Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 837 Su Daqiang shouted for help

Chapter 837 Su Daqiang shouted for help
Near the lake shore.

Su Mingcheng rushed over quickly.

"Mingcheng, why are you here?" Su Daqiang looked exhausted.

"Dad, why are you so hungry again?" Su Mingcheng hurriedly supported Su Daqiang.

"Mingcheng, take me to the hospital quickly." Su Daqiang didn't dare to say that he ate from a roadside stall again.

Su Mingcheng took a quick look and saw that the house was in a mess. He didn't care what to say and took Su Daqiang to the hospital first.

Be busy for a while.

Give Su Daqiang intravenous fluid.

"Dad, the doctor just said that you eat too much to get your stomach upset, so you must be careful, otherwise it may cause serious illness."

"What serious illness? Am I not suffering from gastroenteritis?"

“It’s gastroenteritis, but normally it doesn’t appear like this.

You eat too carelessly.

This has happened several times.

If this continues, I'm afraid it will cause other diseases. "Su Mingcheng said this with the intention of deceiving Su Daqiang.

The main thing is to prevent Su Daqiang from eating randomly.

"Really?" Su Daqiang expressed doubts because the doctor didn't say this before.

"Can this be false? Come on, tell me, what did you eat this time?"

"It's nothing." Su Daqiang said honestly.

"Is it duck neck, stinky tofu, or..." Su Mingcheng mentioned several things sold on the roadside.

"Duck neck." Su Daqiang did it anyway.

"Dad, do you know how much it costs to come to the hospital like this?"

"how much is it?"

"More than 300."

"What? So much?"

"Yes, it's because you eat indiscriminately. A visit to the hospital costs three to four hundred, sometimes five or six hundred."

"Not that many?"

"Why not? Come, take a look at this document."

Su Daqiang looked at it and said in surprise: "Are there really so many?"

"Then there is still time off. Dad, you eat at a roadside stall for more than ten yuan a time, but your family spends hundreds to treat you. Isn't this a bit inappropriate?"

"It's inappropriate. Mingcheng, I understand. I won't eat from a roadside stall next time." Su Daqiang was reluctant to waste money like this.

"That's right, find a noodle shop and have a bowl of noodles. You'll feel comfortable eating it, right?"

"Yes Yes."

Finish the infusion.

Take Su Daqiang back to the shore of Linhu Lake.

The house is a mess.

In the kitchen, the pots and pans were not washed and the kitchen waste was not thrown away.

In the living room, melon seeds, peanut skins, cigarette butts, ash, peels, and other debris were on the floor and were not cleaned.

The bathroom is even more messy.

The bedroom is just as messy.

"Dad, are you treating your home like a pigsty?" Su Mingcheng scolded Su Daqiang with a straight face.

"I forgot to clean up this." Su Daqiang also felt that he had gone too far.

"Forgot to clean it up? Then when will you clean it up?"

"I, Mingcheng, I'm sick now and I can't deal with it."

"Can't handle it?" Su Mingcheng stretched out his hand, "Bring me the money."

"what money?"

"The money for cleaning."

"Do you still need money for cleaning?"

"Of course, I'll ask someone from the housekeeping company to clean it for you."

"Ah? Are you looking for a housekeeping company? Can you just help me clean it up?"

"That won't work. I have hundreds of dollars per minute, and I don't have time to clean it up for you. Besides, I don't know how to clean it up."

"Then there's no need to find a housekeeper, I'll take care of it myself." Su Daqiang wouldn't pay.

Su Daqiang had thousands of dollars in his hand.

It was Zhao Meilan who gave Su Daqiang living expenses when she went to Chou Country.

After Su Daqiang came back from Chou Country, no one cared about him, and he still had money in his hands, so he indulged himself.

First I bought a 100 yuan lottery ticket.

Then, go to a restaurant and eat stir-fry noodles, which are not expensive.

Then, he invited his friends to visit his home.

Su Daqiang cooked and didn't clean up either.

The house is also in a mess.

I also ate something unclean.

"You can clean it up yourself. When will you clean it up?"

"I'll do it tomorrow."

"Okay, then tomorrow, if you don't clean it up, pay for someone to clean it up."

"I will definitely clean it up tomorrow."

"Okay, I'm leaving. You can rest." Su Mingcheng did not coddle Su Daqiang and did not help clean up.

Su Daqiang messed up the house, and Su Daqiang must clean it up by himself.

It's not like Su Daqiang has lost his ability to work.

The next day.

Early in the morning.

Indus Court.

Su Mingcheng hasn't gotten up yet.

Zhu Li woke up Su Mingcheng, "Mingcheng, go see dad again."

Su Mingcheng told Zhu Li what happened yesterday.

Zhu Li was a little worried and asked Su Mingcheng to check again to see if Su Daqiang was healed.

"Okay, I'll go take a look." Su Mingcheng was also worried that something might happen to Su Daqiang.

Su Daqiang is very unreliable and very capable of causing trouble.

Didn't bother to have breakfast.

After briefly washing up, Su Mingcheng drove to the shore of the lake.

Before I even entered, I smelled gas.

Sure enough, Su Daqiang caused trouble again.

He hurriedly opened the door and went in. Su Mingcheng had the key.

In the kitchen, the fire on the stove has gone out.

Su Daqiang was cooking porridge, the water overflowed, the fire was extinguished, and the gas was still on.

Su Mingcheng hurriedly turned off the gas and ventilated the room.

Then, I saw Su Daqiang sleeping soundly in the bedroom.

What's going on?
Su Daqiang got up early to go to the toilet.

Then, cook the porridge.

Then, tidied up a bit.

Then, I felt a little sleepy, so I went back to the bedroom to rest. I forgot to cook porridge and fell asleep.

Just like that, I almost got into trouble.

Without waking up Su Daqiang or cleaning up the burnt pot, Su Mingcheng went downstairs to have breakfast.

Soy milk, fried dough sticks, etc., eat whatever you want.

At this time, the phone rang.

"Hey, Mingcheng, you turned off the gas at home, right?" Over there, Su Daqiang just woke up, smelled the lingering gas smell, saw the burnt pot in the kitchen, and remembered that he had cooked porridge before.

"Yes, I locked you up. I'm having breakfast nearby now. Do you want to bring some back to you?"

"Yes, give me a bowl of lean meat porridge and a basket of steamed dumplings." Su Daqiang had a good appetite.

"Okay." Su Mingcheng agreed.

Go back soon.

Su Mingcheng didn't complain about anything, he just gave breakfast to Su Daqiang.

"Well." Su Daqiang looked like a child who had done something wrong, "Mingcheng, I didn't mean it."

"I know you didn't mean it." Su Daqiang forgot to turn off the gas, and Su Mingcheng didn't directly complain about Su Daqiang.After all, Su Daqiang is old.

"Mingcheng, don't worry, I won't forget to turn off the gas next time." Su Daqiang felt a little guilty.

"Okay, don't forget it next time." Su Mingcheng did not criticize Su Daqiang on this matter.

Seeing that Su Mingcheng was not really angry, Su Daqiang started to eat breakfast, "Well, these steamed dumplings are good, would you like some?"

"Okay." Su Mingcheng took one bite, then two.

A basket of xiaolongbao is not much.

Su Mingcheng ate two, which made Su Daqiang a little anxious. Worried that Su Mingcheng would continue to eat, he hurriedly pulled the xiaolongbao into his arms.

"Mingcheng, haven't you had breakfast?" Su Daqiang asked.

"It's eaten."

"Then why are you still eating (my xiaolongbao)?" Su Daqiang did not say the words in brackets.

"You asked me to eat. If you can't eat, I'll help you eat." Su Mingcheng was obviously teasing Su Daqiang.

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat." Su Daqiang hurriedly grabbed another xiaolongbao and almost choked.

"Dad, please remember to clean up. I'll go back first." Su Mingcheng was worried about Zhu Li at home.

There are two children at home, and Julie is alone, which is a bit too busy.

Julie's parents have to go to work and cannot go over to help every day.

"Okay, I'll clean up."

Indus Court.

Su Mingcheng is back.

By the way, I bought breakfast for Julie.

"Is Dad okay?" Julie asked.

"It's okay. Fortunately, the morning has passed. Dad cooked porridge in the morning. The smell of gas is quite dangerous." Su Mingcheng said what happened just now.

"How could this happen?" Julie was stunned.

"Lili, I tell you, my father is very unreliable. If my mother hadn't been strict in discipline over the years, I don't know what would have happened."

"Mingcheng, why don't you go take care of dad?" Zhu Li was worried that Su Daqiang would be in danger alone.

"It doesn't matter, it's usually fine," Su Mingcheng said before he finished speaking.

The phone rings.

"Hey, Mingcheng, come and save me!" Su Daqiang's voice sounded.

Something happened to Su Daqiang again.

"what happened?"

"I fell." "Falled?"

"Didn't you ask me to clean up the house? I" Su Daqiang accidentally stepped on a banana peel and dropped it while cleaning up the house.

Su Daqiang blamed Su Mingcheng as the reason for his fall.

"Did you fall hard? Are your bones okay?" Su Mingcheng didn't rush over, but asked calmly.

"The fall was so hard that I couldn't get up."

"Really? Then you lie down for a while and then get up." Su Mingcheng didn't believe that Su Daqiang fell seriously.

"Mingcheng, come and save me!" Su Daqiang continued to shout.

Zhu Li couldn't stand it anymore, "Mingcheng, go quickly, what's going on? Dad couldn't get up from the fall."

Su Mingcheng's performance made Zhu Li a little unhappy.

"Okay, Lili, I'm telling you, dad is definitely fine, don't worry."

"If anything happens, you should go and see." Zhu Li is a relatively filial child.

After a while.

Su Mingcheng rushed to Su Daqiang's side.

By this time, Su Daqiang had already gotten up.

But, lying on the sofa, looking weak.

"Are you okay?" Su Mingcheng asked.

"Mingcheng, take me to the hospital quickly."

"Go to the hospital? What's wrong with you?"

"Nowhere is uncomfortable."

"Really? Where did you fall just now? How did you fall?"

"I" Su Daqiang just sat on the ground.

"Butt? Come, let me take a look." Su Mingcheng patted it casually and checked, "The bones are fine, there is no big problem."

"Mingcheng, take me to the hospital. I feel pain all over."

"You're fine, you don't need to go to the hospital."

"How can it be okay? I feel sick all over."

"Dad, you can go to the hospital, just bring the money." Su Mingcheng still wasn't used to Su Daqiang.

"what money?"

"The money to go to the hospital for medical treatment."

"Aren't you going to help me out?"

"Not out."

"Why don't you come out?"

"No more money." Su Mingcheng's words stopped Su Daqiang.

Su Daqiang didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Dad, where is your money?"

"Here" Su Daqiang didn't say where the money was.He was worried that Su Ming would take it away from Chengdu.

"Dad, if you don't pay, we won't go to the hospital."

Su Daqiang was silent for a moment and secretly called Su Mingyu.

But Su Mingyu was busy over there and didn't answer the phone.

Seeing that Su Mingyu couldn't get through, Su Daqiang was about to call Su Mingzhe, but stopped again.

Because Zhao Meilan is with Su Mingzhe.

Su Daqiang didn't dare to fight.

"Aren't you on the phone? Keep calling?" Su Mingcheng smiled and watched Su Daqiang's performance.

"Well, Mingcheng, I want to go to the hospital."

"Okay, bring me the money."

"I, I..., that's the living expenses your mother gave you, you can't use it indiscriminately."

"Oh? No money?"


"That's easy. Just call my mother and ask her to give you money."

Su Daqiang had no move now and stopped talking.

"Dad, you're okay. Remember to clean up the house. I'll come over to check on you tonight." Su Mingcheng walked away gracefully.

"Mingcheng, Mingcheng, take me to the hospital."

Amid Su Daqiang's shouting, Su Mingcheng took the elevator and left.

Su Daqiang was so angry that he almost dropped the golden beans.

I called Su Mingyu again, but still couldn't get through.

Su Daqiang didn't bother anymore.

He rested for a while, got up, and slowly cleaned up the house.

Indus Court.

"Mingcheng, why are you back so soon?"

"Dad, it's okay, I'll be back."

"It's fine."

"Lili, that's what happened just now." Su Mingcheng said what happened just now without hiding it from Zhu Li.

"Mingcheng, how could you do this?" Zhu Li was a little dissatisfied with Su Mingcheng's actions.

"Lili, you don't understand Dad. He is just such a person. You can't listen to him in everything, otherwise, you will definitely get into trouble."

"Really?" Zhu Li didn't understand Su Daqiang yet.

"Yes, take your time and take a look."

Su Daqiang was frustrated by Su Mingcheng.

The next day was uneventful.

At noon, we ate at a noodle shop outside.

Didn't eat randomly.


Su Mingcheng cooks.

"Mingcheng, go see dad quickly."

"Wait until I eat before I go."

"It's better to go and take a look first. Why don't you eat with dad." Zhu Li was worried that Su Daqiang would not be able to eat well.


"Go quickly. Dad is old, you let him go." Zhu Li was worried that Su Mingcheng would 'bully' Su Daqiang.


Su Mingcheng just went out.

the phone is ringing.

Su Mingyu called.

"Hey, second brother, why did dad say you don't care about him?"

"That's what happened." Su Mingcheng briefly explained what happened before.

"Haha, second brother really has you, so our dad has to do this. But, second brother, dad asked me for money just now, so I transferred two thousand to him."

"Little sister, you shouldn't give money. Just wait and I'll get it back for you."

"No need, second brother, we don't have much money."

"I know, but little sister, when our father has money, he either buys lottery tickets or eats from roadside stalls. Anyway, he doesn't do anything serious."

"Dad is unreliable." Without saying much, Su Mingyu quickly hung up the phone. She was still busy.

Near the lake shore.

Su Mingcheng saw Su Daqiang wandering on the street from a distance.

Su Daqiang seemed to want to eat at the roadside stall, but then walked away.

Su Daqiang didn't dare to eat randomly.

"Dad, have you eaten?" Su Mingcheng called.

"I didn't eat."

"It's so noisy over there, is it outside?"

"Yes, I'm going to buy groceries."

"No need to buy it, I'm bringing food." Su Mingcheng brought the ingredients and planned to cook for Su Daqiang.

"Ah? Really? Then I won't buy it."

"Dad, I'll be there soon. Is the house tidy yet?"

"Cleaned up."

"That's good, I'll see you at home later." Su Mingcheng drove into the community.

Su Daqiang stopped walking outside and hurried home.

"Dad, are you doing well?" The house has been tidied up.

"I tidied up for the day."

"Are you hungry? I'll go cook."

"Want to help?" Su Daqiang was just polite.

"Yes, help me wash the dishes."

Su Daqiang rolled his eyes and could only wash the vegetables.

"Dad, you must return Mingyu's two thousand dollars."

"Ah? What two thousand?" Su Daqiang tried to pretend to be confused.

"Dad, it's not easy for Mingyu to make money. She still has a mortgage."

"Hasn't it been paid off already?"

"Mingyu bought a house again and has to repay the loan every month."

"Why buy another house?"

"Invest, dad. You can make a lot of money by buying a house now."

"I learn it from you."

At Su Mingcheng's urging, Su Daqiang promised to transfer the money to Su Mingyu tomorrow.

The meal will be ready soon.

"Well, well, Mingcheng, your cooking is still delicious. What I ate at a noodle shop outside for lunch was not as delicious as yours."

"Of course, I'm pretty good at it."

"Um, Mingcheng, please cook for me tomorrow." Su Daqiang went beyond the limit and made demands.

"Dad, I may not have time. Lili is too busy to take care of two children by herself."

"Oh." Su Daqiang nodded a little disappointed.

"Dad, can you go to work tomorrow?"


"Then you drive to Wutong Garden after get off work and let's have dinner together."

"Okay, that's okay, let's do it."

(End of this chapter)

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