Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 569 Happy’s secret weapon?

Chapter 569 Happy’s secret weapon?
Normally, four days pass by in the blink of an eye.

However, for the two teams about to face off, this period of time passes faster.


Apart from rest or training, they have no more thoughts to think about other things.

Fortunately for Baihua, after all, they already have a victory in hand. Even if they draw in the second round, they can win the championship trophy.

However, Xingxin is different. They have no way out. The defeat in the first round means that they can only fight to the death in the second round. Even if they draw in the second round, they will lose the trophy. They can only delay the game by winning. to overtime.

Going to overtime again?

Everyone had such a slight misunderstanding because Happy's previous two rounds of playoffs had reached the end through overtime.

Now facing Baihua, can we also play overtime?

Everyone thought about this question in their hearts, but they quickly shook their heads.

There is hope, but not much.

After all, in the first round, Happy failed to win a single victory despite having a map advantage at home, and was still two points behind. That round came to Baihua's home court, and Xingxin no longer even had the advantage of choosing a map. Could this head-point gap be further widened? ?

However, at this point in the competition, we can only take one step at a time.


Blue Rain QQ player chat group.

"In the final analysis, Baihua's victory in the first round hinged on their tactics in the team competition." Yu Wenzhou sent a text.

Seeing that their captain had spoken, the other Blue Rain team members who were diving all opened the chat channel.

"Hmm! Who would have thought they would use that kind of tactic?" Zheng Xuan said, and then added a surprised emoticon.



The other team members all agreed, but Huang Shaotian, who always talked a lot, remained silent at this moment.

"Huh?" This silence surprised Yu Wenzhou. What happened to his young boy that he didn't say anything?

After a while, Huang Shaotian asked:

"Then...will Baihua dare to fight like this in the next round?"

Yu Wenzhou thought for a while and finally shook his head: "Not sure. In the first round, it was because Baihua didn't have the advantage of choosing a map, so he made a dangerous move. However, this tactic has been seen by Xingxin. The tactics that have been seen are in the first round." The opponent will definitely be wary when using it a second time, and then the execution of the tactics will be greatly reduced and the effect will be weakened."

"Furthermore, Baihua has an advantage in map selection in the second round, so even if they don't use this tactic, they can still gain an advantage if they play steadily, and then further expand their advantage. This is the safest choice."

After listening to Yu Wenzhou's lengthy analysis, other Blue Rain players gave a thumbs up expression.

Just when everyone thought the matter had ended, Huang Shaotian actually asked another soul: "What about Xingxin?"


Yu Wenzhou was stunned for a moment. He really hadn't thought about this question.

"Will Happy also use extreme tactics? Anyway, they have no way out now."

Huang Shaotian's words surprised all the Blue Rain team members.

Happy? Do they dare to use radical playing styles and tactics?
After all, in everyone's subconscious mind, Xingxin is the weaker side. Generally speaking, it is more reasonable for the weaker side to use risky moves.

So will Happy use any secret weapon in the second round?


Half of the four days passed in a flash.


In the Baihua Lounge, there was a gasp.

The expressions of the others changed and they all looked at the owner who made such a sound - Song Xiao.

"What the hell?" Tian Sen asked, with a look of disdain on his face, "You can't be a child, are you?"


"Then we have to stay away."

The other Baihua team members started to boo.

"Go, go, go." Song Xiao waved his hand, "It's because I've been too tired from training these past few days, and my vocal cords have changed a bit."

"Haha, I think you are exposed." Tian Sen laughed.

Back to the topic, Baihua's training content these days is indeed very boring. It is just to get familiar with the game map that will be used in the second round, and then do some basic training and coordination, and then there is nothing more.

Yes, the daily life of professional players is sometimes so boring. They sleep for about 24 hours 10 hours a day, eat and rest for 3 hours, and spend nearly 11 hours facing the computer. During these 11 hours, in addition to training, There was nothing else that could be done.

This kind of life does not seem tiring. Compared with physical work, the physical training is not high, but mentally it is a complete torture.

After all, if you don't play well in the game, you will not only have to face criticism from your captain and teammates, but you will also have to endure online violence from fans on the Internet.

Think about it, you have to stare at the computer for 11 hours every day. Two days a day is fine, but in the long run, you may suffer from depression.

Therefore, on the surface, professional players are glamorous and very attractive to most student groups. But in fact, except for the top players who can make a lot of money and fame, the rest of the middle and lower-level players are really not as good as others think. , it just depends on willpower and love for the game to persevere.


Before the second round of the finals, Baihua officials were not idle. They released two promotional messages on the official website. The contents were to cheer for their team and hope to achieve an unprecedented "four consecutive championships."

Such a move will not be stopped by the league officials, because it is a move within a reasonable range to stimulate the atmosphere of fans, and it can also drive traffic and popularity in the second round of the finals.

Baihuafen and some neutral fans have all "stacked the floor" under the official words.

"Happy Hundred Blossoms!" These four words quickly took over the comment area. Of course, there were occasionally a few black fans who would mix in and say some unpleasant things. However, their behavior did not last long, and they were soon discovered by the official and the comments were deleted + Permanent account ban.

In fact, scolding in online forums is nothing new, but Honor officials are very strict about this incident. In the past, they would give a warning once and ban the account twice, and they would only ban the user. It took a week or two, but this time the account was banned directly, and it was permanently banned.

Such a harsh attitude surprised Baihua officials.

However, we are all foxes for thousands of years, how can we not know the little ninety-nine in each other's heart?

Baihua executives knew that this was equivalent to showing an attitude to the Honor official.

I'm good to you.

You should also sponsor the alliance appropriately and help the alliance develop!

"At the end of this season, donate 500 million to the league." Baihua boss quickly gave the order.

500 million is not a difficult task for any club in the league, let alone a dominant club like Baihua.

What comes and goes!
Since Honor's official attitude is so good, Baihua's side can't be any worse.

Having said that, it is not uncommon for clubs to donate to the alliance. In the past, Excellent Era, Tyranny, and Tiny Herb all donated money to the alliance. After all, the alliance also needs to develop.

The league officials are not as rich as everyone imagines. Their main income comes from two channels: advertising and live broadcasts of games. The other channels they get are small amounts of money.

The revenue from advertising and game live broadcasts will also be distributed to the corresponding players or clubs, so the amount ultimately returned to the league is not that much.

Therefore, the league must receive "relief" from the clubs from time to time.

Not to mention other aspects, when it comes to "crying the poor", Honor officials are still good at it.

...In comparison, Xingxin's side seemed much quieter.

They have nothing official to say.

Maybe it was because they lost in the first round, or maybe the boss lady Chen Guo was not proficient in this area of ​​operation.

However, Happy's side is still preparing for the war very seriously.

All of them understand:
There is no way back!

Only one win!

City H.

On June 6, the weather was cloudy, and there was only one day left before the finals.

The sky was gray, as if she had been crying. Chen Guo stood on the window sill on the second floor of Xingxin Internet Cafe and looked into the distance.


The loss in the first round made her, the boss lady, very nervous. Although it is a great success for Xingxin to reach this stage, Chen Guo has never forgotten his original intention of founding this team and helping Ye Xiu win another championship trophy!
But...Chen Guo was very unsure of herself. The loss in the first round made her not sure how to face the second round.

"Even the weather is not very good." Chen Guo took out her mobile phone and clicked on the weather column. Today, the report in H City was cloudy to light rain. Then she turned to the weather in K City to peek at the weather in other areas. Looks very much like a licking dog.

"K City...um...the weather is fine!" Chen Guo rolled her eyes, isn't even God on her side? !
Although she is not the kind of person with feudal superstition, she will still inevitably think that way when such a crisis is concerned.

The older generation has summed up their experience. Generally speaking, sunny weather means good luck, while cloudy weather means it is not advisable to go out.

And, the second round was fought at Hundred Blossoms!
Compared with the continuous rain here, Chen Guo's face became more and more gloomy.

Thinking of this, Chen Guo couldn't help but sigh again.


At this time, a figure walked out of the training room.

"Mrs. Boss, what's wrong? You're looking sad."

"It's Ye Xiu," he asked, holding a crumpled cigarette packaging box with no cigarettes in it.

Ye Xiu naturally smoked, and so did Wei Chen. For this reason, Chen Guo set up a smoking area in the training room for the two of them to train with cigarettes.

However, as luck would have it, the two "old smokers" ran out of food today. Anyone who has ever smoked knows that during competition, there are two completely different states, whether they have cigarettes or not.

So, buy rations! Without delay!

Wei Chen and Ye Xiu played guessing games to decide who lost and who went to buy cigarettes. They won two out of three games. In the end, Ye Xiu lost twice in a row and embarked on a journey to buy cigarettes. Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the door of the training room, he encountered a sigh. The boss lady.

"Where are you going?" Chen Guo asked confused, but when she saw the empty cigarette case in Ye Xiu's hand, she understood everything instantly.

"You can just train with peace of mind. I'll go! Is it still the same brand?" Chen Guo asked.

"Well, thank you." Ye Xiu was not polite and agreed happily. He was not a pretentious person.

"Okay, wait for me for ten minutes." Chen Guo waved her hand and turned to go downstairs.

"Hey, boss lady, wait!" Ye Xiu suddenly stopped her.

"what happened?"

"It seems like you haven't answered the question I just asked." Ye Xiu said.

"What's the problem?" Chen Guo scratched her head.

"Why are you looking so sad?" Ye Xiu repeated it again.

"Hmm...why else? The next round is the day after tomorrow, and I don't know what to do..." Chen Guo revealed her truth in front of Ye Xiu.

"You have no idea, and it has nothing to do with the game. It's not like you're playing in the game anyway." Ye Xiu said calmly.

"Uh..." Chen Guo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Although there was nothing wrong with what the other party said, the attitude in which he said it made people feel a little uncomfortable.

However, Chen Guo felt relieved when she thought it was Ye Xiu.

Although what he said was a bit unpleasant, it made sense.

The game really has nothing to do with me.

Thinking about it this way... isn't it a bit redundant for me to be so sad? On the contrary, it will spread negative emotions. If other team members see his sad face, the morale of the team will be affected!

Yes, you can't look sad.

To laugh.

The game must be played with a smile.

Smile more. In this case, other team members may be inspired to perform better in the second round when they see your smile!

Thinking of this, Chen Guo miraculously healed herself!

"I'm going to buy cigarettes right now!" Chen Guo smiled, then turned around and ran downstairs.


ten minutes later.

Chen Guo returned to the second floor of the Internet cafe with the brand of cigarettes that Ye Xiu often smoked.

Ye Xiu was still waiting where he was.

"Huh? Didn't you go in for training?" Chen Guo asked after handing him the cigarette.

"Well, let's take a rest." Ye Xiu said, then opened the package, skillfully took out one and put it on it.

"Hey, this is a no-smoking area." Chen Guo thought to herself, but she still swallowed the words.

Special times deserve special treatment!

Although Chen Guo didn't have a deep understanding of Glory, her ability to read people was still very high. She could clearly tell that Ye Xiu was a little tired now. This fatigue was naturally related to the training these days.


five minutes later.

After puffing away some smoke, Ye Xiu's face regained its energy.

A cigarette makes you feel more energetic!
Once you have the energy, the next step is to go back and continue training.

Chen Guo also remembered that there were many guests downstairs today, so she prepared to go down and help with chores.

"Wait a minute, boss lady." Ye Xiu called out.

"What's wrong?" Chen Guo turned around and asked in confusion.

"Please bring some water in, they are a little thirsty."

"alright, please wait."

"Hmm... Also, as the boss lady, you still have to be optimistic about our own team. The game hasn't started yet, and the ugly and classic appearance will affect morale. What's more, how do you know that we can't win the second round?"

"Don't we have a secret weapon?" Ye Xiu curled his lips slightly, then entered the training room.


(End of this chapter)

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