Chapter 215 Escape?

When Bone Douluo rushed to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, he immediately gave instructions to all the disciples in the school.

Let everyone evacuate the Zongmen station and walk towards other directions.

As for the disciples who were working abroad, Bone Douluo sent a message telling them not to return to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

After all the disciples were ready and away from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Bone Douluo checked again, and he was relieved when he found no one.

In the next moment, all the treasures in the sect were put away.

After finishing everything, Bone Douluo didn't stop any longer, and disappeared in place in an instant.

Not a moment after Bone Douluo left, a group of soldiers suddenly came from afar.

This group of people is exactly the army sent by Wuhundian.

In front of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, three figures suddenly appeared, they were Bibi Dong and the others.


"So quiet?"

Seeing the Qibao Glazed Tile School so quiet, Bibi Dong frowned, and her mental power spread directly to the entire school.

Bibi Dong would not let go of any disturbance in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

No matter how much her mental power covered, she couldn't detect any living creature of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.


"As expected of Ning Fengzhi, for being so thoughtful."

Bibi Dong saw Qibao Glazed Tile Sect members go to Loukong, and she came here, but it was of no use, so she couldn't help being very angry.


She still underestimated Ning Fengzhi's wisdom, originally thought that Sword Douluo was seriously injured, Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo should have no other time to care about the matter of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

But it wasn't until she came to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School that she realized how naive her thoughts were.

All of this was considered in advance by Ning Fengzhi.

It is a pity that all members of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect have fled here, and it is not known where they fled.

He could only sigh helplessly.

After a long time, a vast soul power condensed in Bibi Dong's right hand, and all the soul power in his body bombarded towards the front.

As for the Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo beside him, they also followed Bibi Dong, condensing all the power in their bodies into the void.

In an instant, the three Titled Douluo-level full-power blows completely blasted towards the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.


With a loud noise, the residence of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was completely destroyed.

When the dust cleared away, the originally incomparably brilliant Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was completely reduced to ruins at this moment.


Bibi Dong was very depressed, after seeing the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's residence was destroyed by her, she finally felt a little more at ease.

However, Bibi Dong will not let the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School go easily.

So he ordered the soul master behind him to lead a small team to investigate around.

As long as they meet the disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, they will be killed.

After giving all orders, Bibi Dong didn't stay in place for too long, and returned to the Spirit Hall.

After all, if she fights with all her strength today, it will inevitably be affected in her body.

The top priority is for her to absorb the divine pill as soon as possible to become a real godly powerhouse.


Worship Hall.

After Qingluan Douluo and Guangling Douluo returned to Wuhun Hall, they summoned an army to join Bibidong.

And the two of them did not go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but stayed in the worship hall, and told Qian Daoliu everything that happened before.

"I already know about this matter. After all, with Bibi Dong's talent, winning the favor of the gods is not enough."

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu didn't show any surprise expression on his face.

Before that, he had already sensed another god-level aura in the Wuhun Hall, and that aura was completely opposite to the aura of angels and gods.

In the past, he suspected that Bibi Dong had inherited the position of an evil god, but it wasn't until the words of Qingluan Douluo and the two that he was able to confirm his guess.

Sure enough, Bibi Dong got the inheritance of a god, but she didn't know which god this god position belonged to?

What surprised Qian Daoliu even more was Tang San's existence.

Not only the twin spirits, but also Tang Hao's son, a member of the Clear Sky School.

No matter from which aspect, Tang San is indeed a very big threat.

The only pity is that Bibi Dong let Tang San escape.

Regarding this matter, Qian Daoliu ignored it, he saw Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi's martial soul fusion skills, it was very strange.

Without the help of Qingluan Douluo and Bibi Dong, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School would really be helpless.

"By the way, Bibi Dong used the power of the gods to seriously hurt the heart. Bibi Dong said that there are not a few days left to live."

At this time, Qingluan Douluo told Qian Daoliu another piece of good news.

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School's current peak combat power is Sword Douluo.

Losing Sword Douluo, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will inevitably lose its combat power, which will have indescribable benefits for their Wuhun Hall to dominate the Douluo Continent.

"Bibi Dong made a mistake this time. With the existence of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, do you think Sword Douluo will die?"

"Since I can think of this method to cure Chenxin, how could the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School not think of it?"

Afterwards, Qian Daoliu shook his head secretly, although he was very pleasantly surprised when he first heard the news.

But the only certainty is that Bibi Dong's scheme will not succeed.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion is really too mysterious, as long as the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect pays enough, maybe the Star Dou Auction Pavilion will really save Chen Xin.

"You have forgotten that Chen Xin's second martial soul is a god-level martial soul, or a life attribute martial soul in the auxiliary system, so the chance of Chen Xin's death is really too small."

Qian Daoliu continued.

How could the god-level ancient tree of life, Martial Soul, have the healing power that can be called unique in the Douluo Continent, so it could have fallen silently?

After hearing Qian Daoliu's narration, Qingluan Douluo and the others gradually understood, and their expressions were extremely heavy.

They still misread the previous situation.

The Xingdou Auction Pavilion is extremely mysterious, and it can save Jian Douluo without exception.

After reading Bibi Dong's calculation, it was overturned.

"Don't pay attention to this matter for now, I believe that Bibi Dong will not let the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School go easily."

Qian Daoliu didn't intend to let Qingluan Douluo and the other two intervene in this matter.

Whether it is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School or Bibi Dong, they are all threats to him.

Just let them fight each other, and he is responsible for making a profit from the sidelines.

It's just that I don't know if Bibi Dong's method can really solve the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?


Hearing this, Qingluan Douluo and Guangling Douluo nodded slightly.

Afterwards, Qingluan Douluo and the two bid farewell to Qian Daoliu and began to practice in seclusion.

The martial soul fusion skills of the two have not reached the level of perfection, otherwise how could they be easily resolved by Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi's martial soul fusion skills today.

In the next period of time, the two of them planned to practice martial soul fusion skills all the time.

Strive to raise the power to another level.

(End of this chapter)

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