Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 79 Xiao Shiqin, you fucking... Longevity!

Chapter 79 Xiao Shiqin, you fucking...Live a long life!
Damo Guyan's fist hit Luohualangmo's lower abdomen firmly,


It was the damage caused by this punch.

Desert Guyan took advantage of the opportunity and stepped on an eagle, ready to step on the other side of the bridge.
At the very moment, a sky-reaching blood blade forced the Desert Guy in the air to stop, failing to cross the bridge,

It's Blossoming Chaos!He didn't hesitate to release the big move Raging Blood Rage!

But then he will bear a new round of attack from Desert Guyan,
Damo Guyan turned his hands into palms and blasted forward, the speed was so fast that the air whistled,

Boxer skill - Tongbei Fist!
It's called a fist, but it's actually a palm!
Blossoming Chaos will not retreat, the time limit for the opponent's steel and iron frame has passed, and he has nothing to be afraid of.

Blossoming Chaos stood in front of his epee, facing his palms with the swords,

Berserker skill - dash and stab!
The judging effect of Tongbei Palm is definitely not as good as that of sprinting and stabbing. Han Wenqing is not a fool, so he cancels the release of Tongbei Palm and uses a more domineering skill-Jianjin Pendant!

This skill has the effect of dominance, and the judgment effect is extremely strong. Even the Dragon Breaking the Army cannot beat the Qianjin Pendant in judgment. At most, both sides will suffer.
It was even more useless to charge and stab. In the end, Blossoming Chaos and Desert Dust both suffered some damage.

At this time, Dazzling Hundreds sent in the channel: "The bridge will be broken in 10 seconds."

The meaning in the words is to make Blossoming Chaos get ready,

As soon as Yi Tianming saw the news, he began to count down in his heart, but the operation on his hand didn't stop for a moment.
And Zhang Xinjie over there also saw signs that the bridge head was about to break, so he hurriedly sent a message to ask the two teammates on the bridge to retreat,

Shi Buzhuan: "Come back quickly!"

At this time, even Han Wenqing had to retreat, otherwise the changes he created alone would affect the situation of the entire team competition.

Naturally, there was no resistance for Rota to retreat, and he jumped back three times, but when Damo Guyan wanted to evacuate, Blossoming Chaos disagreed.
Even thrust!
The low-level skills of the swordsman system are interoperable. For example, the low-level skills of this swordsman are now used by the mad swordsman.

An epee with blood-red sword energy blocked Da Mo Guyan's retreat, which forced the latter to stop his retreat.
Waves of ups and downs have risen again, and Blossoming Chaos' attack has just begun.
Three cuts!Blossoming Chaos showed off the skills he made on weapons in this round,
Originally, Yi Tianming didn't intend to use this move to hurt his opponent. After all, for a player of Han Wenqing's level, it's not easy to dodge an ordinary three-stage slash.

Not only him, but also the commentators and the entire audience think so,
But something unexpected happened to everyone, the three-stage slash was successfully hit!

The figure of Da Mo Gu Yan also fell down,

The commentator Li Yibo exclaimed: "This!...Could it be because Captain Han Wenqing was out of form today? He didn't dodge the three-stage slash..."

However, after a while, Li Yibo started slapping himself in the face again,

"Beautiful!" A burst of exclamation broke out in the commentary room.

"Da Mo Guyan took advantage of the situation and leaned back, and a reverse Fu Hu Tengxiang directly withdrew from several personalities. He was only a few steps away from the bridge."

That's right, just now Han Wenqing deliberately took the three-stage cut, and used the impact of the three-stage cut to make the retreat one step faster.I have to say, ginger is still old and spicy...!
"On the other hand, the position of Blossoming Chaos is not very optimistic, because he is a bit far from the bridgehead of his teammates. If he wants to avoid falling into the water after the bridge breaks, he can only come to the bridgehead of the opponent's side. , but... this will undoubtedly become a sheep entering the tiger's mouth."

"Let's see how Baihua should deal with the current predicament!"

Looking back on the field,

As the bridge was about to be destroyed, the bridge body began to shake violently, which caused a little trouble for the two people who were on the bridge.

After a high jump, Desert Guyan is only three figures away from the bridgehead.

The four of Tyranny could only stare blankly at the shore, after all, none of them was a long-distance player, so they couldn't help.
However, Shi Buzhuan did not take time off, and asked in the channel: "Have you found a replacement point?"

Yu Tian replied: "Not yet."

on the bridge,

Luohualangchao is chasing after Damo Guyan, seeing that the possibility of his retreat is unlikely, he wants to drag his opponent into the water and die together.

At this time, the CD of Bengshan Strike had finished cooling down, and Yi Tianming used it without the slightest hesitation.
Blossoming Chaos jumped up high, a red sword energy descended from the sky, vowing to split the opponent in half,
Seeing this, Desert Guyan began to see the tricks,
Empty-handed into the blade!
Damo Guyan turned his fists into palms, and at the moment before the epee was about to fall, he clamped the epee with his palms,

This operation also made Tyranny fans outside the venue cheer:
"It's beautiful!"

There is an effect of empty hand into the white blade, that is, after blocking the next blow, the hit rate of the next counterattack will be 100%!

Da Mo Guyan punched out, hit, and Blossoming Chaos stagnated for half a second,
That is, this half second gave the opponent time to retreat,
Desert Guyan jumped back, only one step away from going ashore!
At the same time, with the end of the ten-second countdown in Yi Tianming's mind, the wooden bridge has reached the limit it can bear. With a creak, the other end of the bridge has been shattered into a ball of broken wood and fell into the river below. , was quickly washed away without a trace,

This kind of scene gave Zhang Xinjie a certain idea in his mind. If the character fell into such a strong current, it would be almost impossible for him to climb ashore again.

"Collect the Korean team, don't let Blossoming Chaos go ashore successfully." Seeing that Damo Guyan was about to go ashore, Shi Buzhuan commanded in the team channel.

The four of Tyranny quickly spread out their positions, and with a loud "boom", the entire bridge fell into the water, and was instantly swept away by the panting water.
Originally, the two people on the bridge also fell down suddenly, and soon disappeared. The hearts of the audience on both sides sank to the bottom of the sea, especially for Tyranny fans, their own captain was actually the first to be out, which made them very sad. hard to accept,
But then, with a sharp eagle cry, the figure of Da Mo Gu Yan appeared in everyone's sight,

"Hingtao, it's Yingtao!" The commentator Li Yibo suppressed the excitement in his heart. At that moment, he also thought that Damo Guyan had fallen into the water, but he didn't expect that his captain did not disappoint the fans. At the critical moment, he used a small Yingtao Forcibly reversed the situation!
Tyranny fans are happy, but Hundred Flowers fans are feeling uncomfortable. One of their trump cards fell into the water and lost a general in vain. It's hard to beat the team competition...

In the auditorium, a irascible Baihuafen exhaled fragrance,
"Who stepped on the horse and thought of this trick, now it's done, not only failed to hold the desert lonely smoke, but also got in for nothing. Xiao Shiqin, you stepped on the horse..."

Just when this irascible old man was about to "export" further, the situation on the field changed again.
Desert Guyan was just about to go ashore after using Eagle Stepping, but he never thought that a cold light suddenly appeared behind him, and a silver-white sword energy descended from the sky!And the master of this sword energy is - Blossoming Chaos!
Swordsman Silver Light Falling Blade!

This immediately pulled the still standing Desert Guyyan down again, and the two characters fell into the river together again.
The audience is silent...

The commentator Li Yibo noticed something carefully: "I remember that the weapon making skill in Blossoming Chaos was three-stage slash, but now it has become Silver Falling Blade again..."

At this time, many spectators outside the venue also reacted, sending out soul torture one after another,
"That's right, it's clearly a three-stage slash, why is it now turned into a silver falling blade..."

"Is there a bug in the system...?"

However, the referee in the game said that there was no problem, and the game continued!

"Hiss...it turns out to be a martial arts exchange!" Through slow playback, it was discovered that the weapon in Luohualangmo's hand was no longer the heavy sword Burial Flower, but another unknown heavy sword.

Changing martial arts is to bring two weapons in one game, and catch the opponent by surprise through the changes, but it was gradually eliminated because it couldn't keep up with the times...

There is no doubt that this martial arts exchange was Xiao Shiqin's arrangement, this is the last card he left for Yi Tianming, and now he has successfully used it.

Baihuafen became excited in an instant, and her own core team pulled the opposite captain into the water, one for one, no loss of blood!
"I'll go... This martial arts exchange is actually successful!"

"This tactic is awesome!"

And the irritable old man just now opened his mouth wide in surprise by the sudden change, and swallowed the words he hadn't finished speaking before reaching his mouth,

A person next to him jokingly asked, "Why, what the hell did you say about Xiao Shiqin?"

The irritable old man took a long breath, like changing faces in a Beijing opera, and changed into a smiling face in the next second, and said with a smile: "Xiao Shiqin's mother is in good health and has a long life!"

 Let’s talk about it, today it’s only close to 6k, it’s a stroke of rhythm,,

  Then tomorrow will continue every day! ! ...thank you guys!

(End of this chapter)

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