Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 548 Wang Manchun died

Chapter 548 Wang Manchun died
Cell 76.

Wang Tianfeng went in after a lot of effort.

Wang Manchun sat in front of Wang Tianfeng, with a smug smile on his face, "Director Wang, I've admired you for a long time."

"To each other, Director Wang." Wang Tianfeng was shot in the shoulder, and his body was covered in blood.

"Since we are so familiar, I won't go around in circles with you, Director Wang, where is the battle plan in your hand?"

"Girl, you have found the wrong person."

"Really? Maybe I made a mistake. But Director Wang, why did you return to the capital this time?"


"Director Wang, when did you settle down in Shanghai?"

"It's okay to tell you. A ship transporting smuggled goods in the military has been lost. The people on it suspected that our own people did it, so let me come and take a look." Before Wang Tianfeng came, he prepared an excuse.

"But according to my information, you have found the person directly responsible for this incident and executed him in secret. Am I right?" The news Wang Manchun knew here was all deliberately leaked to her by Ming Lou. .

Zhu Huiyin, Wang Manchun's listener, is from Minglou.She intentionally leaked a lot of information that Minglou wanted Wang Manchun to know.

"The information on No. 76 really lives up to its reputation."

"Thanks for the prize, there is only specialization in the art industry."

"The people above think that this matter was not done by him, and there should be someone else. In order to ensure that this kind of thing will not happen again in the future, they ordered me to investigate secretly." Wang Tianfeng continued to deliberately quibble.

"Sounds reasonable." Wang Manchun had a sarcastic face, but of course she didn't believe it.

"be honest."

"Hmph, Director Wang, you risked your life to appear in Shanghai in broad daylight, and continued to act at night, just because of a missing smuggling boat.

You don't even want your life for money.

Do you think I'm a child? "Wang Manchun was angry.

Wang Tianfeng sneered and stopped talking.He wants to show that he would rather die than surrender.

"Give me a big punishment!"

"It's not good!" At this moment, a traitor ran in.

"Director Wang, it's not good, someone called in!"

"What?" Wang Manchun's first reaction was disbelief.She didn't believe that anyone dared to attack No. 76.She is very close to the special high school, and also very close to the Devils Gendarmerie. Support will come at any time, and no one dares to attack here.

"What?" Wang Tianfeng was taken aback.His first reaction was that Mingtai led someone to call in. "Mingtai, are you here to ruin my big business again?"


A group of men in black suddenly appeared.

"Da da da" machine gun fire.

"Boom boom boom" the grenade kept throwing.

Quick solution to Defender 76.

"Hey, hello!" The traitor on No. 76 wanted to ask for help, but the phone line was cut.

Most of these traitors fled.

Only a small number ran to the cell to inform Wang Manchun.

"It's not good, Director Wang, brothers can't stand it anymore, let's retreat quickly!" The traitor ran in and shouted.

His eyes were in bad shape, "Hurry up, take him with us, we'll leave." Wang Manchun wanted to take Wang Tianfeng with him.

"Director Wang, it's too late, let's go quickly." Several traitors rushed in, hugged Wang Manchun and retreated.

"Da da da, boom"

In the cell, just as Wang Manchun and the others left, the man in black rushed in.

"Mr. Wang, are you okay?" The man in black quickly untied Wang Tianfeng.

"I'm fine, you, why did you call in like this?" Wang Tianfeng found it hard to accept.He managed to get into cell No. 76, and he was rescued again in the blink of an eye, "How can I still act after this? My death plan is about to die."

Wang Tianfeng was lifted up by the man in black with a sad face and carried away.

At Wang Manchun's place, she was stunned.

She was shaking.

She saw Yidi's head and carved chrysanthemums.

"Chrysanthemum head cutter." Wang Manchun said with difficulty, "Who are you?"

"I'm Takagi." After Mingtai finished speaking, he cut off Wang Manchun's head with one knife.

Wang Manchun's eyes were full of astonishment before he died.

She never expected that the 'beheader' turned out to be Takagi.

"Hehe, you'll believe whatever I say? You're such a gullible woman." Mingtai smiled contemptuously, and walked away.

Ming mansion.

"What? After Wang Tianfeng was captured in No. 76, he was rescued again? Who did it?!" Minglou was stunned.

Extra high class.

"What? No. 76 was breached? Baga!" Yoko Nantian was stunned.

Neither Minglou nor Yoko Nantian cared about Wang Manchun's life or death.

Fortunately, someone took the initiative to report.

Fulu Tea House.

"Old Wang, what's the matter with you? Why were you caught by traitors twice? Did you do it on purpose?" Mingtai asked curiously.

"I, Mingtai, you know I did it on purpose, why did you send someone to save me?" Wang Tianfeng looked depressed.His wounds have been bandaged.He didn't know what to do.His play can't go on.His death plan was aborted.

"It turned out to be intentional, Old Wang, tell me what you plan to do? Next, I will cooperate with you."

Wang Tianfeng opened his mouth, "Forget it, Mingtai, the plan has failed." He couldn't think of how to continue acting.

"Old Wang, don't worry, tell me what is your plan?"

"This." Wang Tianfeng didn't want to talk about the dead time plan.

"Old Wang, your plan has failed, so what else can you say, come, talk while eating." Mingtai greeted him after preparing the food and drinks.

"I" Wang Tianfeng drank a glass of wine and ate a few mouthfuls of food depressedly, "My code name of operation is Death Knell, and I made a death plan."

"So it's like this, Old Wang, it's my fault, I'm not helping." Mingtai admitted his mistake very well.

"It's not your fault, it's just that I didn't remind you." Wang Tianfeng didn't blame Mingtai.Mingtai sent people to rescue him twice, and he was very grateful.

"Old Wang, it's not that your plan cannot continue."

"how do I say this?"

"Old Wang, your plan is a little too complicated, and you still need the devil to trust the source of the information. There are too many uncontrollable factors."

"I know, so the dead time plan is a big gamble. Although the chances of winning are small, I am willing to sacrifice."

"Old Wang, you just want the devil to be deceived. In fact, you don't need to be so troublesome. As far as I know, the devil's lurker is there, and if your information is even slightly wrong, it will be stolen by the devil's lurker." Mingtai asked from Fujita Fang The government stole a lot of lists of devil lurkers.

"What? There is a devil's lurker there?" Wang Tianfeng dropped his chopsticks in shock, and he was stunned for a moment, "No wonder the devil always took the lead in the previous battles. Fortunately, that person has been transferred away."

"Old Wang, the devils have so many lurkers, it's not easy for you to leak information, you only need to make a little mistake, and the devils will steal the information you want to leak. They don't doubt the truth of the information, they think it's a god Unknowingly."

"Mingtai, what exactly should we do?"

"Old Wang, you are so and so, so and so." Mingtai said a very simple way.

There is only one key point. Because Wang Tianfeng was found by the devils, he has been hunted down. Worried about the loss of information, he had no choice but to find an acquaintance to help.

And this acquaintance is the devil's strategic lurker.This is the most critical place.

Ming mansion.

Minglou and Mingcheng's expressions were ugly.

They just received a notification from Wang Tianfeng.

"Death plan failed, and Operation Deathstroke was cancelled."

"Unexpectedly, the lunatic's plan unexpectedly died down unexpectedly." Minglou found it hard to accept.He did a lot of preparatory work for this plan.

"Yeah, big brother, who are you talking about saving the lunatic again and again, where did the lunatic get such a powerful friend?"

"I don't know, Ah Cheng, next, we have to deal with the follow-up matters. We did a lot of things in order to cooperate with the madman's plan. Now we need to clean up and not let Wang Manchun."

"Brother, Wang Manchun has already been beheaded."

"Yeah, Wang Manchun has been beheaded." Wang Manchun died, and Minglou was not very happy.He and Wang Manchun were childhood friends, they grew up together, childhood sweethearts.

They still have a chance to start a family.

It's just that the two of them are feuds.

"Ah Cheng, when do you think I will be beheaded?" Minglou smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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