Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 446: Home Battle against Tyrant Map

Chapter 446: Home Battle against Tyrant Map

"So, Baihua's map doesn't look very complicated. The name of the map is Satellite Base." Li Yibo observed every detail on the holographic projection. Xiao Yu'er on the side also did the same, but while she was still observing At that time, Li Yibo had already spoken:

"Well, we can see that this map is more of some large spatial points. There is a science and technology square in the center of the map. There are some uneven stone pillars distributed in the middle of the square. In addition, other locations in the square are relatively It’s so wide that it’s probably not suitable for sniper battles here.”

"If you go to the left in the square, there is a container area, which is also full of technological style and the colorful colors are very dazzling..."

"On the right side of the map, there is a relatively narrow passage. The passage here should only allow one person to pass. If there are more, it will be impossible to squeeze through."

After listening to this, the audience at the scene also had a general understanding of the appearance of the entire map. This is the role of the commentary, using their fastest language organization skills and observation skills to help players understand the characteristics of the map.

Just after Li Yibo finished speaking this long paragraph, he suddenly felt a strange gaze falling on him.

Li Yibo turned his head and found that it was Xiao Yu'er who was looking at him, and her eyes were bright, as if she was looking...

"Huh? Have you become handsome?" Li Yibo had wild thoughts in his head.
When the director's camera turned to the audience, Xiao Yu'er whispered in his ear: "Senior, your analytical skills are so strong! Your reaction skills are also quick!"

Li Yibo was dizzy. It turned out that it was because of this... that he was so happy...

"Well, it's okay. Practice makes perfect." He smiled awkwardly but politely, and then continued to explain the situation on the court: "Okay, we can see that both players have recovered from their respective refresh points. After walking out, Baihua came to the central square collectively. What are they doing?"

Li Yibo was a little surprised. After all, he had already said when introducing the map before that the central square was a large and empty area.In other words, there are not many obstacles, except for those few stone pillars, so it is basically difficult to ambush here.
Is it possible that Baihua doesn't want this useless map advantage?Choose to fight with Tyranny?
Li Yibo hissed and took a breath of cold air. Although Baihua's strength is obvious to all, Tyranny is also an established wealthy family after all, and there are three veterans sitting in the center, and their frontal abilities are not weak.

Therefore, Baihua's seemingly "reckless" behavior is destabilizing in Li Yibo's view, because there are safer choices.

And fighting head-on is obviously more risky.

The audience at the scene was also a little confused.

"Are Baihua going to face Tyranny directly?"

"No, but this doesn't seem to be Baihua's style."

"Yes, it would be too unstable to fight like this."

There were constant voices of discussion in the audience,
Li Yibo continued: "Looking at Tyranny's choices, the five of Tyranny have also reached the refresh point. However, they don't seem to be planning a fast attack, but are exploring this map bit by bit. After all, this is Baihua's map selection, and Tyranny is obviously not that familiar with it, so they must first adapt to this map before making further adjustments."

After saying this, Li Yibo quickly signaled his partner with his eyes. After all, he had been talking for so long. If his partner remained silent, he would definitely be criticized by the audience after the game.

Xiao Yu'er understood it and immediately expressed her own opinion: "Yes, I think Tyranny's style has changed in recent games."

Li Yibo was a little surprised. He originally wanted Xiao Yuer to continue explaining the situation on the court, because this was the easiest thing for a newcomer to commentate.After all, you just tell the story of what happened on the field.

What surprised him was that Xiao Yu'er actually expressed a divergent concept of his.

"Oh?" Li Yibo became interested and continued to ask: "Why did Xiao Yu'er say this?"

Upon hearing the senior's question, Xiao Yu'er thought she had said something wrong and quickly looked at Li Yibo with questioning eyes. However, after receiving a positive response, she mustered up the courage to continue:
“I personally think that in previous games, Tyranny advocated a faster-paced game, whether it was home or away.

This fast pace is more obvious at home because of the home map advantage, and on the road, Tyranny's offensive pace has always been slow.It can be seen from this that they all want to be the main attacker. "

"But in Tyranny's recent games, we can see that Tyranny's pace in team matches has slowed down. To be precise, the offensive pace has slowed down during away games. They may be undergoing a change from being the dominant team before. The offensive side gradually transformed into a positional combat method, and even a tactic that favored defensive counterattacks."

"Of course, what I'm talking about here is Tyranny on the road. But Tyranny's offense at home is still sharp."

After saying all this, Xiao Yu'er once again looked at the old senior with an inquiring gaze,
Li Yibo's heart was already surging. If the camera hadn't been filming here, he would have given a thumbs up.

Such a summary is spot on!

Xiao Yuer sighed with a heavy burden. He analyzed so much in one breath just now, all based on his usual judgment, and this kind of analysis has never been mentioned before.

Tyranny plays defensive counterattack?
No one believed this before.

But now, people believe it.

After listening to Xiao Yu'er's words, the Tyranny fans in the audience looked like they were suddenly enlightened. They said that there was always something wrong with Tyranny's current style of play compared to the previous ones, but now they finally understood.

The pace has slowed down! !
This means that Zhang Xinjie's tactical voice has increased a lot.

Although he has always been the commander of the team, in the previous Tyranny, Han Wenqing was always the main dispatcher. Everyone else served as a foil for Han Wenqing and had to obey his play style and tactics. The tactical ideas are also built around Han Wenqing’s style.

This is the most typical feature of "Old Tyranny".

But now Tyranny is more inclined to Zhang Xinjie’s style.
What Zhang Xinjie is best at is defensive counterattack.
In other words, Tyranny's current tactics are more suitable for Zhang Xinjie. In this case, his commanding ability can be strengthened several times! !

But one thing is that Tyranny is still in a transitional period.

After all, after nearly ten years of "active fighting" before, this style seems to be engraved in the players' bones. It is quite difficult to change it overnight.

Gotta take it slow.

If the style of a player or a team is going to change a lot, then you can't be anxious. Being anxious will be counterproductive.In the history of Glory, there have been many "backlashes".Therefore, even Zhang Xinjie has to take his time. It is impossible for him to launch a complete defensive counterattack directly.
First, my teammates couldn’t adapt.

Secondly, it is impossible to completely match your own scheduling ability, and this kind of scheduling ability needs to be honed with teammates in game after game before you can master it well.

back to the game,

After the five people from Tyranny explored the map for a while, they chose to divide their forces into two groups.
That's right, Zhang Xinjie chose to divide his troops into two groups at this time. This was a bold decision!

Of course, defensive tactics do not necessarily require five people to defend as a team. That kind of defense is too low-level.

For Zhang Xinjie, he is confident in every command he makes and believes that his tactics can help the team open up the situation. This is the confidence that a good commander should have.

Among the five members of Tyranny, Zero Nine Degrees and Leng Anlei separated from the main force. The two of them started to explore the right side of the map in a tandem manner.
The other three people continued to walk towards the center of the map.
Under Zhang Xinjie's command, Tyranny's two forces always maintained a similar amount of exploration, which meant that when either force encountered an enemy situation, the other force had enough time to retreat to meet its teammates.

As for Baihua, Yi Tianming used the Mad Swordsman in this match, which he chose specifically to resist Han Wenqing.
In terms of tactics... Yi Tianming believes that his current level of tactics does not have the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder with Han Wenqing. This is not a lack of confidence, and people must have a clear understanding of their own strength, otherwise it will become blind confidence. Arrogant.

The lineup of Baihua: Falling Flowers in Disarray, Windy City Misty Rain, Ao Feng Broken Flowers, Qi Rushing Yunshui, Ye Jinyi Xing, and the sixth player DeLillo.

In the team competition, Baihua did not continue to choose the double-shield knight.

This was also noticed by Zhang Xinjie,

It seems that the opponent is preparing to fight...

If the opponent insists on fighting, Zhang Xinjie does not intend to force a fight, he has his own plan...

The personnel arrangements for Tyranny are: Desert Smoke, Stone Does Not Turn, Leng Anlei, Xiao Guan Feng Hou, Minus Nine Degrees, and the Sixth Man Sunset on the Long River.

Looking at the overall situation, Baihua's five men go straight to the middle, while Tyranny divides their troops into two.
Zhang Xinjie's choice is not unreasonable, because there is a concept in team competition, that is, no matter what style of play, you must first familiarize yourself with the entire map before making a decision.

No matter whether you choose to attack or defend, if you don’t understand the overall map, no matter what style of play you play, it is easy to make mistakes and play poorly.

If Overlord takes the middle route like Baihua, Baihua will probably retreat to defend, and Baihua will then disperse its troops to other points suitable for ambush.Tyranny, on the other hand, could only fall into a passive position due to its unfamiliarity with the map.

And this is the reason why Zhang Xinjie divided his troops into two groups. It is precisely because he is familiar with how to play defense that he can make such an analysis.
Think about tactics from someone else’s perspective.

As the home team, Baihua can go straight to the middle without any scruples, because just as Zhang Xinjie thought, as long as Tyranny dares to concentrate its forces on one point, Baihua can take advantage of the trend and retreat to defend and look for opportunities. After all, they are facing I know this map very well. The most important thing is to abandon the central square, an area that is not very useful, and replace it with other places suitable for counterattack.
If Tyranny wants to take on the challenge at that time, it will be much more difficult, because they have to explore unknown areas while also being wary of Baihua's ambush.

And Baihua has no history of only playing strong offense. From the beginning to the end, whether it was the Zhang Jiale era, the Sun Zheping era, or the current Yi Tianming era, it has always been a adaptable style of play with no fixed routines.

In other words, it’s a star style of play,

In Sun Zheping's era, Baihua mainly used a bloody scene to crush the opponent.
Not to mention the Zhang Jiale era, when he was the only one leading the team.
Nowadays, in the Yitianming era, they also rely more on personal abilities, waiting for the opponent to make the first move before making further moves.

On the field, the players on both sides are currently in a stage of mutual exploration.There is no possibility of a head-on confrontation in the short term.However, because Baihua knows the map better, the area currently occupied by Baihua is larger.

"Both sides put the rookie players in the sixth man position. This is something they have in common."

Li Yibo explained, and suddenly he said in surprise: "Oh? There seems to be some small problems in the next competition area!"

His words left the audience confused. Is something wrong?what is the problem?
It just so happened that the team competition was still in the unmatched stage. Fans in the audience also took out their mobile phones and entered the Honor official website to see what happened.

Generally speaking, if there is any major event, Honor officials will issue an announcement as soon as possible.

"Misty Rain applied for a suspension!" Li Yibo was a little surprised. As a commentator in the Glory Circle, he had heard some rumors about Yu Feng's recent "transfer turmoil".
However, since he was not in contact with the innermost circle of players, he only heard some hints about this matter and was not completely sure.

Li Yibo gave an overview of the matter: "Less than half an hour before the start of the game, Yanyu applied to the Honor official to postpone this round of games on the grounds of special circumstances. This round was originally scheduled for Yanyu to be held at his home stadium. How about fighting Blue Rain? Honor’s official attitude towards this matter…”

"Not allowed to pass! Let Lanyu's score of 7:0 be used as the final result of this round, and Yanyu will be fined and deducted three points!"

Li Yibo was not surprised at the attitude of the Honor official. After all, Yanyu's behavior was a bit unreasonable. Just using a "special situation" as a reason was not enough for the Honor official to suspend them.

The main reason is that Yanyu applied too late. It was less than half an hour before the game. The entire Blue Rain team has already arrived at Yanyu’s main venue. Now you suddenly can’t compare.

It would be strange if you are not punished!Are you treating Lan Yu like a dog?


"Are the rumors true?" Li Yibo also began to have some doubts at this time. He originally thought that Yu Feng's transfer turmoil was just a scandal, but now he saw that Yan Yu even took the initiative to apply for suspension.


at the same time,

Misty Club,
General Manager Yanyu was so anxious that he was surrounded by pressure from his boss at the top and questions from fans at the bottom.

The suspension was due to Zhang Yu Feng’s sudden contract termination 10 minutes before the start of the game...

(End of this chapter)

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