving together when they took the driver's license test. When they took the second and third test subjects, they were too nervous, and then they forgot to fasten their seat belts and hung up directly. cry.

Looking at Chu Ci now, it seems that there are also such signs.

Chuci put on his seat belt and began to practice reversing.

But this is a wild parking lot, there is no driving school driving range, and there are obvious markers.Chu Ci arrived several times without success.She said: "Yesterday the coach praised me for studying well, why can't I do well today?"

Zhou Youlian explained and demonstrated Chuci.

As a result, the lady teacher turned the steering wheel in the wrong direction... and the teaching failed!
But fortunately, in the end, Chu Ci was able to complete the reversing and storage very well with the help of the reversing video.As a result, Zhou You told her a cruel fact: "The test car does not have a reversing image."

Chuci: "~~~~"

After this teaching, Zhou You found that it was not easy to be a teacher, so he said, "Let's practice driving with you when you get your driver's license...the instructor is better than my amateur teacher."

Fortunately, today is the second subject of sparring.

If he had practiced subject three, Zhou You would have become exactly like his coach when he was learning to drive.

Coach: "See that guy in front?"

Student: "I see."

Coach: "Kill him."

Student: "Huh? No way."

Coach: "Then you don't step on the brakes?"

Then the lovely student realized that he hadn't slowed down yet, so he stepped on it quickly, the vehicle stopped suddenly, the engine was turned off, and the coach and the students suddenly "bumped" forward due to inertia.

The coach was so angry that he quickly smoked a Huazi given by the student to suppress his shock, "Substitute for another!! Go later!" He almost beat the grandson.

At noon, Chu Ci called the driver to drive her Mini away.

Chu Ci invited Zhou You to have a meal.

Didn't do anything messy.

Chu Ci said that she had to go back to draw a new manga, and she was conceiving a new manga recently.Everything is difficult at the beginning, and she rejected many ideas after thinking about them.

"The comics like "Miss Confession Battle" are very good, you can also draw a book like this." Zhou You said.

"I've thought about it, but it's not easy for such an idea to have this feeling, but not be the same as this comic," Chu Ci said.

"What if it was replaced by two tsundere male protagonists and female protagonists who adore each other, but because they are so arrogant, they try to get each other to confess first?" The manga and animation "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess" appeared on Earth.

Zhou You does not have comic talent.

No related works were found.

So just tell Chu Ci the scattered memories brought from the earth.

Chu Ci's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "This idea is great!! You are a genius Zhou You."

Chu Ci's little head started to spin.

Probably novelists and cartoonists will use brainstorming as a way of thinking.

Chu Ci immediately wrote down all the ideas she thought of and the deduced plot from her cute little bag.

"Zhou You, if you have any other ideas, tell me quickly." Chu Ci looked at Zhou You anxiously.

Originally, today I made an appointment to travel around and learn how to drive.

Unexpectedly, Zhou You solved the problem of choosing a new comic topic that has been bothering her recently with a casual sentence.

It really is a word to wake up the dreamer.

There are not many plots that Zhou You can remember. When he was on Earth, the company was involved in the animation industry and had contact with this comic.

It's a pity that the copyright of the comics was bought by Bilibili in the end.

Zhou You's company did not get the right to develop.

But he was more impressed with this comic.

Zhou You told Chu Ci the scattered content in his memory, and Chu Ci carefully wrote it down in a small notebook.

Until Zhou You finished speaking, she still seemed unsatisfied.

"There are still more." Chu Ci looked very hungry.

Hmmm...the hunger here is serious hunger.

"I've been sucked dry by you." Zhou You said casually.

Zhou You realized that the speed of the car was a bit fast after the words were spoken, and Lian added, "Let's stop here today, I can tell you a new idea when I think of it."

"En." Chu Ci nodded, "Thank you for traveling around."

At the time of parting, Zhou You didn't recall any more content.

It suddenly occurred to me that there seemed to be two "shards of inspiration" in my hand.

This thing has not been used yet.

This thing can inspire creativity.

It's quite tasteless for Zhou You's systematic hooking, but for a cartoonist like Chu Ci, it's definitely a good thing.

[Use an inspiration fragment] Zhou You recited silently in his heart.

Xiao Qi quickly responded.

【Please choose the object to use】

Immediately, Zhou You found that his "horizon" had changed.

There is a scope-like locking effect light and shadow in front of you when you play a gunfight game. When you glance at any object, the locking light and shadow effect will appear in a shrinking state of "aiming".

Zhou You's eyes fell on Chu Ci.

Suddenly Chu Ci was moved.

[Whether to choose Chu Ci as the target of use]


After Zhou You answered, a white light that only he could see suddenly entered Chu Ci's head.

Then Zhou You saw an angelic halo effect on Chu Ci's head.

Chu Ci was also hit by something at that moment!
"Ah!! I thought of it, I thought of it!!" Chu Ci almost cheered, "Zhou You!! I thought about how the story will unfold!"

"I have to make a note of it right away."

So the two of them, who planned to go back to their respective homes, sat down again.

Chu Ci took out her small notebook to write inspiration, sometimes it was words, and sometimes it was a simple outline of a character.

The thick notebook is "consumed" quickly.

Until the effect of inspiration fragments ends!
The hearty Chuci stopped writing, "Zhou You, I'm also drained now."

"I don't know what happened just now!! Suddenly the inspiration burst! The inspiration came like a flood that broke the embankment!! That feeling is so amazing."

Chu Ci excitedly talked about his wonderful experience just now.

Zhou You, who already knew the truth, responded with a smile, nodding his head from time to time, and saying that it was great from time to time.

He picked up Chu Ci's notebook to read what she wrote and drew.

The tsundere love story conceived by Chuci in which they try their best to get the other party to confess first is similar to Earth's "Miss Hui Ye Wants Me to Confess".

But the background of the story is different.

The background of the story conceived by Chu Ci is based on Xia Guo.

College style!
Also a student council element.

"It turns out that the inspiration brought by the inspiration fragments is also based on the earth's entertainment works."

Zhou You seems to have found the correct use of inspiration fragments.

This thing is used to make custom orders! !

The reason why Zhou You seldom takes orders is that he has "insufficient ammunition".

According to the current "music library", many custom orders cannot be matched and satisfied.

but now,
Since the inspiration fragments are based on the earth’s entertainment works, and the direction of inspiration can be controlled by consciousness.

Then inspiration fragments are definitely a wonderful match for custom orders.

Inspiration fragments are not tasteless! !
I am also very happy to figure out this festival tour.



First more.

It's the end of the month again, and I started to subscribe.The next 10 days will be updated from time to time.

Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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