Chapter 13 Blood Talisman

Ren Fa looked at Uncle Jiu and asked, "Uncle Jiu, when is the right time to raise the coffin?"

Uncle Jiu: "I've already calculated, there are three days that are suitable for raising the coffin and moving the grave recently. They are three o'clock in the afternoon today, noon six days later, and six o'clock in the morning half a month later."

Ren Fa: "The suitable tomb, Uncle Jiu, have you already found it?"

Uncle Jiu nodded: "When we came together in the morning, I went out of the town to look for it. There is a very good location three miles to the left of your great-grandfather's original location."

Ren Fa couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard the words, he got up and said to Uncle Jiu: "Thank you Uncle Jiu, after the matter is completed, there will be thick and thin."

Uncle Jiu showed a smile on his face, but he still said: "Follow the rules, follow the rules! Haha!"

"Then what should we prepare?" Ren Fa asked at the end.

Uncle Nine: "Let's do this! You need a big red rooster that is more than one year old, as well as yellow paper, cinnabar, etc."

"that's it?"

Ren Fa looked surprised, after all, for rich people.This thing, after an order, was ready in less than half an hour.

So he said immediately: "Then let's do it this afternoon! The sooner I finish it, the sooner I can put my heart at ease.",


Uncle Jiu really didn't expect Ren Fa to be in such a hurry, but for him, any day is the same.And think again, I saw the scene of old master Ren's cemetery before.

I think it would be a good thing to finish the move sooner.

So he nodded: "Then I'll go shopping with you! So as not to miss something and miss the time."

Ren Fa was overjoyed: "That couldn't be better. Please trouble Uncle Jiu."

After getting up, he wanted to leave with Uncle Jiu, and Su Jun naturally stood up when he saw this.But Ren Fa immediately said to Su Jun, "Why do you need so many people to buy these things? You young people, talk to yourself."

"Father!" Ren Tingting blushed instantly.


Uncle Jiu was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Su Jun, then at Ren Tingting.He couldn't help laughing, and even smiled mischievously at Su Jun, showing a meaningful smile.

Then he and Ren Fa went out.

Leaving Ren Tingting and Su Jun alone, the two fell into silence for a while, with a little embarrassment and ambiguity.

It's a bit like the feeling when you meet the person you like on a blind date.

After walking out of the western restaurant, Uncle Jiu smiled at Ren and said, "Master Ren really deserves to be in big business. His eyesight is really good. He immediately caught the most outstanding young man in our Ren Township."

Master Ren chuckled lightly when he heard the words, and said without trying to hide his smile: "Uncle Jiu, I think you like him too!"

Uncle Jiu also felt that Ren Tingting and Su Jun were very suitable, and it was a merit to bring about a new couple.So he said truthfully: "I don't know much about business, but this young master of the Su family is absolutely outstanding in martial arts and ours. His future achievements will be limitless!"

Master Ren's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, but he didn't say anything, he just said: "Okay, okay."

Here in the box, Ren Tingting raised her head to look at Su Jun after a long time, just in time to meet Su Jun's bright eyes.Wei Wei was taken aback for a moment, then a little flustered, her heart beat faster.

But this time, she didn't back down.Instead, he looked directly at Su Jun and asked, "Su Jun, do you have time? If so, can you accompany me to buy some rouge powder?"

The corners of Su Jun's mouth rose slightly, revealing a friendly smile: "Of course!"

This smile is very ordinary, but it is so dazzling in the eyes of Ren Tingting who is already a little excited.

My heart beat faster, but I felt sweet all over.

Immediately, the two of them also walked out of the western restaurant.Heading towards the nearest rouge gouache shop!

Along the way, the two of them couldn't find anything to talk about for a while.But very happy!
It's like a young couple who just got together, even if they don't do or say anything.Just walking with the person you like is sweet in your heart.

The same is true for Su Jun, but he crazily complained in his heart: "Well, there was a reason for being single in my previous life. All the beauties were delivered to my door, so I don't know what to talk about. If this is the case, those sea kings, I'm afraid they have already flirted with each other at this time." Ren Tingting couldn't stop laughing, right?"


Although most of Su Jun's heart was on Ren Tingting at this time.However, as a warrior, he has a strong perception, but he has not lost it.

An abnormality was discovered in an instant.

After Ren Tingting's shocked expression, she put her arms around her waist and stepped aside.

Feel Su Jun's strong arms and firm chest.And the heat radiating from the hands on the waist made her body a little weak.The whole person fell into Su Jun's arms!
It has to be said that Su Jun has more than just a masculine aura.

In modern terms, it's her boyfriend's strength!Which woman can stop it?
However, when Ren Tingting came back to her senses.An angry look appeared on her face, although she did have a good impression of Su Jun.It can't be said that it was love at first sight, but it was really heart-wrenching.

But this is not the reason for Su Jun to belittle her.


And at this moment, Su Jun shouted loudly.


The sudden shout startled Ren Tingting, and then looked at Su Jun, only to find that he had a serious face at this moment.With a hint of anger!

He glanced around, and finally landed not far away.

She couldn't help but look along, this look.Ren Tingting couldn't help but stay there, because there was blood where she was standing just now.And formed a very weird symbol.

If it wasn't for Su Jun's quick reaction, the blood talisman might have fallen on her.

Leaving aside, just by looking at it, you can tell what the blood talisman, which is not a good thing, is.Just being covered in this blood.How can she accept such a clean person?
But an apology immediately appeared on her face, because she misunderstood Su Jun.

At this time, I could feel the masculine breath on Su Jun again.In an instant, it was different again.If before, it was just a momentary blur, but now it is deeply immersed in it!
Especially feeling the heat transmitted from Su Jun's palm.

With the waist as the center, it quickly spread all over the body, making her feel like a kitten scratching her heart."Uncomfortable" all over!
This is something she has never felt before.For a moment, she was caught in it and couldn't extricate herself.


But at this time, Su Jun had a serious expression on his face.

He didn't believe that this blood talisman was a coincidence.Normal people can't do this stuff.

He couldn't help thinking that in many fanfictions, it was speculated that the old man Ren turned into a zombie was not an accident.It was calculated by someone!
Could it be the Feng Shui master who was robbed of the graveyard decades ago?

There was a trace of doubt in Su Jun's eyes.Because, this blood talisman is not something that Mr. Feng Shui can make!
This seems to be the method of evil cultivators!

(End of this chapter)

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