Chapter 216 The calamity is approaching
After the last auction ended, the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion fell into a state of calm.

At this time, in the spirit realm, countless realms were opened, and countless soul masters stepped into it to fight with the transformed self and improve their combat effectiveness.

One of the realms is the Ice and Snow Realm.

At this time, in this domain, the endless scene is composed of the power of ice.

The snowy scene makes people feel the meaning of endless cold.

At this moment, in this icy world, a woman in a white dress erupted a powerful wave of soul power from her hands.

The figures that are exactly the same as those in front are fighting with each other, and the momentum generated spreads across the entire domain.

The situation of this battle has far exceeded the boundaries of ordinary soul masters.

The entire realm began to feel a strong sense of shock because of the battle between the two.

This person is none other than Snow Emperor.

After the auction ended, Xue Di did not leave the Star Dou Auction Pavilion immediately.

Instead, learn about the other two magical secret realms here, the Chaos Secret Realm and the Spiritual Realm.

Snow Empress paid a certain amount of soul crystals, entered the secret realm of chaos, and enhanced her own soul beast lifespan by hunting the soul beasts evolved in it.

Because the lifespan of the soul beast has increased a bit, Xuedi did not continue to improve, but entered the spiritual realm, and began to use the transformed self to stabilize the lifespan of the soul beast and increase the combat power together.

In less than a few days, Xue Di knew that the mystery of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion was far beyond her imagination.

Especially the Chaos Secret Realm and the Spiritual Realm, these two magical secret realms can be called the best in the Douluo Continent.

If she can stay in these two places all the time, maybe she really has the hope of fighting for the legendary land of beasts.

However, there are quite a few soul crystals entering these two secret realms. Obviously, she doesn't have more soul crystals, which can support her to stay here forever.

However, Snow Empress is content, and if her strength does not improve steadily in the future, she can come to these two places to seek a chance for a breakthrough.

Xue Di looked directly at herself in front of her. The abilities she possessed could be mastered by the people on the opposite side.

After a long battle, they were still evenly matched, and there was no winner.

Apparently Xuedi also discovered the mystery, she couldn't defeat the phantom in front of her by ordinary means.

It is necessary to find another way to completely defeat this phantom.

With this in mind, Snow Empress began to sort out her unique moves.

Her most powerful method is the Snow Emperor's Three Absolutes.

Emperor Hantian·Xuewu Yaoyang: Domain-type ability, which can be combined with the eternal frozen domain to form the Xuewu Extreme Ice Domain, which is powerful.

Emperor's Palm·Great Cold and Snowless: The Emperor's Palm is condensed by the power of ice, bursting out with unparalleled explosive power.

Emperor Sword·Bingji Wushuang: It transforms into a dark blue long sword that seems to be condensed from ice crystals to attack, which is extremely powerful
Xue Di thought of a way, that is to try to completely combine the three unique moves into one, and the power that erupts in the end is enough to destroy the phantom in front of him.

Next, Xue Di kept using the phantom in front of her to verify her conjecture, whether it was correct or not?


Time passed slowly, Snow Emperor kept fighting with the phantom in front of him, and the integration of the three unique moves became smoother and smoother.

In the spiritual realm, time cannot be counted.

On a certain day, Xue Di's whole aura suddenly changed, as if he had merged with the surrounding environment.

The next moment, Snow Empress slowly displayed three tricks, and the entire Ice and Snow Realm began to be shaken.

A large amount of ice power gathered in front of Snow Emperor, erupting an unprecedented coercion, enough to destroy everything.

The soul power in Xuedi's body spreads everywhere, slowly fusing these three tricks together.

A white vortex formed, and within the vortex contained a world-shattering coercion.

When they were completely fused together, a cold light flashed in Xue Di's eyes.

Pushing forward with both hands, endless ice burst out suddenly from the white vortex, bombarding towards the front.

The phantom in front also unleashed a powerful attack to resist Snow Empress' attack.

The next shocking scene happened, Phantom's attack was destroyed by Snow Empress in the blink of an eye, and continued to attack Phantom with an invincible momentum.

"Bang bang bang!"

An explosion sounded, and the phantom exploded into endless ice chips, dissipating between the sky and the earth.

Snow Empress breathed a sigh of relief after realizing that Phantom had been defeated.

"The Star Dou Auction Pavilion is really too mysterious!"

Xuedi let out a long sigh of relief. It would be a coincidence to say that the three tricks can be combined this time.

She hadn't been able to successfully integrate it for a long time before, and for some reason, there was always a bottleneck that bothered her.

At the critical moment, the Ice Jade Divine Bead that was bought from the Xingdou Auction Pavilion before suddenly emitted a faint white light.

The predicament in her mind suddenly became clear, and it was this slight opportunity that allowed her to completely integrate the three unique moves into one ultimate move, which could completely defeat the Phantom.

Through this opportunity, Snow Emperor once again realized the powerful mystery of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

That ice jade bead is by no means ordinary, and even has other functions, which needs to be carefully discovered by her.

"call out!"

Before Xue Di could continue to think, a golden light flew from a distance, interrupting Xue Di's thoughts.

Seeing this situation, Xue Di originally thought that something had changed and was about to stop it, when he suddenly remembered the hidden reward of the spirit realm.

It didn't stop the golden light from entering the center of her eyebrows.


After a while, Snow Empress digested the combat experience in this golden light, and found that her strength had actually improved a step further.

For her current strength, it would take countless years to improve every point.

But he didn't expect such shocking changes to take place in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion these few days.

In Xue Di's heart, he didn't know how to thank Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

At this moment, the mutation protruded!
I saw that the aura around Xuedi began to become extremely chaotic.

"not good!"

"How can it be so fast!"

Perceiving such a change, Xue Di's face became very ugly, and he secretly thought something was wrong.

"How could it be, why did my 70-year soul beast catastrophe come early!"

That's right!

The reason why the energy in Xuedi's body was chaotic was because her strength increased too fast in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, which caused her 70-year-old soul beast catastrophe to descend suddenly.

The previous Snow Emperor, when he was in the secret realm of chaos, the age of the soul beast had reached 70 years.

She also wanted to wait until the extreme north to try to survive the catastrophe, so she could fight in the spiritual realm with peace of mind.

But it wasn't until she absorbed this wave of combat experience that her strength improved again, causing the soul power in her body to be completely uncontrollable.

In other words, her 70-year soul beast catastrophe will come immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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