Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 803 Concubine Hua takes action

Chapter 803 Concubine Hua takes action
Who is the most favored in the harem?

Not a concubine, not a queen.

Not Fucha, nor An Lingrong.

Not Zhen Huan, nor Fang Chunyi.

But Shenmeizhuang.

Among the concubines in the harem, Yongzheng's favorite was Shen Meizhuang.

It took a long time for a beautiful girl to enter the palace.

Shenmeizhuang has the most number of guests.

In other cases, Zhen Huan and Fu Cha slept with each other about the same number of times.

For the rest, An Lingrong and the old man slept about the same number of times.

Shen Meizhuang is the most favored, and the entire harem knows it.

The Queen and Concubine Hua would not be unaware of this either.

Therefore, the Queen and Concubine Hua wanted to kill Shen Meizhuang.

Shen Meizhuang, Zhen Huan, and Fang Chunyi all lived in Yongshou Palace.

Fang Chunyi is still a child and does not have a bed attendant, so it can be ignored.

Shen Meizhuang and Zhen Huan gathered together to please Yongzheng.

They became the thorn in the eyes and flesh of the Queen and Concubine Hua.Remove it quickly.

The queen is good at forbearance.

She likes to find other people to do things to, and she hides in the background.

One morning when greeting Concubine Hua, the Queen made some random remarks in front of Concubine Hua.

“The flowers that are still in bud are the most charming.

This delicate and blooming flower is beautiful in beauty, but it is not so fresh and attractive, and it is not far away from withering.

If a flower withers, no one will like it. "

The queen's words were an insinuation that Concubine Hua was not as old as Shen Meizhuang and others, and was about to wither, and she didn't have many good days left.

Concubine Hua heard this and couldn't help it.

When they return to Yikun Palace, they will have someone deal with Shen Meizhuang and Zhen Huan.

Concubine Hua's plan against Shen Meizhuang and Zhen Huan didn't last a day or two.

It was only because of Yongzheng that he never dared to take action easily.

Now, under the influence of various aspects, Concubine Hua couldn't bear it any longer.

It was also a coincidence.

Just when Concubine Hua was about to take action against Shen Meizhuang and Zhen Huan, something happened to Yong Zheng's previous court.

Yongzheng needed to visit the suburbs of Beijing for a few days.

this day.

Yongzheng left the palace during the day.


Concubine Hua asked Shen Meizhuang to go to Yikun Palace on the pretext that she had something to do.

Shen Meizhuang had to go.

After going there, he was bullied by Concubine Hua and copied Buddhist scriptures to the Queen Mother.

I copied it for a while.

It was late at night before Shen Meizhuang was allowed to leave.

This is deliberately making Shen Meizhuang tired, just to make Shen Meizhuang feel unwell, and then send an imperial doctor to "treat" Shen Meizhuang.

The imperial doctors of the imperial hospital are Jiang Cheng, Jiang Shen and Liu Wei.

Jiang Cheng and Jiang Shen were considered to be Concubine Hua's confidants and acted according to Concubine Hua's orders.They are the main force against Shen Meizhuang and Zhen Huan.

Liu Gan, a fellow villager of Shenmeizhuang, was specially brought by Concubine Hua to harm Shenmeizhuang.

Liu Fan was not considered Concubine Hua's confidant, he was paid to do things.

In order to deal with Shen Meizhuang and Zhen Huan, Concubine Hua took great pains and planned for a long time.

As long as Shen Meizhuang is sick and seeks medical advice, Liu Wei will gain Shen Meizhuang's trust and plot to frame Shen Meizhuang.

Jiang Cheng and Jiang Shen are also ready to attack Zhen Huan and Shen Meizhuang at any time.

When Shen Meizhuang left Yikun Palace, it was getting late.

It was late at night, but he was tired from copying Buddhist scriptures. Shen Meizhuang didn't want to go back to rest directly. He wanted to hang around the nearby Qianli Pond and feed the fish.

Qianli Pond is near Yikun Palace.

When Shen Meizhuang went to Qianli Pond, Concubine Hua's people saw it and hurriedly reported it to Concubine Hua.

"What a God-given opportunity. I was just thinking about how to deal with you, but you are well informed, haha." Concubine Hua sneered and ordered the new eunuch chief to push Shen Meizhuang into the water.

This is just pushing Shen Meizhuang into Qianli Pond, rather than directly killing Shen Meizhuang.

Killing them directly would have too much impact.

Concubine Hua doesn't have the courage.

In Concubine Hua's palace, the former chief eunuch, Zhou Ninghai, was Concubine Hua's confidant and had been executed by Yongzheng.

The current head eunuch was not just someone, he was specially sent by Nian Gengyao, named Zhou Fuhai.

Zhou Fuhai was Nian Gengyao's personal soldier.

After many years of fighting with Nian Gengyao, he suffered many injuries and was disabled for the last time.

After becoming disabled, Nian Gengyao did not treat Zhou Fuhai badly and allowed Zhou Fuhai to stay in Nian Mansion and continue working.

At Concubine Hua, after Zhou Ninghai died, Nian Gengyao asked Zhou Fuhai to leave the palace and listen to Concubine Hua.

Nian Gengyao did this, which was considered thoughtful.After all, there are fierce battles in the harem, so having a capable person to protect Concubine Hua can make her feel more at ease.

Let's talk about Qianli Pond, Shen Meizhuang wants to feed the fish.

But there was no fish food, so he asked the eunuch next to him to go back to the palace to get it.

Shen Meizhuang only had one eunuch and one maid with him.

Now there is only one maid left, Caiyue.

At this time, Songzhi came and said that Concubine Hua had a reward for Shenmeizhuang.

Shenmeizhuang had no choice but to let Caiyue go get it.

Everyone around Shen Meizhuang has left.

There was only one person in Shenmeizhuang, admiring the fish beside Qianli Pond.

A figure appeared behind Shen Meizhuang.

He is still lame and walks with a limp, just like Zhou Ninghai before him. They were all soldiers who followed Nian Gengyao on the battlefield and were disabled due to injuries.

Nian Gengyao did not drive them away, but gave them a way to survive.

They are also willing to die in retribution, and they don't care about a few inches from the palace.

Seeing that Zhou Fuhai was still three steps away from Shenmeizhuang, he raised his hand and prepared to push Shenmeizhuang.

Suddenly, a voice sounded, "Try touching her!"

Shen Meizhuang turned around with a surprised look on his face.

Because this voice belongs to Yongzheng.

Zhou Fuhai was shocked and did not look back. His eyes were full of ferocity. He instantly changed his mind and took out a dagger from his arms, intending to kill Shen Meizhuang directly.

"Ah!" Shen Meizhuang also noticed something was wrong.

Zhou Fuhai's dagger quickly enlarged in Shen Meizhuang's eyes.



The guards following Yongzheng rushed over in a hurry, but the distance was too far and it was obviously too late.



Suddenly, Yong Zheng appeared next to Shen Meizhuang as if in a flash, and kicked Zhou Fuhai away.

The guards also rushed over at this time and hurriedly held down Zhou Fuhai.

Yong Zheng hugged Shen Meizhuang, who was still in shock, "Meizhuang, it's okay, don't be afraid."

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Why are you here, Your Majesty?"

"I missed you, so I came here." Yong Zheng said as he looked at Zhou Fuhai, "How could you be so careless? There was no one around to serve you. You were almost harmed by thieves."

"Caiyue was called away by Songzhi." Shen Meizhuang explained briefly.

"Your Majesty, he is Zhou Fuhai, the chief eunuch of Yikun Palace." Su Peisheng was also frightened by what just happened and broke into a cold sweat.

"Yikun Palace? Humph, Concubine Hua is so brave! Go to Yikun Palace!" Yong Zheng was furious.

"Show up Yikun Palace!" Su Peisheng shouted.

Why is Yongzheng in the palace?

When Yongzheng was leaving during the day, he suddenly felt something in his heart and knew something was going to happen.

After a busy period, I hurried back to the palace.

When I came back, my uneasiness became stronger and stronger, so I went straight to Qianli Pond.

At the critical moment, Shen Meizhuang was saved.

Yikun Palace.

Concubine Hua is still waiting for news.

Songzhi calls out Cai Yuehou.

Over at Qianli Pond, Zhou Fuhai was the only one who could prevent himself from being caught.

Concubine Hua didn't know yet that Zhou Fuhai had been arrested, and she was still waiting for news from outside that Shenmeizhuang fell into the water and drowned.

Suddenly, a servant reported, "The Emperor is here."

"Your Majesty? Didn't he go out to inspect the palace?" Concubine Hua was shocked.

There was no time to think about it, Yong Zheng had already come in angrily.

"Your Majesty." Concubine Hua was about to salute.

Yong Zheng shouted: "Concubine Hua, you are so brave!"

"Your Majesty, I..." Concubine Hua saw the captured Zhou Fuhai and didn't know what to say.

"Come here, hit me, hit me hard!" Yongzheng Da Ma Jin Dao sat in the main seat and asked people to beat Zhou Fuhai.

Shen Meizhuang felt very safe next to Yongzheng.The scene where the hero saved the beauty just now made Shen Meizhuang heartbroken.

Concubine Hua stood below, looking uneasy, worried that Zhou Fuhai would confess.

clap clap clap.
Zhou Fuhai was beaten more than ten times first.

"Tell me, why did you want to assassinate Shen Guiren?"

Zhou Fuhai remained silent.Obviously, he planned to fight it out.

"Concubine Hua, tell me why Zhou Fuhai assassinated Shen Guiren?"

"Assassination?" Concubine Hua looked surprised.Because, she ordered Shen Meizhuang to be pushed into the water, not killed directly.

Su Peisheng whispered what happened just now.

"Your Majesty, I am wronged. I did not let Zhou Fuhai assassinate Shen Guiren!" Concubine Hua knelt down and begged for mercy. "Huh, unfairly accused?
Zhou Fuhai was Nian Gengyao's personal soldier.

If it wasn’t sent by you, it was sent by Nian Gengyao!
Come on, get Nian Gengyao here! "

"No, Your Majesty, this matter has nothing to do with eldest brother." Concubine Hua was in a state of confusion.

"Your Majesty, calm down." At this time, the Queen came.

How could she not know that such a big thing happened in the palace?

Hastily rushed over.

Not only that.

The concubines of the harem arrived one after another.

More and more people.

One sentence to the east and one sentence to the west, the scene was chaotic.

Yongzheng immediately issued a decree:

"Everyone in Yikun Palace is banned.

Zhou Fuhai and the guards from Yikun Palace were sent to the Criminal Division for severe interrogation.

It is said that Nian Gengyao came to see me! "

Yong Zheng looked angry, and the queen and others did not dare to stay longer. They comforted Shen Meizhuang for a few words and quickly dispersed.

"Your Majesty, you must make the decision for Sister Meizhuang." Fang Chunyi said a few words for Shen Meizhuang.

Zhen Huan wanted to say something several times, but held back.

Everyone has heard the story of Shen Meizhuang's assassination.

Who is the murderer, at a glance.

It depends on whether Yongzheng is willing to punish Concubine Hua severely.

Zhen Huan, Fang Chunyi, and An Lingrong left last.

Yongzheng took Shenmeizhuang back to Qianqing Palace.

"Meizhuang, I will definitely uphold justice for you."

In the TV series, Yong Zheng didn't care at all when Shen Meizhuang fell into the water.

That night, I went to Yikun Palace with Concubine Hua and asked Concubine Hua to sleep with me.

Yongzheng was afraid of Nian Gengyao and repeatedly tolerated Concubine Hua.

Yongzheng in the play is a bit aggrieved as the emperor.Not only did he wrong himself, he also wronged the concubines in the harem.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. However, this matter should have nothing to do with General Nian. Please don't get involved, Your Majesty." Nian Gengyao is a powerful general. Shen Meizhuang knows the general situation and does not want to cause trouble to Yongzheng.

"That Zhou Fuhai was Nian Gengyao's personal soldier. Nian Gengyao can't escape his involvement in this matter." Yongzheng didn't say much. It was getting late and he fell asleep with Shen Meizhuang in his arms.

Yikun Palace.

Concubine Hua can still spread the news.

She hurriedly found someone to send a message to Nian Mansion and asked Nian Gengyao to think of a solution.

Jingren Palace.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Hua is so brave. She dares to let Zhou Fuhai kill Shen Guiren."

"This matter is quite strange. Why did the emperor happen to save Shen Guiren?" The queen was thinking more.

The Queen encouraged Concubine Hua to attack Zhen Huan and Shen Meizhuang.

But Concubine Hua's approach was too reckless, and she actually asked Zhou Fuhai to directly kill someone, which was not the way to do things.

There's so much wrong with the whole thing.

"That's right, didn't the emperor go out and it will take several days to come back?" Jianqiu realized at this moment that something was wrong, "But this is better. The Yikun Palace is banned. How dare Concubine Hua dare to be so arrogant."

The queen's eyes were happy, but also worried.

The queen was like this, harming people and the emperor's heirs secretly, and was constantly planning and thinking, so she often had headaches.This is all karma.

The next day.

News came from the Criminal Investigation Department.

Zhou Fuhai recruited.

But he said this: "Nian Gengyao and I are irreconcilable!

Nian Gengyao forced me to become a eunuch from the palace!
I killed Guiren Shen to frame Concubine Hua.

My brother Zhou Ninghai was forced to commit suicide by Nian Gengyao.

I want revenge! "

Zhou Fuhai no longer remained silent, but instead 'confessed'.

However, these sentences all help Nian Gengyao and Concubine Hua to clear their names.

Department of Punishment.

"The Emperor has arrived!" Yongzheng came.

Zhou Fuhai had been beaten black and blue.

Yongzheng also asked Zhou Fuhai to find out.

how to say.

Zhou Fuhai fought for the country for many years, killed hundreds of enemies, shed blood, and almost died, becoming disabled due to injuries.

Zhou Fuhai was regarded as a hero in Yongzheng's eyes.

Looking at the bloody Zhou Fuhai, Yong Zheng couldn't help but sigh:
"This is a man!"

"I have fought for my country for many years, but ended up like this."

"It shouldn't be like this!"

"People who have shed blood for the country should not be involved in harem fights."

Tell the others to get out.

"Raise your head." Yong Zheng spoke to Zhou Fuhai alone.

A pair of unyielding eyes looked at Yong Zheng.

"I already know your situation.

You are the hero of the Qing Dynasty.

However, you should not be loyal only to Nian Gengyao and not to me. "

"I, I." Zhou Fuhai wanted to say that he was loyal to the Qing Dynasty, but since he entered the palace, he was indeed no longer loyal to the Qing Dynasty.

"A hero like you shouldn't be ruined like this." Yong Zheng shook his head, "Don't get involved in the harem. You go to the stick, that's where you should be."

When Zhou Fuhai was confused, Yong Zheng left the Shenxing Division and called Xia Gao over, "Ask Zhou Fuhai to join the sticky pole and go overseas to investigate the news."

Yongzheng can be regarded as giving a way of life to those who have "bleeded".

For corrupt officials, Yongzheng could confiscate their homes and behead them at will.

However, Yongzheng could not bear to kill the soldiers and generals who had shed their blood for the country.

"Hey." Zhou Fuhai was taken away.From then on, the affairs of the harem and Nian Gengyao had nothing to do with Zhou Fuhai.

Outside the Qianqing Palace.

Nian Gengyao knelt for a while.

Before, Nian Gengyao was beaten by Yongzheng and no longer dared to be arrogant and arrogant.

Now, Concubine Hua and Zhou Fuhai had caused such a big disaster, and Nian Gengyao suddenly felt that a disaster was coming.

Inside the hall.

"Su Peisheng, let Nian Gengyao come in." Yongzheng ordered.


"Long live the emperor, long live the humble minister." Nian Gengyao bowed his head and came in to salute.

"Get up and talk." Yong Zheng's voice was flat and his face was expressionless.

Nian Gengyao did not dare to stand up and continued to kneel, "Your Majesty, what happened to Zhou Fuhai is the fault of this humble minister. Please forgive me."

Nian Gengyao is a smart man.

He made no excuses.

He knew that the more he quibbled, the angrier Yongzheng would be.

"Since you know you were wrong, what crime should you bear?"

"Wei Chen deserves to die, and Wei Chen is old." Nian Gengyao confessed and wanted to hand over his military power.

"There are not many generals in the court. Although you are old, you can still be used." Yongzheng had no intention of letting Nian Gengyao disarm and return to his field.

Nian Gengyao can be regarded as a meritorious official, a capable minister and a good general, who shed his blood and fought for Yongzheng.

Yongzheng would not worry that Nian Gengyao was so great that he could not be controlled, so he would start a rebellion.

Yongzheng would not do things like killing cunning rabbits and being cooked by lackeys, and hiding good bows in flying birds.

Since Nian Gengyao had meritorious service, Yongzheng would not push Nian Gengyao to be beheaded.

"Nian Gengyao, your men only know you, General Nian, but they don't know about me.

Although I know you are loyal, your subordinates have not been taught well.

After you go back
your punishment is
Concubine Hua, you'd better take care of her. "

Yongzheng punished Nian Gengyao's family, fined him salary, and demoted him. The punishment was not small, and he also punished Nian Gengyao's subordinates.

But Nian Gengyao was not deprived of his military power.

Yongzheng hoped that Nian Gengyao would continue to lead the troops in war and die on the battlefield.

In the TV series, Yongzheng indulged Nian Gengyao and allowed Nian Gengyao to destroy himself.

Now, Yongzheng does not intend to kill Nian Gengyao.

Yongzheng could tolerate Nian Gengyao.

Nian Gengyao was severely punished.

At Concubine Hua's place, the ban continued.

Zhou Fuhai's confession allowed Concubine Hua to escape.

The guards at Yikun Palace didn't tell them anything useful, and all of them were clever.

Yongzheng sent them all away and replaced a new group of guards for Yikun Palace.

Although Concubine Hua went too far, Yongzheng did not want to send Concubine Hua to the cold palace for the time being.

However, Concubine Hua's mission as assistant to the Sixth Palace was cancelled.

Yongzheng asked Concubine Jing and Shen Meizhuang to be in charge of the Sixth Palace.

The matter in Shenmeizhuang has come to an end.

But the bow did not turn back.

Concubine Hua had already planned to deal with Shen Meizhuang and Zhen Huan.

Here in Shenmeizhuang, due to an accident, pushing into the water turned into an assassination, and Yong Zheng caught him.

Yikun Palace was banned.

I dare not continue to attack Shen Meizhuang for the time being.

But on Zhen Huan's side, when the opportunity arises, someone will attack Zhen Huan.

This was arranged in advance.

Even if Concubine Hua wants to cancel, it's not that easy.

A few days later, something happened to Zhen Huan.

(End of this chapter)

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