Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 477 Online Game Explosion

Unknowingly, the time has come to the end of May.
Today is the last day of May. The weather in K City has gradually transitioned from spring to summer, and the temperature has also risen. Many people walking on the street are wearing short-sleeves.

However, Yi Tianming, who was shopping with Chu Yunxiu, still put on a long-sleeved sweater for himself to keep warm.

After all, every detail of a professional player’s arm, from shoulders to fingers, is now noble.

If you think that only the fingers of professional players are the most valuable, you are wrong. Starting from the arms, including the elbow joint, all need to be protected.

Sometimes, if there is cold wind blowing on the elbow, it will affect the blood flow rate of the arm, which may cause the player's hand joints to slow down and may even cause intermittent pain. These are very serious problems for professional players.

Of course, although Yi Tianming did a good job of keeping warm, he was relatively poor in terms of load-bearing.

There were large and small packaging bags hung on his two arms. Chu Yunxiu was humming a tune while strolling in front. Yi Tianming followed behind with these large and small packaging bags.

Yi Tianming looked at his arms that were already hung up and couldn't help but smile helplessly.
Fortunately, I exercise regularly, otherwise if it were another thinner athlete, I wouldn't be able to carry these bags.

"Tianming, come on, come on, this looks good." Chu Yunxiu greeted, in front of a shop, motioning for Yi Tianming to go over.

"Oh, here we come!" In just one second, the expression on Yi Tianming's face changed from helpless to a smile, and it was a "sincere" smile. Dare you not smile?Then I will go to the fruit shop to buy durian...

Yi Tianming came to the shop and asked doubtfully: "What are these beads?"

Chu Yunxiu picked up a small bead and patiently explained: "Look, these beads have surnames engraved on them. Wait, I will find both of you."

"Oh...ok~" Yi Tianming responded with a smile,

While waiting, he looked up and saw that the weather today was pretty good, with blue sky and white clouds, and the temperature was just right.

"Mom, I want to buy this robot!" At this time, a childish voice came from the side, attracting Yi Tianming's eyes.

At the door of a nearby toy store, a little boy was pulling his mother inside.
"Okay, tomorrow is Children's Day. I bought you this robot today as a Children's Day gift."


Yi Tianming was slightly startled, "Yes, tomorrow is Children's Day."

"However, Children's Day is a holiday for children. It doesn't matter to a big kid like me..."

But Yi Tianming soon changed his mind: "For Children's Day, will there be any activities on Honor's side?"

He quickly associated Children’s Day with the news that Honor officially announced a seven-day holiday yesterday, and quickly came to the conclusion: Honor officials are likely to take some action during this period. Firstly, because every holiday Honor Basically, there will be some novel small activities to enhance the enthusiasm of Honor players.

Secondly, the seven-day holiday is specially given to professional players this time. It is likely that they want to open up some activities so that these professional players can drive the popularity of online game guilds, so that online game players can also join the game.

And the fact is exactly as Tianming expected. When he returned home from shopping with Chu Yunxiu, Zhang Jiale quickly sent a message: "Tianming, if you are free tomorrow, I will treat you to a meal in the evening. During the day There will be a new event in Glory, and I think the rewards in it are quite suitable for the online game guild's warehouse collection, so when the time comes, come and help."

Zhang Jiale did not push back and forth, but directly explained the reason for the matter and his purpose. This made Yi Tianming feel very comfortable. After all, if you have something to say, you can just talk about it. We all have such a good relationship. If you still push back and forth, then... On the contrary, it makes people uncomfortable.

"Okay, Captain Zhang." Yi Tianming replied quickly, and then he told Chu Yunxiu the news. After all, if he entered an online game, how could he not have this powerful general beside him?Furthermore, it is always more interesting to play games with your partner. After all, it is not tiring to work with a man and a woman.

Afterwards, Yi Tianming logged into a small account in the God Realm, but he was surprised to find that the new activity Zhang Jiale mentioned did not pop up in the activity frame.

"Hey, didn't you say there would be an event?" Chu Yunxiu asked,

Yi Tianming thought for a moment and quickly reacted,
"There is a high probability that Team Zhang received internal news from Honor, and Honor will officially go through an update tonight. New activities will not appear until after the update."

As Zhang Jiale is a player in the Hall of Glory and is now the guild president of Baihua Valley, it is natural that the Glory official will notify these presidents in advance of any activities to achieve a warm-up effect.

If the event is listed directly as soon as it comes up, it will take a while for the news to come out, which will waste some time.

"Don't worry, you should know after the game is updated in the evening." Yi Tianming said, and then he went out to have a meal with Chu Yunxiu.

At present, he only called Chu Yunxiu. As for the other teammates, Yi Tianming did not call him. After all, they are all on holiday now, and the players all manage their own time. It would be a bit uncomfortable to force them to come and play in an online game. Close to humanity.

Waiting until 10 o'clock in the evening, Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu entered the glory,

"It really needs to be updated." The two of them clicked the update button, and then there was a long wait for the progress bar.

Fortunately, the configurations of the two computers owned by Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu are very good. After all, when he purchased the equipment, he included the Honor section, so these two computers are very suitable for playing Honor. device of.

And this kind of updated activities have always been very dependent on the equipment. Why do you say that? Because the equipment is good, the update can be faster, and the faster the update, the faster the new version will be, so that you can participate in the activity. Get the upper hand.

And those with poor equipment often lag behind those with good equipment after the update is completed.

Of course, not only Yi Tianming's side, but also other guild presidents, elite members, etc., their equipment is not bad.

And for Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu, even if they enter the game a little slowly, the impact will not be great. After all, they can crush them with their skills.


On the computer screen, the progress bar has loaded to 77%.

Yi Tianming took out two cans of ice cola from the refrigerator, opened it and handed one to Chu Yunxiu, and then drank it himself.
"Hiccup~" The feeling of distension caused by the soda made him burp involuntarily.

However, when he finished hiccupping, he realized that his progress bar had stopped moving.

"No, is this burp poisonous?" Yi Tianming smiled doubtfully. Then he looked at Chu Yunxiu's screen and found that the progress bar was also stuck at the 77% position.

"Why doesn't the progress bar move?" Chu Yunxiu also noticed something was wrong.
The two people reacted quickly and said in unison: "Is the network card stuck?"

Yi Tianming stood up, fidgeted with the light cat, and found that the signal light had indeed turned red.
"It seems that there is really something wrong with the network."

Then Yi Tianming planned to ask the master to come over to repair it, but then he thought about it. Even if the master flew over, the trip would take at least half an hour. If it took half an hour, the flowers in the online game would have been opened, and the two of them would have to wait. Isn’t it too late in the past?
Although Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu can forcibly reverse the situation through operations, what he is worried about is that the new activity is an activity of collecting materials, such as collecting lollipops. In this kind of activity, it is impossible to kill people just by operations. Not enough. After all, the characteristic of collection activities is that supplies are limited. If you collect them first, the amount that people behind you can collect will be very limited.

After thinking about it, Yi Tianming suggested: "How about... going to an Internet cafe?"

After all, he had already agreed to help Zhang Jiale, so there was no way he would not be able to go online just because of the network card.

"Yeah... that's okay." Chu Yunxiu then went to find a hat and a mask. After all, if they went to an Internet cafe, they would definitely have to hide their image, otherwise it would be troublesome for fans to recognize them.

Just when Chu Yunxiu was rummaging through the boxes, Yi Tianming slapped his thigh: "Hey, how could I forget this!"

Then he went to the computer. After fussing for a while, the progress bars of both computers reached 100%.

When Chu Yunxiu came over with a hat and a mask, he was surprised to find: "Is the Internet connected? Why has the game been loaded again?"

Yi Tianming pointed to his mobile phone with a wry smile, "This, I connected it using a hotspot. I just forgot about this."

"Oh, that's just right, you can save money." Chu Yunxiu sat in front of the computer for a while again,

Two people insert the card and load the game,
Although a little time was wasted just now because of the network card, fortunately Yi Tianming responded quickly, so it was only a minute or two slower than other faster players.

After entering the game, Yi Tianming was naturally the first to find the event details page.

No matter who it is, even if it is a professional player, they must first understand the details of the event. If they don't even understand the rules of the game, then there is nothing the professional players can do, right?

When he clicked on the rules, a bunch of words came into his eyes. Yi Tianming naturally read the key points selectively and roughly understood how to play the game:
Honor's new event is naturally connected to the upcoming Children's Day. This is not difficult to analyze. After all, tomorrow is Children's Day.

The rules of the game require players to collect hats, lollipops and teddy bears in every corner of the map.
The hat is worth one point, the teddy bear is worth two points, and the lollipop is worth three points.

In terms of team formation, players can form their own teams, and one team can accommodate five players.Players in the team are immune to damage.

This event lasts for six hours in total. Starting tonight, the event time will be from 10 o'clock to 12 o'clock every night.It lasted for three days in total.

Three days later, Honor officials will calculate the scores of all individual players. Players can also go to the store to redeem corresponding gifts based on their scores.

Of course, the higher the score, the better the quality of the gift you can redeem. Yi Tianming took a rough look and found that the best quality one was the top-quality orange weapon, but the score required was not low.

"The rules are quite simple." Chu Yunxiu had also read the rules at this time, but she soon discovered a little confusion, "It seems that this rule does not make it clear. If you kill the target player, can you Get the points from him?”

"Well, this is not clearly stated in the rules. It seems that players are expected to figure it out through their own practice." Yi Tianming continued: "There is another point worth noting, that is, after the game is over, the official statistics It’s the individual player’s score, not the team’s score.”

Chu Yunxiu quickly understood the meaning of his words and added: "In other words, before the end of the game, all members of the team can give all their points to one of them, and China can redeem more gifts."

"That's the truth." Yi Tianming nodded, and then smiled, "However, we can only know the details in actual combat."


Then the two entered the game.


At the same time, elite members of major guilds also came online during this time period.

"Hey, Zhongcaotang is very active."

"You are not bad at being domineering and ambitious. There are quite a few of you."

"Haha, the people in Lanxi Pavilion are also very light-hearted."

A large group of players walked out of the main city while chatting. These were all elite members of major teams, and they were going to specific areas of the game.

Among the Baihua Valley group,
Qianhua Charming raised her two guns and mobilized the players in her guild.

"Everyone forms a team of five or five, and pay attention to professional matching."

"Okay, listen to the president!" Soon, a group of players in Baihua Valley had successfully formed a team.

At this time, a mad swordsman and an elemental mage silently walked into the group of Baihua Valley players.

Hua Kaikanzhe glanced at their IDs and felt a little unfamiliar, so she stopped them.

The players here are all members of the elite group, and Hua Kaikanzhe, as the former president of Baihua Valley, naturally knows every member of the elite group. Even if he doesn't, he can at least remember their IDs.

As for the two people in front of him, although they had the names of Baihua Valley hanging above their heads, their IDs made him feel a little strange.

"Who are you?" Hua Kaikanzhe asked,
As an experienced former president of netizens, Hua Kaikanzhe naturally thought of the word undercover immediately. After all, every guild would inevitably be undercover by other guilds, and everyone knew this tacitly.

But for the protection of the elite group, all the major guilds are very strict. After all, this involves the secrets of the guild and even the club. Naturally, undercover agents from other guilds cannot be allowed to intervene.

As for this Children's Day event, Baihua Valley only notified members of the elite group and did not force other ordinary players to participate.

Seeing that the mad swordsman and elemental mage in front of him didn't say anything, they were ready to take action.

At this time, Qianhua Charming came over and stopped him,

"Tianming, Yunxiu, you are here."


(End of this chapter)

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