Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 536 Dark Night Square

When Xiao Guan Fenghou was stepped on by Lord Grim and turned into stars and disappeared in the competition field, all the Tyranny fans present could not laugh.

"Why is it happening like that…!"

"Damn! Let this guy pretend again."

"He actually succeeded in defeating two of them."

There was a kind of wailing among the Tyranny fans, because just now Ye Xiu's Lord Grim completed a 1v2, sending Han Wenqing's Desert Guy Yan out of the game, and then defeated Guo Mingyu's Xiao Guan Fenghou.

This was naturally a huge morale setback for Tyranny.

This was equivalent to a 5:4 situation in the singles match, with Happy leading by one head.

However, for Xingxin fans, this situation is naturally a joy to see. In the singles match, they experienced a draw and fell behind, and finally successfully reversed the situation. This experience was like riding a roller coaster, with highs and lows for a while, which was very challenging. The mentality of fans.

"Okay, let's take a break. The team competition is about to begin." The announcement ended and the scene gradually became noisy. The audience was discussing the scene that had just happened in the singles competition, especially Ye Xiu's challenge at the end. Second, it directly helped Happy reverse the score. Before the one-on-one, Happy was one point behind at 3:4, but after Ye Xiu came on the field, the score completely changed.

It's Ye Xiu again! ! !

Tyranny fans are gnashing their teeth. Will this opponent they have been fighting with for ten years give them a head-on attack again today?

I have to say that at critical times, you have to look at the key players. The same is true for ball sports. Sometimes in basketball and football games, when the wind goes against the wind, key players will step forward to help the team complete the counterattack. There are such players in Glory, and today Ye Xiu plays this kind of role.

"He won't be strong enough to last long."

A calm voice reached everyone's ears at Tyranny's seat.

The one who made this sound was naturally Tyranny's vice-captain Zhang Xinjie.

Different from the thoughts of ordinary viewers, Zhang Xinjie obviously thought more comprehensively. Ye Xiu's one-on-one helped Xingxin reverse the score, but it also caused Ye Xiu's physical strength to drop significantly. Although Han Wenqing and Guo Mingyu lost, It's not that the victory was handed over to Ye Xiu. Ye Xiu's performance in these two games was not easy, and it could even be said that there were twists and turns.

Especially in the final match with Guo Mingyu, when the outcome of the game was decided, Lord Grim only had only 6% of his health left and was almost defeated by Guo Mingyu.

That's why Zhang Xinjie came to such a conclusion.

"In the team competition, focus on Ye Xiu." Zhang Xinjie gave the top order.

Ye Xiu had just experienced a 1v2, which was when his hand was at its hottest. With him as the target, anyone else would not dare to fight like this, but Zhang Xinjie dared to do so.

"Understood!" Tyranny players responded in unison.

On the other side, Ye Xiu also made arrangements for the main goals of the team competition.

"Specialize, Han Wenqing." Ye Xiu said.

Good guy, both sides regard the opponent's captain as the main target of attack.

"Understood." Tang Rou was the first to answer. She said it before the others. Perhaps because she did not appear in today's singles match, Tang Rou was holding a breath in her stomach and urgently needed to release it.

The other Xingxin team members also nodded to express their understanding. Mo Fan is also one of them. He has a chance to play in today's team competition.

An Wenyi also clenched his fists, feeling as if he was about to go to the execution ground.

"We are leading in the single player competition, so don't be too nervous in the team competition. Just treat it as a normal training match." Ye Xiu reassured everyone.

Then, the radio sound came again.

"Okay, now invite the players from both sides to come on stage, and the team competition has officially begun!"

The audience in the auditorium was completely excited at this moment. They all knew that this team match really decided their fate. Now that it had reached overtime, they all had no way to retreat. There was only one way in front of them. Out or promoted, obviously no one wants to be eliminated, but there is only one place for promotion.

Therefore, for this only remaining spot, players from both sides will go all out, and fans from both sides will do their best to cheer for the players on the field.

"Happy will win! Happy, we support you!!"

"Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!!!"

Fans on both sides stretched their necks and shouted.

"Okay, let's go on the field." Ye Xiu said. Happy's team members quickly lined up, but they were not in a hurry to take the first step because their backbone was not yet at the front of the team.

The backbone is Ye Xiu, who usually stands at the front of the team and leads the team onto the stage.

Not only the stage, but also victory. Ye Xiu has always been leading the team forward, and even said that there are many times when he alone creates advantageous situations and turns the game around.

It will be the same today. At least that's what Happy's team members thought.

Looking at his teammates who were waiting for him, Ye Xiu smiled and then strode to the front of the team. Behind him was Su Mucheng.

"Are you okay?" Su Mucheng asked in a low voice. She spoke in a voice that she thought only the two of them could hear, and this voice was indeed drowned out by the shouts of tens of thousands of spectators at the scene.

"Well, trust me." Ye Xiu smiled lightly and finally led the team onto the stage.

In Su Mucheng's eyes, Ye Xiu's figure was still as tall as it was a few years ago. Ever since his brother left, Ye Xiu was like a family member to him like his brother, and maybe he had a different feeling.

But no matter what, Su Mucheng knew that today she had to stand up and share some of the pressure for Ye Xiu. Although she had always had this goal, the reason why she entered the professional league in the first place was to support her family, and the second was to I want to help Ye Xiu and follow my brother's legacy.

Now, the time has come,

"I won't let you down!" Su Mucheng nodded very seriously.

Afterwards, the players from both sides shook hands.

"Old Han." Ye Xiu did not talk too much rubbish this time, but said hello very simply. His words were like a simple friend who had been friends for many years, exchanging greetings after a normal meal. Those who don’t know think this is not a competition.

Han Wenqing nodded slightly. Ye Xiu, this opponent for many years, can also be said to be a friend for many years. The two have always had a relationship between enemies and friends. It can even be said that the relationship in private is considered good. It is not as advertised by the Honor official. He is so nervous. The reason why there is a saying in the market that Ye Han is on both sides is just a gimmick to attract attention, such as the double pride of Melo before the 2022 World Cup. Han Wenqing naturally understood how decisive the team competition would be at this point in the game.

If you win, you can move forward in this year's playoffs and strive for a better ranking. If you lose...then you have to come back next year. But for a player of Han Wenqing's age, he doesn't even know how many next years he will have. Maybe one day his form will seriously decline. This is not impossible.

Are you afraid of failure?

Han Wenqing asked himself in his heart, and the answer he got was of course.

In the first season, he was blocked by Excellent Era in the top four. In the second season, he was kicked out by Excellent Era in the finals. In the end, he watched Excellent Era win the championship. In the third season, he was once again blocked by Excellent Era in the top four like the first season. Among the strong.

It can be said that Tyranny was completely defeated by Excellent Era in the first three years. In the past three years, Tyranny and Excellent Era's regular season record has always been that Tyranny lost more and won less.

However, in the fourth season, this changed. The great feud was finally avenged. Tyranny made the final decision in the finals and won the first Glory Professional League championship in team history. And more importantly, what they wanted was The opponent I defeated was Excellent Era! This is particularly critical.

After that, the results of Tyranny and Excellent Era in the regular season gradually reversed. Tyranny was gradually able to overwhelm Excellent Era in the regular season.

All of this would have been impossible without Han Wenqing's determination to keep pushing forward after his failure.

Some people may become timid when they fail, but Han Wenqing is different. Although he is as afraid of failure as others, after failure, he can face his failure frankly and continue to charge.

This is Han Wenqing's most precious quality.

Back to the game site,

After the two sides reconciled and shook hands, the players from both sides shook hands in turn and then entered their respective war rooms.

During the handshake, Zhang Xinjie's eyes flickered, because the opponent's lineup arrangement was somewhat different from what he had expected before the game.

At this moment, the final lineups of both sides were also shown on the big screen.

Happy: Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng, Tang Rou, Wei Chen, An Wenyi, and the sixth person is Mo Fan.

Tyranny: Han Wenqing, Zhang Xinjie, Guo Mingyu, Qin Muyun, Lin Jingyan, the sixth person is Song Qiying.

"Mo Fan? Wei Chen?" Tyranny's team members in the war room asked. The appearance of these two people caught them off guard, especially the old guy Wei Chen. From Tyranny's perspective, he could finish the singles match. It was already very good, and now he was able to continue to play in the team competition. Did Ye Xiu completely ignore his physical exertion?

Moreover, Mo Fan's appearance also caused a lot of confusion on Tyranny's side. How big must Ye Xiu be to let such a former scavenger player who lacks competition experience play at such an important point in the overtime team competition? heart?

Zhang Xinjie's original prediction was that Baozi + Fang Rui would start, but now one of them is sitting in the player's seat watching the game, and the other is sitting in the sixth man's position as a substitute. It can be said that there is a big change.

However, as the commander, Zhang Xinjie naturally would not panic, nor could he panic. If even he was confused at this time, Tyranny's game would be completely over.

"The overall tactics remain unchanged for now. Specific adjustments will not be decided until the game. Then follow my instructions." Zhang Xinjie said and put on his headphones.

All he can say now is that it is impossible to suddenly change tactics at short notice. If you want to change, you can only make a decision by observing the opponent's specific playing style on the playing field.

As the ten players inserted their cards, their respective characters were also loaded onto the map.

map! This is an uncertain factor for this game, both for Tyranny and Xingxin, because the map for this team match is randomly selected.

bang bang bang...

I saw that the roulette wheel for drawing maps gradually stopped, and finally stopped on a map called Dark Night Square.

"Oh? Dark Night Square? I thought that the map is really rare." Li Yibo said, "It is a relatively unpopular map."

"Yes, at least in my impression, I don't have much impression." Pan Lin agreed.

While the characters on both sides were loading into the map, the two commentators also gave a brief introduction to the war map.

"Well... first of all, judging from the name, we know that this is a map with a darker tone, and this is indeed the case. In the introduction of the map, we can see that this map has no daylight and will always be in a state of night. ." Li Yibo touched his chin,

"This setting is a bit novel. After all, light is very important for a map. Fighting in the dark will further test the players' observation and reaction skills. Of course, darkness has natural advantages for some professions. , just like those professions in the dark night system."

Pan Lin was suddenly startled: "If you put it this way, this map is very advantageous for Happy. After all, two of their starting five are from the dark night type, one is forming in the wind, and the other is tireless. This is a coincidence!”

"Yeah, let's continue talking about the map. In the center of the map is a huge square with four columns around it. And on the edge of the map are some grasses half as tall as a person. So it is conceivable that before entering the square, both players They all have to work in groups, after all, in the grass where it is easy to hide people, it is easy to be ambushed by opponents, and if you act alone, the risk will be higher." Li Yibo said.

"Well... as long as we move collectively to the square, the risk will be reduced. After all, the square is very spacious and we won't worry about sudden sneak attacks." Pan Lin said.

At this moment, a white light flashed, ten characters were successfully loaded, and players from the two teams were refreshed at two corners of the map.

Without much communication, both parties rushed towards the center of the map in perfect agreement.

Perhaps, in such a tense time, only when players devote themselves to the game can they avoid making mistakes due to nervousness.

The first exchange of this game occurred on the Tyranny channel.

"Han Yan Rou!"

Arrangement from Zhang Xinjie.

Obviously, he changed his tactics. This change was based on the change in Xingxin's lineup. He originally thought that Fang Rui or Baozi would start, but these two people happened to be in frontal combat roles, so they did not plan to attack from the front. But now looking at Xingxin's positive staff, it seems that Tang Rou is the only one.

Therefore, Zhang Xinjie made an on-the-spot adjustment and used Xingxin's only positive character, Soft Mist, as a breakthrough point.

The five people from Tyranny quickly shuttled through the map and quickly arrived at the edge of the square.

The same was true for Xingxin, but unlike Tyranny, there was one less person after they arrived at the square...

(End of this chapter)

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