Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 462 The Gunslinger of the Year

Chapter 462 The Gunslinger of the Year

The Xingxin conference room suddenly filled with smoke, like a "fairyland on earth".
"You haven't experienced that era, it was a monster..."

Wei Chen had a cigarette in his mouth and a nostalgic expression on his face. He suddenly stood up and came to the window, looking into the distance.
His thoughts seemed to go back ten years ago.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Chen Guo was choked and coughed, "It's not Old Wei, why are you still smoking here? There is a rule in the conference room that you are not allowed to smoke..."

However, before Chen Guo could finish her words, Wei Chen interrupted him, "Zhou Zekai is now known as the Gun King, but ten years ago, when Zhou Zekai was still a little kid, there was a person in the glory circle. The man known as the Gunslinger."

"Hmm...ah?" Chen Guo was aroused by his words. She seemed to recall that the person mentioned in Old Wei's words seemed to be a good friend of Ye Xiu, that is, Su Mucheng's deceased brother. However, Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng had never spoken about this person in detail in front of her.

When Baozi heard this, he immediately became interested, "Gun God? He sounds so powerful! Old Wei, are you familiar with him? Where is he now?"

But Baozi people are just like that. They will make a few remarks about everything they hear. Their interest comes and goes quickly.

Tang Rou looked at Wei Chen seriously, waiting for him to continue.

"Gun God, you were actually not that old back then, a little younger than me, a little older than...Ye Xiu, right?" Wei Chen looked at Ye Xiu inquiringly,
Ye Xiu stood up slowly, with a trace of elusive sadness on his face. However, this emotion only flashed across his face and was quickly hidden.

"Well, they are of the same year, a little younger than me and older than Mucheng." Ye Xiu nodded and walked to Wei Chen, "Is there anything else?"

Wei Chen skillfully took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and threw it to him.

After taking two puffs, Wei Chen's thoughts became clearer. He glanced at Su Mucheng and asked in a low voice like Ye Xiu:

"...can you tell me?"

Ye Xiu just lit up the cigarette calmly, and then started smoking in the conference room.

Others just watched the two of them puffing away the smoke at the window. Although the window had been opened, the smoke was obviously more diffuse, and a small amount of smoke was still blown into the conference room.

However, Chen Guo, who was strictly prohibited from smoking in the conference room, no longer forced the two of them to put down their cigarettes. She felt that this so-called "gun god" was very popular among the older generation of players like them. The status is different, very different.

Everyone else looked at them quietly,

a long time,

Ye Xiu waved his hand. He was not ready to talk any more. Firstly, because he was just about to end this topic.

But it was Su Mucheng who said before him: "He is my brother."

When Baozi, Tang Rou and others heard this, they were all slightly startled. They didn't expect that Su Mucheng had such a brother. They had never heard her talk about it before.
Only Chen Guo was a little calmer. She had heard about this matter, but she didn't know the details.

After hearing Su Mucheng take the initiative to talk about it, Ye Xiu smiled slightly, and then continued: "He is a real genius. The weapons in Yiye Zhiqiu's hands and the Thousand Chance Umbrella in Lord Grim's hands are all... His masterpiece, his talent in making silver weapons is unparalleled.”

What Ye Xiu said next shocked everyone present,
"Ten years ago, this genius was able to master the two-and-a-half-step spear technique that Zhou Zekai was so proud of. Do you understand this concept?"

"What!" Fang Rui was the first to jump up,

After all, Fang Rui can only be regarded as a Mesozoic player, and he doesn't know much about the deeds of ancient players like Su Muqiu.

In other words, Su Muqiu's departure was so sudden that his heroic deeds were still fully carried forward. Otherwise, with his talent, he would definitely have a place in the circle of glory.

This is always a glorious pity.

If he could stay in the Circle of Glory for a little longer, maybe he could always be by Ye Xiu's side, then the Circle of Glory would definitely not be what it is now.

"Then...you were able to break the gun master's two-and-a-half-step spear technique? How did you do it?" Fang Rui had begun to believe it now. Judging from the expressions of Ye Xiu and Wei Chen, they didn't Like lying,
The eyes of other people were also attracted. Everyone now knows the power of the two and a half spear body skills, so they are more interested in how to break this style of fighting.

Tang Rou, Fang Rui, Baozi and others all thought that they could not do this, so they were all looking forward to Ye Xiu's answer.
"Hmm... how should I put it?" Ye Xiu rolled his eyes, and then landed on the live broadcast screen that was still being shown.
Ye Xiu's eyes lit up, "It's almost like him."

Everyone immediately looked in the direction he pointed,
On the big screen, I saw Luo Hua Langcha pinching Yi Qian Chuan Yun's neck, and the epee in his right hand dropped unceremoniously. Yi Qi Chuan Yun took the blow firmly,
The next moment, Luo Hua Lang Xi was thrust in front of Yi Gun Chuan Yun again, using the same routine again, just like a street gangster, attacking without any rules. If you didn't know better, you wouldn't be able to tell that this was the operation of a professional player.
But this style of play left Zhou Zekai completely helpless.

Yes, there is absolutely no way.

Yi Gun Chuanyun's body was like a deflated rubber ball, being kicked around randomly by Luo Huashang, and the former's health value was also constantly declining.

"This... what kind of play is this?" Chen Guo asked doubtfully. Although she thought that her tactical literacy was not high, she thought she could do this style of play, like falling flowers and messing up the field. It's the same as playing randomly, but it really causes trouble for the opponent.

"The rudest way is to break the two-and-a-half-step spear technique." Ye Xiu's eyes flickered, as if he had returned to that summer...

"Hey, hey, hey! You are so shameless. What kind of fighting style is this? It's completely like an online game. It's not even an online game." The blond boy cursed and took off his headphones, with a look of disdain on his face. He looked at Ye Xiu opposite,
Ye Xiu smiled and said, "This is indeed not an advanced fighting method, but it did crack your two-step and a half spear body technique."

"Quiet, I don't accept it. If you have the ability to defeat me with normal fighting methods!" the blond boy crossed his hands on his chest.

At this time, Little Mucheng came over with a bowl of cut fruits. She always came to relax the atmosphere in such tense moments.
"Brother, Ye Xiu has eaten fruit."

"Can little Mucheng know how to cut fruit?" The blond boy looked at her with a smile.
"Yeah!" Little Mucheng nodded, then walked to Ye Xiu, "Here."

"Thank you." Ye Xiu smiled, but was interrupted by the blond boy, "Hey! Eat quickly, let's continue after eating. I don't believe that my two-step and a half spear body skills can't compare to your shameless beating. Law!"

Ye Xiu smiled slightly, and in the blink of an eye, the previous scene disappeared, and his eyes had returned to reality. "Congratulations to Yi Tianming! Congratulations to Baihua, they have chased the score to 1:2!" The commentator exclaimed, attracting everyone's attention to the game.
In the end, Luohua Langshan relied on a fighting style that was close to "street gangster fighting" to suppress the two-and-a-half-step spear body technique of Yiyiyunchuan, and finally won a victory.

The Samsara fans were silent collectively. They didn't expect that the magical skill of two-step and half-gun body technique could be cracked, and it was still cracked by the opponent in this way.

The Baihuafen fans were silent for a while, but soon returned to normal and cheered collectively:

"Hundred flowers! Hundred flowers! Hundred flowers!!"

No matter what, a win is a win! !

1:2. Although Hundred Blossoms is still lagging behind now, the momentum of Hundred Blossoms on the scene is overwhelming that of Samsara, making it seem like they are in the lead.

After all, Baihua won the captain's duel. It was like an ancient battlefield, where the highest-ranking officers of both sides faced off, and one side beheaded the other. Such a scene would definitely make the morale of the three armies boil. !

What's more important for Samsara is that they have no good cards to use now.

The three aces were all used in the singles match, which meant that they were basically an "empty city" in the next group match.
There is only an empty city, no plan,

So in this case, there is no surprise as to who will win the final arena match.
At 3:2, Baihua took the lead, which also meant that this game had officially entered the rhythm that Baihua was good at.

"Hundred Flowers! Hundred Flowers! Hundred Flowers!!" The morale of the Baihua fans at the scene was high, while the Samsara fans had confused expressions. They knew that the upcoming team competition would be difficult to handle.

happy club,
"For the team competition, there is no need to watch the live broadcast. Find time to watch the video. Everyone, prepare yourself and go to the training room." Ye Xiu said to everyone in the conference room,
"Yeah." "Understood!" All the team members quickly packed their things and followed Ye Xiu to the training room.
In Xingxin, Ye Xiu has the absolute right to speak.
This is very different from the end of his Excellent Era career.

If Liu Hao and his gang had been obedient back then, Excellent Era would definitely end up like this. Although it may not win the championship, it would at least be far from disbanding and going bankrupt...

"Guo Guo, let's go first." Tang Rou, the last one to leave, said to Chen Guo,

"Oh...oh, okay, you guys go over there first, I'll clean up this place." Chen Guo said,
"Yeah." Tang Rou smiled and then went to the training room.

Chen Guo tidied up the things in the conference room. She, the boss's wife, really didn't have any airs about her. It seems that the boss of other clubs did not come to tidy up the things in person, instead of leaving them to the staff.

After tidying up for a while, until the conference room was restored to its original appearance, Chen Guo nodded with satisfaction.
Just when she was about to leave, her eyes were attracted by the picture on the big screen.

"Okay, both players are ready to go, then the final team competition is about to begin!!"

Chen Guo thought for a while. Anyway, she had nothing to do now, and she couldn't help much with training, so she might as well watch this team match.

Thinking of this, she simply watched the game alone in the conference room.

the other side,
in the training room,

Xingxin's players are training in online games. Since they are currently in their infancy, many places cannot compare with regular clubs. For example, in terms of daily training, other clubs have mature training software, but Xingxin's software does not yet have one. was developed, so training can only be conducted in areas with similar scenarios in online games.
Although the environment is a bit "shabby", the final effect is similar.

The content of training for everyone in Xingxin is different. Tang Rou can better control her hand speed, Wei Chen can be regarded as "rehabilitation training", and players of Fang Rui's level can arrange freely.

An Wenyi is training his own operation. After all, his operation is flawed. This is known to the entire league, so whenever a team fights Happy, they will use An Wenyi as a breakthrough point, so If he doesn't improve his operation, it will definitely be a hidden danger for Xingxin.

And among all the team members, the one with the most special training content has to be Brother Baozi.

Baozi's training content is very simple, but also very complicated, that is, PK with his boss, Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu is committed to cultivating Baozi in the direction of Wang Jiexi.
There are still some similarities between Baozi and Wang Jiexi. Both of their operations are very divergent.
However, Wang Jiexi's operation is so unconstrained, while Bao Zi's operation is like a horse peeing, and he can't stop it.

Therefore, Ye Xiu is now trying every means to put Baozi's play style on the right track.


About 10 minutes later,
The door of the conference room was pushed open again, and Chen Guo walked out while stretching.
"Ah...it's exactly what Ye Xiu said. This team competition is quite boring."

Chen Guo patiently watched the team match between Baihua and Samsara. The final result was without exception. Baihua won the group match with a big score of 8:2 and won a victory at home.
What made Chen Guo a little sleepy was that there was nothing exciting about this team match. The rhythm of the field was firmly controlled by Baihua from the beginning to the end. Baihua kept the three newcomers in Samsara stuck. To affect the entire defense line of Samsara, he finally won the game effortlessly.

Chen Guo, who had just walked out of the conference room, happened to bump into a figure with his head lowered. Neither of them noticed the other's presence, and bumped into each other unpreparedly.
Chen Guo landed on the ground, bared her teeth and said, "Oh, I asked you to look at the road while you were walking. It hurts me so much."

The person on the opposite side was obviously stronger and a male, but he was still knocked back two steps.
He ignored Chen Guo and kept his head lowered, as if thinking about something.

Chen Guo looked at him. The weirdo Guan Rongfei, a talented technician poached from Excellent Era,
Sighing helplessly, Chen Guo could only rub her butt by herself.

You can't get angry at the technicians, right?If someone scolds someone for having a problem with their brain, then I can't afford it.

However, at this moment, Guan Rongfei said excitedly: "I figured it out, I figured it out, hahaha!"

After that, he rushed into the technology research room with little excitement, completely ignoring Chen Guo.

Chen Guo scratched her head and smiled helplessly,
This collision also provided inspiration to the other party...?
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(End of this chapter)

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