Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 283 Leaving the Sun Moon Continent

Chapter 283 Leaving the Sun Moon Continent
After all the soul masters left the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, all the soul crystals that Mu Tian was about to obtain were handed over to Lu Yun.

Lu Yun also received these soul crystals into the system space and turned them all into auction sites.

This auction ended perfectly. It can be said that Lu Yun made a lot of money this time.

The final auction item: the light of enlightenment, he obtained from the secret realm.

A treasure like that is a steady stream of output in the secret realm, and it can be said to be a priceless treasure.

Lu Yun can completely rely on the light of enlightenment in this secret realm to collect a large number of auction sites, but Lu Yun did not do so.

These things must not be rotten, otherwise they will not reflect their due value.

"Mu Tianxing, in the next period of time, I will leave the Sun Moon Continent and go to the Douluo Continent. The Xingdou Auction Pavilion here will be managed by you in the future."

"When I return to the Douluo Continent, I will completely connect the two continents, and then you will be able to travel back and forth between the two continents."

At this moment, Lu Yun said to Mu Tianxing solemnly, intending to hand over this burden to Mu Tianxing.

He must return to the Douluo Continent. As for Medusa and Dugu Bo who came with him before, they will naturally follow him back to the Douluo Continent.

Now the only person he trusts in Sun Moon Continent is Mu Tianxing, so this important task can only be entrusted to him.

With the strength of Mu Tianxing Limit Douluo, he can manage the Xingdou Auction Pavilion well.

But before he leaves, he will definitely buy a few strong soul masters from the god-level store.

In this way, he can also leave the Sun Moon Continent without any worries.


"Pavilion Master, where are you going, leaving the Sun Moon Continent? Where is the Douluo Continent?"

At this time, Mu Tianxing was shocked when he heard that Lu Yun wanted to leave.

When he heard the unfamiliar place of Douluo Dalu, he was full of doubts.

He has never heard of Douluo Continent, and isn't there only Sun Moon Continent in the whole world?

Where is the Lord going?
Hearing what Mu Tianxing said, Lu Yun had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly remembered something.

For the soul masters of Sun Moon Continent, they obviously don't know the existence of Douluo Continent.

Therefore, Lu Yun then slowly told Mu Tianxing about the Douluo Continent and the Sun Moon Continent.

After a long time, Mu Tianxing digested the news he just heard, but his heart was full of turmoil.

Unexpectedly, there is another continent on the other side of the sea area, and the overall strength of soul masters far exceeds that of the Sun Moon Continent.

This made Mu Tianxing extremely shocked, and it took a while before he gradually calmed down.

But when I think about the strength of Lu Yun and others, it is probably clear.

The strength of soul masters in Douluo Continent as a whole is not even a little bit stronger than that in Sun Moon Continent.

At this time, Mu Tianxing also yearned in his heart, one day he could go to Douluo Dalu to experience the strength of soul masters in Douluo Dalu.

On the Sun Moon Continent, he is an invincible existence, and the master is really lonely.

"Don't worry, after I leave, I will set up a teleportation formation in the Sun Moon Continent. When I return to the Douluo Continent, I will completely connect the two transmission formations. At that time, I only need to spend a certain amount of soul crystals to travel back and forth between the two continents."

Seeing the change in Mu Tianxing's expression, Lu Yun knew that he must also want to appreciate the customs and customs of Douluo Dalu.

In less than a month, the teleportation arrays of the two continents will be completely connected.

It only takes a few seconds to travel back and forth between the two continents, which is very convenient.

"Good Pavilion Master, don't worry, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is under my protection, so it must be very safe."

Mu Tianxing took a deep breath, patted his chest and assured Lu Yun.

We must guard the Star Dou Auction Pavilion well, and never let other forces covet it.


Hearing this, Lu Yun nodded in satisfaction.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Tianxing was dismissed, preparing to leave.

A moment later, Lu Yun spent a certain amount of auction points from the god-level store to purchase five soul masters.

These five soul masters are all super douluo above level 95, and of course one of them is also a limit douluo.

These five powerhouses plus Mu Tianxing can completely protect the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

The strength of the soul master purchased from the system is invincible in the same level, and can even fight at a higher level.

Lu Yun arranged all the meetings and placed the purchased teleportation array on the third floor of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

After finishing everything, Lu Yun came to several other rooms and told Medusa and others that he would leave Douluo Dalu in a few days.

After Queen Medusa and the others only heard it, they had no doubts.

They also want to return to Douluo Continent earlier, the Sun Moon Continent is a strange world to them.


In less than three days, Lu Yun and his party were ready to go, and prepared five auction items for the next auction, all of which were handed over to Mu Tianxing.

Lu Yun and the others took a boat and sailed to the sea, preparing to go to the Douluo Continent.

Lu Yun and the others began to drift in the sea. Ten days passed, but they were still half the distance from Douluo Continent.

Just today, the sun is shining brightly, and the sea is shimmering, making it extremely mysterious.

Lu Yun lay on the chair, admiring the vastness of the sea.

At this moment, Lu Yun was awakened by a movement.


Not far away, a girl suddenly called for help, but the voice was mixed with an inexplicable change.

Hearing this, Lu Yun's state of mind had a slight ripple.

After seeing this situation, Lu Yun felt that something was wrong. With his strength, an ordinary voice could not confuse him at all.

Moreover, this voice was actually mixed with a very powerful spiritual force, which was obviously very strange.

With this in mind, Lu Yun got up and looked towards the source of the sound.

In the sea area not far away, a girl with blue hair tried to escape, and a blue fish tail was underneath her body.

The girl swam forward quickly, but there were three whales chasing behind her.

These three whales erupted with a very powerful soul beast aura.

Lu Yun noticed the three whales behind the girl, and each soul beast had reached 8 years.

As for the girl in front, Lu Yun couldn't see her specific strength clearly, as if there was a kind of hazy aura covering her aura?
"Could it be the mermaid family?
Lu Yun looked at the girl's appearance, and a guess emerged in his heart.

After all, the sea is vast and boundless, and the number of races that exist is countless.

The mermaid should also belong to a race in the sea area, a very powerful race.

The mermaids are born with a beautiful singing voice, and they also have the power of the sea.

On the other hand, the mermaids yearn for peace, but the current situation is obviously not right.

(End of this chapter)

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