Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 549 The Pretender Ends

Chapter 549 The Pretender Ends

Extra high class.

Yoko Minamita's office.

Liang Zhongchun was reporting the situation.

"Mr. Nantian, from Director Wang's eyes, we saw 'shock'. We believe that Director Wang knew who the 'beheader' was before he died, but Director Wang was very surprised. She didn't expect that person at all. It turned out to be a beheader."

"Director Liang, who do you think is the beheader, Director Wang will be so surprised." Yoko Nantian asked.

"An impossible person, and Director Wang must know him."

"Who is the impossible person? Mr. Minglou, or Director Liang?"

"No, Mr. Nantian, it's not Mr. Minglou, nor someone from Liang. If it was us, Director Wang wouldn't be so surprised."

"Then who are you talking about?"

"Master Nantian, with all due respect, I think the person who cut off his head is a Japanese."

"Japanese? Impossible!" Section Chief Nantian directly denied.

"Section Chief Nantian, look, you said it was impossible, so the impossible person is the murderer who killed Director Wang, the one who cut off his head."

"No, it can't be a Japanese." Yoko Nantian still couldn't believe it.

"Mr. Nantian, among the Japanese that Director Wang knows, if you are a beheader, then Director Wang will definitely have that expression." Liang Zhongchun suddenly said something bold.

"Presumptuous!" Nantian Yoko lost his temper again.

"Yes, I was lying." Liang Zhongchun closed his mouth and stopped talking.By saying this, he is actually shirking responsibility.After all, Wang Manchun died on the 76th.As the No. 76 leader, he is duty-bound to find the murderer.But who dared to really go to the head cutter, so he planned to muddy the water.

Nantian Yoko slowly calmed down.

"Director Liang, I have to admit that your assumption is very bold, so go ahead."

"Yes, Mr. Nantian, let me continue with the hypothesis.

If Mr. Takagi was the beheader, would Director Wang have such an expression? "Liang Zhongchun continued to make bold assumptions.

"Yes, not only Director Wang will be surprised, but I also think it's impossible."

"It is precisely because it is impossible that the beheader is difficult to catch.

Mr. Nantian, if..." Liang Zhongchun also mentioned many Japanese people, all of whom Wang Manchun had met and had contact with.

"Director Liang means that these people are very suspicious?"

"That's right, Section Chief Nantian, this is the clue we found from Director Wang."

Yoko Nantian was silent for a moment, "Director Liang, Director Wang died, and you will temporarily take over all the work in her hands."

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Nantian, for your cultivation."

Liang Zhongchun left with a proud expression on his face.He also pushed out the matter of Wang Manchun and asked the devil to investigate the devil.

Yoko Nantian didn't say what to do, but she would definitely secretly investigate those people Liang Zhongchun mentioned.

Where is Wang Tianfeng.

He successfully sent the information out.

He made Poison Scorpion and Binglian a team, and he was a team. He sent two pieces of information, saying that one was true and the other was false, but in fact they were both false.

Because their tracks were leaked and they were too closely hunted by the devils, he had to ask someone for help, and only after a brief contact did he send out the information.

But it was this brief contact that their information was stolen.

"It turns out that you are really a devil's lurker, why did you defect to the enemy and treason?!" Wang Tianfeng has seen too many betrayers.This time, the traitor he met had a higher status, was more impossible, and more difficult to accept.

"Fortunately, Mingtai knew your identity. You passed the wrong information to the devil, and waited for the devil to kill your whole family, ha ha."

After sending the information, Wang Tianfeng returned to Shanghai, waiting for the news.


The higher echelons of the devils obtained information.

This channel bypassed Yoko Nantian and directly contacted the devil army.

"Yo Xi, this information is true, immediately change the battle plan." After the devil got the information, he must continue to confirm it.

With the cooperation of Shancheng, the devil believed that the information was true.

Therefore, the devil's staff department is busy again.

They have been changing the battle plan recently.

Their original battle plan has been completely scrapped.

The ones that were just made were also discarded.

Now, he is fully committed to formulating a more targeted battle plan.

They have become prey.

frontal battlefield.

Mingtai is here.

He didn't come alone.

He also brought a group of men in black.

Now, they are all wearing devil's uniform.

"Old Li, where is the devil's frontline headquarters?"

"Brother Li, it's 5 kilometers to the southeast."

"Yo Xi, come with me and execute the beheading operation." Mingtai led the team and set off.He also fought.He wants to kill devils.

frontline positions.

The two armies are at war.

The devil's battle plan was wrong, and he was completely passive.

They are still holding on.

All the reserve teams that the headquarters could send out were dispatched.

Only the guard company remained to guard the headquarters.

Mingtai brought people here.

"Stop, where are you from?" The devil stopped Mingtai and the others.

"We are" Mingtai shouted while approaching.



"Crackling, boom boom boom."

Mingtai and the others started.

They didn't expect to be able to sneak in.

It's not that easy to get in.

They just need to make the devils unprepared.

Mingtai began to perform bravely.

He holds two box cannons.

Crackling, killed a group of devils, and took the lead in rushing in.

The people behind him are all submachine guns, and there are a lot of grenades, throwing them non-stop, fighting at close range, they are invincible.

"Kill! Not one left!"

"Kill Chichi!" The devil also started desperately.

Behind them is the headquarters.

They never back down.

Mingtai threw away his two guns.

I don't know where to take out two short knives.

He is like the wind, and the devils are like grass. Wherever he passes, the devils will fall one by one.

The devils were all smeared on the neck.

The bayonets they were so proud of were not enough to look at in front of Mingtai.


The devil's guard company was beaten and collapsed.

They want to protect the retreat of the Devils headquarters.

But, it's too late.

Mingtai found several cannons from nowhere.

A bombardment passed.

The devil's generals were all killed.

After a few shots, the devils were all dead.

"Replenish the ammunition quickly, and we rush to the devil from behind!"


"Come on!"

The joining of Mingtai and the others made the battle that should have been won even more brilliant.

mountain city.

"Successful, the lunatic's plan has succeeded!" Boss Dai was happy.

Magic City.

"Successful, really successful, I didn't expect to achieve such a great result. The devil's headquarters has been destroyed, haha." Wang Tianfeng seemed to be really crazy.

Ming mansion.

"Brother, it seems that the madman's plan has not stopped, he succeeded."

"Yeah, he succeeded, but he changed his plan and even kept it from us."

"Brother, this battle has achieved great results. The devils have killed many senior officers."

"A lunatic is indeed a lunatic, he is still in Shanghai, I want to meet him."


The devil's army was furious.

They blamed the failure on the intelligence services.

Many high-level intelligence personnel of the devil were arrested.

Because Yoko Nantian did not participate in this matter, she was promoted instead.

She is a pompous, stupid woman.

To Minglou and the others, her promotion was not a bad thing, but a good thing.

"Search the residences of these people for me." After Yoko Nantian was promoted, the first thing she did was to investigate Takagi and the others.


"Report, Gao Mujun's house was found"

Mingtai did a good deed. He put many items related to the beheader in the homes of Takagi and other devils.

"Baga! Arrest them immediately!" Nantian thought he had caught the beheader by the tail.She wants to make new achievements.

Liang Zhongchun took the No. 76 seat firmly.

When he was at work, he continued to fish in troubled waters and smuggle to make money.

Up and down.

The traitors on No. 76 all started to do business, and no one caught the anti-Japanese elements.

Minglou's disguise continued.

He did not reveal his identity in front of the mirror.

His disguise is better and more perfect.

He can continue to pretend.

Mingtai's business is getting bigger and bigger.

Boss Dai gave him more convenience.

He continued to send supplies to comrades fighting in the enemy's rear through Uncle Li.

His army of men in black is also expanding, and they are constantly attacking devils.

Wang Tianfeng is planning an even crazier plan, the 'root removal plan'.He listened to Mingtai's suggestion and went to Japan to make troubles.

The first thing he planned was to use some of the anti-war figures in the country to carry out anti-war activities in the country.

(End of this chapter)

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