Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 447 Yu Feng, Yu Feng!

Chapter 447 Yu Feng, Yu Feng!
Yu Feng's liquidated damages were more than 1000W. Based on this, Yan Yu never thought that Yu Feng would leave the team in the form of liquidated damages...!
After all, such a transfer fee is not a small sum of money for any team in the league to spend casually.

But Yu Feng indeed unilaterally terminated the contract!And the required liquidated damages were paid to Yanyu's account exactly...

And it was less than 10 minutes before the game. At this critical juncture, not to mention other people, everyone in the top management of Yanyu was panicked.

"What happened? You idiot!" Manager Yanyu listened to the boss's scolding on the other end of the phone, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"Can we find someone else now?"

"Looking...can't find it." The manager shook his head.
"Do you still want me to teach you how to do this? Hurry up and find a publicist to suppress this matter!"

"Oh, I see."

In fact, the manager is also dissatisfied. This person is spending liquidated damages to save money. What does it have to do with me?Why are you focusing all your anger on me?

But he only dared to say these words in his heart.


The call was hung up over there. Boss Yanyu happened to be busy these days. In addition, the boss was working behind the scenes, so the manager was generally responsible for handling all matters in the club.
Now that the captain left suddenly and no one could be found, this was quite a shock to the entire Glory Circle and to the Yanyu fan group.

Immediately, Manager Yanyu found the club’s public relations officer.

"No matter what, don't reveal any information about Yu Feng to anyone yet. Don't accept interviews from any reporters. If you have no choice, just say that he is not feeling well and is lying in the dormitory."

"Understood." Yanyu Public Relations immediately followed the instructions,
In fact, when Yanyu announced her absence from this round of competition, many reporters came to the door. However, the top management of Yanyu was in the state of shock and did not have time to deal with these reporters. These reporters were blocking the door of Yanyu Club.
Of course, they didn't really care about why Yanyu didn't play, but they just wanted to dig out breaking news that would attract attention.

After communicating with the public relations department, Manager Yanyu went to the security office and stated that extra manpower would be deployed to maintain order on site.

He was not afraid of what would happen to those reporters. After all, the most that these reporters could do was block the door of the club.

What Manager Yanyu is really worried about is his own fans. For Glory matches, they all enter the venue one hour before the game. In other words, fans from both Yanyu and Blue Rain have already entered the main venue of Yanyu and are waiting for the game to start.

But now, you suddenly say you won’t fight. Isn’t this a clear joke?
It's okay that we live close by. Those fans who traveled all the way to S City to watch the game, didn't they just buy tickets and bus tickets?

What’s even more worrying is that once their fans know about Yu Feng’s sudden departure, there’s no need to think too much about the fact that Yanyu officials will definitely be punished. They didn’t see the game in the first place, and now that the captain is gone, Yanyu fans will definitely want to take care of him first. The anger was vented on the club,

When the time comes, those fanatical Yanyu fans who don't care about the game will block the door of the club, and that will be a disaster.

At this moment, someone came to the manager's office again.

"Manager, please take a look online. Blue Rain fans are not satisfied either!"

"Huh? Why are they dissatisfied?" The manager took the phone and looked at it. Most of what Blue Rain fans meant was that I came all the way here, but you told me that the game was not going to be played. What about my travel expenses and accommodation expenses?Is it all in vain?
"Oh yes, I almost forgot!"

Manager Yanyu quickly called the public relations person over to discuss the tickets, and then sent someone to contact the Honor official directly.

With official support, an official announcement appeared on the Honor headlines.

Misty Rain Club:
Regarding the situation in today's game, I would like to sincerely apologize to all the fans and to all the players who support the Misty Rain Club. It was our lack of consideration that led to this situation.

It is difficult to express the sincerity of an apology in just a few words. Therefore, all fans who came to the scene and bought tickets can return or exchange them at double the ticket price. Fans who came here from other cities will be reimbursed for all travel expenses, as well as accommodation and dining expenses. .

As soon as this news hit the headlines, those Blue Rain fans who were still complaining just now became quiet a lot. After all, they were willing to refund the money and double the tickets, so they had nothing to say. .

At least I saw the attitude, which is still very sincere.

If you don't express a word, then the anger of Lan Yu fans will definitely not subside so quickly, but now Ren Yanyu chooses to use money to stop your mouth, which makes Lai Lai somewhat ignorant.

This shows that Yanyu really spent a lot of money to suppress this matter.You know, the main venue of Yanyu can accommodate tens of thousands of people, and a ticket costs about 100 yuan on average (good seats cost 4, and poor seats cost over 500).
If you calculate it this way, Yanyu didn't earn a penny from all the ticket money for this game. Instead, he lost a million to start with.

Of course, one million is not enough to hurt a club like Yanyu.

The money-losing operation successfully suppressed the anger of Lan Yu fans.

Thanks to the efforts of Yanyu's public relations, the news of Yu Feng's departure did not come.

Seeing the situation gradually stabilizing, Yanyu slumped down on her office chair and let out a long breath.

Stabilize the situation first, and then make next steps.
As for what the next step is... he doesn't know.

Now Yu Feng can't be found, and everyone in Yanyu is a complete headless fly.

But soon, Manager Yanyu couldn’t sit still anymore.
Another message quickly rushed to the Top 10 of the Honor section, and soon reached the first place.

Thunder Club: Player Yu Feng transferred to the Thunder team as a free agent.The two parties signed a contract for 1.5+1 years.

As soon as this message came out, all Yanyu fans could not sit still for a moment, and rushed to the door of the club one by one, vowing to give an explanation!
After confirming again and again that this was an official announcement from the Thunder Club and not a prank by someone else, Manager Yanyu completely collapsed on the spot.
"It's over..."

He knew very well that the arrival of this news completely shattered all of Yanyu's illusions.

Originally, they wanted to calm down the heat first, and then find Yu Feng to discuss it, and the two parties would reconcile as before and pretend that nothing had happened.

But it’s completely different now. Yu Feng joined the Thunder Club at the speed of light. This means that now Yu Feng has nothing to do with them, Yanyu. Even if he finds it, it will be useless. He is now a member of the Thunder, and Yanyu What qualifications do you have to control him?
"Yu Feng actually transferred to the Thunder!"

"This...is this true?"

"Club executives come out and give us an explanation!!"

"Yes! Come out quickly, or we will rush in!!"

Soon, the news of Yu Feng's transfer spread throughout the glory circle. Yanyu fans naturally knew about it. They were now blocking the door of the club and making a loud noise.

Thanks to the security department sending extra manpower, these fanatical fans would have already rushed into the club building by now.

"Quiet!" "Don't go in!!" "Don't move!!"

At the entrance of the club, the security guards were confronting the enthusiastic fans. Although they had doubled their manpower, the number was still far less than the number of enthusiastic fans. Therefore, these security guards even used explosion-proof shields. They lined up in a row and blocked the entrance of the club. , to prevent fans from rushing in,

It has to be said that although Yanyu is ridiculously bad at managing team members, her vision in selecting security guards is still good. At least these security guards are all strong and strong, and they keep the fans out and block them.
For a short period of time, the order at the scene was calmed down.
However, due to the large number of fanatical fans, the scene soon became chaotic again. Once there were more people, the scene got out of control.

"He's beating someone!" "The security guard in Yanyu is beating someone!" "I want to call the police!!"

Soon, some chaotic sounds came, and the security guards looked at each other. We didn’t even have sticks in our hands, how could we hit people with shields?

Upstairs in the club, Manager Yanyu looked at the situation below through the glass window.He just glanced at it, and then quickly pulled the curtains tightly, for fear that fans would see above.

He is now scared of being tortured by these fans.

Fans come here to ask for an explanation, but let’s not give it to you. Yanyu himself is in a state of confusion. He doesn’t even understand the situation. His own captain paid liquidated damages for no reason and terminated the contract. This can’t be tolerated by any company. The club is in a very explosive situation, right?

Speaking of contract termination, Ye also terminated his contract with Excellent Era back then, but the difference was that he had no money...

At this moment, Yanyu’s boss called again, interrupting the manager’s thoughts.

Okay, okay, he has been upset enough by the fans below.

Another call came from above.

Pick up?

Pick up Nima!
If you accept it, you will be scolded!

Manager Yanyu refused to do anything and turned off the phone directly, then found a back door and sneaked out.

"Anyway, I'm just a part-time worker, and I get some salary every month. This is not my family's club, so I don't care what happens to him! I don't care! I have a lot of shit and I still get scolded all the time, damn it!"

Manager Yanyu muttered in his heart, and then left the club.

At the same time, when the boss Yanyu, who was in another province, found that the phone call could not be reached, he hurriedly said to his driver,

"Go back to City S!"

"But... Party B has already agreed on a time for business activities in the afternoon..."

"It's just a date, but if you pay it back, your home will be gone!"

"Yes, boss." After a period of scolding from the boss, the exclusive driver drove him back to City S.

However, how could the speed of the car be compared to the speed at which Honor’s public opinion fermented?
While Boss Yanyu was still on the road, Club Yanyu's defense line had been completely defeated...

The security guard saw that Manager Yanyu had left the scene, and the news finally spread among the security guards.

The manager has sneaked away, so why do we security guards have to sacrifice our lives?
let go!

"Everyone, be careful not to damage anything inside, otherwise it will be illegal!" After the security chief said this, he pretended to be dead and stopped managing the scene.

Soon, large numbers of fans rushed into the club, but they were indeed obedient. Even if they rushed in, they would not smash things, but they would stay inside and ask for an explanation.
Is it illegal?
It doesn’t seem to be illegal…

At best, in their spare time, some fans picked out a few computers to play games while waiting for the club's senior officials.However, due to the large number of people, the computers in the training room were quickly filled up.Those who didn't get a computer watched them playing games and chatting.

Didn't you break anything?

And those reporters were not idle either. They found Yanyu Public Relations, but now there is nothing PR can do. The Thunder Club has officially announced that Yu Feng has joined. If you said that Yu Feng stayed in the dormitory, you would not believe it!
Under the press's questioning, Yanyu's public relations officer was tricked into saying something.

Yu Feng was transferred away in the form of liquidated damages!
The reporters who got this information quickly compiled a large number of articles, all analyzing the forward's transfer.

Paying the transfer fee shows that there must be an irreconcilable conflict between the player and the club.

"Why is Yu Feng willing to pay liquidated damages to leave Yanyu?"

"Did Yu Feng follow Chu Yunxiu's old path?"

"Boss Yanyu squeezes the players, causing dissatisfaction from many parties!"


In this way, more and more negative news quickly fermented.The situation also went in a direction that was completely out of Yanyu's control.


at the same time,

The community where Yu Feng lives,
The group of people used the underground garage to go to the residential building.
"Captain, does Yu Feng live in this community? It feels pretty good. But he actually moved out..." One of the yellow-haired men said, this man was Huang Shaotian, and beside him, Lan Yu's team members were standing side by side. Okay, the game was suddenly washed away. They did not return directly to their own territory. Instead, they contacted Yu Feng and prepared to catch up with the old team and talk about recent events.

"Well, the location he mentioned is indeed right here." Yu Wenzhou said.

"Hey, why did Yu Feng suddenly transfer? This is a direct quarrel with Yanyu. Wait, if this happens, Yanyu won't even have a good player. It's really miserable, miserable..." Huang Shaotian shook his head,

Behind him, someone said with emotion: "Alexander, Chu Yunxiu left Baihua before, and now Yu Feng leaves in the form of liquidated damages. The top management of Misty Rain has decided that there is something wrong."

"You can just say these words here, don't say them outside, and you can't say them." Yu Wenzhou reminded with a smile,
Zheng Xuan nodded, he knew this truth. After all, when Ying Yanyu was still someone's family no matter what, he, a member of Blue Rain, was somewhat willing to gossip.

Lan Yu and his group came to the building A23 that Yu Feng told them about. After confirming that this was the right place,
"Go up, 5th floor, 230."

Soon, the Blue Rain team members appeared at the door of 5 on the fifth floor.


The doorbell rang,

After a few more clicks, a sound came from inside,

"who is it?"

"Yu Wenzhou."

Door open.


(End of this chapter)

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