I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 216 "Xian'er" This time I feel like dancing in a mental hospital

Chapter 216 "Xian'er" This time I feel like dancing in a mental hospital

Zhou You and Chu Ci never expected that Ye Youshen and Su Ci, these two incompatible "vests" would be linked together by readers.

How could Ye Youshen be Su Ci?
One is "a great writer with a daughter".

One is a cartoonist named "Susu".

This statement was quickly denied and replaced by another statement that readers liked more: Su Ci and Zhou You are husband and wife!
Husband is a writer.

My wife is a cartoonist!

Very reasonable.

very romantic.

It seems to be a good match.

This saying is becoming more and more popular.

Chu Ci looked at the comments on the Internet, burst out laughing, and then disclosed the identity of Su Ci, the God of Night Tour!Two couples" post was forwarded to Zhou You.

Ugly Duckling: "Great writer! When will we get married?"

Zhou You: "You also fooled around."

Ugly Duckling: "Don't you think it's interesting? Why don't we get married?"

Zhou You: "Are you greedy for my body?"

Ugly Duckling: "More than that."

Zhou You knew that this topic could not be discussed any longer, otherwise he would be trapped.Losing oneself is a small matter, but losing oneself is a big matter.

So I changed the subject: "How is Che learning?"

Ugly Duckling: "Subject one second. The coach said that he can take subject two tomorrow. Hey, the big star promised to teach me to drive. Will our driving lesson start tomorrow?"

Zhou You: "You can start now."

Ugly Duckling: "Now?"

Zhou You: "Yes."

Then Zhou You started driving: "I only want to do four things with you every day."

Ugly Duckling: "Which four?"

Zhou You: "Three meals a day."

Ugly Duckling: "???"

Zhou You did not reply.

Chu Ci didn't understand the meaning of Zhou You's words at first, but after about ten seconds, she suddenly realized.

Immediately blushed and heartbeat.

Three meals a day... I asked you to teach me to drive, to drive a serious car, not the kind of car that doesn't go to kindergarten.

Since then, I dare not look directly at the term three meals a day.

Chuci soon thought of the "edge copywriting" made by the advertising department of Big Fish Entertainment for the Smurfs condom brand, such as "stand firm and support me, I plan to remind you tonight", the two are exactly the same.

No way! !

Such a coquettish copywriting...couldn't be written by Zhou You, right?
possible!Quite possible!
Travel around!You are speeding!You old driver, I don't want to learn to drive from you.


"The Little Prince" is temporarily over.

In the next few days, Zhou You watched "Guidelines for Raising Ornamental Fish" every day.

The 1300-square-meter Junting Villa only has an aquarium, which seems too monotonous.

So Zhou You went to the market when he had nothing to do, and bought another 120cm*45cm*45cm aquarium.

and a large aquarium.

In addition, many precious ornamental fish were purchased.

For example, panda dragon (also known as black and white dragon), stone bream, sickle fish and so on.

One of Zhou You's joys every day now is taking care of his baby fish.

As for the notice or something, he doesn't care.

Too lazy to pick up.

So after assisting Li Qingyao in the "King of Songs" program, he disappeared from the fans' sight again.

No news of any activity.

Fans all said: "Come here! Zhou You is closed again!"

"I thought he was dead if he hadn't been bubbling once in a while."

"Hey~~ What should I do if I become a fan of a celebrity who just wants to show off?"

"Then hang out with him!"

Since Zhou You has been going to the market too often recently, he never wears a mask or sunglasses.I will always meet fans, and will always be "candidly photographed" by fans.

So the photos of traveling around the Amoy Market were sent by fans to the "guerrilla" circle.

Soon the guerrilla circle became lively.

"Ha!! He is raising fish!"

"Big fish, big fish! As the first brother of Big Fish Entertainment, raising fish is normal, right?"

"Dear Zhou You!! Why don't you hold a concert when you have the time to make us all happy."

"Zhou You: You know what a fart, this is called life."

Zhou You has never been in serious business since "Journey of Heart"... No, it should be the time when he was most serious about business during "Journey of Heart".

Later, his fame grew.

Popularity is growing.

This guy doesn't seem to care much about being in the entertainment industry.

Every day, I don’t wear big pants and slippers to buy vegetables, or I go to the fish market and raise fish at home.

Fans ridiculed: "It feels like we have been raised as fish."

"Zhou You is the king of the sea! A scumbag! He tricked us into a trap! Then he started acting badly."

Zhou You doesn't care about these.

How to feel comfortable every day.

Sleep until you wake up naturally in the morning, have a leisurely breakfast, then feed and enjoy the fish... When you are interested, go to the tea room to drink tea, and then go to the music room to play songs and listen to music with Tianlang Royal Westminster.

The point of life is rising slowly.

The day was very comfortable.


On this day, Zhang Yao reported to Zhou You.

The casting work for the two films "Journey to the West" and "Swordsman: The Undefeated in the East" has been completed.

Zhou You mainly watched the casting of Zhizunbao and Fairy Zixia.

And the actor candidates for the role of Dongfang Invincible.

After watching the video of the actor's audition, Zhou You felt that the problem was not serious, so he decided on it.

Zhang Yao: "Boss, will the upper and lower parts of Westward Journey be filmed separately?"

Zhou You: "Let's merge the two parts, and the audience will watch them all at once."

Zhang Yao: "Could it be too long?"

Zhou You: "The movie is so good that the audience would like it to last longer, otherwise they will call you short and feeble."

Short and weak is definitely not me... Zhang Yao complained. "Are both films released during the Spring Festival?"

Zhou You: ""A Chinese Journey to the West" can compete for the Spring Festival slot. "Swordsman: Undefeated in the East" can be released at any time."

For the Spring Festival, movies that need some comedy elements are more appropriate.

"A Chinese Journey to the West" is about to have the cloak of comedy and the core of tragedy.

However, martial arts films such as "Swordsman: The Undefeated East" are a bit against the law when they are released during the Spring Festival.

And the competitiveness in the Spring Festival file will not be so sufficient.

After talking about the movie, Zhang Yao mentioned the situation of the creative department. "Recently the creation department received a strange order."

"Strange order?" Zhou You became curious.

"Yes." Zhang Yao said, "To be precise, a strange band initiated a strange order."

"Let's listen to it." Zhou You said.

Zhang Yao said the matter again.

A band called "Red Rose" submitted an order on Xiaguo Music Network, the official account of Dayu Entertainment Creation Department.

Ask to customize a song that matches the temperament of their band.

The key is that the temperament of the "Red Rose Band" is too evil... Even Zhai Nan, an A-level creator, can't handle it.

Because the members of this red rose band are all men.

And each one is more demonic than the other!

"Why is it called the Red Rose Band?" Zhou You frowned slightly.

"Red Rose" goes well with "Red Rose", and "White Rose"...but neither of these songs travel around.

"Look, boss." Zhang Yao showed Zhou You a photo.

The photo is a group photo of the Red Rose band.

Good guy!
Seeing the photos, Zhou You finally understood why the band formed by these four big men was called the Red Rose Band!

The four members of the band are rough-looking men,

But the lead singer is wearing a red cheongsam and high heels!

Guitarists, bassists, and keyboard players are not fuel-efficient lamps either, high heels, black socks, and big earrings!

Hot eyes at first glance.

Look carefully, it's really trendy.

Exclusive for women in high heels?In fact, high heels were originally designed for men to wear... This photo of the four men in Red Rose has a different visual impact.

At first glance, it makes people call shit.

The second glance will be attracted by this strong contrast charm.

Isn't this Earth's "Secondhand Roses" band?

Well, the difference is that the red rose has no soul "suona hand".However, Zhou You's "Xian'er" in the last lottery draw finally has a place to play.

"I'll take this order." Zhou You said.

"Boss, really pick up? This thing is not easy to write." Although Zhang Yao is not a creative person, he learned from Zhai that this kind of "specialist" and "niche" custom order is not easy to make.

After all, the temperament of the Red Rose band is too unique.

"You can try it." Zhou You said.

After the conversation, Zhou You logged on to Xiaguo Music.com, found the lead singer of the Red Rose Band in Big Fish Entertainment's official order-receiving system, and sent him a message: "Can you accept Suona?"

The four members of Red Rose are recording a video together at the moment.

They're not a very out-of-the-box band.

But it has a lot of fame in Kyoto.

They even need to operate self-media to keep the band running.

They approached Big Fish Entertainment to write songs because they saw that Big Fish Entertainment released order information on Xiaguo Music Network, and the price was much cheaper than the three major entertainment companies.

In addition, Big Fish Entertainment has continued to output good works recently.

So I decided to try Big Fish Entertainment.

They didn't expect Xiaoyao to make a move.

Therefore, when the lead singer Xiong Shan received the message from Xiaoyao, he was very surprised. He exclaimed: "Dayu Entertainment responded! It's a message from Xiaoyao."

"Fuck!! Xiaoyao! Xiaoyao took the order himself? What did he say?"

"He asked if we could accept suona?" Xiong Shan said.

"What do you mean?"

After some discussion among the four members of the band, Xiongshan replied to Xiaoyao: "Yes. Teacher Xiaoyao, why do you ask if we can accept suona?"

"Didn't you say that you need a work that fits your temperament?" Zhou You replied with a vest.

"Yes..." Xiong Shan said.

"Suona is very suitable for your temperament." Zhou You said, "down-to-earth, um, also foreign."

The four of Xiongshan immediately imagined the scene where Suona was going.

The red cheongsam dance on the grave... not only down-to-earth!It's still in the government.

Wait...Xiong Shan immediately thought of the song "囍" written by Xiaoyao before, which was also suona with red clothes, could it be... Xiong Shan suddenly had a bad feeling.Scream in my heart, Teacher Xiaoyao, don't give us a whole song "Red Double Happiness" or "Four Happiness Roses".

Finally, Xiong Shan asked one more question, "Mr. Xiaoyao, you...do you want to write songs for us yourself?"

"Yeah." Zhou You replied lightly.

"But our funds are limited... For the price of your songwriting, we..." No money! !Who doesn't want to ask Xiaoyao to write songs.

But Xiaoyao, a C-level creator, charges more than some A-level creators.

Furthermore! !

People don't necessarily take orders.

I heard that Big Fish Entertainment receives hundreds of custom orders for Xiaoyao to write songs every day, but Zhou You hardly accepts them.

Big Fish Entertainment has been established for four months.

The number of times Xiaoyao took orders can be counted on one hand.

But this time their order for the Red Rose band was selected by Xiaoyao.The four people in Xiongshan felt incredible.

Pie in the sky?
"We can sign a sharing agreement." Zhou You said, "But I want a higher share, [-]%."

"You don't charge for writing songs for us, why should we take the money? We don't want to share it." Xiong Shan said: "100% of the proceeds belong to you."

"That's not good." Zhou You said.



This is why Zhou You is willing to cooperate with "unknown singer" and "unknown band".

The share is low, and I am very grateful to you in my heart... Creators make a lot of money!

If you cooperate with first-line singers and queens, they have bargaining power. Although the creators will not be treated badly, it is unlikely that the share ratio will be too low.

It's still a newcomer, a good newcomer, and a newcomer croaks in seconds.

For a second-tier band like Red Rose, if a popular songwriter like Xiaoyao is willing to write songs for them, they are likely to be popular.

Isn't it easy to make money when the band is popular?

So even if they are "free labor" or "money-making tool people", they are happy.

After all, there is the possibility of red.

Money is a trivial matter.

Don't worry about it for now.

The cooperation between Xiaoyao and the Red Rose Band was finalized, and Xiaoyao asked Xiongshan and the others to find someone to learn suona, which would be useful.

Of course, the four of Xiongshan would not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and let the guitarist learn Suona immediately.

It took two days before Zhou You sent the song "Xian'er" to the Red Rose Band through Xiaguo Music Network.

In these two days, Zhou You has been polishing the plan for "Longing for Life".

Big Fish Entertainment plans to launch this program next year.

Zhou You's current vision is to turn it into an absolute life documentary program.

Guests don't have to be stars.

Urban amateurs can also be recruited.

In short, the guests are not important, what is important is that this will be an absolutely documentary program about rural life...the main focus is a reality.

Let urbanites truly feel and experience the simplicity and satisfaction of self-sufficiency in rural life.

Guests need to be fully integrated into the neighborhood.

Do you need to farm?random!It’s okay to grow what you want to eat.

Zhou You perfected and matured the conception of the Blue Star version of "Longing for Life" step by step.

And at this time,

The Red Rose Band finally received the lyrics and arrangement files of the song "Xian'er", and even a demo of Zhou Yousing.
Xiaoyao's songs make Zhou Youlu's demo very reasonable.

The Red Rose band members didn't think much of it either.

Xiong Shan immediately downloaded the related files of "Xian'er".

The four members of the Red Rose band came together, and they read the lyrics while listening to the DEMO recorded by Zhou You.

They didn't realize the seriousness of the problem when they heard the prelude in the arrangement.

Because the prelude is a very common guitar as the opening of the orchestration.

But soon the suona exploded.

"It's not bright in the east, but it's bright in the west. When the sun is gone, I'm sad..."

Northeast Flavor's singing sounded very magical.

Guitars, drums, suona... Gradually, there was a whiff of madness.

The four of Xiongshan felt numb for a moment.

"How do I feel... This time I'm dancing in a mental hospital?" Xiong Shan's mouth twitched, "But the top!"



Second more.

With the sound of the suona, there are ten thousand monthly tickets! !Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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