Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 78 The real Overlord Fist!

Chapter 78 The real Overlord Fist!

The river in the center that runs through the map, once the character is involved, there is only one ending that is washed all the way by the river until it falls out of the map, and then directly g,
Unless you can touch the big stone pier in the middle of the river,
Team Hundred Blossoms knew this, but Tyranny and the others didn't know about it at the moment.

The lack of information was the advantage of Baihua's round.

The screen turns,
With their knowledge of the map, Baihua and the others quickly came to the jungle in the center of the map to crouch.
Sit back and wait for the rabbit.

And Tyranny's five were also approaching the center of the map, they could already see the river,

The river divides the map into two halves, and only a ten-meter-long wooden bridge connects the two sides.
In the Tyranny channel,
Rota: "This river..."

Shi Buzhuan: "It's better not to touch it until you understand the influence of the river's velocity."

Tyranny and the others walked all the way, searched every corner, but didn't even see half of the opponent, thinking that the opponent should not be on this side of the river,
Then there is only one possibility, and that is on the other side of the river.

Currently, the only way to cross the river is to cross the bridge,

But crossing the bridge... also hides corresponding risks, because this wooden bridge is very narrow, only one person can pass through it, and two people cannot stand side by side.
That is to say, if all five of Tyranny were on the bridge, and Baihua's people suddenly rushed out and destroyed the bridge, there was no doubt that all five of Tyranny would fall into the water.
With Zhang Xinjie's eyesight, even if he can't directly determine the lethality of this river, he can guess it all.
So Zhang Xinjie hesitated for a while at this time, but Han Wenqing stepped forward, and he posted in the team channel,

Da Mo Gu Yan: "Cross the river first, go up one at a time, I will come first."

Nothing wrong, this is very Han Wenqing,
Still so brave and decisive.

However, Damo Guyan leaped high and crossed one-third of the wooden bridge in two or three strokes. According to this speed, it would not take long to reach the other side of the bridge.

But when Tyranny fans outside the arena saw this scene, they all clenched their fists tightly and their hearts hung in their throats.
That is called a nervous!

Because from their God's perspective, they could clearly see that Baihua and the others were currently ambushing on the side of the bridge, and they might rush out at any time!

At this moment, Tyranny's fans were praying in their hearts, and their captain should be more cautious.

Looking back on the field,

Desert Dust had covered half of the distance, but Baihua and the others who were ambushing on the other side of the bridge still did not make a move.

Seeing that the opponent had already crossed half of the bridge, Tang Hao couldn't sit still, he wanted to make a move,

DeLillo: "Come on?"

Life Extinguisher denied: "In order to prevent the opponent from retreating, we must wait until he has passed two-thirds of the time before making a move!"

In contrast, Tang Hao had no choice but to give up. After all, Xiao Shiqin was the commander appointed by the captain, and even Zhang Jiale himself had to obey the arrangement, let alone himself...

Life Extinguisher's eyes were fixed on the position of Da Mo Gu Yan, one of his hands was suspended in the air, as soon as it fell, it meant that the action had begun!
Even though Han Wenqing who was crossing the bridge didn't know how to write the word "retreat", Xiao Shiqin still chose a safer way of fighting.

Some viewers may want to ask, why didn't Baihua Dazzling sweep the two shuttles while Damo Guyan was crossing the bridge, and directly destroy the bridge?
Don't worry, the game developer has already thought about this issue.
It was far too late for Dazzling Baihua alone's bullets.Therefore, while the opponent is still on the bridge, send another character on the bridge to hold the opponent,
Only in this way can Dazzling Hundred Blossoms have enough time to destroy the bridge,

The two-thirds point was the best position Xiao Shiqin had studied for several nights. First, it was difficult for the opponent to evacuate easily, and second, there was a chance for his teammates to jump back to the shore at the moment the bridge was destroyed. increased the survival rate of their teammates,

However, if your teammates fail to jump back, it would be tantamount to exchanging a child for a child...

puff... puff...

As Desert Dust got closer and closer to the other side of the bridge, Tyranny's fans' hearts beat faster and faster, and they almost jumped outside.

As for Xiao Shiqin...

It's now!

Life Extinguisher's hand suddenly fell, and the two "Double Flowers" Dazzling Hundred Blossoms and Blossoming Chaos rushed out in an instant!
The moment these two characters rushed out, the Hundred Flowers fans at home were cheering and shouting,
"Yeah, it's a double flower combination!"

"Come on, captain! Come on, Yi Tianming!"


Having said that, Xiao Shiqin arranged for the task of holding back and intercepting Desert Dust,
Originally, Xiao Shiqin wanted Tang Hao to go, but judging from his personal strength and experience, he was still too young to face a god-level player like Han Wenqing Tang Hao.So this difficult task naturally fell on Yi Tianming, the number one attacker in the team.

Luohualang rushed up the bridge with a stride, and when passing the bridge, he didn't forget to take a heavy chop to help Dazzling Baihua relieve a little pressure,
But even such a small move was noticed by Zhang Xinjie, one of the four great tacticians.

A bit tricky,
This was Zhang Xinjie's first feeling. Originally, he wanted to make Damo Guyan retreat immediately, but after thinking about it for a while, Damo Guyan's position is too deep, and it is difficult to retreat... and Han Wenqing is not that kind of saying A person who withdraws as soon as he withdraws.

So Zhang Xinjie could only find another way out, he quickly commanded in the team channel,

Shi Buzhuan: "Rota stepped forward to see if we can provide fire support."

In the Tyranny formation, except for the sixth man and Rota, the others are short-handed occupations, and short-handed characters can't help at all, so Rota is the best and only solution.

Hearing the command, Rota stepped onto the bridge without saying a word, waiting for the opportunity to help his captain,
At the same time, Zhang Xinjie's arrangements haven't stopped yet, he has to consider the plan of replacing in advance, the first step is to find the replacement point,
The Tyranny and the others didn't see the replacement point when they searched on their side before, but map designers generally don't take sides. On this kind of map with two opposing sides, under normal circumstances, there is a replacement point on one side. point.Therefore, because Zhang Xinjie didn't look carefully just now,
Shi Buzhuan: "Huangsha travels across the sky to find a replacement point, the sooner the better, replace it as soon as you find it."

Hearing this, Huang Shadutian disappeared from sight after a few jumps.

Concise and effective arrangement, Zhang Xinjie is worthy of being a master tactician, he has cleared his mind so clearly in a short period of time,

Replacing a swordsman with a long-armed sharpshooter would give Tyranny an advantage.

The camera turns and comes to the bridge,
In the time of two breaths, Blossoming Chaos and Desert Dust have already met,
Facing a supreme god like Han Wenqing, there must be some pressure, but what Yi Tianming felt was more an element of excitement, as if the excitement factor had been activated in his blood,
he is very excited,

Yi Tianming has never been a person who will be overwhelmed by pressure, but don't forget that he just fought with another supreme god, Comrade Ye Qiu, a few days ago.

So now facing Han Wenqing, Yi Tianming vaguely felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment, the sense of accomplishment of facing the two supreme gods in succession.

Collapse! !

Luo Blossom Chaos took the lead. When he dropped the epee from the sky, he originally thought that his opponent would avoid the battle, but he never thought that he had overlooked a point. The opponent was Han Wenqing.

Toughest man in the league.


Han Wenqing would not, and the Desert Dust in his hand would not!
Steel bones!

Every inch of Damo Guyan's body was covered with a layer of gold. The domineering effect brought by this skill made this mountain-collapsing blow unable to shake his figure at all.
Desert Guyan didn't move at all!

But Blossoming Chaos is about to suffer, because he is currently in the freezing stage of closing his moves,
Suddenly, there was a faint roar of a tiger, mixed with the sound of running water, which gave people a very uneasy feeling.
Double tiger palms!
Damo Guyan's palms were like two fierce tigers baring their fangs, and they blasted towards Luohuachao,
Blossoming Chaos didn't have time to dodge, so he could only block the attack with the heavy sword standing in front of him, but he still took two steps back to stabilize his figure.

Yi Tianming suddenly felt bad, if Da Mo Guyan took the opportunity to retreat, then everything the team had done would be in vain...

But he soon realized that his worries were entirely in the wrong direction,
Because instead of retreating, Da Mo Guyan took a big step forward, followed by a punch, a very unpretentious punch,
Blossoming Chaos didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly dodged. This seemingly ordinary punch was probably the high-level big move of boxing masters - Overlord Fist!

However, Desert Guyan didn't stop after punching out, and immediately threw out the next punch,
Luohualangmo was stunned for a moment, could it be that the punch in front wasn't the Bahuang Fist, but this punch?
To be on the safe side, Blossoming Chaos could only dodge again, but the situation was still the same as before. Da Mo Guyan, who missed a punch, was not in a hurry, and just continued to punch the next punch.

In this way, Blossoming Chaos, which was originally the first to take the lead, has now fallen into a passive situation. Han Wenqing's experience can be clearly seen at this moment,
Blossoming Chaos retreated step by step, but he soon discovered that he had no way out,
As long as he takes one step back, Desert Guy will be in danger of crossing the bridge. At that time, the dragon will enter the sea and the dragon will fly to the sky. If Tyranny and the others take advantage of the chaos to cross the bridge, the formation of Hundred Blossoms will be completely broken up.
At this time, Life Extinguisher asked in the channel: "How much longer?"

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms: "50%."

In other words, Yi Tianming had to hold off for another half of the time before his teammates could destroy the bridge.

Seeing that Da Mo Guyan punched again, he knew that he could no longer hide, Luohualangmo inserted the epee into the bridge deck, and then took the punch forcefully,
As expected, everything in front of Da Mo Gu Yan was smoke bombs, and only this punch was the real Bahuang Fist!

An unremarkable punch came out, in order to prevent the opponent from crossing the bridge, Blossoming Chaos had to use his body to receive the punch,
boom! !

This punch landed firmly on Luohualangmo's body, the receiving part was completely dented,

The fist wind also reached its peak at this moment, and there was a faint red air wave on Da Mo Guyan's glove, as if expressing his excitement,

The real Overlord Fist!

 Today's first update, follow-up
(End of this chapter)

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