Chapter 935 Poet

Time passes day by day.

It's December in the blink of an eye, and it's just a few days before it's 12.

this day.

Shuangshui Village.

Something suddenly happened.

Mrs. Jin is gone.

Mrs. Jin is the mother of brothers Jin Junwen and Jin Junwu.

Mrs. Jin and her husband were very famous in Shuangshui Village when they were alive.

Therefore, when Mrs. Jin passed away, almost the entire Shuangshui Village spontaneously went to help.

Sun Shaoan and Tian Runye also came.

Shao'an's mother and the old lady also returned to Shuangshui Village to give Old Lady Jin a ride.

Jin Junwu and other members of the Jin family held a funeral with the highest standards in rural customs.

Almost the whole village went to the funeral.

The old lady also went with the support of Shaoan's mother.

The old lady was a little sad and couldn't help but say: "I am the only one left in our generation. I wonder when it will be my turn?"

The old lady of Shuangshui Village is the only one of her generation alive, the others are gone.

The old lady also lived a long life.

“Mom, your good days are still going to be long.

Tiger cubs grow up day by day.

You also want to see Huzi get married and have a baby. "Shao'an's mother said.

"Grandma, your body is strong and you will live a long life." Sun Shaoan and Tian Runye also gave some advice.

Time flashed to March and April of 1983.

Let’s talk about Tian Runye’s best friend, Du Lili.

In the autumn of 1975, Du Lili followed her father to Huangyuan.

Not long after I went there, I fell in love with Wu Huiliang.

Then, in 1980, when Du Lili was twenty-seven, she married Wu Huiliang.

Now, in 1983, at the age of thirty, Du Lili actually cheated on her.

How did Du Lili cheat?

After Du Lili arrived in Huangyuan, she was influenced by the poet Jia Bing and fell in love with poetry.

March and April this year.

Several poets from the Provincial Writers Association came to Huangyuan to give lectures.

Among them, there was a young male poet named Gu Fengling.

Gu Fengling is a young poet with influence across the country.

Du Lili is a fan of ancient wind chimes.

It just so happened that Du Lili was in charge of entertaining the ancient wind chimes.

In the hotel, Du Lili's room was next to the ancient wind chime, for the convenience of taking care of it.

Du Lili and Gu Fengling both live alone.

Although Du Lili is already thirty years old this year, she looks like a girl in her twenties. She is still beautiful, and because she is a young woman, she is even more sexy and charming.

In order to maintain her figure, Du Lili persuaded her husband not to have children.

In this day and age, being thirty years old and not having a baby is considered relatively late.

It can be seen that Du Lili's husband Wu Huiliang doted on Du Lili very much.

Du Lili always dresses in the most fashionable style. (Influenced by Tian Runye, he even asked someone to buy clothes from Pengcheng.)

Such Du Lili is very charming.

Where are the ancient wind chimes?

He is tall, has long hair shawl (poets are always a little different from ordinary people), has a very white face but has a beard, and has bright eyes. This is the most attractive thing about him.

The clothes are also very fashionable.

Jacket on top and skinny jeans on bottom.

When I communicate with everyone, all I talk about are trendy new words.

Such an ancient wind chime fascinated Du Lili deeply.

Du Lili is responsible for entertaining the ancient wind chimes.

Spend every day with ancient wind chimes.

Plus, the two of them live very close to each other.

This is so convenient for cheating.

Ever since, one midnight, the ancient wind chime knocked on Du Lili's door. (Note that the focus is on the ancient wind chimes knocking on the door.)

The two of them had sex.

Naturally, Du Lili did not refuse at all.

Du Lili is a married woman. She completely forgot that she has a husband and a family and should not have sex with other men.

As for Gu Fengling, he was a married man, and he was also very shameless. He took the initiative to seduce other people's wives.

Ancient wind chimes are poets.

Are poets different?

This reminds me of a certain poet in "The Human World".

"The Human World" and "The Ordinary World" have 'rogue' poets in both books.

This makes people wonder, are poets, especially male poets, all gangsters?

It seems that there was a poet named Xu Zhimo in the Republic of China, who was also very romantic?

It seems that there were many romantic poets in ancient times?

Could it be that male poets are not good people? !


It cannot be generalized. This statement is definitely wrong.

Gossip less, get down to business.

Then let’s talk about Du Lili and the ancient wind chimes.

For several nights in a row, Du Lili and Gu Fengling had sex.

This is too bold.

this day.

Wu Huiliang, Du Lili's legal husband, came to the hotel to find Du Lili.

Found the ancient wind chime in Du Lili's room.

They also found traces of two people sitting next to each other on Du Lili's bed.

This discovery made Wu Huiliang seem to have been hit hard on the head by a heavy object.

Wu Huiliang's eyes suddenly turned black and he almost fell down.

Next, Du Lili took advantage of Wu Huiliang's inattention and smoothed the marks on the bed.

This move basically confirmed that Du Lili had cheated on her.

Wu Huiliang took a deep breath, swallowed, and did not argue with Du Lili immediately.

Soon after leaving the hotel, Wu Huiliang walked aimlessly on the street alone.

Wu Huiliang was seriously hurt by Du Lili's cheating.

If either spouse cheats, it will cause great harm to the other party.

And often the person who cheats will confidently say: "Let's get a divorce."

The original phrase "Let's get married" still rings in my ears.

The phrase "Let's get a divorce" came out of the blue again.

Things between this couple are really unpredictable.


Du Lili returned home.

Under Wu Huiliang's questioning, Du Lili confidently admitted the affair.

"I'm not going to hide it from you either.

I'm in love with ancient wind chimes.

I love you and I love ancient wind chimes.

I love you both. "

Du Lili's words made Wu Huiliang dumbfounded and stunned.

Wu Huiliang could only say: "Get a divorce."

"Divorce? I never thought about divorce." Du Lili actually said this.

Du Lili likes two men at the same time.

One is the husband and the other is the mistress.

Du Lili actually said confidently: "I like both of you, and I won't divorce you."

Du Lili said that, right?

Can a person like two people of the opposite sex at the same time?

of course can.

Everyone likes beautiful and handsome people of the opposite sex.

Let alone two, there are many, and everyone likes them.

But the problem is, if you like it, you like it, and there can be no other contact.

The difference between humans and animals is that humans can control their animal desires.

Animals can mate with different members of the opposite sex unscrupulously. (There are also animals who are very infatuated and only have one partner in their life.)

But humans can’t.

People are polite and honest.

There are many beautiful girls on the street. If you like them, should you just go and have them?

Du Lili said this.

Could it be that Du Lili, a young female poet, is different from normal people?

Can a poet indulge his animal desires unscrupulously?

Wu Huiliang was shocked and angry by Du Lili's bizarre remarks.

He gave Du Lili a hard slap in the face.

At the same time, he pressed Du Lili under him and output wildly.

a few days later.

Gu Fengling patted his butt and left Huangyuan.

Du Lili's style has left wonderful memories for the ancient wind chimes.

At the same time, the ancient wind chime also found inspiration and wrote several poems.

Do poets need to find beautiful women to seek stimulation and inspiration when writing poems?

It’s not exciting and you can’t write poetry?

The ancient wind chime walked away gently, leaving Du Lili and Wu Huiliang with feathers everywhere.

(Gently I left, just as gently I came. (From Xu Zhimo.)) Original West County.

this day.

Du Lili came looking a little haggard.

An Yeju.

Du Lili and Tian Runye avoided others and communicated in low voices.

During the conversation, Du Lili's crying could be faintly heard.

Another room.

"What's wrong with that classmate Run Ye? Why don't you keep crying?" Shao'an's mother was a little surprised.

"I don't know, maybe something unpleasant happened." Sun Shaoan probably guessed what was going on.

However, Sun Shaoan did not say anything.

Sun Shaoan rarely gossiped about other people's affairs.

What were Du Lili and Tian Runye crying about?

"Runye, Huiliang and I are getting divorced.

Huiliang only gave me material needs.

I have never had my spiritual needs met.

It wasn’t until I met ancient wind chimes that my spiritual needs were completely satisfied.

I'm an idealist.

I love antique wind chimes, it’s impossible to hide it.

I will not let myself forget the ancient wind chimes against my will.

I don’t want to hurt Huiliang either,” Du Lili said a lot.

However, these words emphasize her personal feelings.

Du Lili thinks the ancient wind chimes are good, why not just communicate spiritually with the ancient wind chimes?

Why do you have to have sex with ancient wind chimes?

If Du Lili didn't have sex with the ancient wind chime, Wu Huiliang probably wouldn't mind if Du Lili exchanged poems and letters with the ancient wind chime.

Why did Du Lili, who was pursuing spiritual satisfaction, end up on the bed?

Maybe Du Lili would say: "Only when you go to bed can your spirit be sublimated?"

In this case, Sun Shaoan didn't know what to say.

Tian Runye was stunned by Du Lili's words.

Tian Runye never thought that his best friend would cheat on him.

Moreover, if you cheat on someone, you still don’t think you’re wrong, and you take it for granted.

Tian Runye waited for Du Lili to calm down and asked, "What did Wu Huiliang say?"

"He was in pain and wanted a divorce."

"Since it's painful, let's get a divorce. You don't have any children anyway. After the divorce, you will marry Gu Fengling." Tian Runye naively thought that Gu Fengling didn't get married.

"It is impossible for me and Gu Fengling to get married." Du Lili said.

"Why?" Tian Runye couldn't understand. Du Lili and Gu Fengling are already like this, why don't they get married?

"The ancient wind chimes also have a family."

"What?" Tian Runye was shocked again and couldn't help but said, "How could you do this?"

"My relationship with Gu Feng Ling is normal and there is nothing wrong with it." Du Lili also felt that she and Gu Feng Ling had done nothing wrong.

Du Lili and Gu Fengling's ideas and concepts are different from ordinary people.

Could it be that the poet's thoughts are different from those of normal people?

Is the poet's view of family and gender 'unusual'?

This made Tian Runye unable to understand, "Lili, I can't understand.

No matter what, we must be loyal.

Be loyal to your family, your marriage, and yourself. "

"This has nothing to do with loyalty. Everyone's pursuit is different." Du Lili has her own opinion.

Tian Runye didn't know what to say.

At this time.

Sun Shaoan came over and said hello: "The food is ready, shall we eat?"

Du Lili wiped her tears and said, "Okay, I haven't eaten the food you cooked for a long time. I happen to be hungry. I want to eat more."

Du Lili left the room first.

Tian Runye looked at Sun Shaoan helplessly.

Sun Shaoan asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

Tian Runye shook his head and said nothing.

A few people are eating.

"Run Ye, take Lili to the cannery later and pick out a few boxes of cans." Sun Shaoan said a few words casually.

"Lili, after dinner, I will take you out for a walk." Tian Runye also said a few words.

Du Lili basically said nothing and kept eating.

It's just that the food has the salty taste of tears.

Du Lili is gone.

She came to tell Tian Runye about this, not to ask Tian Runye for advice, but just to speak out and make herself feel more relaxed.

Du Lili said: "If you don't get married in the future, you will be alone.

There are many single female writers.

For the convenience of creation, it is better to be alone. "

Tian Runye advised: “It’s not good to be single.

A person is fine when he is young and can take care of himself.

When we grow old, we must have a companion to take care of each other. "

"How many people can grow old together?" Du Lili said, rolling her eyes.

After Du Lili left, Tian Runye told Sun Shaoan everything about Du Lili.

Tian Runye said: "I can't understand Lili's thoughts, how could she do that."

Sun Shaoan said: "Du Lili is a poet, not an ordinary person.

We are just ordinary people.

We cannot understand the poet's thoughts. "


News came from Huang Yuan.

Du Lili and Wu Huiliang divorced.

Wu Huiliang chose to come to Yuanxi County in order to leave the sad place of Huangyuan.

Du Lili is still in Huangyuan.

Keep in touch with Gu Feng Chi.

The ancient wind chime has returned to the provincial capital.

The correspondence with Du Lili continued.

Gu Fengling's marriage is still normal and has not been affected.

"Lili is divorced" Tian Runye was a little unhappy.

"I heard that the ancient wind chime is good for marriage and career?" Sun Shaoan asked.

"Yes, that ancient wind chime is still a fifth-generation poet."

"Run Ye, how about we tell the leaders of Gu Fengling's unit about what Gu Fengling did?"

"is that useful?"

"I don't know, give it a try." Sun Shaoan wrote an anonymous letter, telling everything about what Gu Fengling had done.

Letter, mailed to the provincial capital.

But over in the provincial capital, a month or two passed, and the ancient wind chimes were not affected in any way.

Sun Shaoan did not give up.

"Hey, Shaoping, there's something like this." Sun Shao'an told Sun Shaoping about the ancient wind chimes.

As for Sun Shaoping, he quickly told Tian Xiaoxia.

When Tian Xiaoxia found out, she was furious and published the story of the ancient wind chimes in a newspaper.

Now, the people who protected the ancient wind chimes could no longer protect them.

Gu Fengling was first fired from his workplace, and then his family broke up.

Nothing remains of the ancient wind chime.

However, Gu Fengling should still be talented. He should be able to support himself by changing his pen name and continuing to write to make money.

However, ancient wind chimes cannot write poems.

The ancient wind chime has no inspiration.

Ancient wind chimes need to be stimulated by beautiful women to be inspired.

But there is no beauty around Gu Feng Ling.

After the scandal of Gu Feng Chime was exposed, the beauties around him all stayed away from Gu Feng Chime.

Even Du Lili didn't dare to continue communicating with Gu Feng Chime.

The ancient wind chimes are complete.

Du Lili also didn't expect that ancient wind chimes had so many 'beauties in bed'.

Du Lili regretted it, but it was too late.

this day.

Wu Huiliang came to Sun Shaoan's house.

"Shaoan, Runye, thank you." Wu Huiliang was full of gratitude.


Wu Huiliang knew that it was Sun Shaoan who found someone to expose the ancient wind chime.

"You're welcome, we are also seeking justice." Sun Shaoan said with a smile.

"Yes, it's justice." Wu Huiliang nodded heavily.


Wu Huiliang got out of the shadow of divorce.

A girl walked into Wu Huiliang's life.

A few months later.

Wu Huiliang held a wedding with a beautiful girl.

Sun Shaoan and Tian Runye attended the wedding.

Among the crowd, Du Lili left with tears in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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