I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 145 "Happiness", To Zhang Xianxian, Figured Mad Demon

Chapter 145 "Happiness", Dialogue with Xianxian, Figurine Demon

Zhou You, Li Yan, Zheng Hudong, and Sha Rui appeared in the same frame on the streets of Chang'an and ate ice cream together.

Four celebrities!

The ultra-high popularity directly won the top spot on Weibo's hot list.

"The lineup of tour groups is getting bigger and bigger."

"Why are there no female guests?"

"Hahaha, isn't the monk group bad? You can take off after swimming and bathing like this!"

"Hahaha, the four of you eat ice cream and walk on the street, it seems like it's time to slip."

"Speaking of which, I haven't eaten ice cream this year!! Suddenly I want to eat it. Go downstairs and buy one immediately."

"There is Zheng Hudong! I want to read more and more the following content."

As a variety show star, Zheng Hudong has many loyal fans.

No one expected that he would join the "Traveler" tour group, which immediately raised the audience's expectations for the next "Traveler" program.

There is Zheng Hudong! !The program will have intensive laughs.

You can totally trust Jung Ho Dong.

With the hot topics such as "Zhou You Li Yan, Zheng Hudong, Sha Rui Appeared on the Streets of Chang'an", "Group of Four Eat Ice Cream", "Should You Zi", etc., "Traveler" also became a hot topic.

In the words of the prince, the subsequent publicity was omitted.

The addition of new guests seems to have touched the audience's G-spot.

The popularity of the show suddenly increased a lot.

At the same time, "Ice Cream Assassins" from major brands also came to the door, hoping to provide sponsorship for the program and place some advertisements in the program.

But thinking about the ice cream prices that Zhou You complained about, he rejected them all.

Even a star like Zhou You Li Yan who is not short of money thinks it is expensive and an assassin, so it is better not to earn the sponsorship and advertising fees.

Otherwise you will be scolded.

Zhou You and his party had a great time eating in Huimin Street!

Zheng Hudong is worthy of being a gourmet, not only knows how to eat, but also can eat... His stomach is probably stretched because of too much food.

Second senior brother's name is worthy of the name!

At about ten o'clock, the group drank sour plum soup and slowly dispersed back to the hotel.

On the way back to the hotel, Zheng Hudong said, "It's comfortable to eat today."

Li Yan: "You are comfortable, we are struggling to death. We gained three catties in Wei Zang before! According to this way of eating, we will gain ten catties in Chang'an!! At that time, the manager will scold me to death. From today Lose weight and lose weight!"

Zheng Hudong: "Yes, yes, master broke the precept today! As Master Tang Sanzang, let's start a vegetarian diet tomorrow."

Li Yan: "Bajie is also a monk. You have to be a vegetarian too."

Zheng Hudong: "I am Monk Hua."

Chatting and joking, Zheng Hudong changed the subject and asked, "What are we going to do tomorrow? Go to the city wall?"

Zhou You: "That's so boring."

Zheng Hudong: "Elder brother, here's something interesting."

Zhou You: "Go to the grave."

Li Yan: "Can you stop messing with the underworld!"

The crowd laughed.

Zhou You said, "Let's go to see the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor."

Sha Rui: "That's exactly what I mean."


It was past ten o'clock when we got back to the hotel.

Zhou You was not used to being in the same room as Sha Rui... probably during the time he lived with Li Yan, Li Yan talked a lot, and kept beeping there alone.

Although Sha Rui is fun, but it's the first time we meet today, it's somewhat unfamiliar.

A familiar process is required.

"Shall I take a shower first?" Zhou You said.

"OK," said Sha Rui, "you can also wash them together."

Just for this sentence, Zhou You felt that Sha Rui had something.

Don't underestimate readers!

It was already eleven o'clock after taking a shower and traveling around to pack up.

Wechat has a lot of unread messages.

Zhou Lingyu, family group, Zhang Yao...

Zhou You read the news sent by Zhou Lingyu. She sent a work photo, and the commercial of "Horse City" is being filmed.

The shooting location is in Yuzhou.

My sister went home!

The family members sent out a table of good dishes.It was from mother Su Jin, "Son, eat first!"


Knowing that I can't eat it, she deliberately posted a picture to greedy me in the group.Zhou You replied immediately: "Then keep it for me! I didn't eat you, whoever moves the chopsticks loses."

Zhou Qingyun: "Then you've won."

Zhou You: "..."

Take the bamboo shoots.

After chatting with his family in the group for a while, Zhou You began to reply to Zhang Yao's message.

Zhang Yao: "Boss, I've found a director for "I'm Not the God of Medicine". Ye Chen recommended Long Wu. Here is Long Wu's information."

Zhou You clicked on Longwu's information and read it carefully.

All aspects of qualifications are good.

In addition, it was recommended by Ye Chen, so his character must be trustworthy.

Zhou You: "Let's take it for him."

Zhang Yao: "Okay! Boss, many ice cream companies called me today, wanting to speak for you. Shall we answer?"

Zhou You: "No. The ice cream is so expensive now."

Zhang Yao: "Huh?"

Zhou You didn't explain much.

Unexpectedly, these ice cream manufacturers are quite active.

After finishing chatting with Zhang Yao, I was going to sleep.

Lying in bed, consciousness sinks into the system.

"Xiao Qi, check the personal information panel." Zhou You said.

"Good host."

Host: Zhou You

Remaining life points: 19 points

Accumulated life points: 379 points

Number of lucky draws: 1 times

It's just a little short of living... I can't draw twice in a row.

"Lucky draw." Zhou You shouted in his heart.

Four golden cloud pattern cards appeared in front of his eyes.

Step by step...the finger landed on the second one.

I don't know why now when I think of the second...the second senior brother Zheng Hudong comes to my mind!Poisonous.

Click on the card, the second card will be enlarged, flipped, and golden light will bloom.

【Congratulations on winning the song "Happiness"】

This song?
Why this song?

Is it because of Li Yan's "burial", or because he said that the University of Political Science and Law dug up the patriarch Zhang Tang... Sure enough, when he came to Chang'an, even the lottery became hellish.

In addition, Zhou You guessed that it may also be the "Eight Hundred Li Qinchuan" in Chang'an area here. Suona and Qin Opera are the cultural characteristics here!
But no matter what the reason is, the song "囍" can be regarded as filling the atmosphere of Chang'an's "Ground House".

Follow this posture!
This trip to Chang'an is not easy.

Tomorrow will really "go to the tomb", I don't know what underworld stuff will be opened.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a song or two related to Chang'an?

[Sleep until you wake up naturally, life point +1]

Zhou You woke up at seven o'clock the next day.

The physique of a special soldier gave Zhou You a strong body, but at the same time his sleepiness also decreased.Does this deprive him of his right to sleep late?
But it's okay.

I used to like to sleep for a long time because my body is really tired and I need a long sleep to make up for it.

And after waking up, the mental state is not very good, groggy.

Now wake up refreshed and clear minded.

Zhou You likes this state very much.

It's okay to sleep less.

But Zhou You didn't get up immediately.

Today is August [-]st!
A new month has begun.

Xiaguo Music's monthly points have also been settled.

Zhou You immediately logged into the Xiaguo Music Network APP.

Sure enough, I received an official notice from Xiaguo Music.com.

[Dear creator Xiaoyao, the July points have been settled, please click here to view, or go to 'My' 'Points' to view. 】

[Dear creator Xiaoyao, your creator level has changed, please click here to view, or go to 'My' 'Personal Information' to view. 】

Travel around and click to view immediately.

ID: Happy
Occupation: Creator
Grade: Grade C

Points: 1022/10000
Finally successfully promoted to C-level creator.

Next, you need to accumulate 10000 points to advance to B-level creators, and the difficulty will increase immediately.If you put aside factors such as awards, quarterly charts, annual charts, etc., and only rely on releasing new works to earn points, even if every song hits the top of the list.

That also needs to be 100 songs.

If you write a song that only occasionally hits the top [-], it's going to be hard to make it to the B rank.

No wonder it is said that C-level creators are the home of most creators and the pinnacle of their careers... because to reach B-level, you really need some talent and ability.

Anyone who can reach B level definitely has two brushes.

I don't know how many brushes I have in my hand when I reach the A level.

When it comes to C-level, B-level creators should take their time. Anyway, it’s not possible to rush up in a month or two. This thing still has to rely on quarterly rankings and awards to earn more points.

Shock B-level creators!Quantity, quality and awards are equally important.

But Xia Guo's music awards are not so easy to win.

If you want to take it, the previous A-level creators, S-level creators, and even Bai Hanlin at the Hall of Fame level also want to take it.

We have to grab awards from these big guys!
Even with a system tour, I can feel the difficulty of being promoted to A-level and S-level creators.

Zhou You read the news about his promotion to C-level creator, and was about to change his account to see if Zhou You's deity's status had changed.

At this time, Qian Qiuyuan sent a message: "Congratulations for being promoted to C-level creator."

Xiaoyao: "You knew it so soon?"

Qian Qiuyuan: "Always pay attention to you. Let's talk about your promotion to C-level creator. It was on the hot spot last night and early in the morning. It's still on the hot spot now."

Xiaoyao: "Is there such a thing?"

Qian Qiuyuan: "Just go and see."

Zhou You immediately opened Weibo.

In the third most popular position on Weibo, I saw the topic of Xiaoyao being promoted to a C-level creator.

#很遥 was promoted to C-level creator in two months!Or will become the next Bai Hanlin#
Be the next Bai Hanlin?

who said it?
Zhou You immediately clicked into the topic to find out.

It turns out that the "instigator" of this incident is the well-known music critic Wang Xiaoer!

Wang Xiaoer estimated that he had already written the manuscript, and when the credits and level were updated in the early morning, he immediately clicked on Xiaoyao's personal homepage to see if his creator level had been updated.

As soon as you see the update.

Then click Publish Article immediately.

Because this article was posted at [-]:[-] am.

The article is more than 5000 words eloquent!That must have been written in advance?This Wang Xiaoer probably has been staring at Zhou You for a long time.This topic must have been prepared for a long time.

In the article, all Xiaoyao's works are analyzed and scored, and then compared with the early works of Bai Hanlin, the creator of the Hall of Glory.

The conclusion drawn is that Xiaoyao is of higher quality than the early works of Bai Hanlin.

Bai Hanlin was promoted to C-level creator in two months.

Happy is also two months.

Besides, the fastest one is Guo Pinsheng, it took three months!

Unexpectedly, now Xiaoyao is faster than Guo Pinsheng, chasing Bai Hanlin!

Bai Hanlin is definitely the pinnacle of Xia Guo's music creators.

Wang Xiaoer contacted Xiaoyao and Bai Hanlin to compare prices, it's no wonder this article isn't popular.

Articles and topics are full of comments, reaching a terrifying 30!

"Although it has long been expected that Xiaoyao will be promoted to C-level creator in August! But seeing that he has really been promoted, I am still full of shock."

"It's amazing!! Not only is the production high, but the quality of each song is very high."

"I believe Xiaoyao can become the next Bai Hanlin."

"Come on! Although the start was very explosive. But with the existence of Bai Hanlin, I think Xiaoyao is almost meaningless. Mr. Bai Hanlin is a talented student who graduated from Kyoto University."

"It's already been promoted to C-level creator, isn't Xiaoyao behind?"

"It is strongly recommended to celebrate with Happy Photos."

There are all kinds of reviews.

Zhou You browsed roughly.


Xia Guomusic network tour received a notification.

【Bai Hanlin followed you】

Followed by top bosses!

Put down your phone and get up to take a shower.

Sha Rui has already gotten up and gone out, he should be exercising in the hotel gym.

Because I went swimming yesterday, when I passed the gym, Sha Rui said that I could come to practice in the morning.

And Sha Rui looked like a very self-disciplined person.

After all, he works in China TV.

In such an environment and competition, self-discipline is a must.

After washing up and coming to the living room, Zhou You found that Li Yan was lying on the sofa lying sprawled, and the quilt covering his body had slipped to the floor.

Zhou You didn't bother him.

But Li Yan woke up at this time.


"Why are you sleeping on the sofa?" Zhou You asked.

"Second senior brother is snoring too loudly." Li Yan brushed his hair, "It's like thunder, I can't sleep at all."

When Li Yan said this, Zhou You vaguely heard snoring coming from the room.

It's really loud.

Li Yan!Why is it always you who get hurt?
Li Yan went to Zhou You and Sha Rui's room to wash, and said after washing, "Hey, I still like to sleep with you."

Zhou You: "No, I have never slept with you. If it gets out, it will be a big deal."

Li Yan: "It's okay if you don't say it, but once you say it, you will have a sense of the picture."

Soon Zheng Hudong got up.

Sha Rui also came back from the hotel gym, sweating all over.

The waiter brings breakfast.

After breakfast, the four of them set off for the Terracotta Warriors and Horses at the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang at [-]:[-].

Zhou You Li Yan still white T-shirt sunglasses!
Zheng Hudong T-shirt, big pants, sandals and slippers.

When shopping in Chang'an yesterday, Zheng Hudong bought a folding fan, so today he has an extra fan in his equipment.

Zheng Hudong: "Why is the weather so hot?"

Zhou You: "Because the temperature is high."

Zheng Hudong: "Yes..."

Suddenly realized that something is wrong, the weather is hot and the temperature is high, do you need to say that?Saying is tantamount to not saying.Pure nonsense literature.But when I think about it carefully, it seems that it really makes a damn sense.

With Zheng Hudong around, the road to the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang will never be boring.

Li Yan talks a lot!

Zheng Hudong laughed a lot.

A sudden sentence made everyone in the car laugh.

Arrive at the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

This "legendary" Mausoleum of the First Emperor is presented in front of you.

That mountain-like mound of soil is awe-inspiring!
Worthy of being the First Emperor!
Even the mausoleum is so majestic and majestic.

When you come to the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang, you don't need a tour guide to explain them at all.The host Sha Rui's commentary is definitely much better than the tour guide.

Quoting from the classics.

Talk it out.

The Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang is called "the eighth wonder of the world", and it is the burial pit of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum.

Zhou You and his party went to visit Pit No. [-], [-] and [-] in turn.

The army formation in Pit No. [-] is composed of infantry and chariot soldiers.

Qin's army has a military regulation that does not allow wearing helmets, so these soldiers did not wear helmets.They hold strong bows and crossbows.

The ancient military formations pay attention to the neat front and back, and the whole must be grand!
However, the army arrangement in Pit No. [-] is like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath!Full of murderous intent!Prestige bursts.

"Standing here and looking at the military servants, there is a feeling that I am Qin Shihuang! It's like being in a military parade." Li Yan said his feelings.

"Just these servants are already so shocking! The strength and majesty of the Qin Empire back then can be seen!" Zheng Hudong said.

Facing these servants at this moment, Zhou You suddenly had the illusion of traveling through time and space.


The only word he could use to describe his feelings was shock.

Tears welled up.

The blood and pride that belonged to the Huaxia people in his body surged.

Although did not see the first emperor!
But these servants seem to be telling about the might of the first emperor and the glory of that era.

The king of Qin swept Liuhe, and the tiger watched He Xiongzai!Swinging the sword to break the floating clouds, all the princes came to the west.

Probably only this poem by Li Bai can describe the majesty and heroic demeanor of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the First Emperor!It was as if the might and arrogance of the Qin Dynasty were still in sight.

[Shocked by the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, life point +1]

Sha Rui was also deeply shocked by the military servants in front of him, "If only I could see Qin Shihuang's demeanor! It would be great if I could have a conversation with Qin Shihuang across time and space."

You can do "Xia Guo in Classics"... yes, you have already done it.But Blue Star's "Xia Kingdom in the Classics" is very different from Earth.

There is no way to bring in the conversation history.

Zhou You intends to make a point: ""Xia Guo in Classics" can introduce the form of dialogue history."

Zhou You's words hit Sha Rui like a sentence of lightning!

"That's right!!" Sha Rui's expression suddenly became exciting, "Why didn't I think of that! But, how do I do it?"

"Invite old actors, play historical figures, and then you have a dialogue with them. For example, you can find an actor who played the emperor to play Qin Shihuang! As a historical interlocutor, you travel to all dynasties and generations and emperors and sages We can have a conversation with you. Of course, we can also let historical figures travel to the modern age, and let them see the current technological development and prosperous world." Zhou You said everything he knew.

Sha Rui became excited!
"Great idea! Great idea! Great idea!" He said three good ideas in a row, "The second season of "Xia Guo in the Classics" is being planned! It's just a good idea to refer to this idea! Zhou You really has you, just a word to wake up the dream Chinese."

"I just thought of it." Zhou You said lightly.

When Wang Hou heard Zhou You's idea, he was very impressed! The creative inspiration of "Traveler" comes from Zhou You.

Zhou You is now providing creative ideas for CCTV's "Xia Guo in Classics".

Singer, songwriter!He is really talented.

Why was it delayed by Jiahua Entertainment in the first place?


In the following time, Sha Rui has been thinking about Zhou You's idea of ​​"conversing with history across time and space", and the more he thinks about it, the more feasible and interesting he thinks.

I am a little absent-minded when I look at the terracotta warriors and horses.

On the contrary, Zheng Hudong and Li Yan were in high spirits.

Zheng Hudong: "Suddenly I feel that we are too weak to play with figures, and Qin Shihuang is the real ancestor of figures."

Li Yan: "That's awesome!"

The exclaims of tourists can be heard along the way.

Many people are expressing their shocking feelings with "fucking trough", and there are also many yelling.

Zhou You has seen many photos of Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

But photos and real on-the-spot observations are completely two concepts.

Look at the photo: It's so realistic, the craftsman is awesome, and the artistic attainment is very high.

Look at the real scene: Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!Immediately, I felt that Emperor Shihuang was 800 meters high in my heart!It seems that Qin Shihuang's majesty has oppressed him through more than 2000 years.

Hmm... just like what is often written in fantasy novels, the coercion emanating from a ruin or stone statue.

Makes people want to call out!

The eternal emperor!
Long live my emperor!

Zheng Hudong: "Looking at these terracotta warriors and horses is no longer enough. I want to know what it was like in the underground palace of the first emperor."

Sha Rui: "Legends say that there is mercury simulating rivers, there is a dome inlaid with gems to create a starry sky, and there are lights that will last for thousands of years."

No one knows what happened to Qin Shihuang's tomb in the underground palace.

After all, there is no way to enter the underground palace yet.

However, there are related records in "Historical Records": The first emperor ascended the throne at the beginning of the reign and ruled Lishan.And merged with the world, the world sent more than [-] people to pass through three springs, lowered copper to form a coffin, and the palaces and temples were filled with rare artifacts and treasures.Let the craftsman make a crossbow arrow, and shoot at those who have penetrated close.With mercury as the rivers and oceans, it is instilled organically, with astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom.Use mermaid ointment as a candle, and it will last for a long time.

I spent a morning in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

In the afternoon they decided to go to Chang'an Museum.

and night.

The two dramas "Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "Xiantu" finally premiered on the Kunlun platform at the same time.



The second update, 5000 word chapters.Thousands of words delivered.

The first one made a mistake, the title was written as Immortal Sword! !sorry.

 Asking for a monthly pass, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a monthly pass... Mathematics is too difficult. I heard that Wei Shen will write the question tomorrow, so I gave up the idea of ​​repeating it~~~Pip.

(End of this chapter)

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