Dissuade you from the live broadcast?I, destiny hit the worker

Chapter 39 039. On Pretentiousness, Brother Huo is a Professional

Chapter 39 039. On Pretentiousness, Brother Huo is a Professional
Jiang Yan in the two-piece suit is ready to flirt.

Relying on top-level overall situation and operation, even if the opponent's eye position is ahead, he can always seize the right timing and angle to escape.

Even when playing hide-and-seek with the opponent in the wild, you can occasionally touch one or two wild monsters, making the opponent's jungler one head and two bigger.

On the other hand, on their side, Brother Hu didn't have to think about it, and he took the lead all the way steadily.

Even Yu Junzhe went to the bottom lane to make up the line several times, he was too fat, and his equipment was better than the jungler of the second team on the opposite side!
This time, the balance of victory and defeat began to tilt sharply towards Jiang Yan and the others.

It's not that the second team didn't try to organize a team, but as soon as their side appeared in the river, Jiang Yan's side appeared online as if it had been agreed.

This side is still trying to pull, and the other side has cleared the line of soldiers and rushed to the high ground.

After being defeated in the bottom lane, Cai Ze and Xu Jiaxin didn't go online anymore, so there was no room to fill them up. When they saw a figure, they turned around and ran away. If they didn't die, they won.

Coupled with the fact that Brother Hu and Xiao Yu, who are already recovering, occasionally come to catch a wave, they are even more nourished than when they were online...

So just like that, the four of them reported to the group to keep warm, and Jiang Yan was active in the opposite wild area alone.

Three people came and ran away.

Come to two people to fight coldly.

come alone...

That's not called arrest, it's called sending.

A team training match was completely messed up by Jiang Yan in the passerby ranking.

There was no suspense in the next game. The five members of the second team paid the price for their underestimation of the enemy, and were harassed to death.

The more this is the case, the higher the hatred value of Jiang, and I wish everyone could get it and kill him!
In this way, Jiang Yan made full use of his hatred value, and walked away as soon as he touched it, and slipped the five opponents around.

When the time came to 27 minutes, Jiang Yan, who was in the Five Gods costume, took advantage of a wave of Xiaolong group's loopholes to break down two lines in a row, directly ending the game.



Several teenagers in the second team were numb.

Looking at Coach Ma whose face turned black, everyone was extremely nervous.

"I really lost, what should I do?"

"What else can I do! I will win the next round!"

All five of them saw a strong competitive spirit in the eyes of their companions, a look they had never seen even in internal competitions!

"Yes! Don't hold back! This time, we will directly destroy them!"

The five people joined hands and shouted in unison, cheering up.


"Haha, what are these guys doing?"

In the stands, Qi Xiaoran, who arrived late, smiled heartlessly.

"Why? It's not because of you, big sister." A few professional players next to him thought to themselves.

"The little guys are in trouble this time. Look at the dark face of the old horse."

"Yeah, how can I say that the opponent is also an amateur, it's too ugly to be beaten like this."

"It was also caught by someone, there is no way. But... there was no five-member team in the audience, and the boys in the second team should be trained."

"Don't tell me, this Jiang Yan is fierce enough! How about your sense of smell?"

"I... I guess it's enough. Those junglers in the Hall of Fame can have this level... By the way, this guy is really 28? Just learned the game?!"

"Sometimes you have to admit that there are geniuses in this world."

"Pull it down, who can sit here, who is not a genius?"

As soon as these words came out, all the professional players in the stands fell silent, and then looked at Qi Xiaoran at the side in a tacit understanding.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Qi Xiaoran hasn't reacted yet.


"You really just started playing LOL recently?"

In the glass room, Coach Ma also asked the players the same question.

Jiang Yan scratched his head.

"No, I started playing when I was in college. At that time, there were only about twenty heroes. My bull head was used, don't mention..."

"Oh——" Coach Ma breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be an ancient god, no wonder his sense of smell is so keen, like a professional jungler.

But Jiang Yan's next sentence almost threw him out of the chair.

"Oh... don't mention too much water, if you don't play later, you will be sprayed by someone."

Jiang Yan is a bit embarrassed: (*///▽///*)
"Isn't this going to be a show? I picked it up and played the ranking seriously for a while. I didn't expect, hey, I'm afraid of being serious about anything (referring to likes), this thing (skill pack) is really useful!"

Coach Ma was completely dumbfounded.

When everyone in the live broadcast room saw his expression, they immediately recalled the happy time in the first season.

"Hahaha, here we go again, this expression is really kind."

"In terms of pretense, Brother Huo is a professional!"

"Just blow it, I can see it, this guy is just acting, he didn't run away!"

"I really didn't expect it. This guy even pretended to be like this. I really thought he was just operating well..."

"Haha, learn to be good, from now on, if this guy is modest, nothing will happen~"


The live broadcast room was full of joy, and the anchor group was also in chaos.

"Good guy, is this brother really 28?"

"What, are you interested too?"

"Fuck off! I mean, this reaction speed is not good. The opponents are all professional. A few milliseconds slower is the difference between life and death."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for the live broadcast, I would have started a group test operation directly..."

"This hand speed and reaction are probably enough to play SC."

"It's just a pity. If he was a few years younger, he would be a world-class domestic top laner."

"Top order? Hehe, probably not. I see, he is not a top order at all! I even suspect that this guy is pretending no matter whether it is his initial operation, his later consciousness, or his current position. !"

As soon as these words came out, there was no sound in the live broadcast room.

Everyone looked at the live broadcast room.

On the screen, Jiang Yan directly chose the jungle position this time.


"A mature jungler should be able to play on the road by himself."

Before the selection, Jiang Yan patted the little brother on the shoulder very intimately.

Yu Junzhe was dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect that his position as a coolie would be robbed.

"I have played in the top order, but..."

He wanted to say, "Brother Huo, can you do it", but he took it back when the words came to his lips.

Thinking of the annoying fly in the field, Yu Junzhe realized that this guy seemed to be more familiar with the field than his own kang, so there was no need to worry about it.

And judging from his squatting sense of smell, arresting people shouldn't be a problem.

Then, he watched Jiang Yan choose a leopard girl directly.

There is a saying in LOL, ten leopard girls have nine generations and one generation in the middle.

There was a time when I often saw a sentence in the game: "Power leveling on the first floor, don't ban the leopard girl, don't give away the package to win!"

This hero has two forms, can switch between human form and leopard form, has two different sets of skills.

However, it is precisely because of this that her upper limit of operation and upper limit of strength are extremely high!
Another troublesome hero.

(End of this chapter)

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