Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 330 It's okay to blow up

Chapter 330 It's okay to blow up

"The Ugly Army plane is coming, Bazooka!" Tan Ziwei shouted.

Someone threw it over immediately.

Tan Ziwei rushed towards the direction of the plane as he hugged the bazooka.

"Ugly army plane! Ugly army plane! Find cover!" Tan Ziwei shouted while running.He understood the power of the Ugly Army's plane bombing, and he was afraid that the soldiers would be killed by the bombing.

When he passed by Pinghe, Pinghe also ran with him.

Both of them are going to jerk off.They have all shot down enemy planes.

at this time.

With a "boom", the Ugly Army plane exploded and was blown up.

"Who blasted it?" Tanzi stopped for Hepinghe.

Of course, it was Wu Wanli who fired and exploded the Ugly Army plane.

He is an expert in flying planes, and no plane can fly randomly in front of him.

As soon as this ugly plane arrived, he was following him.

However, after the plane exploded, a lot of red smoke rose.

"No, the sign bomb exploded!" Wu Wanli shouted.The red smoke was just above his head.

"Xiaoshan, run quickly, this place is about to be bombed!" Wu Wanli shouted, and neatly brought Zhang Xiaoshan and others down, pushing them down the mountain.

"Buzzing." Sure enough, a group of ugly army planes arrived soon.

"Die to me! Bang bang bang." Wu Wanli fired first.He likes to strike first, never waiting for the opponent to drop the bomb first.

"Boom, boom, boom" In the sky above his head, ugly army planes were blown up.

However, bombs were still dropped.

"If you want to bomb me, there's no way! Bang bang bang." Wu Wanli aimed his anti-aircraft gun at the fast-falling bomb and blasted it up.

"Boom, boom, boom" bombs exploded in the air, forming dazzling fireworks.

However, there was still a fish that slipped through the net and fell down heavily.

"Boom..." The bomb was far away from Wu Wanli, so it didn't affect him.

He kept firing.

"Boom, boom, boom"

The planes of the Ugly Army were constantly being blown up, and beautiful fireworks were constantly shining in the sky.

far away.

"No, that's the direction of Wanli, he is being bombed by the ugly army!" Wu Qianli shouted, and wanted to run over.

"Company commander, it's useless if you go. Look, the Ugly Army's plane is being blown up. Wanli is fine. Don't worry!" Yu Congrong hugged Wu Qianli and shouted.The distance is too far, and they can't do much by running over.

The ugly army planes in the air were constantly blown up.

But they still dropped a lot of bombs.

"Boom, boom, boom" Fortunately, these bombs are a little far away from Wu Wanli, so he is fine.


All the planes of the Ugly Army at low altitudes were blown up, and only a few planes kept circling at high altitude and did not come down.They dropped their bombs randomly and flew away.The bomb was also thrown in the distance, and it had no effect on Wu Wanli.

At this time.

A bomb fell, slipped through, and exploded a little closer at Wuwanli.

"Boom" a wave of air lifted Wu Wanli into the air, and he rolled down the mountain just like Zhang Xiaoshan and the others.

"Hurry up, go see how Wanli is doing?" Wu Qianli saw that many bombs exploded on Wu Wanli's side.He and Lei Suisheng found a jeep and drove over there.Yu Congrong was also in the car.

"Let's go and have a look too!" On the way, Tan Ziwei and He Pinghe also jumped into the car.

"Wanli, are you alright?" Zhang Xiaoshan and the others saw Wu Wanli rolling down the mountain, ran over to help him up.

"I'm fine. It's a pity that the anti-aircraft gun and anti-aircraft machine gun were broken or not." Of course Wu Wanli was fine.He is an inhuman existence, as long as he is not bombed at close range by bombs, he is generally fine.Besides, he still has three resurrection medals, so he is not afraid of being bombed.

"Let's go and have a look. It should be all right." Zhang Xiaoshan and Wu Wanli looked around for the blown anti-aircraft guns and machine guns.

After a while.

"Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with this anti-aircraft gun. After repairing it, it can still be used. The barrel of this anti-aircraft machine gun has been cracked, so it can't be used anymore." Wu Wanli said.

"Wanli, we wiped out that polar bear regiment, so we should be able to capture a lot of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns?" Zhang Xiaoshan asked.

"Yes, there should be many." Wu Wanli said.When he planned to clean up the battlefield later, several anti-aircraft guns came out, and of course there were a lot of shells.

At this time.

a jeep.

Knock over all kinds of sundries on the road and drive over quickly.

"Wanli, are you okay?" Wu Qianli jumped out of the car before it stopped.

"Brother, I'm fine, are you also fine?" Wu Wanli asked.He had already seen that Wu Qianli was fine.

"We're fine." Wu Qianli walked a few steps quickly, checked Wu Wanli's body carefully, and heaved a sigh of relief when he found that he was indeed fine.Just now, when Wu Wanli was bombed, he was terrified.

"You are Wu Wanli?" Tan Ziwei stepped forward and asked.

"Yes." Wu Wanli nodded.

"Wanli, call the old company commander!" Wu Qianli hastily reminded.

"Old company commander!" Wu Wanli shouted and gave a military salute.

"How old is it?" Tan Ziwei asked.

"Nineteen." Wu Wanli said.

"Wan Li, you were the one who fired the cannons to blow up the tanks, sentry towers, heavy machine guns, etc. of the Ugly Army?" Tan Ziwei asked.

"Yes, I fired the cannon." Wu Wanli nodded.

"Wan Li, you were the one who blew up the plane of the Ugly Army just now, right?" Tan Ziwei continued to ask.

"Yes, I did it." Wu Wanli nodded again.

"Okay, what a good boy! Haha, Qianli, we have a successor who is much better than us, haha" Tan Ziwei laughed.

He is very happy.In the battle just now, if the enemy's firepower hadn't been blown away by Wu Wanli, many of them would have died.If there is no Wu Wanli to blow up the enemy's plane, they will also be killed a lot of people, and more importantly, the supplies left by the enemy will be destroyed.

"Yeah, Wanli is much better than us." Wu Qianli laughed.

"Wan Li, you are really good!" Tan Ziwei boasted.

"It's okay." Wu Wanli insisted on his usual modesty.

"Let's go, let's clean up the battlefield." Lei Suisheng hugged Wu Wanli's shoulders and shouted.

"Go!" Several people responded loudly.

In this battle, they fought beautifully, with few casualties, but killed a lot of enemies and captured a lot.

They can finally fight the rest of the battle with more wealth.

"The battalions and companies are quickly integrated and the supplies are counted!"

"The third battalion and the second company are prepared for protection, and alert in all directions!"

"Three rows and six rows, hold the southwest direction!"

"Company commander, look quickly, the flag of the polar bear!"

"Put it away, this is a trophy."

"Company commander, look, there are so many weapons and equipment!"

"Just lighten the number of weapons, and we will all change to American equipment."

"Brother Lei, look at this cannon!"

"This cannon is good." Lei Suisheng touched the inside of the cannon muzzle, and couldn't help but praise, "It's exquisite."

Wu Wanli searched around but couldn't find an intact anti-aircraft gun.

He sneaked out a few doors and a lot of shells.

"Xiaoshan, hurry up, I found the anti-aircraft gun!" Wu Wanli shouted.

"Great! Wanli, you can masturbate again!"

"Wanli, there is a lot of food here, come and cook!" Lei Suisheng touched the cannon for a while, and then called Wu Wanli to cook.


At this time.

Mei Sheng ran over.

"Company commander, just received the order, let us hurry to Xiajieyuli Airport to prevent the enemy from escaping from the airport."

Wu Qianli was stunned for a moment, "We have all of them, we have prepared our equipment and are ready to go, our destination is Xiajieyuli Airport."

"Slow down!" Wu Wanli shouted, "Brother, first find a car and tank that can drive, and let's drive."

"Okay, let's chase after him by car." Wu Qianli replied loudly.He understood what Wu Wanli meant, they were not afraid of the bombing by the Ugly Army planes, they could drive swaggeringly to chase and kill them.You don't have to take the path to avoid the Ugly Army's plane, so you can go faster.

"Brother, let's call the Jiulian to set off together." Wu Wanli said.

"Wanli, Jiulian has another mission. They are going to stop the enemy near the Shuimen Bridge." Mei Sheng said.

"To Shuimen Bridge?! They all go south, in the same direction. Instructor, let them start with us first, and when they arrive at Xiajieyu, they can continue south." Wu Wanli said.

"Understood, I'll call the old company commander immediately." Mei Sheng replied.He understood what Wu Wanli meant. Everyone was a little exhausted after the battle, and they were able to march by car and take a rest.

"Wanli, Yu Congrong and I are going to find a car, hurry up and make some hot food." Lei Suisheng shouted.He has been thinking about food.It's not that he is greedy, but it's such a cold day, cold and hungry, he is easy to freeze to death.

"Yes, I guarantee that we can have hot meals when we set off." Wu Wanli replied loudly.He hurriedly called for help to light the fire, prepare ingredients, and dry food that could be taken away.At this moment, he has become a cook again, and he is the head cook.

"Company commander, let's go find the cotton coat of the ugly army." Zhang Xiaoshan and others shouted.It was not bombed by Ugly Army planes, and a lot of supplies were preserved.

"Xiao Shan, find more Ugly Army military coats, leather boots, and duck down sleeping bags." Wu Wanli reminded.The ugly army's logistics is very good, they have a lot of cold clothes.

"Okay, Wanli." Zhang Xiaoshan and the others responded.

"Brother, is anyone injured?" Wu Wanli asked while cooking.

"Not many, they have already been sent for treatment." Wu Qianli said.He sat down to rest.What he is happiest about is that the Seventh Company didn't lose many manpower this time.Most of the heavy firepower of the Ugly Army was named by Wu Wanli.The seventh company attacked very smoothly, and with the bulletproof vests, the seventh company suffered very little battle damage.

"Brother, find someone to install some heavy weapons on the car, especially anti-aircraft guns." Wu Wanli said.

"Wanli, don't worry, Lao Lei has already loaded the car, and he has installed a few more cannons." Wu Qianli laughed.

"Brother, there is a lot of charcoal here, you can ask someone to load it too." Wu Wanli said.In the ugly army's kitchen, there are coals burned in it, and there is still a lot of charcoal.

"What do you want this thing for?" Wu Qianli didn't think it was necessary.

"Brother, bring it with you. In case there is a tug-of-war with the ugly army in the following battle, we also have to consider the issue of heating during long-term combat." Wu Wanli said.He is preparing for the Watergate Bridge behind.

"Understood, then let's bring more food." Wu Qianli said.

(End of this chapter)

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