Chapter 568 brings an end

Look back.

When other teams were playing against Team Hundred Blossoms before, did they dare to focus their efforts in team battles?
It seems that it has never appeared!
Yi Tianming's offensive ability has been recognized by the vast majority of people in the league. If Luohua Chaos is used as a breakthrough, the risk factor is too high and the difficulty may be very high. If not, it may put itself in danger, so other teams are formulating During the tactics, he was not included in the offensive link at all, or in other words, he was not even dared to think about it.

But today, Xingxin dared to think so and did so.

At this moment, Su Muchengfeng, Lord Grim and others in Xingxin no longer cared about the skill CDs, and all threw their skills at Luohua Langshan.

Luohua Langshan's health began to decline rapidly from this moment on. Although Aofeng Canhua was at the side and tried his best to help him lift his health, the speed he adopted could not keep up with Xingxin's output speed.


It was only when Luohua's blood volume stayed at this number that it stabilized a little.


Yi Tianming knew that this was the only chance he could seize to make a comeback.

Happy's skills happened to be stuck in a short window period. If they could seize this opportunity and counterattack, there would be hope for this game.

The next second, Luohua Langshan kicked up from the ground and used a three-stage slash. He used the three stages of the three-stage slash on three opponents respectively.

Lord Grim, Boundless Sea, Soft Mist!

All three!

Luo Hua Langsha's whole body was filled with bright red arrogance. At this moment, he was like a god of war possessing him. He didn't fall behind with Luo Luo Luo Feng in the third advance, but instead he was preparing to fight back forcefully!
Another three-stage slash skill!
In previous single-player matches, it was this skill that helped Yi Tianming achieve unexpected results. Now in the team competition, this skill still helped him get out of the complicated situation. Now that Yi Tianming had a little chance to breathe, he could analyze which opponent on the field should be the primary target.

Of course, for Yi Tianming, the faster the thinking speed, the better. Otherwise, if the time is too long, the opponent's chance of successfully evading will be greatly increased.

The next second, the collapse of the mountain raised its hand, and the fallen flowers went straight to Lord Grim's head.

The target is Lord Don’t laugh!
Naturally, Ye Xiu would not choose to resist forcefully at this time, nor did he dare to resist forcefully. After all, Luo Hua Luoshan's health value had dropped to 20%. The attack value of the mad swordsman with this health volume was very terrifying.

"It seems that both sides regard each other's core as the primary target of attack!" Li Yibo said.

"That's wrong!" Pan Lin suddenly exclaimed, "Look...!"

I saw the fallen flowers in mid-air in a mess. The movement suddenly paused, then changed direction and slashed hard at the little hand on the side.

Yi Tianming’s real goal—Xingxin treatment!
Yes, it goes without saying how important Ye Xiu is to Happy. Happy is a completely different team with him and without him.

However, Yi Tianming believed that it would be difficult to gain the upper hand if he chose to fight Lord Grim at this time. Even if your initial skill hits the opponent, it will be difficult for subsequent skills to make up for the output.

In other words, he cannot take away Lord Grim in one wave. This is the most critical point.

Therefore, instead of choosing an opponent that cannot be taken away in one wave, it is better to choose another more suitable target to attack.

For Yi Tianming, having cold hands is the best choice.

An Wenyi's operational flaws are recognized by the league. No one doesn't know about this. It's no secret.

Therefore, Yi Tianming turned around very resolutely. He canceled the release of Mountain Collapsing Strike in mid-air, and then used another skill, Silver Light Falling Blade, to attack Little Cold Hands without hesitation!
This sudden change caught everyone off guard. Due to Lord Grim's evasion just now, he has now distanced himself from his teammates, so it is impossible to return to defense.

As for Mu Yuchengfeng, Boundless Hai and the others, they would be far away from Little Hand's cold body.

The only one who has the opportunity to perform "rescue work" is Han Yanrou...!
At this time, the other Baihua team members also started to counterattack with tacit understanding. Everyone could see what their captain wanted to do.

"Buy time for Team Yi!" Chu Yunxiu gave the order and immediately led his teammates to blow the horn for counterattack.

The Qi rushed into the clouds and water, condensing a white ball of light, and immediately blasted towards Lord Grim.

Ye Xiu moved the mouse slightly and easily dodged the attack.

But Song Xiao's real intention was naturally not that simple, and he quickly became angry and dealt with Yunshui personally.

However, it is not so much a personal output, but rather a use of the body to help Luo Hua Langsha buy time. Song Xiao is now using all kinds of skills, just like Xing Xin's side was using their skills crazily just now, but now it is Bai Hua who is doing this.

But Tide still assumed the same form as before, pushing towards Boundless Sea.

Mu Yuchengfeng and Fengcheng Yanyu found each other.

In this way, Xingxin's three points on the field were all restrained by Baihua's three points.

As for the cold little hands at the last point...

The next second, the silver blade fell, and a blood-red sword energy fell from the sky, hitting the cold eyebrow of the little hand.

boom! ! !
A huge impact shook the cold figure of the little hand, causing it to roll around on the ground several times.

Then, Luohua Langlan's heavy sword was raised. This heavy sword actually had the effect of lifting four or two thousand pounds in his hand. An upward thrust directly sent his little hand cold into the air.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment. Of course, this effect only seemed to have an effect on Little Hands. He remained motionless in mid-air, while Falling Flowers Scattered quietly appeared in front of Little Hands like a cheetah.

Then, another heavy chop came down hard.

boom! ! !
My little hands are cold and I feel like I am a rag doll, being manipulated by others.

When the other Happy team members saw this scene, they were unable to make any rescue, because their skills had been used up a lot in the wave of fire just now, and they were now in a period of lack of skills. It was just at this time that Baihua launched a counterattack. , it can be said that he took advantage of the opportunity by chance.

But no matter what happens, whoever wins the game is the real hero.

Happy fans outside the court felt their hearts bleed when they saw their healers being so "ravaged", but they could only pray for a turn in the game.

Is there any chance of a turnaround?

Don't forget that the distance between Han Yanrou and Xiaoshou Bingliang is not very far, so she can definitely launch a rescue in time.

And Tang Rou did exactly that. She was rushing towards the place where her little hands were cold.

However, before that, Xiaoshou Bingliang still had to suffer the inhumane "violence" of Luo Huashaisang.

"My hands are cold, can I stop the bleeding?" Li Yibo asked.

This is what everyone is concerned about right now, not just Happy, but also Baihua. Whether Xiaoshou Bingliang is eliminated will have a vital impact on the outcome of this game. Because Baihua has paid too much price in order to activate Little Cold Hands and send him out. The five Hundred Blossoms characters, including Luohua Luoshan, don’t have full health and are not very healthy. It would be okay if Little Cold Hands is eliminated. , in that case Happy's backup would be unable to keep up, and Baihua could take advantage of the presence of their own healers to retreat and fight at the same time, delaying time.

However, I'm afraid that if I can't resist this wave of cold hands, if I can't send him out, then everything Baihua has done before will be in vain, and all Baihua characters, including Luohua Luoshan, will be affected by Xingxin. A strong counterattack from one side!

Can it be done? ?

Just watch the wave!

Everyone's eyes turned to the field, and everyone's heart was in their throats. The nervousness quickly spread to everyone's hearts, and people even breathed involuntarily.

On the big screen, Little Hand's blood volume dropped all the way. At this time, Luo Hua Luoshan's advantage of low blood volume was revealed. The lower the mad swordsman's blood volume, the higher the damage value.


The health of the cold hands was reduced to this value by a wave! !

All Xingxin fans held their breath. They were the most nervous at this time because they saw Han Yanrou coming to Little Hands Bingliang's side.

Rescue has finally arrived!

The Xingxin fans all breathed a sigh of relief. They were thankful that Han Yanrou arrived in time.

But soon, they became nervous again.

Because the heavy sword in Luo Hua Langxi's hand no longer recognizes anyone, whether it's the soft cold smoke or the cold hands, just one word, sweep!
As for all obstacles on the road, just remove them! ! !

Han Yanrou raised her war spear and did not rush to attack. Instead, she put on a defensive posture. This posture was very rare for Tang Rou. After all, she was a purely offensive player. She could defeat an offensive player. It's really rare to see a defensive posture.

It can also be seen from this that Tang Rou also sincerely wants to help the team win this victory. She would rather take a step back and make tactical "sacrifice".

However, except that this sacrifice sounds a little touching, there is nothing else.

Because Luohua Langshi has now turned into a "beast", and his target is only cold hands.

Han Yanrou is blocking the front? Then fight her off!

Luo Hua Xie's body flashed and he was in front of Han Yanrou in an instant. Before Tang Rou could make any reaction, he swung out his sword.

Just this ordinary sword attack made Tang Rou unable to resist. Luo Hua Luoshan's attack value at this moment was really too high!
Tang Rou gritted her teeth and her hand speed increased rapidly.

But before her hand speed could completely increase, she was directly interrupted by Luohua Langcha's powerful attack. This time, Han Yanrou didn't even stand firm and flew backwards!
Li Yibo looked at this scene in a daze. He seemed to see the shadow of Han Wenqing in Yi Tianming!

Sun Zheping's wildness, Zhang Jiale's style, Han Wenqing's dominance...!
Sometimes fancy, sometimes practical.

Sometimes domineering, sometimes wild.

Gathering the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought!
Li Yibo kneaded these adjectives in his mind in disbelief. What kind of player is this, who can combine the characteristics of three top players! ?

"She...can't stand it!" Li Yibo murmured.

Although Han Yanrou was still holding on in front of Little Hands Bingliang, Li Yibo seemed to have seen the outcome of Han Yanrou and Little Hands Bingliang, and also the outcome of this game.

"With Tianming's achievements in glory, I am afraid he has made another breakthrough." Li Yibo thought to himself.

On the big screen, sword energy was swung out one after another, and Han Yanrou's figure had been destroyed by these bursts of sword energy.

His little hands were cold... He couldn't hold on until other teammates rushed over, and he fell into the sword energy group.

"My hands are cold, I'm out!!!" Pan Lin exclaimed.

Compared to his surprise, Li Yibo had a calm expression on his face, as if he had expected this result.

Xiaoshou's cold exit undoubtedly gave all members of Xingxin a head-on blow.

Healing is out, which is very deadly in team play.

Although Xingxin's sixth man will automatically come on stage, Wei Chen's windward formation has already been exposed before, and was beaten to residual health by Luohua Luoshan, so now, even if he rushes to the front battlefield immediately, It’s hard to do anything to help the team.

At this moment, Xingxin fans know:

Failure is a foregone conclusion.

Although they were very much looking forward to winning a victory at their home court, they unfortunately failed to do so in the end.

Baihua's unbeatable record in team competitions this season has been maintained! !

11: 9!

The score was finally settled at this moment.

Although Xingxin tried his best to turn the tide in the subsequent stages, there were too many "debts" before and the treatment was out, so he eventually fell to Baihua.

"We won!" Boss Baihua shouted in the audience.

As the boss, he personally rushed to the scene today to supervise the battle, and at the same time he was also trying to boost the morale of his players.

Seeing Baihua's victory, Baihua's boss naturally couldn't contain his excitement.

One step closer to winning four consecutive championships!
Moreover, the gold content of this championship will be higher than the previous three championships!

After all, the team competition has a complete victory record, which is very convincing.

"Okay, today's game has come to an end. Happy finally lost to Hundred Blossoms at home by two heads, but I hope they don't get discouraged. After all, this is only the first round, and they still have one more round. You can fight every round, and until the dust settles, everything is possible!!" Li Yibo's commentary words brought the game to an end.

The league schedule has been given, and the second round of the finals is scheduled for four days!

dividing line————————————————————————————————

ps (author's words): I will definitely write about the World Invitational Tournament. After finishing the finals of this season, it will be the World Invitational Tournament. Don't worry, this book will not be unfinished.

However, I haven’t decided yet whether I will write about the stories after the World Championships, such as Season 11 and Season 12. If I do, I will say hello in advance.

Finally, I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival, eat more glutinous rice balls, and good luck in everything! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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