Chapter 12 Ren Tingting

When Ren Fa mentioned his daughter, his face immediately glowed.His eyes also brightened up, obviously his daughter is his pride!

She smiled and said, "Tingting! I'm putting on makeup! Ever since I went out to see the world, I've fallen in love with this."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but cast a glance at Su Jun: "By the way, if I remember correctly, Tingting and you are only one year younger. Besides, you also went to a western-style school, so you probably have a common language. In the future, you young people, get in touch more!"

Originally, it was just a casual remark, which was polite.But as soon as these words came out, Ren Fa suddenly had an idea.

He couldn't help but look at Su Jun a few more times, and there was a bit of scrutiny in these eyes.

After that, I muttered in my heart: "It's a good match!"

These words are not casually said.

But he really thought so, Ren Tingting is the only blood of his Ren family, and he will inherit everything from the Ren family in the future.

What about Su Jun!
Has inherited everything from the Su family.

As for the Ren and Su families, one is the richest man and the other is the second richest.And the financial resources between each other are actually not much different.

His family, Tingting, really lived up to her name, slim and graceful!
The boy from the Su family in front of him is very handsome, but he does not lose his heroic spirit.He has a burly figure, and when walking, he is even more heavy and powerful.At first glance, he is not the kind of young master whose body has been hollowed out by wine and sex.

Therefore, no matter from origin, wealth, appearance, figure, knowledge.All match!
If there are two people, assign to find another person.I'm afraid that in the entire Renjia Town, there is no one who is more compatible than them.

Only the mayor's son barely took a look.But that kid, judging by his eyesight in business for many years.Definitely not a good product!
Want to match his family Tingting in the next life!

Even if his father is the mayor, he couldn't help but frowned when he thought of this.Because, the last time I talked with the mayor, although the other party didn't say anything.

But inside and outside the words, there is already that meaning.

So, find a suitable one as soon as possible.Those who can withstand the pressure of the mayor, most importantly, those who can protect Tingting.

Thinking of this, he looked at Su Jun's expression and became more friendly.Because Su Jun can do all these things.

And at this time, a very tall beauty walked in outside the western restaurant, dressed very fashionable.It's completely different from other women in the town.

The complexion is ruddy and shiny, and the skin is even more tender and supple.It seems that if you pinch it, you can squeeze out water.

With a pink hat on his head and a low-length Western dress, his neck is fair and pink.There is even a gap standing there.It's hard to move your eyes away.

And under the skirt, a straight and tender calf was exposed.Coupled with his cute and arrogant smile, it can be sweet to death.

Only four words can describe her.Then a stunner!
She is Ren Tingting, Ren Fa's daughter.

When he walked up to the second floor, he quickly entered Ren Fa's box, squinted his eyes slightly, and called out sweetly: "Father!"

When Ren Fa saw Ren Tingting come in, a happy smile appeared on his face: "Tingting is Uncle Jiu and Su Jun, the young master of the Su family!"

Ren Tingting then looked at Uncle Jiu and Su Jun.

First, he said very politely to Uncle Jiu, "Hello, Uncle Jiu!"

When his eyes finally fell on Su Jun, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up.It's not just Su Jun's handsome and heroic appearance, but Su Jun has an aura that those male classmates didn't have when she was in school.

There is momentum!

Just sitting there is not to be underestimated.

And this kind of momentum is very attractive to women.Just like when a man sees a sexy and enchanting woman.Some couldn't move their eyes away, and their heartbeats also accelerated a little.

Su Jun's eyes couldn't help but light up, one must know that in the memory of the original owner, it was before Ren Tingting went to school.That is, she is still the same one in traditional dress.

Naturally, it was also beautiful at that time.

But the beauty at that time was a subtle and youthful beauty.

now what!
It's the kind of sexy, fashionable, with a little unrestrained.But still can't hide it, the implication carved into the soul.

This is a kind of beauty after the combination of East and West. Although it is contradictory, it is perfectly presented on one person.

Su Jun couldn't help admiring: "This Ren Tingting really deserves to be Li Saifeng, a classic performance at the peak of her appearance."

But after all, Su Jun has experienced the information age.People who have seen all kinds of beauties, so they didn't lose their composure.Instead, he smiled faintly and nodded slightly: "Hi, I'm Su Jun, nice to meet you."

Ren Tingting was taken aback for a moment, and then he extended his hand very generously: "It's a pleasure to meet you too!"

It's just the slight blush on her face and the shyness in her eyes.It can be seen that she treats Su Jun differently.

Seeing this, Su Jun couldn't help but stand up, and reached out to shake her hand.

It's really smooth, tender and soft.

However, he immediately collected himself and withdrew his hand in a very gentlemanly manner.

This time, Ren Tingting looked at her differently.

"Ha ha.."

Who is Ren Fa?
Not only people who have been here, but also people who know Ren Tingting best.You can tell something by seeing her expression.And he could tell that Su Jun also had a crush on his daughter.

It's just that he didn't point it out, after all, he was happy to see this scene come true.

At this time, Ren Tingting also sat down, and then waved to the waiter: "Bring me a cup of coffee."

Ren Fa then said, "Bring me a cup of coffee too!"

Uncle Jiu couldn't help muttering in his heart: "Roast fly? What the hell?" However, he didn't show it on his face. After all, he is also a very face-saving person.

Su Jun said, "Give me and Uncle Jiu a cup of coffee each! But my cup doesn't need to add sugar or milk. I like to drink pure."

"Add milk and sugar?"

As clever as Uncle Jiu, he grasped the key point at once, and he already knew it in his heart.

When Ren Tingting heard this, she showed a curious expression, and couldn't help asking: "It's so hard to be pure."

Su Jun smiled indifferently: "My coffee is ground from high-quality coffee beans. Although the taste is bitter, it leaves a fragrance on the lips and teeth. It has the same effect as tea!"

"Oh? Shall I try?"

By this time, the coffee was served.Hearing what Su Jun said, Uncle Jiu, who likes to drink tea very much, couldn't help being interested.It doesn't add milk and sugar like Ren Fa.

Instead, he took a sip.

Instantly, the bitter taste filled the whole mouth, causing Uncle Jiu to frown slightly.But after the bitterness dissipated slowly, the aroma of coffee beans began to rise.

Uncle Ling Jiu's eyes lit up, he nodded and said, "This foreign tea really has a bit of the artistic conception of our Chinese tea!"


Ren Tingting couldn't help being excited, and took a sip without sugar or milk.In an instant, the whole face became bitter.

Immediately afterwards, there was a look that wanted to spit it out, but couldn't be rude.

But full of cuteness.

(End of this chapter)

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