Yi Tianming is gambling,
He bet that Ye Xiu's real purpose was not Fengcheng Yanyu, but that he wanted to attract his own firepower to free Han Yanrou.

Therefore, even if Fengcheng Yanyu may be facing a crisis now, Yi Tianming is not ready to help.

No matter what, let's send Han Yanrou out first!

He completely handed over his back to Chu Yunxiu.

Yi Tianming calculated in his mind that with Han Yanrou's current health, he would only need ten seconds at most to take away his opponent in one wave! !

Heavy chop!Cross cut!Earth-shattering slash!Whirlwind!

One skill after another fell on Han Yanrou, and her health points continued to decrease.

Outside the court, Xingxin fans already felt powerless.
"Xiao Tang is still too young to be manipulated by these little guys. If I can play, I must teach these little guys a lesson." Wei Chen sighed, hating all the things he could not do, except that he couldn't play.

At this time, Lord Grim had no choice but to change direction.

His real purpose was indeed to help Han Yanrou cover up, but unexpectedly Yi Tianming was not fooled.

Now, Ye Xiu himself is in a dilemma. If he chooses to attack Fengcheng Yanyu, Han Yanrou will soon be sent out by Luohualangji. In the end, he will face the double attack of Luohualangshan and Fengcheng Yanyu.
And if it were to attack Luo Hua Chaos, Feng Cheng Yan Yu behind him would definitely use his skills to cause trouble.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiu still chose to rescue Han Yanrou by force.

Lord Grim leaped forward fiercely, and the cloak behind him covered the fallen flowers.

Night Cloak...! !

However, before the Night Cloak was fully used, it was forcibly interrupted by a fireball from behind.

Fengcheng Yanyu's strong control did not give Ye Xiu any chance.

At this time, Han Yanrou's health had also reached its last moment.

Han Yanrou only had this amount of blood left, and finally fell into a pool of blood under a heavy slash from Luohua Langsha.

[System: Happy's character Han Yanrou is out! 】

The Xingxin fans outside the court couldn't help but let out sighs and sighs. This change was too sudden. Unknowingly, they saw that their side was in such a headwind. Now there is one less person, and the situation is quite difficult...!
After dealing with Soft Mist, Luo Hua Langsha's own HP was less than half, but most of the HP he lost was from selling his own blood, and part of it was from Lord Grim's attack. Soft Mist... her output in this game was very impressive.

To talk about the effect of Soft Mist, it should be the powerful dragon pressure from before. However, that powerful dragon pressure only caused some superficial damage to Baihua and the others, and failed to produce the desired effect.

So currently, Tang Rou's performance in today's game was not very good. It could even be said that she was the worst performer among the twelve players on both sides.

In the war room,

Tang Rou sat in front of the computer in a daze. She didn't know why her hand speed couldn't be used at all in this game, or in other words, it was used, but it had no effect at all.

The advantage that I was proud of was actually suppressed by my opponent.

At this time, Tang Rou recalled that she had lost thousands of oceans in a duel with Ye Xiu at the Internet cafe.

"If you want to defeat your opponent, you must first know the gap between yourself and your opponent." This is what Ye Xiu told her at that time,
But now, Tang Rou looked at her hands,
"The gap between me and my opponent..."

In team competition,

Fengcheng Yanyu and Luohua Luoshan quickly joined forces and pursued Lord Grim.
The moment Lord Han Yanrou fell, he broke the window and escaped, using the spiral wings of the Thousand Planes Umbrella to slowly fly away.

For Xingxin, there is one last chance to make a comeback.

That's when Lord Grim rushed to where the other three teammates were, and formed a four-on-three numerical advantage over Baihua and the other three.

However, Baihua and the three people here are not stupid either. When they knew that Lord Grim was rushing here, they quickly dispersed and did not give Lord Grim a chance to form an encirclement.

At this time, the audience outside the venue also understood,
In this game, the overall situation has been decided.

In the following time, Baihua took advantage of one person's numerical advantage to fight steadily and did not give Xingxin a chance.


"So...congratulations to Baihua for winning this game!" Li Yibo cheered, announcing the end of the game.

Xingxin relied on the two points he scored in the single match to save the face of his home court and avoid being "shaving his head."

But looking at it from another perspective, Xingxin was beaten 1:9 for the first time against Baihua. However, in the second match against Baihua today, he was able to score 2:8, which was a small gain. , this can be regarded as an improvement in some sense...

Afterwards, Li Yibo summarized the entire game, and finally came the familiar farewell part.
"Well, today's game ends here. I am the commentator Li Yibo. Thank you everyone for watching. Let's see you in the next round!!"

Afterwards, the closing music started, and the audience left the venue in an orderly manner under the supervision of security personnel.

The Baihua war room was already empty. As the winner, and because they won by a big score at someone else's home court, the players naturally quickly went to the press conference to prepare to finish their explanations to the reporters. Just leave early.

"Otherwise, we will be in trouble if we encounter ardent fans." On the way to the press conference, Song Xiao laughed,

The Baihua team members burst into laughter. They had won the game and everyone was in a good mood.Of course they all knew it was a joke.

"Captain, if you win the game, you're going to treat me to a treat." Song Xiao said and began to claim credit: "I was really the one protecting daddy just now. You don't know how much pressure there is. There are three attackers on the opposite side. There is also a Glory first gunnery division, which is a lot of pressure!"

Yi Tianming smiled helplessly and pointed with his right hand: "Okay, let's go have a late-night snack after the interview."

"Okay, long live the captain!"


the other side,
The big lights in Xingxin's main venue had been turned off at this time, and only some small lights were turned on.

At this time, a cleaning lady who was responsible for cleaning the interior of the war room opened the door of the war room with a mop in one hand. "Hey, everyone hasn't left yet?" The cleaning lady looked inside with a puzzled look. All six of Happy's starting players were inside, five of them standing, as if they were waiting for the one who was sitting down.

"Auntie, please, please wait a moment." Su Mucheng whispered, then her eyes drifted to Tang Rou,
She was the only one sitting,

Since the end of the game, no, to be precise, since Han Yanrou was eliminated, Tang Rou has been sitting in this position, motionless.

Even though the game is over now, she seems to have not yet reacted, and has been immersed in her own world, unable to extricate herself.

Ye Xiu looked at the time and decided to let Tang Rou think about it for a while.
As the commander of the team, he naturally knows which player performs best in each game and which player performs poorly.

As for Tang Rou, there is no doubt that Xingxin's performance was the least ideal in this game, but her output was only a pitiful 11%.

In other words, Soft Mist only caused 11% damage to the opponent from the beginning to the end of the game.
This number is indeed very "touching".

Even Baozi Invasion, which had the second-lowest output in the team, dealt more than 50% damage.

Therefore, it is no surprise that Tang Rou was selected as the one with the lowest rating in this game.

Perhaps because of this, or perhaps for some other reason, Tang Rou has been sitting in her seat, meditating...

However, this kind of post-match reflection is often very useful for the growth of a player.

Ye Xiu was giving Tang Rou time, hoping she could figure it out on her own.

Of course, Ye Xiu has always been encouraging to the players in the team. Regardless of winning or losing, Ye Xiu encourages them. He does not lose his temper like Han Wenqing, but uses his own strength to encourage them. The method is teaching the team members,
Of course, every captain has his own way of dealing with things. This does not mean that Han Wenqing's teaching method is not good. Although he has a tough temper, Tyranny's team members are also convinced, and this management method is indeed good. Tyranny is well managed from top to bottom.

After a while, Tang Rou slowly stood up and stretched. It didn't look like she had just experienced a big defeat, but she stood up in a very natural way.

Tang Rou looked at the five teammates who were standing at the door and watching her silently.

"Huh? Is the game over?" Tang Rou asked.

"Well, let's go." Ye Xiu didn't explain too much, but opened the door very naturally, and then led his teammates towards the press conference.


At this moment, at the press conference,
The chief information officer looked at his watch, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.
"This Ye Xiu won't lead a team to escape from interviews again..."

Nearly 15 minutes have passed since they finished interviewing Baihua. At first, he thought it was because the Happy players lost the game and were delayed on the road, but he didn't expect that it would take 15 minutes.

"The people we just sent to urge us haven't come yet..." The chief information officer glanced at the noisy reporters below, and then said, "Everyone, please be quiet. Happy's team members will be here soon."

In fact, he didn't feel confident when he said this. After all, although Ye Xiu participated in almost every post-match press conference this season, when he was "Ye Qiu" before, he didn't attend any of them. ,

The Chief Information Officer is really afraid that Ye Xiu will go back to his old ways...

At this moment, the person who had just been sent out jogged and said something in his ear,
The chief information officer's eyes lit up, and then he showed an expression of relief.

finally come…!
"Ahem, everyone, get ready, the contestants will be entering the venue soon." the chief information officer said to the reporters in the audience.

However, the reporters turned a deaf ear to his words at this time. After all, they heard these words more than ten times in just 15 minutes.

But never once did it really come,
So this has created a feeling of "crying wolf". Now these reporters don't really believe what the press officer says. Instead, they are playing their own games below. Some are watching short videos, and some are reading novels. , some people are even ready to leave.

The chief information officer looked at the behavior of these reporters and was a little dumbfounded. It made him seem like he had become a villain, but this matter was beyond his control. After all, Xingxin's people were delayed in coming, and it was not his instigation. Instigated.

Among the many reporters, there was only one slightly younger female reporter who held her notebook with a serious face and took the chief information officer's words seriously.

At this moment, a team of team members walked into the reporters' sight. Those reporters who were playing with their mobile phones just a second ago hurriedly put their mobile phones away.

But it was still a step too late. When the mobile news officer asked who asked the question, the young female reporter who had been holding a notebook tentatively stretched out her right hand.

This is a female reporter who has just entered the industry. This is not difficult to see from her behavior. She is a little nervous and trembling when she raises her hands.

And her record tonight is indeed not ideal. When interviewing Baihua, she failed to ask a single question, and because she was not very experienced, the content of the record was not very ideal either.

"If this continues, my performance this month will definitely not be high..." the female reporter thought pessimistically.

However, when the chief information officer signaled that she could stand up and ask questions, the young female reporter was completely confused.
"Ah, is it me?" The female reporter didn't react. When she did, excitement and excitement hit her brain instantly, so much so that she didn't even ask the question she had carefully prepared for a long time.

"Reporters please ask questions." The chief information officer reminded again, which brought the young female reporter's thoughts back to reality.

"Um... Well, Team Ye, what do you think of the strength of this game?" Under tension, the young female reporter still made a mistake that is easy for newcomers to do.
——My speech becomes incoherent when I am nervous, and my brain is so hot that I am unable to ask the questions I want to ask.

"Ah! Why did I ask this question? This is obviously not what I wanted to ask. I finally got a chance to ask a question, but I didn't take it." The young female reporter was a little regretful, but the topic was already spoken out. She I can only hold a notebook and record the other party's answers.

Ye Xiu looked at the female reporter calmly, and then said slowly: "The opponent seized the opportunity very well, but our players also performed very well."

Ye Xiu gave a very official answer, and the young female reporter nervously wrote down all these words in her notebook.

And this tension stayed with her until get off work...

"The other party seized the opportunity very well..." The young female reporter carefully considered what Ye Xiu said in her studio.

At this time, she realized that what she recorded was an official sentence. She could make up such a sentence herself without even having to say it to Ye Xiu.

"Hey!" The young female reporter sighed helplessly.


(End of this chapter)

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