Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 573 The second chapter of the finals (4)

Chapter 573 Second Round of the Finals ()

Han Yan Rou VS Luo Hua Chaos.

This is already the second opponent Luohua Langshan has faced in this game.

Yi Tianming is not a prophet. He does not know whether he will win or lose in this game. The only thing he knows is that he must go all out.

And you have to go all out!

Luohua rushed out in disarray.

Yes, it is the same as his usual style of fighting, fighting head-on, not afraid to compete with opponents for operation and hand speed.

At this moment, his opponent Tang Rou had the words of captain Ye Xiu's reminder echoing in her mind.

"Pay attention to the opponent's rhythm changes."

These are the words Ye Xiu reminded Tang Rou before the game, but he could only remind her for this reason. How to play in the game and how to deal with emergencies depends on Tang Rou's own operations. and consciousness.

It is difficult to teach others. Only by immersing yourself in the situation and letting things teach others can you learn quickly.

"Rhythm...?" Tang Rou's eyes were as firm as ever, even mixed with a hint of excitement and enthusiasm.

Excited? This word is not excessive at all when applied to Tang Rou.

She is very eager to have another battle with Yi Tianming!

Xiao Tang is still so strong. She has never had a one-sided victory against Yi Tianming in her career, which arouses the little girl's competitive spirit.

Being competitive is a good thing.

Competitiveness drives people to accomplish tasks.

Han Yanrou also rushed out, her target was the middle of the map. According to this route, she would run into Luo Hua Luoshan soon.

Click, click, click… click, click…

In the war room, Tang Rou's hand speed gradually increased, and the background technology screen showed that her APM value quickly soared to 200. This was a speed that would make someone at Blue Rain envious.

"Is Player Tang Rou trying to forcefully attack with her opponent?" Li Yibo explained with great interest. He knew that the audience liked to watch this kind of scene, including himself, who also liked to watch this kind of fighting scene.

It's a fight, and one of them is the top attacker in the league. Who doesn't like to watch such an attack scene?

"Xiao Tang...come on!"

At the Xingxin player table, Chen Guo was the first to stand up and shout.

However, her cheers were soon drowned out by the tens of thousands of people at Baihua's home stadium. But Chen Guo didn't care about all this, she was still doing what she wanted to do.

"Xiao Tang! We must win!"

Chen Guo said silently in her heart.

On the field.

Soon, Luohua Langsha and Han Yanrou met in the middle of the map.

Next step.


Neither side made too many preludes, but rushed directly in front of the other party.

Such a fast-paced scene instantly attracted everyone's attention.

The angry dragon pierces the heart!

Tang Rou's hand speed increased, and she still used her most common fighting method, paving the way with her big move.

However, there is really no secret to her style of play. If this is the first time she faces this player, someone might suffer. However, Tang Rou has been wandering in the professional arena for a season now, so her playing style has naturally been thoroughly studied by the major teams.

Yi Tianming moved the mouse slightly, and Luohua Langsha moved one or two positions to the left, easily dodging the raging dragon's heart punch.

Luo Hua Langxi unsheathed his sword and swung the heavy sword close to his face. Burying Flower seemed to be endowed with a soul in his hands. Two arcs formed in the air, one horizontal and one vertical. This was the cross of the mad swordsman. Cutting skills.

Tang Rou's reaction was indeed not slow. Even when her opponent was close to her face, she was forced to control Han Yanrou's movement through surgery, thereby completely avoiding the damage caused by the cross slash.

However, the disadvantages of her playing like this soon became apparent. After all, Tang Rou had only been training in the professional arena for a year, and her experience, especially her experience in controlling details, was still somewhat insufficient.

Han Yanrou blindly wanted to avoid the opponent's attack, but she did not consider that she retreated too far, thus losing the opportunity to make up for the attack later.

This is also a good opportunity that Yi Tianming can seize.

Luo Hua Langxi jumped up high and pressed down with a falling silver blade. He appeared above Han Yanrou's head and looked at the other party with a downward attitude.


This is the epitome of this game.

Needless to say, Yi Tianming's status in the league is obvious. He is already the real number one player in Glory. He can be ranked alongside Ye Xiu, Han Wenqing and others. He can even beat Han Wenqing in terms of personal honors. He was on equal footing with Ye Xiu, except that he was a bit younger in terms of qualifications.

But Tang Rou is different. She can be said to be a complete newcomer. She has only debuted for one season, and she cannot compare to her opponents in terms of qualifications and personal honors.

Therefore, before the game even started, Tang Rou was destined to challenge Yi Tianming with a look-up attitude. The gap in status between the two was not small.

Therefore, even if Luohua Chaoshan has less than half of his health, he can still be favored by the vast majority of people.

Of course, if Han Yanrou wins, even if she wins against Luo Hua Luoshan who doesn't have half health, she will still receive a lot of applause.

The following dramas can attract attention at any time. When the unscrupulous media publicizes them from beginning to end, the reports they publish will definitely absorb a lot of traffic.

The media wanted Tang Rou to win, because the myth of Yi Tianming's undefeated singles match in the Glory Circle had lasted for too long, and they wanted an earth-shattering victory to gain traffic.

However, who wins and who loses is not determined by the media, but depends on the players on the field.


The falling blade of silver light fell, creating waves of air.

The distance between Luo Hua Luoshan and Han Mist Rouge prevented Tang Rou from attacking immediately, but it also gave Tang Rou enough time to use her character to avoid this skill.

However, what people didn't expect was Tang Rou's choice at this moment.


Yes, she did not choose to let Han Mist dodge anymore, but faced these falling silver blades with a very tough stance.

Dragon teeth!

The war spear in Han Yanrou's hand seemed to be possessed by her soul at this moment, meeting the heavy sword in Luohua Langxian's hand with an incredible range.

Boom! ! !
The sound of metal colliding with metal entered everyone's ears.

But what's even more surprising is that Tang Rou actually did this!
In a very short period of time, she used the sky strike to aim at the heavy sword in Luohua Langxian's hand!
You know, Dragon Tooth just lets the war spear stab into the air. Needless to say, the size of the stabbing area is literally only the area of ​​the war spear tip. If nothing else, if someone uses dragon teeth to aim at a free-falling apple, it is difficult to guarantee a 100% hit.

Tang Rou used this small area to successfully block Luo Hua's falling silver blade! And this falling silver blade is not just as simple as the free fall of an apple, the acceleration of the falling silver blade is faster! ! !
But no matter what, the outcome of this matter has been decided, Tang Rou did it!

Whether it's courage or strength, she has achieved the necessary conditions!

Li Yibo and Pan Lin both opened their mouths and looked at this scene in disbelief.

No one thought that Tang Rou would fight back at this time, and no one thought that Tang Rou would fight back in such a tough way.

The judgment effect of Dragon Fang and Silver Light Falling Blade are not much different, and the judgment effect of the former is even stronger, because Dragon Teeth can cause a certain stiffness effect on the opponent, but Silver Light Falling Blade does not have this effect.

Fortunately, Luohua Luoshuo's jump height is high enough, so even if this hit suffers a little loss in terms of judgment, it makes up for it in terms of skill damage.

The next second, Han Yanrou flicked her sleeves and revealed her dark night cloak!

Still have to attack! Tang Rou is not ready to give up just yet. She still has a starting skill, and it is a forced grabbing skill like Night Cloak. Her "ambition" is evident!
Tang Rou had forgotten all her previous offenders, challengers, and qualifications at this moment. In other words, she had not paid much attention to these external conditions from the beginning.

The little girl cared about only one thing from beginning to end: that I wanted to win!
Must win!

Xingxin is at the player table.

"Tang Rou played very smart!" Ye Xiu praised.

"If we fight like this, isn't the pace too fast?" Chen Guo put forward a different point of view. In the past, she always obeyed Ye Xiu's judgment, but today she gave a different point of view. It's a bit novel.

The reason why she was able to give her different judgments with such certainty was because she and Tang Rou had known each other for many years.

Chen Guo knew that although Tang Rou's attack pace was not slow in the past, what she showed today was obviously different from before.

Ye Xiu said slowly: "Xiao Tang's pace is a bit faster today, but this can also help her deal with Yi Tianming's attack."

"In order to avoid claiming that she can't keep up with the opponent's rapid rhythm changes, Tang Rou chose to maximize her hand speed from the beginning and stick to her opponent. In this way, it would be okay in the short term, but in the long term, it would be a disaster. You must also speed up your hand speed." Yu Wenzhou said the second half of Ye Xiu's analysis, and the two of them had the same understanding on this issue.

Forcibly increase his hand speed, and control his character to stay at a very close distance from the opponent's character, without giving the opponent a chance to pull and consume. In this way, Luo Hua Luoshan can only increase his hand speed, otherwise he will attack At a loss.

Back to the game.

As analyzed by the two, Luohua Langshi can only use the skill of Rampage, which can help him obtain a short-term domination effect.

The Dark Night Cloak failed to grab, but Tang Rou was very clear about what she wanted to do. She controlled Han Mist Rouge to take a step forward, using the round dance stick, and the war spear in Han Mist Rouge's hand was thrown out in the air. A precise arc finally hit Luo Hua's body.

However, the effect of this body domination was still there. Luohua Langshan took the damage from this skill and cut open the palm of his left hand with his heavy sword. Then he swung out an air blade condensed with his own blood. The damage of this skill was far greater than that of Round The dance stick is much higher.

Yi Tianming roughly guessed what his opponent was thinking, so he chose to use this simple and crude method to break the situation.

Now the multiple-choice question came to Tang Rou's side.

Or just take the damage from this skill. Either avoid it, but the latter will naturally disrupt the rhythm of Tang Roubiao's hand speed, thus affecting her rhythm throughout the game.

What choice will Tang Rou make? ?
Eat hard!

Han Yanrou didn't make any evasive moves, but instead read a skill with little forward movement——

Bailong Meteor Fight! !

I saw the war spear in Han Yanrou's hand stabbing in the air continuously, so fast that it even left an afterimage.

There is no doubt that this is a wave of skills exchange.

But whether it was in terms of process or results, it was Luohua Langchao's side that had the advantage.

Because this wave of blood exchange was initiated by him, in other words, Luohua Langchai initiated it, while Han Yanrou was the one who passively accepted it.

And judging from the results, Luo Hua Luang Xi only lost 5% of his health because Bailong Meteor was forced to stop after being useless for a while, while Han Mist Soft lost a full 15% of his health.

The reason why it lost so much blood is because Luohua Chaos has triggered its passive, using a level 75 high-level skill, and also has the offensive blessing brought by the violent skill, and it was still not done by Han Mist Rouge. In the case of any evasive action, it means that she has fully consumed this skill.


5% to 15%, this 1:3 ratio really makes Xingxin fans feel pain.

But what is gratifying is that Han Yanrou and Luohua Luoshan are still very close to each other.

next moment.

Strong dragon pressure!
Earth-shattering slash!
The two sides exchanged skills again, this time both of them threw out high-level skills.

But in the end, Luohua Luoshan had the advantage. Taking advantage of the end of the violent skills, Luohua Luoshan received the last bit of offensive blessing. This wave of Luohua Luoshan dealt 5% more damage than Han Mist.

After attack, attack again.

Both players on the court are very invested in this offensive battle. Once this style of play starts, it is almost impossible to stop it later, because whoever takes a step back at this time will completely lose the initiative.

no doubt.

Both of them are very eager to win this game and take action for it.

Therefore, you can’t take a step back!


"It's just a hard-fought operation." Huang Shaotian sighed. Obviously, he didn't pay much attention to the fact that he had just lost 5 yuan. After all, his 5 yuan, plus Lu Hanwen's 5 yuan, was only 10 yuan at best, and the pressure was yuan. There are nearly fifteen people in Yitianming, and each person can't get a piece of the ocean on average.

"Tang Rou played very boldly today!" Li Xuan nodded, recognition in his eyes.

The eyes of other professional players also showed their recognition of Tang Rou.

Obviously, no matter what the result of the game here is, Tang Rou has won everyone's respect.

Dare to fight and fight hard.

This is just a first-year student. With a few more years of training, he will definitely become famous!


As the last heavy sword fell.

The score of this game changed again.

2: 0!

With a 2% health advantage, Luo Hua Luang Cha stood at the end.

Yi Tianming curled his lips.

He hasn't been afraid of anyone yet.


(End of this chapter)

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