Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 572 The second chapter of the finals (3)


Fang Rui's heart tightened, and he immediately began to check whether his character's position was too far forward.

However, he soon discovered that Boundless Sea's position was not too far forward, which meant it was at a safer point.

At this moment, Luo Hua Lang Ji also stopped and stood there quietly looking at Boundless Sea.

Obviously, it was just a test by Yi Tianming.

But he was shocked by such a temptation.

Fang Rui was stunned for a moment.

No...why have I become so nervous? Even if he moved his hand even slightly, he would feel extremely nervous.

Fang Rui soon realized that his nerves were too tense.

"If this continues... there will be problems." Fang Rui was thinking about a solution.

At this moment, Luohua Langchao began to attack.

The reason is simple. The referee shouted in the public channel.

[System message: Referee: Please start the duel between the two players, otherwise each player will receive a yellow card. 】

The referee's shouting at this time is particularly critical, and the content of the words is also very subtle.

Generally speaking, there is a more hidden advantage of playing at home, and that is the referee.

Referees generally give certain care to the teams and players playing at home. For example, in the case of a neutral foul, they will only call fouls committed by players from the visiting team, but not players from the home team. This is the origin of the so-called "home whistle".

This situation is very common in the fields of football and basketball. At the same time, there is a precedent in the Honor professional competition. Basically every team has received such benefits, so they will not complain publicly every time they face it.

However, there was no home whistle today.

The referee's words just now were simple and clear, that is, if you two don't fight, each of you will receive a yellow card, not just Fang Rui.

Each played fifty big boards.

The reason why the referee did this must be because of the special nature of this game.

Firstly, this is because this is the finals, the highest stage in the Honor Professional League. If there is a home whistle in the finals, no matter who wins after the game, there will be overwhelming public opinion. At that time, the relevant clubs and even Honor officials will be blown away by players.

Secondly, if they follow the "home whistle", it will be detrimental to Happy, which will most likely cause damage to the balance of the game. After all, Happy has already lost the first round. If they lose the second round, they will have no chance of winning this season's championship.

So, each has fifty big boards. At this point in time, this is the most correct choice.

Back to the game.

Seeing that the referee had spoken, Yi Tianming didn't hesitate anymore. Luo Hua Luoshan raised his hand, held the sword in one hand, and rushed directly up the slope with a strong impact.

The blood-red sword energy was approaching Boundless Hai!

However, the sword energy still failed to hit him.

Or let’s talk about the right time, right place, right people and the right people. How important are these three factors to battle? What Boundless Hai now occupies is the "geographical advantage". The position he is in is really easy to defend and difficult to attack. Boundless Hai just turned slightly to the right and dodged the sword energy.

"It's easy to handle now!" Fang Rui was overjoyed. Seeing that his opponent couldn't bear his mood and launched an attack first, he was overjoyed.

Fang Rui naturally didn't want to take the initiative to attack, he wanted to defend and counterattack. So even though Luo Hua Chaos was already in front of him, Boundless Sea still stood still.

Then, Luohua Langcha made another cross slash, and two sword energy, one horizontal and one vertical, headed towards Boundless Hai.

However, he still failed to hit this time because the land in this area has a slope. This slope is enough to change the route of the skill. This is also the main reason why Luohua Langshan failed to succeed in his two attacks.

After Boundless Sea dodged again, he squatted on a big rock and looked at the mess of fallen flowers.

"A little further...!" Fang Rui's eyes flashed. In his plan, as long as Luo Hua Chao was half a body further forward, Boundless Sea would be able to launch a formal counterattack!
At this moment, Yi Tianming's lips curled up slightly.

The next second, another system message appeared on the public channel.

[System message: Referee: Player Fang Rui is negligent and passive in the game. He will be given a yellow card as a warning. If he does it again, he will be given another yellow card. 】

Yellow card!

Everyone was stunned.

The two commentators, Li Yibo and Pan Lin, were also stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other and smiled.

"Aha, this is really the first episode in this game. Player Fang Rui actually received a topaz card. This is a bit surprising. I really didn't expect such a situation to happen..." Li Yibo said that although he did not explicitly say anything about the penalty for this yellow card, the meaning behind his words seemed to be that the penalty for this yellow card was a little strict.

"Is the referee's call a bit strict?" Pan Lin also thought so, and he said it directly.

"Hiss... Anyway, it is really rare to see a yellow card in the finals. This seems to be the first time, right? In my impression, no player has ever received a yellow card in the finals before." Li Yibo analyzed,
"But what we can know is that player Fang Rui needs to be more careful in the next game. He can't make any more mistakes. If he makes another mistake, he will receive another topaz card. In that case, two yellows will become Once red, he will be directly kicked out and will not be able to participate in the next team competition."

"Well...this result is definitely unacceptable to Xingxin. Therefore, player Fang Rui must not be able to do nothing anymore. The referee just reminded him that he was neglecting and passive in the game. He should take the initiative to attack now, otherwise If so..." Pan Lin said.

Although he didn't finish his words, everyone knew what he wanted to say next.

Similarly, everyone present was a little confused about the appearance of this yellow card. It stands to reason that on the highest-level stage like the finals, the referee's penalties will be more lenient, because whether the penalty is made to the dominant or inferior party, it will affect the balance of the game.

However, the professionalism of the referees cannot be doubted. Honor officials selected the finals referees after ninety-nine and thirty-one selections.

If there is a dispute over the referee's penalty, the final decision will be made by the Honor official itself, so when it comes to referees, the Honor official will really choose carefully.

However, the person most confused at the moment is naturally the person involved, Fang Rui.

However, he was not allowed to think too much about why he received a topaz card, and the next wave of attacks from Luo Hua Luo Chao followed.

Boundless Sea could only respond to the enemy in a hurry. He no longer dared to "turn off the fire" at the other side. After all, the referee had just spoken. If he continued to play passively, he would be waiting for two yellows to turn one red...


among professional players. "Well...this is a yellow card." Yu Wenzhou held his chin, his eyes lit up after thinking for a moment, and then he slowly said: "When the referee gave the warning for the first time, it was already a wake-up call for the two of them, and when the referee Shortly after the warning, Luohua Luoshan launched an attack, but Boundless Sea remained non-attacking, so this was tantamount to challenging the referee's authority."

"This yellow card is indeed not unfair." Zhang Xinjie also nodded.

"Who would have thought that there would be yellow cards in the finals? It's really interesting." Li Xuan also said.

"But in the final analysis, it's just a yellow card, not a red card." Yu Feng said.

"Well, a yellow card is indeed not enough to directly affect the situation of the game." Zhang Xinjie nodded, and then continued: "But it will have a certain impact on the game indirectly, such as the players' mentality."

All the professional players suddenly realized, yes, this yellow card will have a certain impact on Fang Rui's mentality.

Somewhere in the audience.

"Fang Rui, can you withstand it?" Lin Jingyan looked at Boundless Sea on the court with some worry. As Fang Rui's old teammates, the relationship between the two of them was quite good.

So as an old teammate, he naturally supports Fang Rui and hopes that Fang Rui can win this year's championship.


Back to the game.

Boundless Sea hurriedly blasted out a wave of energy. However, if you think about it, you can tell that this hasty attack is difficult to achieve. Boundless Sea's energy wave is soft, not only does the damage low, but the attack angle is not very good, so It was very easy to be dodged by Luohua Langshan.

With another turn, Luo Hua Langxi drew his sword out of its sheath, jumped up with the help of the stone pier beside his feet, and then a silver blade fell from the sky.

Boundless Sea couldn't dodge now, so he had no choice but to take the damage from this skill.

"Don't you lose your life-saving skills?" Yi Tianming said in his heart.

As we all know, the technical qigong master has a secret skill, which is the mind qi shield. This skill can help him resist some damage.

However, Fang Rui did not choose to use it at this time. He seemed to want to have a backup plan.

He would not use this skill easily unless absolutely necessary.

However, the referee's yellow card just now has completely disrupted Fang Rui's original plan. Now his choice of offense and defense is a bit fickle. Originally, Fang Rui wanted to wait for a while before attacking, but due to the referee's decision just now, Having already been given a yellow card, he now doesn't dare to delay the pace of the game.


Fang Rui's wretched style is completely different from the defensive style of the Double Shield Knight.

Fang Rui's wretchedness is a style of play that uses movement and no offense at all. This style of play does not even make physical contact with the opponent for a long period of time, so it is easy to be judged as a negative game by the referee. The double-shield knight uses the shield to continuously resist the opponent's attacks, and it is the ultimate defense of two shields, thus causing a certain psychological blow to the opponent.

There is this difference between these two playing styles. One is that there is almost no physical contact with the opponent, and the other is that there is always physical contact with the opponent. That's why the former will be easily awarded a yellow card.

Back to the game.

Boundless Sea turned sideways, and the skin on his body was turned into a brassy color.

Iron bones! !
There is no doubt that Fang Rui's choice means that he is ready to attack.

In view of the referee's intervention just now, Fang Rui disrupted his plan. To be precise, he advanced his attack plan a little earlier.

Although he felt that attacking at this point in time was not the most perfect choice, it was still acceptable.

Therefore, Boundless Sea began to counterattack.

call! ! !
The white energy waves and the red sword energy complemented each other in mid-air. The two sides started a wave of skill exchanges, and the blood volume of the two inevitably began to decline.

In the early stages of this exchange, Boundless Sea and Luo Hua Luoshan's blood volume dropped at about the same speed. After all, Boundless Sea had some steel and iron bones to bring about a defensive bonus, so it was barely able to stabilize the situation.

However, as time went by, Boundless Sea's blood volume dropped faster and faster, just like a wound that couldn't stop bleeding. In the end, it would just "flood".

When Boundless Sea's health dropped to 50%, Luohua Luoshan still had a full 73% of his health left, and the ratio of health consumption between the two sides was almost 1:2.

Fang Rui naturally did not accept this result.

"No, we can't fight like this anymore. We have to change our strategy, otherwise I won't be able to defeat even half of his health."

Fang Rui's brain began to work at high speed.

Immediately, Boundless Sea began to move and attack in various bunkers, similar to tunnel warfare, shooting one shot at a time.

This style of play achieved good results at the beginning, but after all, this was Baihua's map selection. Baihua trained for this map for more than ten days, so Yi Tianming's understanding of this map must be Higher than Fang Rui, and much higher.

Therefore, Fang Rui's advantage had not lasted for a while before it was taken away by Yi Tianming again.

five minutes later……

1:0! !
The numbers on the big screen began to change, and the number under the flowers turned into 1! !
"Congratulations to Baihua and player Yi Tianming! He helped the team win its first singles match," Li Yibo said.

"The result of this game is very good for Baihua. Not only did they win the game, but they also laid a very good foundation for the following games. Luohua Luoshan still has 48% of his health left! And he has enough mana. , with this amount of blood, Yi Tianming’s hand can achieve a one-on-two match!” Pan Lin said excitedly.

He was impressed by Yi Tianming's rhythm and control. In the first single-player match that just ended, Yi Tianming relied on the last wave of rhythm changes to forcefully end the game, and the time point when this rhythm appeared was when Luo Hua Luoshan's health volume had just dropped below 50%. when.

The change in blood volume brings about the change in attack value, thus changing the rhythm in Yi Tianming's hands, and finally takes away the opponent in one wave and ends the game.

"Wonderful game!" Pan Lin praised again.


"Damn it!" Fang Rui walked out of the war room with a confused look on his face. However, just when he was about to say "almost", he realized something was wrong. He looked at Luo Hua Lang Xi's 48% remaining health. It seems to be more than just a little bit worse...

At this moment, a beautiful figure slowly walked out of Xingxin's player bench. She listened to the cheers of her teammates behind her and smiled.

"Xiao Tang, come on!"


(End of this chapter)

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