Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 535 Guo Mingyu VS Ye Xiu

"This is the opportunity Han Wenqing has been waiting for!" Pan Lin exclaimed.

"The timing of releasing this Thousand Gold Pendant is perfect. Now Lord Grim is in a state that he cannot avoid. He can only bear the damage." Li Yibo also said, "Just now, Desert Guyan was knocked out of nearly 10% of his health. Now this Thousand Jin Pendant should be able to bring back a lot."

"The damage of Thousand Jin Pendant is not very high, but it can bring a certain control effect. Later, Desert Guyan can add other output skills, and the key is later." Pan Lin added.

"Yes, I'm afraid Lord Grim is going to lose a layer of his skin now. If Han Wenqing, the player, is allowed to use his offensive stance, it will not be easy." Li Yibo said seriously, but judging from his words From the looks of it, there is no problem. After all, Han Wenqing is recognized as one of the best attackers in the league. But the problem is that the moment Li Yibo finished saying this, the situation on the court changed.

Desert Guy Yan's Thousand Jin Pendant was successfully grabbed, but Lord Grim did not lose any blood, and Desert Guy Yan's attack failed to continue, and he punched the air hurriedly after landing.

"Ah? What's going on? Is there something wrong with Desert Guyan? This should be a good opportunity to attack!" Li Yibo asked doubtfully. At this moment, many Tyranny fans also had the same doubts as him. The previous day They expected Han Wenqing to quickly hit a wave of output, but the fact was that the offensive came to an abrupt end.

The next second, Lord Grim appeared behind Desert Guy Yan.

Pan Lin suddenly reacted: "It's the Substitution Technique! The crafting skill of Thousand Planes Umbrella! The one that Desert Guyan hit just now was not Lord Grim himself, but a substitute!"

"Ye Xiu really knows Han Wenqing very well, or in other words, they both know each other very well. If Ye Xiu is only using the battle mage's attack moves at the moment, Han Wenqing will definitely be able to fight him. , after all, they are old rivals for ten years!

However, now Lord Grim can use not only the moves of the battle mage, but also various skills of the other 23 professions. This is a variable that makes Han Wenqing unable to react. Perhaps at this moment, he feels Is the old opponent on the other side a little unfamiliar? "

Soon, the director gave the replay of what had just happened. As expected, just as Pan Lin had just analyzed, Lord Grim who was hit was just a stand-in. The stand-in turned into a bunch of people the moment he was hit by the Thousand Jin Pendant. The smoke dissipated, and the real Lord Grim appeared above Desert Guyan's head.

Eagle treads!

Lord Grim is using the skills of a boxer. Han Wenqing is naturally very familiar with this skill. After all, it is his profession that he has used for more than ten years. But at this moment, even if he is familiar with this skill, he cannot hide. Got it.

After two eagle calls, a flash grenade dropped earlier exploded, and the control effect was restored, causing Desert Guyan's vision to be temporarily lost.

"Desert Guyan continues to lose blood. This is not a good situation. After all, he does not have much blood left, and the previous goal that Tyranny hoped for has not been achieved. Lord Grim still has 93 health points at the moment. %, that is to say, Desert Guyan only lost 7% of his health. On the other hand, Desert Guyan's health has begun to run toward 20%. The decrease in blood volume between the two is not proportional!" Pan Lin Talking freely.

The flash bomb exploded, and Lord Mo laughed with a flying kick, followed by uppercuts, slaps, chokeholds, bricks and other moves, just like a fight between street gangsters, and this is indeed the case, Lord Mo Laughing, this is exactly the skills of the rogue profession.

"What a combo of individual moves! I'm afraid only Ye Xiu, the Honor textbook, can perform such an operation. Only he has such a thorough understanding of the Honor 24 profession, which is also honed over time." Pan Lin praised again. road.

"The Sanren combo is indeed amazing, but it also has an obvious shortcoming." Li Yibo suddenly sang the opposite tune.


"The damage is too low!" Li Yibo saw blood for a while. In fact, this is not a secret. After all, Ye Xiu's solo team has been in the professional arena for the entire regular season, so the low damage has long been known to the major teams.

"Due to occupation, Sanren can only use the low-level skills of 24 occupations. Even if you add those weapon crafting skills, the amount of damage will be very considerable, because the crafting skill only adds one skill point, and only a few It's the most basic damage, so the low damage is considered a shortcoming of Sanren." Li Yibo added.

"Then the individual players can use their diversity to help their teammates create better opportunities in team matches!" Pan Lin expressed his opinion, "The individual players can control the situation, and then other teammates can make up for the damage. It's the best of both worlds."

"In that case, wouldn't the overall output of the Sanren side be much lower?" Li Yibo chuckled. What he said is correct. After all, one less output point will have a huge impact on the team's overall tactical arrangement. Not a small impact.

Pan Lin quickly retorted: "Besides, I think low damage is nothing. After all, quantity can make up for quality. If the damage of Sanren is increased a little higher, it will be okay, and other players will have no chance to play."

"Haha, that's natural, but I think it is unlikely that another independent professional player will appear in a short time. After all, it is only the first step to have a thorough understanding of the 24 professions like Ye Xiu, but this The first step has stumped too many people!" Li Yibo did not argue endlessly on the previous topic, but smiled and said,

"Furthermore, after the first step is completed, there is a second step. The second step is to create a specially-made weapon. The reason why Lord Grim can fight so unpredictable is related to the weapon in his hand. There are no blueprints and manufacturing As for the method, how many people can make such a weapon?"

"Yes." Pan Lin suddenly changed the subject, "15%! Desert Guyan's health dropped to 15%! This health is no longer considered healthy, and his health is still on a slowly declining trend. "

"With this amount of health, it's almost impossible to counterattack, but we can still kill as much of Lord Grim's health as possible," Li Yibo said.

"Oh? Does Desert Guyan still have a chance? I feel like he will be sent away by this wave of individual attacks." Pan Lin said.

"No, you underestimate Glory's No. 1 punch master." Li Yibo's lips curled up. In his opinion, Han Wenqing was waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to counterattack.

At this moment, the situation on the field suddenly changed.

Han Wenqing waited for his chance!

I saw Da Mo Gu Yan using his cloud body to distance himself, and then using his double tiger palms to shoot left and right, launching an attack directly towards Lord Grim.

Ye Xiu did not hesitate. He opened the Thousand Planes Umbrella's ribs and used his shield form to deliver the blow. However, in terms of judgment, Desert Guyen had the upper hand. Lord Grim was shocked and took two steps back.

Han Wenqing's eyes widened, he was waiting for this opportunity!

Immediately, Desert Guyan jumped into the air, wrapped his right leg in flames in the air, and slammed it down on Lord Grim's back!

"I understand!" Pan Lin exclaimed, "Han Wenqing is waiting for the moment when his opponent uses a shield. Although using a shield can resist attacks, it will also greatly affect Lord Grim's own sight. This is what Han Wenqing grasped!"

"Yes." Li Yibo nodded, "I have to say that player Han Wenqing's grasp of timing is really fast. He accurately grasped this momentary difference in vision, and the veteran will not die!"

On the field, Desert Guyan's kick landed, knocking off 5% of Lord Grim's health.

The audience in the auditorium couldn't help but sigh: After using this skill, Lord Grim has to lose two digits of skills to return the damage. There really is no damage without comparison. Although the individual combos are fast, the damage is too high in comparison. Low's weaknesses are clearly visible.

Taking advantage of the victory, Da Mo Guyan pursued, and hit Lord Grim with another punch on his flank. Da Mo Guyan's fists fell like raindrops, and Han Wenqing completely unleashed his offensive! As analyzed by the previous two commentators, it is quite terrifying to let Han Wenqing, a player, attack.

73%! After one wave, Lord Grim's health dropped by nearly 20%, finally settling at 73%.

Damo Guyan paused for a moment. This pause was so short that most of the audience except professional players did not notice it.

But for many professional players, this point was still captured, including Ye Xiu.

This pause is a fatal mistake in such a game!

"Such a pause shouldn't happen." Ye Xiu said in his heart, but he didn't stop working on his hands. He felt emotional, and after feeling emotional, he would still go all out.

It’s just that when Han Wenqing was young, if you asked him to face the same situation ten times or even a hundred times, he would never make such a mistake even half a time.

But now, Han Wenqing is no longer young.

At the Tyranny player table, Zhang Xinjie frowned slightly, obviously noticing the pause just now.

Back to the game,

Han Wenqing himself was aware of this, but what could he change? Is there a magic potion that can make him young again? Obviously not! All he can do is try his best to make up for this mistake in subsequent games.

Han Wenqing quickly flicked the keyboard and mouse with his left and right hands.

After a pause, Desert Guyan raised his right leg, trying to use his high-flying kick to supplement the damage and control.

But, it's too late.

The next second, a scene happened that surprised all the audience. Ye Xiu was still thinking about typing at this critical point!

"Have you beaten enough?"

Ye Xiu's speech suddenly popped up in the public channel, which shocked everyone present. Brother, you are the one who is being beaten now, why are you still thinking about typing in a joke?

Han Wenqing didn't even move his eyebrows in response to Ye Xiu's trash talk, and he didn't stop working on his hands for a moment.

Damo Guyan punched again, but this time the punch came up empty again! It was exactly the same as that time not long ago.

But this time Lord Grim used the Ninja Clone Technique, while last time he used the Substitute Technique.

There was a bang, and Desert Guyan's blood volume dropped directly below the red line (10%).

This gunshot is very unique. It is obviously the special skill of the sharpshooter, Barrett Sniper. This roar can be said to have resounded throughout the audience. The reason why the sharpshooter's skill can appear in Lord Grim's hands is naturally due to Qianji. Umbrella making skills.

A bloody hole appeared on Desert Guyan's forehead. It was the bullet that Barrett had just sniped that passed through his eyebrows. But Lord Grim's attack was far more than that. He connected with the Sanren combo again!

But this time, Ye Xiu didn't show another chance, Han Wenqing couldn't forcefully create another chance, and Desert Guyan was taken away in a wave!

"4:4, Xingxin evened the score again! This was really a wonderful overtime match. There was only one point left in the single-player match. And who will get this point? Let us wait and see! Pan Lin exclaimed.

"Jun Grim still has 73 HP left at this moment. This HP is still enough to support him to score another point." Li Yibo made a very objective evaluation. Although he really didn't want to see such a scene, as a commentator , he will still inform the audience of the most objective situation.

"So, Tyranny's last player, Guo Mingyu, is already ready on the sidelines. This is also an old player. In ancient times, that is, in the first season, he had a head-to-head contest with Ye Xiu. Ha!" Pan Lin explained.

"Yes, as for the result of the last single match, we have to wait until we meet in the arena to find out!" Li Yibo said, "Then please invite player Guo Mingyu to come on stage. The match is about to begin!"

After the words fell, Guo Mingyu came on stage, entered the war room, inserted his card and got on the machine.

Guo Mingyu: Xiao Guan Fenghou VS Ye Xiu: Lord Grim.

The audience didn't even think about it. These two old guys must have been speaking beautiful Chinese from the beginning.

And this is indeed the case. As soon as the game started, Guo Mingyu and Ye Xiu started talking trash to each other without doing anything else.

"You are an old man, why are you coming back?" Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"Oh? Didn't you invite me back in the first place?" Guo Mingyu retorted unceremoniously, and he also broke the news. Only then did the audience know that Ye Xiu had originally invited Guo Mingyu to join Happy, but it was a pity that Guo Mingyu finally joined. It's Tyranny.

"Damn, don't bring such harm!" Ye Xiu pretended to be angry, but in fact, he had no emotions in his heart. He didn't think poaching people was a shady thing. The reason why he didn't say it before was simply because he felt it was unnecessary. After all, there is no difference in his eyes between saying it and not saying it.

"Haha." Guo Mingyu sent another death smile expression.

"See if I don't beat you up this time." Ye Xiu smiled, "It's the same as ten years ago."

"Ten years ago, we had wins and losses, right? Didn't we beat the crap out of Excellent Era during the regular season?" Guo Mingyu said.

"After you won the regular season, did the league give you a championship trophy?" Ye Xiu smiled.

Guo Mingyu was speechless now. Although he had prepared for today's trash talk before the game, it seemed that his trash talk skills were still slightly inferior to an old guy like Ye Xiu...

(End of this chapter)

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