Dissuade you from the live broadcast?I, destiny hit the worker

Chapter 38 038. "He is like a fly"

Chapter 38 038. "He is like a fly"

"The barbarian king? Are you crazy? Use the barbarian king to line up with me?"

"Don't be careless, this Jiang Yan is very strong!"

"No matter how strong you are, how can Brother Hu be stronger? Look at me, leave the heavy responsibility of avenging Sister Dao to me!"


3 minute later.

"Help, save! Where's the jungler?! Get some money! I'll do it!"

Everyone: Σ(дlll)
"Aren't you going to take revenge? What did you say about me last game?"

"You can be solo killed even if the mid laner doesn't ignite, how reckless is that?"

"He's so accurate at counting blood, I didn't expect to be killed by a trace of blood! Looking back at the video, I suspect that his blood volume is only 3 points, and my head exploded from that mouthful of blood returned from Q."

"Okay, okay, I'll help you catch it later. Damn! There's something in the jungler on the other side, when will it eat my chicken?"

"I saw it just now, the barbarian king in the middle eats it."

"Why didn't you say it earlier, you can't even be Commander Quanshui!"



The second team didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and the atmosphere of throwing blame was quite active.

On Jiang Yan's side, it was a different scene. Everyone tensed up and concentrated.

As the audience and anchors said, this one is indeed a battle of honor for them.

Even if you lose, lose well.

"Don't go, don't go, Brother Xu, just mend the tower knife, don't go out!"

This time, Cai Ze didn't choose Thresh as the unique skill, he just listened to people's persuasion, and made Lulu, who has a shield and a long hand.

He, plus the defensive tower, if the two of them couldn't keep Xu Jiaxin, they couldn't keep the gods when they came.

"It's alright, alright, I know."

Xu Jiaxin was very irritable, but he still had a bit of a brain, knowing that the more he wanted to behave, the worse he would die, so he huddled under the defense tower to hatch his eggs obediently.

Before the start, Jiang Yan said that none of the middle and wild would come to help, their task was to delay the time.

On Jiang Yan's side, she was as taunting as ever.

It's just that this time it's different from the top player. He played very tough at the beginning, changed blood decisively, went to the second kill, and took the first blood directly before the jungler came over!

By the time the jungler rushed over, he had teleported online, and he was back in full condition!

"It's time! Xiaoyu, Brother Hu, do it!"

The vanguard refreshed on the road, and the three tacitly outflanked the past in three lanes.

The second team on the opposite side also relied on their superior eye position to catch their movements at the first time and rushed over here.

The 3vs3 small team battle turned out to be a surprise.

Jiang Yan and the others not only played 0 for 1, but also successfully took down the vanguard!
Only 7 minutes into the game, the "Rookie Team" actually took the lead!


In the anchor group.

"What's the situation?"

"It's nothing, it's a matter of strength."

"A question of strength? How is this possible?"

"Look for yourself, the vanguard group, Brother Hu and Jiang Yan are both level 5. The experience of being pulled by the middle field on the opposite side is hindered, and the road is also suppressed by Brother Hu. The three of them are all level [-]. Who is it for? You can't fight either?"

"It's true, I didn't find out if you didn't tell me, it's too outrageous!"

"No, if you look at the economy, the second team is still ahead. Jiang Yan's bot lane is too stretched to create pressure, and the tower knife can miss half of it, alas..."

"Haha, this VN is used, I suspect that the auxiliary Lulu is better than him for making up damage."

"Don't doubt it, it must be better than him! This guy is at the level of a golden goalkeeper, and I don't know how to blow it like this..."

"Fans cheered it up, there are so many people taking turns leading it, it's no wonder the rank is not high!"

"Hey? No, look, the line has changed!"

"Go straight to the road and release the vanguard, this... is a bit interesting!!"

"No, the Shipbreaker is coming out, this is..."

"Why does he have so much money?"

"Damn it, only one wave and one pawn were missed, and it was still the wave of fighting the regiment. This guy must have opened it!"


Once in the vanguard group, Jiang Yan and the others mobilized all the "high-end combat power".

They did everything they could and won their first team battle victory in two games.

After finishing the regiment, the three of them went straight home to resupply.

Jiang Yan exploded in the early stage, with one head, one assist, plus the vanguard money, the equipment of the shipbreaker was directly produced.

This is a powerful piece of equipment that boosts your own defense, damage to structures, and nearby minions.

But it has a characteristic, that is, there cannot be any teammates around, otherwise the effect will gradually decay.

As soon as this thing came out, it directly exposed the tactical intention.

Jiang Yan,

Stop playing in groups!


The top laner of the second team was a little dumbfounded at this moment.

"Why do I have something to do here again? Didn't you change the mid laner?"

Just now a wave of pioneers on his side was betrayed, the jungler and the middle escaped with blood, and only he, the soy sauce player, was sold out.

When he came back after soaking in the spring water, Jiang Yan, who teleported online, had already dropped a tower by the canyon vanguard, and hacked to death the assistant who teleported to make up for it with the tower injury!

"No, no, no!"

Seeing the canyon vanguard aiming at the second tower and shaking its wings, he felt his heart was shaking in sync, and his heart rate was out of sync!
"I rely on!"

This end finally hit it out.

That guy Jiang Yan went up to blast it in a very wretched way, and another big blood bar was dropped.

In less than 10 minutes, the poor second tower on the road has become a decoration, with only one-third of its health left, and it is crumbling.

"Hey! The broken ship is out, stop playing, okay?" He was in a hurry to get on the road.

"Okay, let's catch it now! You bots don't play, move!"

"We thought, they're hiding under the tower and won't be able to come out... We knew they would choose Delevingne a long time ago."

"If you don't play well, you will lose. Brother Hu, I can't stand it anymore. Let me say yes first..."


For a while, the second team was a little flustered.

They also realized that there was a problem with their mentality. They won the first game too easily, which obviously had a bad influence on them.

"Go to the bottom lane in the wild, prepare the little dragon group, let's see who can tear it down faster!"

After decisively formulating a plan, the tacit cooperation started to work again.

The three of them caught it, and soon, the weakness of the bottom lane was caught and exploded.

But different from last time, this time the opponent didn't react at all, completely ignoring the explosion of the two heads in the bottom lane, and even the first tower was taken down by three people without any movement.

Only when the pawn line reached the second tower, the jungler came to collect a wave of money.

At the same time, their own second tower on the road has been demolished by Jiang Yan...

"what's up?"

"I can't hold it down! This guy is too fat, and the second big one is about to come out..."

"Go and catch it in the jungle, we two will dismantle it in the bottom lane!"

"I can't catch it. Did this guy open it? As soon as he showed his head, he disappeared, and he also drilled into my wild area."

"Damn it, the club's computer! Also go to the middle lane, anyway, only one tower is dropped in the middle lane."

"No, three people catch him and he won't go online. No one is there, just like a fly!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was taken aback.

His way of playing...

Really like a fly...

(End of this chapter)

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