Chapter 329
Changjin Lake, in a remote mountain depression near Xinxingli.

It was daytime.

Qilian didn't hurry.

They are all resting in white tents.

The tent provided by Wu Wanli is very useful.

The closer to Xinxingli, the lower the temperature, and the ground is covered with snow.

If there is no tent, not only people will be frozen, weapons and other items will also be frozen and unusable.

Now there are tents, and everyone is huddled together to sleep, and it's not too cold.

And Wu Wanli was digging a hole for cooking.

"Wanli, you've been driving all night, aren't you tired, why don't you take a rest before cooking?" Lei Suisheng asked concerned.As soon as Wu Wanli cooks, he comes over to help, to make a start or something.This way you can get good food right the first time.

"Brother Lei, I'm not tired, go and rest first, and I'll call you first when the meal is ready." Wu Wanli said with a smile.He is no ordinary person.He doesn't rest for days and nights, and he won't be too tired.What's more, he would rest for a while after eating every day.

"Wanli, the only thing to eat is potatoes, and the fried noodles are gone." Lei Suisheng was a little worried.We've been on the road for several days, and the rations we brought are almost exhausted.

"Brother Lei, it's okay. I passed by a place last night, and I seemed to see the footprints of a wild boar. I'll go and see later, maybe I can get a wild boar." Wu Wanli said.He lied, there were no wild boars and no footprints, he was going to go out and buy some wild game and come back.

"Should we let Yu Congrong and the others go with you?" Lei Suisheng asked hastily when he heard that there was meat.

"No need, Brother Lei, let me go alone. It's so quiet that it's not easy to be discovered by the ugly army." Wu Wanli said.

"It's okay, Wan Li, you are a good hunter. You have caught too much prey along the way. If it weren't for you, everyone would not be full." Lei Suisheng laughed.They Qilian went all the way, and they were not too bad in terms of food. They had meat every day, and they were full every day.There is a tent for sleeping, which is not bad.These are the changes brought about by Wu Wanli, so that everyone will not suffer from frostbite and starve.

"Brother Lei, I'm going to find wild boars, you should rest first." Wu Wanli walked out of the tent and walked far away.


He dragged two big wild boars and many pheasants and hares back.

"Wanli, where did you get so much game?" Wu Qianli asked in surprise.He squinted for a while, woke up just in time to see Wu Wanli, and brought back a lot of game.

"Brother, good luck, I also found a ginseng, let's drink ginseng soup again this afternoon." Wu Wanli said with a smile.He often boils ginseng soup for everyone.

"Great, Wanli, you are really good! You kill the pig first, and Yu Congrong and I go to collect firewood." Wu Qianli said happily.Along the way, Wu Wanli can always get something to eat, so that everyone will not rush on the road hungry.

A hot meal dispelled the chill on everyone's body.

have eaten.

"Wanli, go and rest." Lei Suisheng said hastily.He has been thinking about Wu Wanli's rest.He just grabbed another beggar's chicken, and he reserved a chicken leg for Wu Wanli.

"Yeah, Wanli, go to sleep, you haven't rested all this time." Yu Congrong and others also persuaded.

"Wanli, go, we'll take care of the rest." Wu Qianli said.

"Don't worry, brother, the battle is about to start. I still have a big bag on my wooden cart, and it's time to open it." Wu Wanli said with a smile.

"That big bag? Wanli, what's in it? You've been keeping it secretive and not letting you open it." Lei Suisheng asked curiously.He had seen the big bag before, but Wu Wanli wouldn't let him open it.

"Look, this is Ugly's bulletproof vest." Wu Wanli said while dragging the big bag over.These bulletproof vests were said to be seized, but in fact they came with five thousand miles of krypton gold.In this era, ugly countries have bulletproof vests.Wu Wanli is also in this era of krypton gold, and there is no future for krypton gold.

"Bulletproof vest? What do you mean, this thing can block bullets?" Yu Congrong curiously picked up a vest and asked.

"It's impossible to block a direct shot at close range, but it should be able to block a long-distance shot, or a ricochet." Wu Wanli said.The body armor of this era is immature, but it can also reduce the death rate of soldiers.

"Really, I'll try." Yu Congrong pulled out a dagger and stabbed it hard, "Hey, I can't pierce it!"

"This little vest looks interesting." Lei Suisheng said while wearing one on his body.

"Wanli, how many pieces are there?" Wu Qianli asked.

"More than 100 pieces, almost enough for us to use seven times in a row." Wu Wanli said casually.

"Then send it on." Mei Sheng said.Neither he nor Wu Qianli took the bulletproof vest first.

After a while.

Bulletproof vests are out.

There are still five missing.

Wu Qianli, Mei Sheng, Yu Congrong, Pinghe, and Wu Wanli were absent.

"Well, Wanli, you put on this bulletproof vest." Lei Suisheng took off the bulletproof vest neatly and handed it to Wu Wanli.

"Brother, you wear it" Wu Wanli was about to speak.

"Wanli, we don't need it, you can wear it." The others hurriedly said.

"That's fine, then I'll wear it." Wu Wanli said while putting on the bulletproof vest.He kept looking at Wu Qianli and Mei Sheng, but they were not unhappy.

"Brother, in fact, I still have five bulletproof vests here." Wu Wanli dug out some bulletproof vests from nowhere. Hard work, the effect is awesome.

"What? What else? You kid, why didn't you take it out earlier." Lei Suisheng said happily.

"That's right, Wanli, if you dare to tease us, you really deserve to fight." Yu Congrong laughed.

Before anyone else could speak, "I'm going to rest." Wu Wanli threw off his bulletproof vest and ran to sleep.

The others looked at each other with a smile, put on bulletproof vests, and then went to rest.

The Qilian people rested until dark.

"The 1100 highland is in front of us. If we get there before dawn, our position will be in front of the ugly army." Wu Qianli said while drinking ginseng soup.

Lei Suisheng nodded and said nothing, he was still eating chicken legs and drinking ginseng soup.

"Okay, tell all the platoons to get ready to go." Mei Sheng was also drinking ginseng soup.

"Quickly organize your equipment and get ready to go."

"Everyone is ready to go."

The Qilian people all drank ginseng soup and had a full meal before leaving.

They felt warm all over, not cold at all.

The Seventh Company lurked on the hill near the Ugly Army camp.

In the white tent.

Wu Wanli is inspecting anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns.He wants to use these two weapons to make a big kill.

"Wanli, you charge with us, you can throw the grenade accurately." Wu Qianli thought twice.He needs Wu Wanli's powerful fire support.Especially against enemy tanks, Wu Wanli's heavy grenade is the most effective.

Wu Wanli patted the anti-aircraft gun that was set up, "Brother, if you want firepower, nothing can match it. I will use this thing to support you. When you charge forward, as long as there are enemy firepower points or tanks in front, this thing It can explode in one shot.”

Wu Wanli took a lot of effort to bring anti-aircraft guns and a lot of ammunition, just to blow up the ugly army's tanks, heavy machine guns and so on today.Of course, it also includes the aircraft of the Ugly Army.He wants to make the Ugly Army's plane come and go.

"Wanli, can this thing be accurate?" Wu Qianli was a little skeptical.In his impression, this thing has always been used to hit airplanes, and he has never seen anything that hits the ground.

"Brother, you are confused. I can shoot down planes, let alone dead targets on the ground. Don't worry, this thing is better than Lei Ge's mortar when used." Wu Wanli laughed.

"Okay." Wu Qianli nodded without saying anything.He knew that Wu Wanli had never let him down.

It didn't take long.

The dark sky lit up and several flares were lifted into the air.

"Beep beep beep beep beep beep." The charge horn rang.

"Come on!" The overwhelming voice resounded through the sky.

Flares came and went.

The sound of rushing and killing sounded from all directions.

Without waiting for Wu Qianli's order, Wu Wanli rushed to the highest place pushing the anti-aircraft gun.

"Bang bang bang" Wu Wanli adjusted his aim in a second and began to bombard the enemy's gravity point.

Anti-aircraft guns have a long range.

Wu Wanli is at the highest place again.

He alone covered the entire battlefield.

A few young fighters ran over beside him.

They help with reloading and stuff.

"Boom, boom, boom" the enemy's artillery position was blown up first.

"Boom, boom" the enemy's outer sentry tower and the central sentry tower were blown up.

"Boom" the enemy's peripheral heavy machine guns were blown up.

"Boom" the enemy's oil depot was blown up.

"Boom" the enemy's truck was blown up.

"Boom, boom, boom" the enemy's tanks were blown up one by one.

"It's so fierce! Wanli, you are the fiercest thing!" Wu Qianli couldn't help shouting as he watched Wu Wanli continuously blasting the various firepower points of the Ugly Army.

"Brother, you charge forward, there is me, I promise nothing can stop you." Wu Wanli said while banging.

When Tan Ziwei of the Ninth Company was charging, a heavy machine gun in front blocked his way. He was about to shout "Bazooka", but with a "boom", the heavy machine gun in front was exploded.

He looked around, not knowing where the shells exploded, "Come on!" He continued to charge.

Trucks, tanks, etc., all obstacles were blasted by Wu Wanli.

The soldiers of the seventh company, all the offensive fighters, they don't need to use their flesh and blood to face the enemy's tanks, trucks, and defensive positions.Because, they were all blown up by Wu Wanli.

Many soldiers couldn't help looking at the highest place, the existence that turned the artillery into a machine gun.

"Boom" the enemy's command post was also smashed to pieces by Wu Wanli.

"Boom, boom, boom" the enemy wanted to evacuate in a car, but they were all killed in the car by Wu Wanli.

The battle starts quickly and ends quickly.

"Qianli, that direction is the direction of your attack, who is the person who fired the cannon, it's amazing!" Tan Ziwei asked Wu Qianli.

"That's Wanli, my younger brother." Wu Qianli said proudly.

"Buzzing." At this moment, the enemy's plane came.

(End of this chapter)

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