Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 936 Save Tian Xiaoxia

Chapter 936 Save Tian Xiaoxia

Baokang City.

Sun Shaoan is here.

In "The Ordinary World", Baokang City will be flooded in 1983.

As a reporter, Tian Xiaoxia comes here to report from the front line.

In order to save a little girl, Tian Xiaoxia was unfortunately washed away by the flood.

Sun Shaoan always remembered this.

Baokang City is bounded by the Yellow River to the north and the Yangtze River to the south.

This city is surrounded by water.

Sun Shaoan cannot come to this city for no reason.

When Sun Shaoan came, he said he wanted to invest in the aquaculture industry in Baokang City.

Got here.

Sun Shaoan recruited many fishermen as workers.

"I want to contract this large film." Sun Shaoan waved his hand and wanted to make a big investment.

"Boats, buy a few more."

"Buy more food and meat."

Sun Shaoan gave orders on various matters.

Sun Shaoan has been busy in Baokang City.

Under the pretext of building a factory, Sun Shaoan hoarded a lot of supplies.

The supplies are placed in warehouses on high ground.

I also bought a lot of boats.

These boats were of great use after the city was flooded.

Time passes day by day.

Rainfall in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River continues to increase.

The water in the river also began to rise.

"The river is rising so fast, will something happen?" Sun Shaoan was a little worried.

"No, nothing has happened here for decades." The old fisherman thought nothing would happen.

Four hundred years ago, in the eleventh year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, a flood broke out in this place and submerged the entire city.

But after all, everyone has long forgotten the past four hundred years.

Sun Shaoan knew that a flood was about to break out, but he didn't know how to warn him.

Sun Shaoan could only make more preparations by himself.

Within a few days.

Dark clouds were gathering and the rain was pouring.

Baokang City also began to receive continuous rainfall.

"No, something is wrong. It has been raining heavily for several days in a row, and it is also raining heavily upstream. There won't be a flood, right?" Sun Shaoan asked as a reminder.

"Boss Sun, don't worry, it's nothing." The people around him were still not worried.

Obviously, Sun Shaoan's reminder was of no use.

Sun Shaoan looked out the window again, "No, with such a heavy rain, some places must have been flooded."

"This is true. It's a low-lying place. At this time, I'm afraid there's a lot of water accumulated." An old fisherman said.

"What should we do?" Sun Shaoan asked.

"What else can we do? Just don't go to the south." The low-lying areas are in the south.

"What if someone is trapped in the south?" Sun Shaoan asked one more question.

"It's nothing. There's a boat over there, so it's no big deal." The old fisherman was very calm and thought nothing would happen.

Sun Shaoan could only remind him so far and could not say anything more.

The rain continued to fall.

The place where Sun Shaoan is located is on higher ground.

Supplies are also nearby, so there is no need to worry about being flooded by floods.

Time passed little by little.

At night.

Sun Shaoan was a little uneasy and guessed: "I'm afraid the river will overflow the embankment tonight."

At this time, someone shouted: "Oh no, there's a flood!"

The door was suddenly pushed open, and Xiao Wang shouted: "Boss Sun, it's bad, it's flooding!"

Xiao Wang is Sun Shaoan's new employee in Baokang City.

Sun Shaoan was worried about problems with the river embankment.

Let Xiao Wang go find out the situation.

Now, finally brought the bad news, the water overflowed the river bank and rushed in.

"Boss Sun, let's run!" someone shouted in panic.

"Why panic!" Someone shouted, not Sun Shaoan, but the old fisherman from before, "The terrain here is high, and the water will not reach here for a while."

The old fisherman stopped the others and asked Sun Shaoan: "Boss Sun, what do you think we should do now?"

"Master Zhang, what do you think we should do?" Sun Shaoan asked.

The old fisherman's surname was Zhang, and Sun Shaoan called him Master Zhang.

Master Zhang calmly lit a cigarette, looked at Xiao Wang slowly, and asked, "Xiao Wang, tell me what the situation is like on this river embankment."

"Uncle Zhang, I heard that the water is more than one meter high above the river bank. There is water everywhere." Xiao Wang looked anxious.

The floods are so fierce that it is estimated that the entire old city will be flooded in a short time.

"It's troublesome." Master Zhang said to Sun Shaoan while smoking: "Boss Sun, the flood is too big this time. I estimate that many people are trapped in the water. If no one goes to rescue now, I'm afraid there will be many people. Washed away.”

"How to save?" Sun Shaoan asked hurriedly.

"Ship, find a boat, row over and rescue people." Master Zhang's tone was also a little anxious.

"I just bought a lot of boats. How are we going to rescue people?" Sun Shaoan continued to ask.

"In this case, there are thirty of us here, three of us in a boat, going to the old city to rescue people. It's just that it's raining heavily outside and it's pitch black. It's not easy to save people."

"It's okay. Those who don't want to go, stay, and those who want to save people, let me go!" Sun Shaoan shouted and rushed into the heavy rain first.

Behind him, everyone followed, braving the heavy rain and sailing boats to rescue people.

At this moment, no one flinched.

In heavy rain.

The old town was flooded.

There were cries everywhere.

A child was accidentally caught in the flood.

There are houses here and the water is not that fast.

But the child was still swept away.

At this time, a boat appeared.

Standing in front of this child.

A long arm suddenly reached into the water.

He grabbed the child and carried him to the boat.

Sun Shaoan saved another child.

In floods, children are the most washed away.

Followed by women and the elderly.

On Sun Shaoan's boat, there were already more than ten people washed away by the flood.

They were all caught by Sun Shaoan from the water.

"Boss Sun, good job!" Master Zhang gave a thumbs up again.

"There's someone over there!" Sun Shaoan pointed in another direction.

There, someone was shouting for help.

"Okay!" Master Zhang and another young man rowed over with all their strength.

There were several people trapped on the roof over there, but they were successfully rescued.

Keep rowing.

In the flood, there was a vague figure, washed over.

Sun Shaoan suddenly reached into the water and grabbed another girl.

"Okay!" The people on the boat cheered again.

"Let's go, there's someone over there!" Sun Shaoan pointed the direction again.

After the ship passes.

Sun Shaoan grabbed another person from the water.

The reason why we can catch it like this is because the water is not that deep.

Not long after the flood started, it was about a meter deep.

The boat can barely move.

The rescue continues.

Soon, Sun Shaoan's boat was filled with people.

Without Sun Shaoan's greeting, Master Zhang shouted: "Let's go, send people away first."

Took a trip.

When Sun Shaoan and the others came to rescue people again, one boat turned into three boats.

Someone followed Sun Shaoan and the others and brought two boats to rescue people together.

There are many boats to rescue people.

More people can be rescued.

At this time, everyone wants to save more people.

At this time.

A voice came over the radio, asking citizens to evacuate the city.

"Help! Help!" Another person was trapped on the roof.

The sound drowned out the voices on the radio.

"Let's go over and save people!" Sun Shaoan shouted.

The boat passed by and rescued many trapped people.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Following Sun Shaoan and the others, more and more ships were used to rescue people.

Boatloads of stranded people were sent away.

The people who followed Sun Shaoan to save people were already exhausted.

But no one said rest.

At this time, if they persist a little longer, they can save more people.

Sun Shaoan and the others were busy all night.

Dawn. A helicopter appeared over Baokang City.

Sun Shaoan looked up and saw it, thinking: "Is there Tian Xiaoxia on this helicopter?"

In "The Ordinary World", Tian Xiaoxia came by helicopter.

In the air, people in helicopters.

Saw flooded urban areas.

How many people were washed away in the vast ocean?

Boat after boat appeared in their eyes.

A middle-aged man couldn't help but say: "There is a boat rescuing people!"

"Yes, there are many ships rescuing people!" Others also said.

This life-saving ship is hope.

Its daybreak.

Sun Shaoan and the others went to rest.

Someone took over from Sun Shaoan and others and sailed a boat to rescue people.

Sun Shaoan ate something casually.

We boarded the boat again and went to the old town.

Many people are still trapped in the old city.

There are still many people who have not left.

More importantly, Sun Shaoan guessed that Tian Xiaoxia also entered the old city.

At this time, Tian Xiaoxia did enter the old city.

However, where Tian Xiaoxia is located, the terrain is high and has not yet been flooded.

Sun Shaoan's boat still can't get through.

Sun Shaoan hasn't seen Tian Xiaoxia yet.

However, even if the terrain is high, it will be flooded in half an hour.

Therefore, everyone here must evacuate.

However, there are still many people who don't want to believe that this place will be flooded, and they just don't want to leave.

Especially in a nursing home, the elderly people in it are a bit dependent on their old age, saying that they have never seen this place flooded since the Qing Dynasty.

The flood was coming soon, and they said it was impossible to get flooded.

This is very frustrating.

Seeing this situation, Tian Xiaoxia couldn't help but come up with an idea: "Use guns and bayonets to force the people to evacuate."

This is a temporary solution.

In this way, the police persuaded almost everyone to leave.

There was only one fool left, but the fool disappeared.

After being busy for a while, "Comrade, is there any way to go over there?" Tian Xiaoxia asked the policeman beside her.

The place Tian Xiaoxia wanted to go was the place she saw in the air and was submerged.

There are boats out there rescuing people.

Tian Xiaoxia wants to know who are the people who save people in critical moments.

"You can only go there if you have a boat, but we don't have a boat."

"Okay." Without a boat, Tian Xiaoxia could only stay here to help evacuate the people and record the real situation here.

After half an hour.

The place where Tian Xiaoxia was was also flooded.

Tian Xiaoxia and the others also evacuated here.

A boat appeared.

Sun Shaoan sailed the boat and followed the flood.

Sun Shaoan saw the signboard of the nursing home.

I looked around and found no one trapped.

Sun Shaoan knew that the people here had already evacuated.

Sun Shaoan drove the boat and continued to follow the flood.

Not a moment later.

Several more people were rescued on the boat, as well as several dogs and cats.

At this time.

Sun Shaoan was on the boat and saw Tian Xiaoxia from a distance.

"This girl is here anyway. She is so stupid and bold. She is not afraid of anything." Sun Shaoan shook his head and let the boat row towards Tian Xiaoxia.

"Xiaoxia!" Sun Shaoan shouted from a distance.

"Brother-in-law?!" Tian Xiaoxia looked back and saw a boat appeared. The person on the boat turned out to be Sun Shaoan.

The boat rowed nearby.

Tian Xiaoxia just wanted to ask: "Brother-in-law, why are you here?"

Sun Shaoan also just wanted to talk to Tian Xiaoxia.

Suddenly I saw a little girl holding a telephone pole in the flood not far away.

Seeing the flood, the little girl was about to be submerged.

Sun Shaoan saw it.

Tian Xiaoxia also saw it.

Sun Shaoan was about to row a boat over to rescue people.

Then a pop was heard.

Tian Xiaoxia jumped into the water.

Tian Xiaoxia subconsciously jumped into the flood to save people.

In order to save people, Tian Xiaoxia obviously ignored her own life and death.

"Nonsense!" Sun Shaoan became anxious when he saw Tian Xiaoxia jumping into the flood.

This flood is completely different from a swimming pool.

Tian Xiaoxia could swim, but she was washed away in the flood in a matter of minutes.

As he watched, Tian Xiaoxia lost control in the flood and was swept away by the flood.

Sun Shaoan hurriedly rowed a boat to catch up.

At this time.

Tian Xiaoxia was also rushed to the little girl's side.

There was a wooden board on the water surface nearby. Tian Xiaoxia used her last strength to push the wooden board towards the little girl.

The little girl hurriedly grabbed the board. With the plank, even if it is washed away, it can still surface, increasing the possibility of rescue.

Where is Tian Xiaoxia?

After seeing the little girl grab the board, she was knocked off the head by a wave.

Tian Xiaoxia is going to be submerged in the flood.

this moment.

Sun Shaoping's figure appeared in front of Tian Xiaoxia's eyes.

Tian Xiaoxia stretched out her hand to catch Sun Shaoping.

"Bah!" Tian Xiaoxia's hand was grabbed.

Just when Tian Xiaoxia was submerged in the flood and washed away.

Sun Shaoan grabbed Tian Xiaoxia's hand.

"Come up here!" Sun Shaoan shouted loudly and pulled Tian Xiaoxia out of the flood.

Tian Xiaoxia's fate changed.

In "The Ordinary World", Tian Xiaoxia was washed away by the flood in this way.

Now, Tian Xiaoxia was pulled up from the water by Sun Shaoan.

Before Tian Xiaoxia could react.

Sun Shaoan stretched out his long arm again, reached into the water, and grabbed the little girl out of the water.

In just a few seconds, Sun Shaoan rescued Tian Xiaoxia and the little girl.

Seeing Tian Xiaoxia who was dazed, Sun Shaoan asked hurriedly: "Xiaoxia, are you okay?"

"Brother-in-law?!" Tian Xiaoxia wiped her face and calmed down for a moment, "Brother-in-law, I'm okay. Are you...are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Sun Shaoan looked at the little girl again.

The little girl is fine.

I was just frightened and trembling.

Sun Shaoan put some clothes on the little girl and handed Tian Xiaoxia a coat, "Xiaoxia, why are you here?"

"I'm a reporter, and I'm here to report on the situation here. Brother-in-law, why are you here?"

"I invested in building a factory here and have been here recently."

"Where did you get the boat?"

"I bought it. I bought a lot of boats before."

"Brother-in-law, when did you use a boat to rescue people?" Tian Xiaoxia was eager to understand the situation.

"last night."

"What time was it last night?" Tian Xiaoxia asked carefully.

"Last night, I heard that there was a flood. It was about twelve o'clock. At that time, I asked someone to sail a boat to rescue people."

"How many people were saved?"

"Our boat saved hundreds of people.

There are many people driving boats to rescue people.

Not many people were washed away here last night.

Most of them were picked up by us by boat. "

After Tian Xiaoxia learned about the actual situation, she couldn't help but praise: "Brother-in-law, you are so good!"

The flooding continues.

Sun Shaoan continued to sail the boat to rescue people.

Tian Xiaoxia has been on Sun Shaoan's boat.

Sun Shaoan fished people out of the water.

Sometimes, they tie a rope to their bodies and jump into the water to save people.

Tian Xiaoxia was on the boat, giving first aid to some injured people.

As time went by, more and more people came to rescue.

The situation is now under control.

The disaster is over.

Sun Shaoan left quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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