I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 146 "Happy Sigh", Fairy Sister

Chapter 146 "Happy Sigh", Fairy Sister
"Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "Xiantu" premiered on August [-]st. From ten o'clock in the morning, the premiere warm-up of the two dramas began.

The production lineup and cast of "Fairy Way" are more luxurious than "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Therefore, when the premiere is warming up, the former will be stronger than the latter.

"Fairy Way" is produced by Jiahua Entertainment, one of the three major entertainment companies.

Jiahua Entertainment has a big career, and the resources in his hands are much more than that of Big Fish Studio.

During the warm-up of the premiere, not only the director Hu Chunsheng yelled hard, but also the gold medal screenwriter Sun Ye, the popular little flower Li Rui, the actress Yang Yan, the national husband Fu Qing, the mixed-race rose Wendy, and the old drama bone Tian Yu helped forward it. It's huge.

Not only that, Jiahua Entertainment also got recommended resources for "Xiantu" on the Kunlun platform.

Since last night, the big picture on the homepage has been put up to recommend it.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" only got one "mosquito leg".

An inconspicuous line of text indicated that "Legend of Sword and Fairy" will start broadcasting tonight.In fact, this is also the operating strategy of the Kunlun Operations Group.

"Xiantu" and "Legend of Sword and Fairy" premiered at the same time.

Rather the same subject matter.

Both dramas are popular and popular, and the final result may be that the traffic is dispersed, with one group of people going to watch "Xiantu" and another group of people going to watch "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Kunlun hopes that the platform will release blockbuster dramas.

Pushing the two together will reduce the chance of a hit.

So there has to be a trade-off.

Then give up "Legend of Sword and Fairy"?

Actually not.

Before the first broadcast of the two dramas, the operation team of the Kunlun platform had read the outline of the story, finished the film, and evaluated the two dramas.

In conclusion, both shows are good.

It's just that "Xiantu" has a strong lineup and a large number of big names. As long as the content of this kind of drama does not fail, it will be easy to become a hit.

So the Kunlun operation team decided to promote "Xiantu" first, and then recommend resources to "Legend of Sword and Fairy" after "Xiantu" exploded.In this way, two explosive models may be launched.

Out of operational considerations, we can only wrong "Legend of Sword and Fairy" first.

Have no idea.


Jiahua Entertainment.

The main creators of "Fairy Journey", including director Hu Chunsheng, screenwriter Sun Ye, actors Li Rui and Fu Qing, all gathered in a large conference room, waiting for the premiere of "Fairy Journey".

Looking forward to the reaction and stats from the premiere.

Sun Ye, the gold-medal screenwriter, sat at the front seat, and said, "How about Big Fish Studio's "Legend of Sword and Fairy?"

Director Hu Chunsheng: "From the current point of view, "Legend of Sword and Fairy" does not pose any threat to us. And Kunlun is also the main push for us. "Legend of Sword and Fairy" has not received any recommendation resources."

Sun Ye hummed and stopped talking.

In fact, according to Sun Ye's strength and status, he didn't need to care about a script written by a fledgling screenwriter.

It's all because the night tour god is too popular recently.

The two novels "The Devotion of Suspect X" and "Jieyou Grocery Store" are both hits.

Moreover, "Legend of Sword and Fairy" was still following the popularity of "Xiantu" some time ago.

So he was a little curious about this drama.

Now that Hu Chunsheng said that the other party did not get any recommended resources, there is no need to take it to heart.

Recommended resources are too important for a drama.

Li Rui and Fu Qing were chatting in low voices.

Li Rui: "The show "Legend of Sword and Fairy" has not adjusted its premiere time."

Fu Qing: "Courage is commendable."

Li Rui: "The two novels written by But Ye Youshen are really good, have you read them?"

Fu Qing: "I've read "Jieyou Grocery Store" several times."

Li Rui: "I really want to watch the drama "Legend of Sword and Fairy"."

Fu Qing: "Keep your voice down, Mr. Sun Ye will be upset when he hears that."

In fact, Fu Qing and Li Rui, as the hero and heroine of "Xiantu", are very familiar with the script, and they are not used to watching the dramas they filmed.In the meeting room, the mood is waning.But there is no way, I have to accompany the gold medal screenwriter Sun Ye.

At this moment, they are far more curious about the drama "Legend of Sword and Fairy" than "Xiantu".

I really want to see how this fairy-tale drama that does not change the premiere date even if it collides with "Xiantu" is in the end.



Ye Chen and Tang Mi got together.

"Why does Kunlun only give a mosquito leg (text push)?" Tang Mi felt aggrieved for Ye Chen, "The promotion of our show is not low!"

"Dayu Studio, and us, are small businesses. It's normal for Kunlun to take care of Jiahua's "Xiantu"." Ye Chen said, "This is the first drama of Big Fish Studio. The importance is also expected. When this drama becomes popular, Kunlun will come up and lick it himself."

"Also." Discrimination in the entertainment industry is not new.

When Tang Mi first debuted, he was not less coldly received.If you are chasing and asking the screenwriter or director to give you a role, they don't even bother to look at you.

When she became famous, many people begged her to play a certain role.


Only when you are strong enough will people take you seriously.

Poor in the busy city no one asked.

Rich has distant relatives in the mountains.

In the final analysis, the foundation of interpersonal relationship is the relationship of interests.

"Then do you think "Legend of Sword and Fairy" will become popular?" Tang Mi looked at Ye Chen.

"I have confidence in the script, and Xiaoyao has customized a full set of music for it. It shouldn't be bad after it airs." Ye Chen said, "It's just that it will be aired at the same time as "The Immortal Journey".

"I always believe in Dayu Studio." Tang Mi said, "Let's see the situation first, maybe there will be a turning point. Kunlun's operation strategy will also be adjusted accordingly. All this depends on "Legend of Sword and Fairy" Premiere data and reaction."

"En." Ye Chen nodded, and then the two waited for eight o'clock to come.

Ye Chen wanted to see the reaction of the show.

Tang Mi wanted to see Jiang Chuxue's performance in the play.


The time quietly approached eight o'clock.

The premiere of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "Xiantu" is coming soon, and many viewers are already waiting in front of the TV, or turning on their computers, or holding tablets and mobile phones.

Discussions about the two dramas on the Internet have also gradually heated up.

"I want to watch both dramas! It's so tangled."

"Of course, watch "The Fairy Way" first. The gold medal screenwriter Sun Ye is the screenwriter, directed by Hu Chunsheng, starring Li Rui, Fu Qing, and Yang Yan, with Wendy and Tian Yu as guest stars! You can watch this show with your eyes closed."

"Xianxia still has to spend money! "Xiantu" is expected to cost 4 million yuan! It is obviously a big production. In comparison, "Legend of Sword and Fairy" invested 1 million yuan, which seems petty."

"Li Rui is so fairy-like. Li Rui is definitely after him."

"The still photos of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" are also very good. Anyway, I will watch "Legend of Sword and Fairy" first, and then "Xiantu", in case there are any surprises. The screenwriter is a night wanderer."

There are many discussions and different opinions.

But "Fairy Way" is obviously more attractive to the audience.

After all, it has a strong lineup and a lot of investment.

at last!

It's eight o'clock.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "Xiantu" will be broadcast simultaneously.

Audiences flocked to watch both plays.

The launch data of "Xiantu" directly surpassed "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

The number of viewers of "Fairy Way" reached one million in just one minute after it aired.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" is worth 10 people.

This gap is a bit big!

And with the passage of time, the gap is still widening. The number of viewers of "Fairy Way" has increased by hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands, and the number of viewers of "Sword" has increased by one, two thousand, one thousand or two thousand.

The first episode of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is full of barrage.

"Why are there so few people? Next door "Xiantu" has millions of viewers."

"Let's head-to-head with "Xiantu", and now it's on the street."

"I don't care! Always support Ye Youshen! Always believe in Big Fish Studio."


Jinghai, a dormitory for female students in a certain university.

Stay-at-home girls Xu Wenjun and Yan Yan's nest are chasing dramas in the dormitory.

They found part-time jobs near the school to earn pocket money during the summer vacation, so they chose to stay in school.

Now it's just the two of them in the dormitory.

Working part-time during the day, the two of them huddled together on Yanyan's bed in the lower bunk at night when they were empty and cold, watching dramas together.

After watching "The Devotion of Suspect X" and "Jieyou Grocery Store", the two of them have become die-hard fans of Night Tour God.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" Ye Youshen acted as the screenwriter, of course they want to chase.

Although they are also interested in "Xian Journey"...but they resolutely pursue "Legend of Sword and Fairy" first.

As soon as [-]:[-] a.m., they played "Sword of Heaven" for the first time.

Xu Wenjun is an old drama fan, and now he is a diamond member.

Kunlun automatically skipped the opening and ending credits for her.

So play the first episode directly.

"Can you skip the title?" Yanyan said.

"Why, do you like to watch the titles?" Xu Wenjun said.

"No," Yanyan said, "Did you forget that this drama was filmed and produced by Big Fish Studio? Big Fish Studio, Xiaoyao! I think Xiaoyao will definitely write a theme song or something."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it?" Xu Wenjun suddenly understood, and secretly turned off the skip title and end title settings, dragged the progress bar to the very beginning, and played it again, title title.

The title of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" began to jump.

Screenwriter Ye Youshen, director Ye Chen, producer Zhang Yao... The information about the production team and investors of the TV series is constantly presented.

The fairy island full of peach blossoms appears in the picture.

Beautiful and romantic.

Zhao Ling'er, played by Jiang Chuxue, enters the painting leisurely!
The peach blossoms on the human face are red!
Beauty into the soul, beauty into the bone marrow.

At this time, the opening song finally sounded.

"The years are seldom silent

autumn wind tired of wandering

the setting sun hangs on
hang on the wall and miss me
Words in Yiren's ears in the past

It has flowed eastward with the sound of the tide..."

Not bad!

The Blue Star version of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" chose "Xiaoyao Tan" as the opening song, which is also the theme song of this drama.

The opening theme song of the Earth version is "Slaying the Wolf".

The use of "Xiaoyaotan" was decided by Zhou You.

After all, the lyrics of this song are very strong.

It fits the taste of Xianxia very well.

"There is really an opening song written by Xiaoyao!" Xu Wenjun's expression was very exciting.

Sure enough, Big Fish Studio will not disappoint.

Xiaoyao wrote the theme song "Ordinary Road" for the movie "Thirty Standing" before, and a song directly sang "Thirty Standing" into the 50 billion box office club.

Xiaoyao is the creator of Big Fish Studio.

How could Big Fish Studio not let him write the opening theme song?

"It sounds nice." Yanyan said.

"The beginning is a big surprise!" Xu Wenjun said happily, "Listening to the song written by Xiaoyao and sung by Zhouyou, watching the drama written by Ye Youshen!! Ahhh! It's really comfortable."

While the two were excited, the opening song continued to play.

"Laughing and interjecting the poor old and the crazy today will eventually become empty
The blunt blade is dull, the righteousness is broken, the dream is broken
No one understands the desolation of the road

Years of looking forward to passing through

The world of mortals is rolling, I can't see through it"

Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Linger, Jiu Jianxian, Lin Qinger, Shushan Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo, Lin Yueru, Liu Jinyuan and other high-level characters flashed across the opening screen.

Or say goodbye, or fight, or drink freely!
Ye Chen edited the title very well.

It fits perfectly with the lyrics of "Xiaoyaotan".

"Self-deprecating ink has a thousand feelings and resentments for Yingjie's sorrow
At the end of the song, people exude radiant temples and white beauty, and die

Candles still unaware, fighting with the sun, the bright people are thin

When tears dry up and blood wells up

The white snow is flying red"

When the lyrics were sung here, in the opening screen, Zhao Ling'er was covered in blood and fell in a pool of blood, and Li Xiaoyao held her in his arms.

Shake the screen!

The picture is gradually replaced by black screen.

End of song!

End of credits.

Xu Wenjun was completely infatuated, "The lyrics are so emotional! It's all like a fairy tale!"

Yanyan: "You don't need to watch the drama, the opening song conquered me."

Xu Wenjun: "The opening song is so thoughtful, the main drama is even more worth looking forward to."

At this time, the barrage had already filled half the screen.

"As I expected, there is an opening song written by Xiaoyao!"

"Are all Big Fish Studios so extravagant?"

"This song is so good!! The lyrics kill me."

"Produced by Xiaoyao, it must be a high-quality product."

"Xiaoyao and Yeyoushenmeng are linked together."

"For the opening song of this film, this play has to be followed from the beginning to the end."

Many fans also recorded their screens and released the opening title and opening song to the "Guerrilla" circle. As more and more people clicked to watch, "Xiaoyaotan" fermented on the Internet, and the popularity of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" also increased. Follow up.

Many people flocked in to watch the drama after hearing the song.

And next door is "Fairy Journey".

Sun Ye, Hu Chunsheng and others watched "Fairy Journey" with a projector in the conference room.The first episode is playing right now.

At the beginning, everything was normal, but after about 10 minutes of broadcasting, some strange things began to mix in the barrage of the show.

"The opening song of Immortal Sword Next Door is so good to hear, I recommend it for Wall Crack."

"I'm listening now! The lyrics are perfect. I'll show you a passage: self-deprecating, full of love, and grievances, heroes and sorrows. At the end of the song, people exude brilliance, white temples, white hair and beautiful faces... The lyrics written by Xiaoyao! Absolute son."

"If you don't understand, just ask: Is "Legend of Sword and Fairy" good?"

"It's not bad so far! Jiang Chuxue is crying."

"This is "Xiantu", please don't watch other dramas in the barrage, please? If you don't watch it, please go out and turn left! People who watch other dramas in the barrage are the most annoying! Get out!"

Someone is upset.

Screenwriter Sun Ye frowned slightly when he saw these bullet screens.

Hu Chunsheng quickly explained, "We also have customized songs, but they are at the end of the credits."

Hearing this, Sun Ye's slightly frowned brows relaxed.

Actors Li Rui and Fu Qing looked at each other, and then quietly exchanged messages on their mobile phones.

Fu Qing: "The broadcast response of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" seems to be pretty good."

Li Rui: "I saw it too. Many people said that the opening song is good, which made me want to listen to it too."

Fu Qing: "Are you also a fan of Xiaoyao?"

Li Rui: "Aren't you too?"

Fu Qing: "I always feel like we are traitors."

Li Rui: "At best, it's a mental affair."

The two chatted without a word.

Sun Ye and Hu Chunsheng never imagined in their wildest dreams that the two leading actors in "The Fairy Way" were actually eating the "melon" of another drama.


Jinghai, a certain villa, Jiang Chuxue's home.

Jiang Chuxue's first drama was aired, and of course the whole family had to watch it together.

Grandparents, mom and dad, the whole family is neat and tidy.

At this moment, "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is playing on the screen of the projector.

Dad: "The opening song is pretty good."

Mom: "Daughter, when will you show up?"

Jiang Chuxue: "It's almost there, there is still a while."

Soon on the projector screen, Li Xiaoyao boarded the fairy island to save his aunt, and met Zhao Ling'er.

The fairy island is full of birds and flowers, and the peach blossoms are in full bloom, just like a paradise.

in a pool.

The lotus is in full bloom.

Zhao Linger bathed in it.

Li Xiaoyao bumped into it by accident, and couldn't move his eyes away, he hid behind a stone and took a peek.

Green leaf lotus, beautiful woman with fragrant shoulders.

Zhao Ling'er stretched out her jade arms in the clear water, the white skin like suet jade appeared in front of her eyes, which virgin could bear it?
The hibiscus comes out of the clear water and is carved naturally.

Zhao Ling'er looks like a fairy.

Li Xiaoyao couldn't help but call her fairy sister.

When it was broadcast here, the barrage suddenly increased.

"Zhao Ling'er is so beautiful!"

"Jiang Chuxue is so white."

"Is this something I can watch for free?"

"Fairy! Fairy! Seeing this, my LSP will not be sleepy in an instant."

"I'm dumbfounded! Zhao Ling'er is so immortal. I love it! I'm much more immortal than the stills. I'm a fan of Zhao Linger."

There are still many people in the barrage saying that I am in love, and my wife's name is Zhao Ling'er.

Jiang Chuxue is still complacent about her acting skills.

But he didn't notice that the face of the mother on the side sank.

Mom: "Daughter, when you were filming this part... you, didn't you wear any clothes?"

Jiang Chuxue didn't expect her mother's focus to be here.

Jiang Chuxue blushed instantly, hot, "Mom, how is it possible! Is your daughter so thick? She is wearing a tube top. The camera only shoots above the shoulders."

Mom: "But it's showing too much... Look at the barrage posted by the audience, it's full of smoke. Did the director and the program crew see your shoulders and back?"

Jiang Chuxue: "...We were regular when we filmed."

Mom: "It's better not to go to acting, the family does not lack the two money..."

Mom really minds the shot just now.

Fortunately, my father helped to smooth things over, saying that my daughter would let her do it if she liked it, but Xiaoxue, filming must be measured and have a bottom line...We can't do such things as dedicating ourselves to the film.Our family doesn't need you to make money.

Jiang Chuxue: "I know, Dad~"

Just as the next famous scene came again.

TV dramas are different from games. In TV dramas, this "encounter" is not the first time Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger have met.

Their first meeting in the TV series was ten years ago.

Li Xiaoyao traveled to the past and met Zhao Ling'er when he was a child.Li Xiaoyao wanted to change history and avoid meeting Zhao Linger himself, but what was unexpected was that it was his past actions that led to the current result.

There is no escape from anything.

What should happen always happens.

This is fate!

Unchangeable destiny.

Zhao Ling'er recognized this "brother Xiaoyao", who was exactly the brother Xiaoyao from ten years ago!

She took Li Xiaoyao to get the elixir.

Just when they were about to leave.

Grandma is back.

So Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger hid in the closet together.

Wardrobe space is limited.

Lonely and widowed!

Together in one cabinet!
Affection is born secretly.

A famous scene is about to be born.



The first update, 5000 word chapters.There is a second update.

Don't worry, we won't write a lot of fairy sword plots.Only some famous scenes will be counted.There is too much content in a play, and it is boring to write the plot. The author has a sense of proportion.

What about the monthly pass, where is my monthly pass?Don't watch Linger taking a bath, just vote.

 Children's shoes for the college entrance examination, all on 985/211
(End of this chapter)

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