Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 836 Su Daqiang is going crazy

Chapter 836 Su Daqiang is going crazy

Su Mingzhe does not earn as much as Su Mingcheng and Su Mingyu.

This made Su Daqiang and Zhao Meilan a little disappointed.

They can only hope that Su Mingzhe will earn higher income in the future.

It was not only the Su family who was disappointed in Su Mingzhe, but also Su Mingzhe's wife Wu Fei.

Wu Fei thought that Su Mingzhe would skyrocket after working.

As a result, Su Mingzhe failed to thrive after starting work and became mediocre.

I am a "high-achieving student" who works step by step in the company. He has lost his ambition and seems to have lost his potential.

"Mingzhe, we need to think more about income. After the child is born, the family will have more money to spend." Wu Fei hoped that Su Mingzhe could earn more money.

Wu Fei is pregnant.

They originally planned to get pregnant so early.

But the two were newlyweds and didn't pay much attention to safety.

Just got pregnant.

"Fei Fei, I know. It's just that I just joined the company and I'm not familiar with many things. After a while, I'll ask the project manager to see if I can do more."


years later.

Su Mingzhe's salary has not increased.

Su Mingcheng's income increased again.

The profits of imported goods supermarkets have reached a new level.

Year after year, there are more and more wealthy people. (It will not keep increasing. At a certain level, the gap between rich and poor will widen, and there will be more and more poor people.)
What products do rich people like to buy?
Imported goods.

Therefore, Su Mingcheng's imported supermarket business is getting better and better.

this day.

Imported supermarket.

Su Mingcheng took the time to come.

"Mr. Su, this is the expected sales target for this year." Zhang Ling was dressed in a fancy dress, and she still smelled of perfume, which was not unpleasant.

Obviously Zhang Ling did not give up on Su Mingcheng and wanted to get Su Mingcheng.

"Not bad." Su Mingcheng began to sign.There are always some documents that require Su Mingcheng's signature.

"Manager Zhang, how was your recent blind date?" Su Mingcheng asked by the way.Zhang Ling is not young anymore, so her family is worried and arranges a blind date.

"Not very good, they are all crooked and cracked dates." With a young boss like Su Mingcheng, Zhang Ling's vision is high and ordinary people look down on her.

"Manager Zhang, don't set your sights too high. Also, you should look at men from a developmental perspective and see if they are motivated and have a clear understanding and plan for the future. You can't just look at the present." Su Mingcheng said a few words, Arrange your work and leave in style.

Regarding Zhang Ling's intentional or unintentional seduction, Su Mingcheng chose to ignore and cleverly 'dodge'.

As time passed, Zhang Ling also understood Su Mingcheng's thoughts.

"It seems we have to give up." Zhang Ling sighed, "I hope tomorrow's blind date will have a good start."

Although Zhang Ling seduces Su Mingcheng, this does not prevent Zhang Ling from continuing to have blind dates.This doesn't seem contradictory.

Zhang Ling regretted not getting to know Su Mingcheng earlier, and now she can only look for her own good husband.

Su Mingcheng also went to the domestic supermarket.

Things are not good here, but not too bad.

"Mr. Su, according to your instructions, the new supermarkets this year will be in these cities."

Every year there are more domestic supermarkets.

Su Mingcheng's initial goal is to open a domestic supermarket in every major provincial capital city.

"Okay, Manager Wang, just go ahead and do it. I can rest assured that you will do the work."

"Understood. Mr. Su is still foresighted. During the days of boycotting Japanese goods last year, the profit of our domestic supermarket increased dozens of times."

Under normal circumstances, domestic supermarkets’ revenue and expenses are basically the same.

But there are always unexpected situations, such as boycotting Japanese goods or foreign goods, the business of domestic supermarkets is booming, and in a short period of time, they can make a year's money.

"Very good. Bring me anything that needs to be signed."

"Mr. Su is here."

Su Mingcheng signed, listened to the report, and gave instructions on the follow-up matters.

"Mr. Su, there are several domestic brands that are looking for investment."

"What's the situation?"

"There is a brand of household appliances whose production lines are lagging behind and need a lot of money to upgrade. There is another one."

"I will transfer 2000 million to you in a few days and invest in those two companies."

Su Mingcheng's business is booming.

Julie’s online store is also getting better and better.

"Mingcheng, do you want to recruit a few more people?" Zhu Li's online store is doing so well that her staff are a little overwhelmed.

"Okay, let's recruit people from the supermarket. After all, they have been working there for a while and are familiar with it."

"Mingcheng, do you want to give them a salary increase?" Zhu Li was pretty good to her employees.

"It can be considered, but the increase cannot be too large and must be in line with the normal salary level of the industry."

Su Mingyu's side.

"Mr. Qian, let me toast you again. I'll do it. You can do whatever you want." Su Mingyu was eating with a client.

I eat and drink with me, and from time to time I am even eaten by customers.

Su Mingyu's sales job is not as glamorous as she imagined. There is too much dirt hidden in it.

"Xiao Su, what are you hiding from? How can I survive?" Mr. Qian kept leaning on Su Mingyu, and his hands were not honest.

"Mr. Qian, come here, let me toast you again. Later, let's go sing and make you happy." Su Mingyu dealt with the dirty tricks with ease.

This is the path Su Mingyu chose.

She was tired of it too.

But now that she's on the road, Su Mingyu doesn't want to give up easily.

Sometimes, Su Mingyu also wonders if it would be better if she kept running an online store.

But just thinking about it, Su Mingyu knew that without Su Mingcheng's guidance and help, the business of Zhuli's online store would not be so good.

"Second brother's performance is getting better and better after working." Su Mingyu sighed in her heart more than once.

Su Mingcheng's performance constantly impressed Su Mingyu.

Near the lake shore.

"Hey, Mingcheng, drive over here quickly, your dad's hungry again." Years later, Su Daqiang settled down for a while and started acting like a monster again.

Eating at a roadside stall made me feel bad.

"Okay, Mom, I'll be there right away." Su Mingcheng was a little helpless.

After Su Daqiang got a promotion and a salary increase, he couldn't help but want to become rich.

He always has a "rebellious mentality" and refuses to obey Zhao Meilan's discipline.

Su Daqiang is becoming more and more 'rebellious' and is difficult to control.

"Lili, dad's hungry again, I'm going to go."

"Go quickly and be safe on the road."

After telling Zhu Li, Su Mingcheng drove off in a hurry.

Picked up Su Daqiang, went to the hospital, received infusions, and was busy for a while. Su Daqiang was in stable condition.

"Why are you eating randomly again?" Zhao Meilan couldn't help scolding Su Daqiang.

"For me, I was fine eating before. But this time, for some reason, I got upset." Food from roadside stalls is not always safe.There is always a time when the ingredients are not fresh.

"If you don't change your ways despite repeated admonitions, your monthly pocket money will be halved from now on." Zhao Meilan was very angry.

"Reduced by half? If it is reduced by half, it will be gone."

Zhao Meilan didn't continue talking nonsense to Su Daqiang, she went to rest.

"Dad, you have to be careful not to eat randomly in the future. You are not young anymore, and doing this is not good for your health." Su Mingcheng continued to accompany Su Daqiang.

"I know." Su Daqiang was a little impatient.

"Dad, do you want to buy you a car?" Su Mingcheng asked.Most of the other colleagues in Su Daqiang's unit have cars.

"Buy a car? I can't drive, what kind of car should I buy?"

"If you don't know how to drive, you can learn to drive. Don't all your colleagues have cars? I'll buy you one too."

"Really?" Su Daqiang was a little happy.The smile on his lips couldn't be hidden.

"Of course it's true. What car do you want? How much does it cost?"

"Will you pay for it?" Su Daqiang asked first.

"Yes, I'll pay for it."

"It doesn't have to be too expensive, anything over [-] yuan, or less than [-] yuan will do." Su Daqiang's requirements were not high.

"Well, how about buying a Passat?"

"Passat? What brand? How much does it cost?"

"For the general public, it's less than 20."

"How much? 20? No, it's too expensive. Just over [-] will be fine."

"Then let's go to the 4S store tomorrow and buy whatever car we like."

"Okay." Su Daqiang became energetic.

The next day.

Su Mingcheng took Su Daqiang to visit the 4S store.

Su Daqiang went back and forth and finally chose Passat.

"Mingcheng, just the car just now is fine, but you don't need to buy it yet. I will buy it after I learn to drive."

"Okay, Dad, I will help you contact the driving school and find a good instructor to teach you."

"Okay." Su Daqiang was as happy as a child.

Su Mingcheng bought a car for Su Daqiang, not for much reason, just to make it easier for Su Daqiang and Zhao Meilan to travel.

a few months later.

Su Daqiang got into the car and was very nervous for a few days.

"Lao Li, what do you think of my car?"

"Not bad. This car costs 20 yuan less, right?"

"Yes, Mingcheng bought it for me."

"Mingcheng bought it? You didn't pay for it?"

"No, I didn't pay a penny."

"Lao Su, your second son is very kind to you."

"Of course, my family Mingcheng was very kind to me. He took me to eat Western food and travel to Chou Country." Su Daqiang said a lot of good things about Su Mingcheng.

Near the lake shore.

"Mingcheng, you shouldn't buy a car for your dad. He has to drive it out every day." Zhao Meilan complained with a smile.

"Mom, do you like this?" Su Mingcheng did not favor one over the other. He not only bought Su Daqiang a car, but also bought more expensive jewelry for Zhao Meilan. "Doesn't this cost a lot of money?"

"It doesn't cost much. Mom, put the gold bracelet on and see if it looks good."

"It must look good." Zhao Meilan was also happy, "This necklace is not bad either."

"It's quite beautiful." Su Daqiang also said.

"Buying a car and buying these again, Mingcheng, do you still have money?" Zhao Meilan asked.

"You're rich, Mom. I've made a lot of money from real estate speculation recently."

"How much did you earn?" Su Daqiang asked.

"It's about half a million."

"so much?"

"It's not bad, house prices are rising fast."

"Mingcheng, why do house prices rise so fast?"

"What's the point? It's not just for everyone to speculate in real estate together."

"What will you do when housing prices don't rise?"

"Just do whatever you have to do. Anyway, I won't have too many houses on my hands. I just need to keep them in circulation."

Indus Court.

"Lili, I emptied your shopping cart for you." Su Mingcheng did not forget Zhu Li.

"Really?" Julie has a lot of expensive things in her shopping cart, which can be considered luxuries.

"Of course it's true. I'll receive the express delivery in a few days."

"Mingcheng, you are so kind!" Zhu Li was also happy.

Even though Su Mingcheng had money, he didn't think about saving money.

After taking some time, Su Mingcheng took Zhu Li, Zhao Meilan, and Su Daqiang to the mall and bought a lot of things.

It made several people extremely happy.

"Dad, try this dress on."

"Mom, this coat is good, you can try it."

"Lili, those sets of clothes are all good, you can try them all on."

“There are also cosmetics”

"Mingcheng, you can't spend money like this!" Su Daqiang was very happy, but a little worried about the money.

"Yes, Mingcheng, don't you still have a mortgage?" Zhao Meilan said.

"It's okay, Mom and Dad. I've made a lot lately. If you're happy, just buy more."

The next day.

Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li took Zhu Li's parents shopping.

Julie's parents didn't allow her to buy more clothes, so they only had one piece per person.

In the blink of an eye, another few months passed.

"Second brother, I earned a share of 60 here. Can you help me buy a house?" Su Mingyu also wanted to make money by speculating in real estate.She knew that Su Mingcheng had made a lot of money speculating in real estate.

"Okay, no problem. There happens to be a new property with a preferential price." Su Mingcheng agreed, "By the way, Mingyu, do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, second brother, I'm very busy here and don't have time to find a boyfriend."

"Then second brother, let me introduce you to one."

"No, second brother, I'm not in a hurry." Su Mingyu only wanted to make money and didn't want to find a boyfriend.

The assets of Su Mingcheng and Su Mingyu are growing rapidly.

Su Mingzhe's money became less and less used.

Su Mingzhe's emotional intelligence is not good enough, and his relationships with other people in the company are average.

Su Mingzhe wants to take a step further in the company or make more money, but it's not that easy.

In terms of professional skills, Su Mingzhe did not perform too well.

Su Mingzhe's potential has been exhausted.

Pregnant in October.

In the blink of an eye, Wu Fei was about to give birth.

"Hey, Mom, Feifei is about to give birth, when will you come over?" Su Mingzhe had mentioned before that Zhao Meilan would come over to take care of the confinement and take care of the child.

"As soon as possible." Zhao Meilan had promised to go to Chou Country to help.

"Okay, the visa has been processed. Come quickly." Su Mingzhe didn't talk about the air tickets. Su Mingcheng had promised to buy the air tickets before.

In the TV series, Zhao Meilan did not go to Chou Country to take care of Wu Fei and the children.

It’s not that Zhao Meilan can’t let go of work.

In the TV series, Su Mingzhe and Wu Fei got married and had children very late.

By that time, Su Daqiang and Zhao Meilan should have retired.

But Zhao Meilan still did not go to Chou Country to serve her confinement child.

It was Wu Fei's mother who retired from illness two years early and went to Chou Country to serve Wu Fei and take care of the children.

For this reason, Wu Fei's mother lost a lot of pension.

Why doesn't Zhao Meilan go to Chou Country to help?

There is a saying: Zhao Meilan was worried that when she went to Chou Country, Su Daqiang knew about Su Mingzhe's annual payment of [-] Chou Yuan.

In the TV series, after Su Mingzhe started working, he sent money to his family every year: 5000 U.S. dollars. (Su Mingzhe has worked for several years. In seven years, the amount is 3.5 U.S. dollars.)
Su Daqiang didn't know about this money.

Zhao Meilan should have given everything to her brother Zhao Qingshan.

Zhao Meilan is quite powerful when she is a demon supporting her younger brother.

Now, Su Mingzhe hasn't sent money to his family yet.Zhao Meilan didn't give the money to Zhao Qingshan either.

Zhao Meilan also agreed to go to Chou Country.

So, the reason why Zhao Meilan did not go to Chou Country to help in the TV series may be because of this.

Near the lake shore.

The Su family and Julie are all here.

"Mingcheng, your eldest brother called and said that Wu Fei is due to give birth and asked your mother to go to Chou Country. The visa has been processed." Su Daqiang said briefly.

The family had discussed Wu Fei's birth before, and Zhao Meilan was willing to go.

When we were chatting, we talked about Zhao Meilan’s work.

The time to stay in Chou Country is not short, so it is not easy to ask for leave.

"You're giving birth? I'll buy mom's plane ticket, and I'll tell my friends to ask for help to take a long vacation for mom." Su Mingcheng can solve the problem of Zhao Meilan's long vacation.

This time we went to Chou Country. As we had discussed before, Su Daqiang would not go with us.His job also doesn’t allow for extended leave.

"Your mother is going to Chou Country alone." Su Daqiang was a little worried about Zhao Meilan.

"It's okay. Mingzhe will pick you up when we get there." Zhao Meilan was not worried about anything.

"How about." Su Mingcheng hesitated, "How about we all go to Chou Country."

"Are you all going?" Su Daqiang's eyes widened.

"Yes, let's all go. My sister-in-law is about to give birth, so let's all go and take a look. After that, mom stays and we just come back."

"The ticket?"

"I'll buy it."

"Hey, Lao Liu, do me a favor, my mother is going to take a long vacation."

"It's easy, just wait."

In a few minutes, Zhao Meilan came down from her long vacation.

Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li sent their children to the home of Zhu Li's parents.

"Hey, Mingyu, we're leaving." Su Mingcheng also told Su Mingyu about going to Chou Country.

But Su Mingyu was busy and had no time to go.

"I know, second brother, I'm busy here. Give me a gift for my sister-in-law." Su Mingyu quickly hung up the phone.

Su Mingyu was busy and didn't care about anything.

Su Mingcheng, Zhu Li, Zhao Meilan, and Su Daqiang went to Chou Country.


"Brother, how is sister-in-law?"

"I've already gone to the hospital and said I'm about to give birth."

"Then let's go to the hospital first?"

"No, let's go to the place where we live first. Fei Fei's parents are here too, they are in the hospital." Wu Fei's parents also came to visit Wu Fei, but they couldn't stay for a long time and needed to work.

"Sister-in-law's parents are here too?" Su Mingcheng was a little surprised.

"Yes, but they will leave in a few days."

"Oh, that's okay. Mom has taken a long leave and can stay for a few more months."

Su Mingcheng and others settled down, took a rest, and went to the hospital.

It didn't take long.

"It's happening, it's happening, it's a girl!" Wu Fei gave birth.

Zhao Meilan and Zhu Li, as well as Wu Fei's mother, took care of Wu Fei and the children.

Su Mingcheng went back to cook.

Su Mingzhe drove to pick him up.

Su Daqiang and Wu Fei's father couldn't help, so they stayed at home.

Been busy for a few days.

Wu Fei was discharged from the hospital.

Su Daqiang and Wu Fei's parents will return home first.

Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li haven't left yet.

However, they can't stay here forever. Their children are all at Julie's parents' place.

More than ten days later, Zhao Meilan was left to take care of Wu Fei and the children, while Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li also returned.

Just got back, settled in, and took the kids home.

Su Mingcheng received a call from Su Daqiang.

"Mingcheng, hurry up, take me to the hospital!" Su Daqiang felt bad again.

Zhao Meilan is not here, Su Daqiang is alone now, and he is going to act like a monster again.

Before Su Mingcheng had time to set off, the phone rang again.

"Hey, second brother, are you back?" Su Mingyu called.

"just came back."

"That's great, second brother, you don't know, dad can call me all the time these days!" Su Mingyu was seriously 'harassed' by Su Daqiang.

"I understand, you don't have to worry about him." Without saying anything more, Su Mingcheng hung up the phone, thinking about how to deal with Su Daqiang's behavior.

(End of this chapter)

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