Chapter 282 Evil Emperor
"1000 soul crystals!"


"1243 soul crystals!"


The time was long, and 10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

This time the competition gradually came to an end, and the first auction price reached 1000 million soul crystals. There were too few forces with so many soul crystals.

The competition between these forces will soon end.

"1572 soul crystals!"

Following the sound of a deep and hoarse voice, another competing force fell into silence and did not continue to increase the price.

After reaching this price, few forces are qualified to continue to increase the price.

This is only one month, and it is incredible that so many soul crystals can be condensed.

But it is not known whether these soul crystals are soul crystals condensed by one force, or a combination of several other forces.

After Mu Tianxing heard the price, he nodded slightly and looked around.

After a while, I found that no one continued to increase the price, and I knew the final result.

"1572 soul crystals once!"

"1572 soul crystals twice!"

"1572 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, I will announce the last auction item: the Light of Enlightenment belongs to Box [-]."

After repeated confirmation by Mu Tianxing, no one continued to increase the price, and directly announced the destination of the final auction item.

When Lu Yun saw the final belonging of these lights of enlightenment, he raised his eyes slightly, looked through the endless space, and looked at the No. [-] box immediately.

There was only one person in the No. [-] box, and this person was a muscular man, exuding a violent aura from his whole body.

There is a cloud pattern between the eyebrows, which looks extremely strange, and looks like the shape of an eye.

The powerful momentum generated around him directly caused ripples in the surrounding void.

It is enough to imagine how vast the soul power contained in this middle-aged man is.


Lu Yun clearly felt the strength of this person, and was a little surprised in his heart.

This person's strength has already reached the level of Ultimate Douluo.

This is not right!

Prior to this, Medusa had successfully discovered that there were only two Limit Douluo experts in the Sun Moon Continent.

One is from the camp of evil soul masters, and the other is Mu Tianxing who is auctioning in front.

What is the origin of this person? Could it be that there is a problem with Medusa's perception?

Suddenly, Lu Yun looked at the lines between the man's eyebrows and the aura around him, and fell into deep thought.

In an instant, Lu Yun sensed a familiar aura from this man.

"So it turned out to be a soul beast."

"This one should be the evil emperor who ranks second among beasts."

At this time, Lu Yun probably guessed the identity of the middle-aged man.

Just now Lu Yun didn't notice the aura emanating from this man, even though he was hiding very secretly, in Lu Yun's eyes, there was still nothing to hide
And this person contains the breath of a soul beast, which shows from the side that this middle-aged man is a soul master who has transformed into a soul beast.

The only soul beast capable of possessing such powerful strength must be the legendary Evil Emperor.

The ruler of the evil-eyed tyrant, the strongest person in the evil forest of the Sun-Moon Empire, with a cultivation base of nearly 80 years, ranked second among the top ten fierce beasts, and a rare spirit beast with spiritual attributes.

"I didn't expect that the second auction would be held just now, and it would attract the evil emperor. It seems that we will take this opportunity to squeeze him in the future."

Lu Yun touched his chin with a meaningful smile on his face. He knew how many powerful soul beasts there were in the Sun Moon Continent.

These soul beasts can also rely on their own strength to condense a large number of soul crystals.

Originally, Lu Yun planned to spread the reputation of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, which would naturally attract other soul beasts to participate in the auction.

At that time, he will have a large amount of soul crystals in his account, but he never expected that the evil emperor would be attracted so quickly.

This is also a surprise.

Afterwards, Lu Yun stopped paying attention to this matter and began to prepare to leave Sun Moon Continent.


The Evil Emperor in Box No. [-] waited happily for these lights of enlightenment.

He also wanted to see how powerful Wu Dao was.

The age of his soul beast is not far from 80 years.

If you get these lights of enlightenment, you may really have the opportunity to step into that realm, and then successfully survive the thunder disaster, and your strength will go further.

"Huh? What's going on, why did I sense that someone was probing my existence just now?"

As soon as the evil emperor's expression changed, he sensed an inexplicable movement, and then his eyes circled around with a serious look on his face.

He clearly felt a sense of peeping just now, but when he concentrated his attention on investigating, that feeling disappeared without a trace, which was really weird.

After probing for a while, I still couldn't find any movement, so I could only let it go.

It seems that it should be related to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion. With his strength, he can naturally feel that the Xingdou Auction Pavilion is extremely mysterious.

If he is really presumptuous here, maybe there is really no way to successfully leave here.

The evil emperor gave all the soul crystals to Mu Tian Xinghou, and he also obtained these lights of enlightenment as he wished.

The origin of these soul crystals of the evil emperor is not correct.

A month ago, the evil emperor was walking in the world of human soul masters with nothing to do, and heard about the existence of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion and soul crystals on the way.

So he took the attitude of giving it a try, and condensed a large number of soul crystals, but with his own strength, he couldn't condense so many soul crystals.

Therefore, he also took the opportunity to snatch the soul crystals in the hands of some human soul masters.

That's why there are so many soul crystals.

The evil emperor looked at the light of enlightenment in his hand, with excitement in his eyes, and then gently opened the bottle cap.

Use your soul power to pull out a ray of nine-colored light and integrate it into your body.

In an instant, the evil emperor sensed the mystery of these lights of enlightenment, and his whole mind was emptied, as if he had fallen into a mysterious and mysterious realm.

The evil emperor sensed himself, and gradually grew closer to the soul power between heaven and earth.

The surrounding soul power poured into his body continuously, this feeling is really too comfortable.

I don't know how long it has passed, the evil emperor forced himself to wake up, he is currently in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

After the evil emperor felt the effects of these lights of enlightenment, he became even more excited.

He can guarantee that with these lights of enlightenment, it is a certainty that he will break through the 80-year soul beast life limit.

"All five auction items have been auctioned off. Our auction has ended perfectly. Welcome all soul masters to participate in this auction."

After Mu Tianxing delivered the last auction item to Box [-], he announced the end of the auction with a smile on his face.

As soon as the words fell, other soul masters left the Xingdou Auction Pavilion one after another, preparing to go back and condense more soul crystals to participate in the next auction.

After all, the items in this auction are really too much for their eyes, but there are not enough soul crystals.

(End of this chapter)

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