Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 463 Glory Professional League Round 28

Chapter 463 Glory Professional League Round 28

As we get closer to the playoffs, all major teams are conducting secret training in full swing. Some teams hope to take advantage of the last period of the regular season to rush into the playoffs.

Of course, this also requires the possibility of reaching the playoffs. For example, 9th, 10th, 11th, all have this hope.

As for the 12th, 13th, and 14th place, it’s not that there is no hope at all, but the hope is very small, and they are in a position where they are neither up nor down, which is a bit embarrassing...

Teams ranked 15th and below have no idea about the playoffs. They have already missed the playoffs early.

The teams ranked at the bottom are trying to keep their seats. After all, no one wants to play in the challenge and suffer for a year. That is definitely a big blow to a club.

However, this year's situation is a big boon for the bottom teams, that is, one team has secured a relegation spot——

misty rain.

Since Yu Feng's sudden departure, Yanyu's grades have plummeted. Oh no, to be precise, their grades were not very good to begin with, and Yu Feng's departure was the last straw that broke the camel's back, causing Yanyu to completely start losing points. the road,

Yanyu is already firmly in last place, with a score that is more than ten points lower than the second from last.

It's steady, it's all steady!

So this is great news for small and medium-sized teams. Originally, they had to guard against two relegation places. Now, there is only one relegation place, and the probability of relegation is greatly reduced.

And Yanyu seems to have given up resistance. Not long ago, they sold the Sharp Wisdom Sword to Thunder. This move completely chilled the hearts of Yanyu fans.
In the current misty rain, there are only six second-tier players on the field, and their level... I can't say it's not good, it can only be said to be good.

Going back to the previous point,

After experiencing two losses and one draw, Tiny Herb finally ushered in its own spring.
9:1, a big score for Tiny Herb, which wiped away the previous humiliation!

The MVP of this game was not Wang Jiexi, and the one who performed most brilliantly was not the captain who had been carrying Tiny Herb forward, but the prince, Gao Yingjie!

Gao Yingjie helped Tiny Herb lay the foundation for victory with three kills in the team competition. Such a vigorous performance was like taking stimulants.

Even many Microherb fans jokingly said: Urine test, urine test!

The on-site commentary was also a bit unbelievable. Has Tiny Herb's crown prince finally exploded?
As we all know, after the "disbandment" of Tiny Herb Gemini last summer, Gao Yingjie's performance declined slightly compared to last season, so the audience did not pay much attention to him this season.

In this game, Gao Yingjie's strong performance reminded everyone that the Crown Prince of Tiny Herb is also a shining star!
Regardless of other people's opinions, Gao Yingjie figured out one thing: he didn't need to use any words to help Wang Jiexi share the pressure. The best way was to do it with actual actions! !


On the other side, Tiny Herb's arch-enemy Blue Rain was restrained by Thunder in this round. The two sides fought to a tie at 5:5.

The Thunder tied the score with five points in the team match. This scene was definitely not what Blue Rain wanted to see, but it was a pity that the result was this.Blue Rain swept the Thunder with a score of 5:0 in the singles match. Just when they were about to win a big victory, the Thunder gave them a head-on blow.

Xiao Shiqin once again showed the audience his ability to defeat the strong with the weak!
Of course, the victory of the team competition is inseparable from the efforts of every Thunder player. It just means that Xiao Shiqin, as the commander, tightly ties the efforts of the players together and then exerts their greatest power.

But then again, is the Thunder still weak now?

There is Yu Feng from the golden generation of Blue Rain, tactician Xiao Shiqin, Zou Yuan who came out of the championship team, and Dai Yanqi who has great potential.
Judging from this lineup, the Thunder's overall strength is indeed not weak.

However, there is no absolute, and everything must be relative. The vast majority of viewers believe that the Thunder's overall lineup is still a little behind compared to Blue Rain. Although the difference is not that big, there is still a gap.

But even so, the Thunder still expressed their strength in the team competition.
The weak defeated the strong, this label was severely attached to the Thunder.

The key to the team competition is Yu Feng. He has attracted a lot of firepower for the Thunder, and his sharp and sharp swords are at the forefront, delaying time for the Thunder to better implement their tactics.

Blue Rain fans are so gnashing their teeth that their own players turned back at this critical moment. Blue Rain fans are bleeding from the heart!
After all, their current goal is to compete with Tiny Herb for second place. Originally, the form in the previous rounds was pretty good. Taking advantage of Tiny Herb's poor performance, Blue Rain won a few more games in a row, and the point difference between the two teams was quickly widened. close,
And in this round, Blue Rain was equalized even though it had the advantage, and then came the battle report that Tiny Herb defeated its opponent 9:1 next door. This was simply adding insult to injury for Blue Rain...!The score difference that was finally narrowed expanded by four points in this round.

On the Thunder side, Thunder fans have gradually begun to accept Yu Feng. It is not without reason that the idiom "love grows over time" was invented.
As Yu Feng stayed in the Thunder for longer, people's prejudice against him gradually faded. In addition, his efforts in this game were obvious to all, so Thunder fans voted for Yu Feng for the first time after the game. Heartfelt applause,

"Perhaps we were too harsh on him before?" Thunder fans thought in their minds. It seems that after Yu Feng came to Thunder, he lost the game against Baihua by a big score, and the results of the rest of the games were acceptable, even There were also a few unexpected victories and draws, such as this draw against Blue Rain, which was a result of hard work.

Of course, Glory fans are the most difficult group to understand on the planet. They will cheer you up when you are in a good mood, and they will cling to you when you are in a bad mood.

Therefore, Yu Feng, in this new environment, continue to move forward as the captain!

"The top eight teams currently are Baihua, Tiny Herb, Blue Rain, Tyranny..."

"Thunder, royal wind, whistling, void."

In Happy Club, Chen Guo began to study the rankings.

Speaking of pressure, the pressure on her as a boss lady is actually not small at all.

After all, she has devoted a lot of effort and financial resources to this team. Of course, to Chen Guo, the money spent is not very important.

The important thing is that when she established this team, it was with the slogan of helping Ye Xiu realize his dream.

And now, if you can't even make it to the playoffs, then what's the point of realizing your dream...

Chen Guo didn't know how long Ye Xiu could continue to fight, but she vaguely felt that the day of separation between her and this idol was getting closer and closer.
Maybe tomorrow?Maybe today?This is not impossible. After all, for an "old guy" like Ye Xiu, if he suddenly gets a hand injury or something, he can immediately announce his retirement.

"We are still 16 points away from Howling... It's not easy to catch up..." Chen Guo looked at the numbers on the standings carefully. At present, 27 rounds of the professional league have been played, which is the last 11 rounds left. She wants to rely on these 11 rounds. It is theoretically possible to catch up to 16 points, as long as it is 1.4 points more than Howling every time.
But this is theory. Practice and theory are often different. Who knows when Wuxi will suddenly have a wave of explosive seeds?If Xingxin happens to be in poor condition, it will not be easy to catch up.Seeing that chasing Wuxiao was a bit difficult, Chen Guo set her target on the next one, Void.

"We are only 9 points away from the void! This is okay!" Chen Guo was excited. If it were 9 points, it would be much easier to catch up with than 16 points.
After pondering this point, Chen Guo began to study the schedule again. She compared the strength of Void's next opponents with the strength of Xingxin's next opponents one by one.

Finally came to a conclusion,
"The next round is against Baihua... It's hard to deal with... And Void's opponent in the next round happens to be a weak team. After this round, the point difference will be even bigger..." Chen Guo said listlessly, although she As Xingxin's boss lady, she still doesn't have much confidence in a rival like Baihua...

The only thing that can give Chen Guo comfort is that Void will also play Baihua after Void, which means that Void also lost a big score in the game, but ranked a little behind.
If you think about it this way, both sides of the competition will lose big points, it's just a matter of time.

The boss lady was calculating the scores alone, while Happy's players were training intensely in the training room.

"Baozi, bricks!"

"Hey, how do you throw sand..."


Hundred Flowers Club,
Compared to Xingxin's nervousness, they seemed much more relaxed here.
Of course, the tactical arrangements before the game must not be missing, otherwise it will be too underestimated.

Before formally arranging tactics, Yi Tianming suddenly asked everyone very seriously, "Do you think Happy's overall strength is weak?"

Tian Sen crossed his hands in front of his chest, "Well... it's okay, mid-range level, but I think a large part of this mid-level factor comes from Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng. As for the others..."

At this point, Tian Sen didn't say any more, and the words were self-evident.

The other Hundred Blossoms team members didn't mean to refute. They obviously had the same idea as Tian Sen.

Song Xiao added: "Although Fang Rui is in it, hasn't he transformed? I think his current transformation is not complete yet, at least he is not at least as threatening, and Xingxin's healer is already recognized by the league as a short-term player." That’s right, other teams basically used this point as a breakthrough when playing against Happy, and I think we can also take advantage of this.”

Chu Yunxiu shook his head and asked something that left Song Xiao speechless, "What if Xingxin doesn't get treatment?"

Originally, Chu Yunxiu subconsciously believed that Happy was an underdog, but as the season progressed and Yi Tianming did the ideological work for her every night, Chu Yunxiu's perception of Happy's strength also changed drastically.

"This..." Song Xiao lowered his head and pondered for a while, but did not respond.

Not healing, which seemed like a ridiculous choice to other teams, but if it fell on Xingxin, it would actually become a lot more reasonable.

After all, everyone regards their treatment as the weakest link, and what if Xingxin takes the initiative to abandon this link?Does that mean Xingxin no longer has any weaknesses?
of course not.

Yi Tianming immediately explained: "Of course, this is just a conjecture. Happy may not use this trick in the regular season, but whether they use it or not is their business, and it is our business to be careful. Anyway, for this On the one hand, everyone must be mentally prepared.”

"Yes." The Baihua team members nodded in agreement.

"Needless to say, Su Mucheng has All-Star level strength, and she has stayed with our Baihuas for a year, so everyone should know her strength very well. Wei Chen is a veteran, although he has not played many games now. , but with his veteran experience, his performance on the court cannot be underestimated.

There is also Fang Rui. Although he is currently in a transition period, don't forget what profession he played before. "Yi Tianming continued,

"A thief, and he is also the number one thief in Glory. Although the wretched style does not sound advanced, it can always cause some trouble for opponents in the game. If Fang Rui's transformation is successful, then his qigong master will most likely Use it in a vulgar way."

"A vulgar qigong master?" Song Xiao pursed his lips. He was also a qigong master player. He really had some prejudice against this genre. How could any qigong master play the vulgar style?
Most of the qigong masters in the game maintain the image of upright masters. If a shabby qigong master is really allowed to ascend to the hall of elegance, Song Xiao really doesn't know what to say.
"I wonder what Zhao Yang will think when he sees it." Song Xiao made a joke, making everyone present laugh.

After making a joke, seeing that the time was almost up, Yi Tianming waved his hand,
"Then, now we officially enter the tactical arrangement phase, first of all..."

About half an hour later, the Baihua players left the conference room one by one.

Yi Tianming was packing up the documents. As the captain, he always walked away. Of course, Chu Yunxiu was with him.

"Looking at it this way, Xingxin is really an opponent with great potential." Chu Yunxiu said with emotion while accompanying him to collect his things.

"Yes, where do you think they will go in the end?" Yi Tianming asked with a smile.

"The top four."

Yi Tianming shook his head, "Maybe, but I think they might enter the finals."

Chu Yunxiu smiled and did not rush to refute him, but said slowly, "I didn't expect you to think so highly of Xingxin."

"No way, who allowed them to have Ye Xiu."

"It's true that Ye Xiu is difficult to deal with." Chu Yunxiu nodded his chin, as if recalling the fear of being dominated by Ye Xiu when he was a newcomer.

"No matter what, just give it your best."



Soon, it was game day.

"Hello, audience friends, welcome to the 10th round of the 28th Season of the Glory League!!"

(End of this chapter)

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