Zhen Huan was drugged.

Although it is not poison, if you take it for a long time, you will become insane in less than half a year, which is similar to dementia.

This is not poison, but it is better than poison.

What's going on?
some days ago.

Zhen Huan occasionally feels cold.

Wen Shichu prescribed some medicine.

There was a maid beside Zhen Huan who was making medicine, and she was bribed by Concubine Hua to add a certain amount of medicine to the medicine.

This medicine is added cleverly and the portion is not large.

Wen Shichu checked Zhen Huan's Ping'an pulse normally, but did not find it.

Wen Shichu took his pulse and couldn't tell what was going on.Yong Zheng could see it at a glance without needing to check his pulse.

this day.


Yongzheng came to Yongshou Palace as usual and asked Fang Chunyi to play pot throwing.

Shen Meizhuang and Zhen Huan were also called out.

Shen Meizhuang's face was rosy, and he could tell at a glance that he lived a happy life.

Fang Chunyi looked very sunny, was gluttonous and playful, and was always in a good mood. With Yongzheng's pampering, she lived a very comfortable life.

Zhen Huan's face looked good, but she was not in good spirits.

Yongzheng saw something was wrong at a glance.

"Huan Huan, are you sleepy easily lately?" After letting Fang Chunyi and others go to throw pots first, Yong Zheng called Zhen Huan aside and asked.

"Yes, my concubine hasn't been getting enough sleep recently. She only sleeps five or six hours out of twelve hours a day." Zhen Huan looked a little embarrassed.

"Su Peisheng, call Zhang Mi over." Yong Zheng ordered.Zhang Mi is the judge of Taiyuan Hospital.

"Hey." Su Peisheng hurried out.After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he said the same thing.Su Peisheng didn't dare to say a word about many things.

"Your Majesty, no need. I'm just snoozing these days." Zhen Huan thought it was okay because Wen Shichu had been helping her to get a safe pulse and didn't say there was any problem.

Shen Meizhuang saw something was wrong from the side and hurriedly came over to ask what was going on.

Zhen Huan whispered.

"It's better to ask the imperial doctor to come and rest assured that nothing is wrong." Shen Meizhuang also felt that it would be better to be careful.

Fang Chunyi didn't care about this, "Your Majesty, come and throw the pot together!"


Yongzheng started playing with Fang Chunyi.

After a while.

Zhang Mi is here.

"Go and show Zhen Changzai a look." Yong Zheng ordered calmly.

"I obey my orders." Zhang Mi is old and his beard has turned white.He has experienced a lot and knows a lot of the palace's privacy.

It's not bad that Zhang Mi finally retired and returned to his hometown.

Zhang Mi felt Zhen Huan's pulse.

Yongzheng and others were waiting for the results.

Fang Chunyi also watched with concern, worried that Zhen Huan had some health problems.

After a while.

Zhang Mi's eyebrows suddenly rose, he hesitated, and looked at Yong Zheng, "Your Majesty, I need to use silver needles to prick my acupuncture points."

"Take it." Yong Zheng understood that this was necessary to determine whether there was anything wrong with the medicine Zhen Huan took.

Zhang Mi used a silver needle to prick an acupuncture point on Zhen Huan's hand.

Waited a few seconds.

The silver needle was pulled out, and there was already cyan color on it.

"Your Majesty, there is something wrong with the medicine Zhen Chang is taking. I'm afraid it's very inappropriate to take it for a long time." Zhang Mi warned cautiously, not daring to say what the consequences would be.

"What? Zhen Changzai's medicine was prescribed by Dr. Wen." Huanbi couldn't help but exclaimed.She felt that Wen Shichu could not harm Zhen Huan.

"Wen Shichu? Go and call Wen Shichu over." Yong Zheng ordered lightly.

"Hey." Su Peisheng went out to make arrangements.Not far away, a maid walked away quietly.Except Yongzheng, no one noticed.

At this time, something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Zhen Huan was frightened and uneasy. She really couldn't understand why Wen Shichu would harm her?Apparently, Zhen Huan also misunderstood and thought there was something wrong with the medicine Wen Shichu prescribed.

"Huan Huan, don't be afraid. Even if there is a problem with the medicine, it has been found out. Doctor Zhang will definitely cure you." Yong Zheng comforted.

Zhang Mi also hurriedly said that it would only take a few days to recuperate.

Shen Meizhuang also stepped forward to comfort Zhen Huan.

But Zhen Huan's face turned pale and her whole body was trembling. She could not accept Wen Shichu's 'betrayal'.

Wen Shichu was her childhood sweetheart.

Another moment passed.

Wen Shichu is here.

"Where is the prescription you gave Zhen Changzai?" Yong Zheng asked directly.

"Weichen didn't bring it with him, but there are records in the imperial hospital." The prescriptions prescribed by the imperial doctors are all recorded and can be checked.

"Your Majesty, the prescription has been copied over." Su Peisheng was a man of business and knew that this prescription would be used.

Zhang Mi took the initiative to take it and check it out.

"Is there anything wrong with this prescription?" Zhang Mi was a little confused, "Then why is Zhen Chang here?"

"But Zhen Chang has a problem with her medication?" Wen Shichu asked hurriedly.He is also able to observe words and expressions, and is aware of certain things.

"Wen Shichu, go and show Zhen Changzai," Yong Zheng said.

"I obey the order." Wen Shichu knelt down and felt Zhen Huan's pulse.

This time, Wen Shichu was more cautious.

Not long after, Wen Shichu frowned, with some surprise on his face, and then asked to use a silver needle to prick the acupuncture point.

Zhen Huan was given another injection.

The silver needle also turned cyan.

Wen Shichu knelt down to Yongzheng and said, "Your Majesty, someone has tampered with my medicine."

"Oh? How did you know it was someone else and not you?" Yong Zheng suddenly wanted to make things difficult for Wen Shichu.Who made Wen Shichu always think about Zhen Huan?

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen's medicines are all caught according to the rules. Each time the number of medicines caught is recorded." Wen Shichu is a cautious person who does things in a strict manner and will not be framed easily.

At this time, Su Peisheng handed over a notebook in which Wen Shichu's dosage was recorded.

Tai Hospital has many rules, and Wen Shichu has many ways to prove that there is nothing wrong with his prescriptions.

It can also prove that Wen Shichu did not harm Zhen Huan.

Yong Zheng nodded, "Get up. I believe you for the time being. Then who touched Zhen Changzai's medicine?"

"Weichen's medicine was all brought here and fried here. If someone tampered with it, it must be..." Wen Shichu easily deduced that there was something wrong with the people around Zhen Huan.

"Su Peisheng." Yongzheng called his name but gave no other instructions.

"I will go check it out immediately." Su Peisheng knew what Yong Zheng asked him to do.

After a while.

"Your Majesty, a maid named Huasui who was with Zhen Chang has disappeared."

"Find it out." Yong Zheng ordered calmly, still showing no serious expression.

"Hey." Su Peisheng hurriedly tracked down the maid Huasui.

At this time, Yongzheng looked at Wen Shichu, "Wen Shichu, do you know your crime?"

Wen Shichu was stunned, then hurriedly knelt down, "Wei Chen knows that he is guilty of negligence and dereliction of duty. He usually checks Zhen Changzai's pulse for peace of mind, but no problem was found."

"Any merit should be rewarded, and any fault should be punished." Yongzheng paused and said, "I will punish you by going out for free clinic for half a year." The imperial doctors of the imperial hospital generally did not treat external diseases.Yongzheng finally sent Wen Shichu away.

"I obey the order." Wen Shichu breathed a sigh of relief, because Yongzheng's punishment was not severe.

Yongzheng looked at Zhang Mi, "Zhang Mi, do you know your sin?"

Zhang Mi hurriedly knelt down and said, "Wei Chen is guilty. Wen Shichu's prescription must have been seen by others. Wei Chen was uninspected and a treacherous person took advantage of it."

"I'll fine you half a year's salary." After Yongzheng finished punishing her, he asked Wen Shichu to prescribe Zhen Huan a prescription for her health, and Zhang Mi was responsible for the inspection.


Su Peisheng ran back, "Your Majesty, maid Huasui went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and disappeared."

Huasui just saw Zhang Mi coming to check Zhen Huan's body and knew something was wrong, so she ran away quietly.

Hua Sui ran to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to find the person who ordered her.However, there is no coming back.

"No trace? Then keep looking." Yong Zheng ordered calmly.

"Hey." Although Yong Zheng didn't get angry, Su Peisheng's back was already soaked.

If Yongzheng doesn't get angry, then he is really angry.

The news that Zhen Huan was poisoned still spread.

The queen and other concubines were all frightened and anxious, and hurriedly called the imperial doctor to check their pulses carefully.

Yikun Palace.

Concubine Hua also received the news.

"Please rest assured, the maid has been dealt with and will not implicate the Queen." Although the Yikun Palace has been banned, there are still people from Concubine Hua outside, still helping Concubine Hua with errands and delivering news.

"Continue with the rest." Concubine Hua ordered.

There is no turning back when the bow is fired, so Concubine Hua can only continue to deal with Shen Meizhuang and Zhen Huan.

in a few days.

The body of maid Huasui was found.

He was strangled to death in a dry well.

But Su Peisheng couldn't find out who the murderer was for a while.

Yongzheng looked at Su Peisheng expressionlessly and said nothing.

Su Peisheng was so frightened that he kowtowed repeatedly and did not dare to ask for forgiveness.

"Continue to investigate." Yong Zheng ordered calmly.Yongzheng didn't know who killed Huasui.

However, it is very simple to check Yongzheng.

But Yongzheng was too lazy to investigate, and Su Peisheng was not a vegetarian. It wouldn't be long before clues could be found.

After hearing Yongzheng's instructions, Su Peisheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The weather is getting hotter.

Yongzheng planned to go to the Old Summer Palace to escape the summer heat.

(Old Summer Palace, when you think of it, you will think of "Burning the Old Summer Palace".

It turns out that this huge country has been cannibalized by many countries.

It is not easy for a country that has been bullied to truly stand up.

It is even harder to prevent other countries from looking down upon us.

Thinking about these things makes me feel a little unhappy and sad.

In the current situation, it’s okay not to talk about it.Just as unhappy and sad. )
The Old Summer Palace is a good place to escape the summer heat.

However, the palace cannot compare to the Forbidden City.

Not everyone in the harem can go because there is no room for them.

The Queen must go.This is a matter of face.Shen Meizhuang, Fang Chunyi, Zhen Huan, Fucha, and Yongzheng all gave way.

In addition, those who have elder brothers or princesses are allowed to go, and those who are pregnant are allowed to go.

In this way, the Old Summer Palace may not be able to accommodate so many people.

"Su Peisheng, go handle this matter." Yong Zheng felt it was troublesome, so he asked Su Peisheng to solve it.

"Hey." Su Peisheng could only ask one by one to determine who was going.

Fortunately, not everyone wants to go.

There are many pregnant concubines who don’t want to go back and forth and just ask for more ice cubes.

After counting the number of people, there are not many people going to the Old Summer Palace, so we can make arrangements.

Pick an auspicious day.

A large group of people came out of the Forbidden City.

Brigades of guards, various ceremonial guards, and horse-drawn carriages.

There were a lot of people there and it was a big scene.

Also very cumbersome.

However, Yongzheng only needs to sit in the sedan chair, and someone will take care of other things.

Arrived at Yuanmingyuan.

Yongzheng first measured the Old Summer Palace with his feet.

There are many beautiful scenery here, and many replicas of famous gardens and scenic spots across the country have been built.

It's a pity that at the end of the Qing Dynasty, it was burned down by the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

The Old Summer Palace is a place of 'shame'.

During the Republic of China, there were many "shameful" places.

Can these shames be forgotten?

Yongzheng didn't think much about it.

There is no use in thinking too much.

Is it interesting for a low-level citizen, whose livelihood is in question, to sit in a well and watch the sky all day long, thinking about unrealistic things?

The lower the people are, the more they care about world affairs.I don't know if it's just idle or if there's something wrong with it. (Obviously, the author has this problem, not a small one.)
After the concubines settled down.

Yongzheng went to see them one by one.

Yongzheng cared about his women.

Although there were many women in the harem, Yongzheng cared about them all and did not regard them as 'clothes'.

Shen Meizhuang lives in Xianyue Pavilion.

"Meizhuang, is it okay to live here?" Yongzheng was most concerned about Shenmeizhuang.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. Everything is fine here."

"Well, use ice when you feel hot." The ancients put ice cubes in the house to cool down if conditions allowed.

Previously, the palace's use of ice was limited because there was not enough.

Now, Yongzheng specially asked people to prepare a lot of ice, enough for each concubine.Basically unlimited.

Yongzheng lived in Qinzheng Hall, which was more convenient for working.

The Queen lives in Taohuawu, which is also a good place.

Zhen Huan lives in Bitong Academy.

Concubine Hua was not allowed to come, and she was even grounded.

Fang Chunyi lived in Qingliang Hall, which was supposed to be the place where Concubine Hua lived.

Yongzheng visited all these places. If anything was wrong, Yongzheng asked Su Peisheng to deal with it.

When he arrived at the Old Summer Palace, Yongzheng inevitably took the beauty around.

Laughter and laughter filled the garden.

In the TV series, at this time, Yong Zheng was worried about money.

When Yongzheng ascended the throne, the treasury was empty.

Afterwards, instability in the northwest, wars, misappropriation of taxes by lower officials, etc., made the treasury even more empty.

Yongzheng had to make the harem frugal.

For a bowl of mung bean soup, you have to put in some effort.

Now, Yongzheng waved his hand, there is no need to save, there is plenty of money.

On the one hand, simply raiding the homes of corrupt officials will enrich the state treasury.At the same time, it also cracked down on the misappropriation of taxes below.

On the other hand, Niangan did business all over the country and even overseas, making a lot of money.

Therefore, Yongzheng was not short of money.

It will not make the harem frugal and save mung bean soup.

this day.

Xianyue Pavilion.

Zhen Huan and Shen Meizhuang chatted.

"Look, I used hard and soft tactics to get Dr. Jiang to give me this prescription." Shen Meizhuang took out a prescription and showed it to Zhen Huan.

This prescription was prescribed by Jiang Cheng.

Who is Jiang Cheng?

He is the best imperial physician in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, and is also Concubine Hua's confidant.

But Shen Meizhuang didn't know.

Shen Meizhuang said that if you use this recipe to recuperate your body, you will definitely be able to give birth to a boy.

(It seems that this is also said now. Some people take medicine to recuperate before becoming pregnant in order to give birth to a boy.)
Shen Meizhuang wants to have a child.

Women in the harem are generally not favored for a long time (if there are too many women, there will be new ones every few years, and the old ones are always not as good as the new ones.)
If you can have a child while being pampered, you will have someone to rely on.

It would be better if it was a boy.

Therefore, Shen Meizhuang asked Jiang Cheng to prescribe a prescription to have a boy.

What Shen Meizhuang didn't know was that Yong Zheng didn't want newcomers such as Shen Meizhuang, Zhen Huan, and Fucha to get pregnant for the time being. Yong Zheng wanted to play with them for a few more years and wait for the newcomers to come before getting them pregnant again.

Therefore, Shen Meizhuang and others will not be able to get pregnant in a short time.

"Who is Imperial Physician Jiang?" Zhen Huan asked.

"Jiang Cheng." Shen Meizhuang also investigated Jiang Cheng, but Shen Meizhuang didn't find out.

"How about letting Dr. Wen take a look?" Zhen Huan was worried that there was something wrong.

"Do you still believe in Dr. Wen?" Shen Meizhuang asked.Wen Shichu was also responsible for Zhen Huan's poisoning.

Zhen Huan hesitated, "Believe it, you can only believe it."

"Whether you believe it or not, wasn't Dr. Wen sent away by the emperor to see a doctor?" Wen Shichu could not enter the palace for the time being.

"Yes, Doctor Wen can't come in yet. It's just the prescription." Zhen Huan was a little worried that Shen Meizhuang was deceived.

"I've checked that recipe with someone, and it's fine." Shen Meizhuang chatted with Zhen Huan for a while.

Zhen Huan left without copying the prescription.

Not long after, an imperial doctor named Liu Fan came to Shen Meizhuang to ask for Ping'an's pulse.

Liu Fan speaks with a Jeju accent.

Shen Meizhuang is also from Jeju.

The two of them are fellow villagers.

Shen Meizhuang must have never heard of such a saying: "When you meet fellow villagers in other places, you must first beware of being deceived by them."

These days, the more familiar you are, the more likely you are to be a liar.

Because Shen Meizhuang was a fellow villager, he had great trust in Liu Wei and thought that he would only let Liu Wei see doctors in the future.

This Liu Fan is also from Concubine Hua.

Although he is not a confidant, he was hired with a lot of money to deceive Shen Meizhuang.

Shen Meizhuang is not a careless person.

She also asked her family to inquire about Liu Wei's situation, but Shen Meizhuang's father, Shen Zishan, did not find anything wrong with Liu Wei.

Shen Zishan's negligence can be regarded as a disaster for Shen Meizhuang.

In the TV series, Shen Meizhuang was framed by Liu Wei and others. His originally "prosperous" and favored life path changed and became "sunset". Later, his beauty faded away, and his death was a pity.

A few days later.

Cao Guiren, Qi Fei, and Xin Chang were always there, and they met Shen Meizhuang and Zhen Huan in the garden.

A few people chatted a few words.

Cao Guiren suggested that a few people go to her place for a small gathering.

Cao Guiren's invitation was carefully thought out. Once it was said, Shen Meizhuang and Zhen Huan had no choice but to go.

Cao Guiren relies on Concubine Hua.

Even though Concubine Hua is now banned, Cao Guiren still dare not disobey Concubine Hua.

Cao Guiren certainly had bad intentions when he invited Shen Meizhuang and Zhen Huan.

Cao Guiren is good at plotting and plotting, but ordinary people can't tell when she takes action.

Mr. Cao, in front of Yongzheng a few days ago, with a few words, Zhen Huan was a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Yong Zheng understood what was going on and didn't care.Nor did he punish Cao Guiren for Zhen Huan.

Now, Cao Guiren takes action again.

Although Zhen Huan is smart and Shen Meizhuang is discerning, they just can't see through what Cao Guiren is doing.

So Zhen Huan and Shen Meizhuang were fooled.

They went to Cao Guiren's place for a banquet.

Sure enough, it didn't take long after eating.

Shen Meizhuang had some vomiting reaction.

Cao Guiren asked a few 'leading' questions.

Shen Meizhuang took the problematic medicine prescribed by Liu Fan, and his symptoms were correct.

"Is she pregnant?" Cao Guiren pretended.

Concubine Qi and Xin Chang were both pregnant.

They all also guessed that Shen Meizhuang was pregnant.

"Go and ask Imperial Physician Liu to come over." If Shen Meizhuang invited other imperial physicians, he would not be 'falsely pregnant'.

But Shen Meizhuang believed in his fellow countryman, the imperial physician Liu Wei.

After a while.

Liu Ban diagnosed Shen Meizhuang as pregnant.Of course he was cheating Shen Meizhuang.

Of course Shen Meizhuang was not pregnant, she was now deceived into a false pregnancy.

The news spread quickly.

The queen hurried over.

After Yongzheng heard about it, he also went.

Of course Yongzheng knew the ins and outs of the matter.

When he held Shen Meizhuang up with his hands, he also felt that Shen Meizhuang was not pregnant.

Yong Zheng hesitated and did not reveal the scam on the spot. (End of chapter)

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